The Orville vs ST: Brave New Worlds (Poll)

Which show is the preferred watch for "Real Star Trek"

  • Poll closed .


I would argue that if your looking for "Real Star Trek", your best two candidates right now are likely The Orville and Star Trek: Brave New Worlds. While of course I would say "watch both", if you had limited time on your hands and had to pick one, which is the better show to get that "Trek Feeling"?

Brave New Worlds is the more polished of the shows, the effects are amazing and modern. I think the ensemble of characters have an infectious energy, though obviously have not had as much time to bake as many of the Orville characters. It both does a great job of carrying the torch of its predecessors while feeling new as well.

The Orville had a bit of a bumpy start (which frankly at this point could be considered a Star Trek requirement!), but its evolved its a very thoughtful show. The plots have become very deep, dealing with both things of galactic scope (war) and very human issues (suicide, abortion, eugenics). For a show that started as "ST with fart jokes", I consider it the more thought provoking of the two shows, whereas BNW is more "fun".

One could argue one of the biggest divergences between the two shows is the role of Captain. Pike continues the ST tradition of the "god captain", while he is fallible, he is amazingly skillful, and represents the best that humanity has to offer. Pike is a larger than life character, one people aspire to become. Meanwhile, the Orville's Ed Mercer is a "good" captain, but not a great one. He is fallible, often second guessing himself, has real biases that show in his decisions, and makes real mistakes along the way that he not able to escape from (aka he doesn't magically get the power of plot). Mercer is a more relatable character, a more realistic impression of humanity in the future. Both captains provide lenses for the rest of the crew, and their different styles provide noticeably different attributes to their respective shows.

So the poll is open. Which is the better show for "Real Star Trek". Cast your votes!!!

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This is something that I can't decide. While they are quite different shows, they both seem to equally embody what I think of as the best of Star Trek.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Both are good Trek.

I expect The Orville is on its final season, so soon you won't have the choice, anyway.


Welcome to Babylon 5 vs. Deep Space 9: The Next Generation!

It’s really close. Closer than I would have expected. The writing on The Orville really feels like its source, 90s Trek. But is there a season of TNG that opened with 3 episodes as strong as New Horizons (haven’t seen this weeks yet)?

That said, effortless charm is rarely that, and SNW is effortlessly charming. It evokes TOS while being thoroughly contemporary. Then there‘s the note-perfect production design and crazy-likable characters, played with such assurance. For all the talk about “getting back to Trek’s roots”, SNW feels fresh while The Orville feels derivative (intentionally so, but not always to its benefit).

SNW is the better show. It might also be the better Trek… but don’t quote me on that.


As several others have said, I can’t pick between them. Both are great Trek. Slight preference for Orville at the moment, but with each episode of SNW… might win out.

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