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The Portal

Maiu Tanta

First Post
ooc for your information i am almost eighteen and i am only stating the truth about the game and why some of us should have our own oppion and be able to do what they please instead of getting organized and lission to other people try to be the leaders. so if you don't like the way me and Morgan post the join somebodiy elses group.

Maiu is no longer in the room.

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First Post
ooc: I'd note the difference between IC and OOC. Don't get the two confused. What we have here is an Ethical split, with Chaotics preferring not to be led around by Lawfuls. That's fine, there's different parties anyways. In any event, there ARE multiple parties. Joshua, you didn't have to leave to avoid Morgan and Maiu anyways; they're opting for a different party. That being said, if you do still want to leave, go ahead. But in the future, you might consider giving the DM a chance to fix things before leaving: if you have a problem with someone, tell me about it first, and then wait for me to respond before leaving.

...In any event...


People asking about maps are given directions to nearby stores.

The questions about transportation are answered as follows:

"There are a fleet of transport ships in harbor at the moment; the transport fee has already been counted against the balance of your loan. The Orcs don't have a substantial navy at this point; their military ambitions seem limited to Setna at the moment."


Right now I'm tracking the following players:

Johnny's Party
Johnny (Ranger Rick), dwarf Fighter
Ansila (ghostcat), human Monk
Astor (Jarval), half-elf Bard
Aelynn Dreamwanderer (Willow Aura), elf Wizard
Tyreus (screen name: same), human Barbarian
Dorin Ogresplitter (ferretguy), dwarf Barbarian
Khavren (screen name: same), human Cleric
?Berethani (Joshua Randall), human Sorcerer? (probably gone)

Morgan Talthos (screen name: same), human Fighter
Maiu Tanta (screen name: same), human Sorcerer
Leonard Payne (Kerrz), human Fighter

Not sure how the Others are grouping, need feedback.

We're pretty much ready to go. If the main party is ready, I can basically say 'You take a moment at the shops to buy needed items, then get on the ships and sail', and then drop you off at the Port in Lindor... unless there's anything else of note that you want to do while you're here.

Maiu Tanta

First Post
i am perfectly fine with joining morgan, he seems fun.... i think.

Maiu doesn't need anything if she is joining morgan group she needs nothing at the moment.

It's pathetic and juvenile to hide behind "role playing" as an excuse to insult and demean the others players, or their characters, no matter what your physical age. It's also cowardly and passive-aggressive to use the anonymity of the Internet to be a jerk. Would you behave this way in real life? If so, I feel sorry for you and for those around you.

Endovior, I regret that you didn't get a chance to handle this situation, but you should have nipped it in the bud as soon as Maiu called someone a jackass -- in character or not, that is unacceptable.

This is the last post I will make in any The Portal-related threads.


First Post
ooc: Sorry Endovior. I've had other things on my plate, I'll try to catch up now.
Ranger Rick said:
Seeing people slowly shuffle to a corner, Johnny moves to the gaggle still milling around the center. "Come on people this is not rocket science, are you a fighter a mage or more importantly a builder?" As he sees an indivudual not moving, he goes up to them and asks, "fighter, mage or builder." Based on their answer he turns them to a corner and moves them forward.
Leonard's mind slowly comes out of the fog as the short, bearded man who goes by Johnny walks up to him and starts spouting orders. When he realizes what is going on, he breaks out in a fit of laughter. "Woah there big boy. You're wasting your time. There'll be plenty of opportunity to get a little clique to follow you around while we clean up this town for the next two months. But we have to get there first. So if you don't mind me, I'm going to take my leave and head out. Anyone who's tired of listening to the blowhard midget can feel free to follow. It looks like a couple people have already taken the initiative and headed out," Leonard says as he nods towards the doors that Morgan and Maiu left out of.

Ranger Rick said:
Looking at those walking out the door Johnny Bellows, "Why are you leaving? You mean you come all this way to save Earth and now you are quitting? Are you that yellow that a few slides has scared you? Bah! here is hoping you do not get your throat sliced while your are curled on the ground dreaming of your mommy!"
As Leonard approaches the door, he hears Johnny spouting something about cowardice and laughs at the little man. "Cowards? You're the ones who are hiding here, letting some fool order you around instead of having the balls to make a decision for yourselves. Enjoy the trip. Hopefully the war goes well for all of us, but me? I'm ready to start fighting it instead of talking about it," he shouts back at the dwarf before leaving out the door.

OOC: Joshua Randall -> You seem to have missed the line between IC and OOC as Endovior mentioned, and you have taken the game far too seriously and personally. I hope you can reconcile your differences and join us.

However, you have to realize that Maiu, Morgan, and even myself have said nothing badly about Ranger Rick as a person, or the other players who are joining him. Our characters as CHARACTERS (not players) want nothing to do with some pompous dwarf ordering people around.

This is how I would react in real life. I would seriously laugh at him and walk out.

I admit that the foul language from Maiu was a bit off-sides, but that's life. Sometimes people say the wrong things. Since that outburst though, Maiu's character has been played respectably and avoided anything seriously out-of-line. You seem mostly upset at the fact that not everyone wants to join the same group, which is silly, because even if I was right in line with Johnny/RangerRick's plan, I would want to be in a separate company because there's just TOO MANY PEOPLE in that group.

There are other things to do, and lots of people to group up with. This campaign was originally designed to carry two or three parties of differing character concepts, and there is no way that the free-spirit character concepts like Maiu, Morgan and myself would fall in line with a military-style group. As such, we have gone off and met eachother outside, or off at Lindor itself. We don't HAVE to group. There are literally THOUSANDS of people transferred over to the new world by Endovior's concept. I'm sure a lone wolf or two made it through the portal.

Voidrunner's Codex

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