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The Plothook from Another Dimension


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It is nearing lunch time, and Keitaro and Thessaly are both looking forward to the beautiful sound that means half the day is gone, and there's a much needed break before the next half begins. Their respective teachers are trying to get the students to pay attention when the sky outside starts to darken. Slowly at first, but quicker until it is darker than you ever remember it. Keitaro gets a very ominous feeling about this, one that reminds him of the one by his parents room, but much worse. The grimoire is silent, but Thessay can tell there's something bad going on. Students are flocking to the windows, and bolts of brilliant red light can be seen arcing across the sky. Before you have a chance to react more than this, the sky glows with a brilliant green light, searing your eyes even through their tightly clenched lids. Then, a flare of red, and the lights, along with your conciousnesses, go out.

Taka, however, is woken up when a sudden flash of red allerts her senses. She can tell it's early in the morning as she sees a very similar scene through her own window. She wracks her brain, but nothing she has encountered has prepared her for this, so with a disturbingly calm demeanor, she waits for whatever will happen to come. (green sky, red flash, etc)

You all wake up in an open area. A moderate crowd of people is moving through the area, a large one, with a strange, fiberous material for ground, and walls and cieling too far to see. Still, you can tell somehow you're in an enclosed space, if a large one. The lighting doesn't come from any one direction, so much as the entire place seems to glow slightly. You notice, though similar to before, there is something strange about your bodies, they seem, lighter, seem to emit that strange glow, and the coloring seems to be a little off. As you take this all in, people are begining to notice you, and a few seem to be approaching.
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A young man with pointed ears and strange gray clothing walks up to you.
"You look new. Are you alright? Do you need assistance in any way?"


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"What's happened?!" Thessaly blurts, looking around wildly. "We were at school and...the sky turned all weird..."

She was going to say more, but stopped in mid-sentence, her eyes widening as she looked at the newcomer.

"Kei...look at his ears..." she says in a slightly lower (but still perfectly audible) voice.


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Kei cocks his head as he regards the stranger. "Oh man... what is this, a Star Trek convention?" he mutters to himself.


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Taka glances around quickly to assess the situation. This was not a place that she had been before. Being surrounded by so many people clouds her thoughts, be she forces herself to remain calm and alert.

She turns and steps toward the two beside her, awaiting a response from the one with pointed ears.


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The man smiles, his left hand subconsiously brushing by his ear.
"You must be confused. Come wtih me, I'll take you to someone who can explain everything."

He leads you (those who choose to follow him, at least) through the crowd, your bodies get a strange feeling as you move, like that of returning circulation. Eventually, he leads you to a wall of the giant room, and through a door that just seems to dissolve when he presses a button. The room inside is much smaller, the size of a normal room. A bald man with a strange tattoo on his scalp sits at a desk.

By the way, Keitaro's extraplanar sense is going wild if you hadnt guessed already. It has become somewhat of a white noise to him now, but there is an extra jolt when he first sees
the man.

"Zain" says your guide, "we have some new ones."

Zain thanks him, and turns toward you as your guide leaves.

"Sit down" he says, motioning towards some chairs across from him "I have a feeling you have many questions, and your bodies are not quite used to their new existance. In the mean time, there are many things we have to talk about."

Keitaro and Thessaly are feeling quite like a student at the principals office, not quite knowing why they were called, but sure it isnt going to be for a pleasant chat.


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Thessaly squirms under the strange man's...Zain's?...gaze. Her right hand steals instinctively up to the pretty amulet around her neck and grabs the pendent.

"Please, we didn't DO anything," she pleads, sitting down as asked. She looks at Kei for support, then stumbles onward.

"Kei and I were just at school when the sky went all funny, and there was this light...and then we were here! And what's that you said about a new existance?" Thessaly pales visibly.

"Sir...are we dead?"


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The man smiles.
"Don't worry, you're not in trouble. Any more than the rest of us, at least. And as to your question... it's a tricky one to answer, so let me start at the beginning. There is a being, a terrible thing, no one knows where it came from, or what it is, but it is attacking the multiverse. You may not be aware of this, but your universes are just one of many dimensions, a single point in the multiverse. The being, who is called NXGN, catchy, I know, is, in a way, destroying universes. We suspect that you being here means your planets, and even the universes they existed in, have been consumed by NXGN."

dramatic pause for effect

"The question, are we dead, is a strange one. Your physical manifestations were consumed right along with your planets. However, something, some call it fate, or destiny, some think that a tiny spark of magic or unfulfilled potential, drove your existance, and that of most of the people you see here, to flee your dimension at the last second. The place you are in is called the nexus. The nexus is special, because unlike other dimensions, it exists in fourth dimensional space, and overlaps all dimensions at all moments in time. This makes it possible for refugees from NXGN to transfer their consiousness here. At the moment, you forms are held together by subconcious willpower, more of an energy than a substance. However, so is everything else on this plane, so the normal principals should still apply. However, if you experiment, you may find you are able to shape your form somewhat in the nexus, but I suggest not trying until you get some rest. Unless you have any questions, I'll have someone escort you to the living quarters, and we'll continue this tomorrow."

Voidrunner's Codex

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