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The Runecarved Eidolon - Weird monster


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Here is the culprit in question for this thread:

Runecarved Eidolon Level 13 Lurker (Leader)
Large Natural Animate (Construct)

Init: +11 Speed: 4
Senses: Perception +8
Immune: Poison
HP: 59 (Bloodied: 29)
AC: 23 Fort: 22 Ref:16 Will:21

Slam: Reach 2; +17 vs AC; 1D6+6
Twin Slam: Standard; 2 attacks
Divine Retribution: Immediate, when takes damage or when ally at 0 HP while divine beacon active. Range 20, nearest; +16 vs Reflex; 3D8+5 radiant

Divine Beacon: Standard; allies in sight, +2 attack, +5 damage;
enemies in sight, -5 attack and can't target this creature unless hit with Wis vs Will. Ends when this creature attacks.
Eidolon Programming: Can't attack until attacked or ally at 0 HP.

Str+12 (23); Con+10 (18); Dex+6 (10); Int+4 (7); Wis+8 (14); Cha+11 (20)

This is taken from this thread here. Therein you shall find the mysteries to the discovery of this weird beast.

Now, I realise this is someone copying from the back of a DDM card, so these are not the clearest stats, but is this not the weirdest looking monster (mechanics-wise) that you've seen?

Let us examine it's strangest abilities more closely:

Divine Retribution: Hmm, it appears this creature may unleash a 3d8 +4 radiant damage blast whenever you hit it or kill one of its allies. That sounds pretty nasty, eh? I mean, the ability is listed under 'Attacks' so it must be at-will, right? Not so. On closer examination the monster reveals that it can only ever use this ability once, which will probably be the first time it's ever activated. Unless your DM doesn't use it, as he doesn't need to use it, which also means the Eidolon is still using it's Divine Beacon...

Divine Beacon: This is a scary ability. All enemies within sight suffer a -5 penalty to attacks? While all allies gain +2 attack and +5 damage? Uwuh!?! That's a 25% less chance of hitting a monster, while the monsters gain a 10% increased chance to hit and it hurts more to boot. DO NOT WANT. Now, how do we shut it down? Well, we either have to A) Kill the Eidolon or B) Make it attack. A) Is rather difficult, as you have to make a Wis attack against the creature's Will, and you'll be suffering a -5 penalty when doing so (cause that's an attack, see?). And then you have to make the actual attack. At -5 penalty. Um... not a good option. Maybe we should go with plan B)?

Eidolon Programming: Here's the problem with B) above - the creature will, apparently, never attack EVER unless you A) kill one of his mates (which with a -5 penalty will probably be hard unless they're all minions or low-level punching bags) or B) hit him (after you make two attack rolls, both with a -5 penalty). So... your only real option is to hit him (or kill one of his mates, which should be even more difficult).

Am I the only one who likes the inherent tactical challenges this monster seems to be throwing at your players? Especially when you team it up with, and put it behind, a bunch of threatening-reach-3-AC-30-Relentless-Oppurtunist Boneclaws! The players are looking at walking through a literal wall of claws, all with increased chance of hitting and dealing more damage, in order to kill that which is indirectly killing them. I think the fact I love the most about this monster is that to kill your PCs it doesn't actually physically interact with them at all. It just LOOKS at them.

I just had an evilgasm :]

Just a minor point I thought I'd mention - this monster becomes utterly useless once Divine Beacon is broken. It turns from a nasty buffer/de-buffer to a slow-moving machine that does not deliver much of a beatdown. Also, I don't get why it's a 'Lurker'...

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Gargazon said:
Here is the culprit in question for this thread:

This is taken from this thread here. Therein you shall find the mysteries to the discovery of this weird beast.

Now, I realise this is someone copying from the back of a DDM card, so these are not the clearest stats, but is this not the weirdest looking monster (mechanics-wise) that you've seen?

Let us examine it's strangest abilities more closely:

Divine Retribution: Hmm, it appears this creature may unleash a 3d8 +4 radiant damage blast whenever you hit it or kill one of its allies. That sounds pretty nasty, eh? I mean, the ability is listed under 'Attacks' so it must be at-will, right? Not so. On closer examination the monster reveals that it can only ever use this ability once, which will probably be the first time it's ever activated. Unless your DM doesn't use it, as he doesn't need to use it, which also means the Eidolon is still using it's Divine Beacon...

Divine Beacon: This is a scary ability. All enemies within sight suffer a -5 penalty to attacks? While all allies gain +2 attack and +5 damage? Uwuh!?! That's a 25% less chance of hitting a monster, while the monsters gain a 10% increased chance to hit and it hurts more to boot. DO NOT WANT. Now, how do we shut it down? Well, we either have to A) Kill the Eidolon or B) Make it attack. A) Is rather difficult, as you have to make a Wis attack against the creature's Will, and you'll be suffering a -5 penalty when doing so (cause that's an attack, see?). And then you have to make the actual attack. At -5 penalty. Um... not a good option. Maybe we should go with plan B)?

Eidolon Programming: Here's the problem with B) above - the creature will, apparently, never attack EVER unless you A) kill one of his mates (which with a -5 penalty will probably be hard unless they're all minions or low-level punching bags) or B) hit him (after you make two attack rolls, both with a -5 penalty). So... your only real option is to hit him (or kill one of his mates, which should be even more difficult).

Am I the only one who likes the inherent tactical challenges this monster seems to be throwing at your players? Especially when you team it up with, and put it behind, a bunch of threatening-reach-3-AC-30-Relentless-Oppurtunist Boneclaws! The players are looking at walking through a literal wall of claws, all with increased chance of hitting and dealing more damage, in order to kill that which is indirectly killing them. I think the fact I love the most about this monster is that to kill your PCs it doesn't actually physically interact with them at all. It just LOOKS at them.

I just had an evilgasm :]

Just a minor point I thought I'd mention - this monster becomes utterly useless once Divine Beacon is broken. It turns from a nasty buffer/de-buffer to a slow-moving machine that does not deliver much of a beatdown. Also, I don't get why it's a 'Lurker'...

Its a lurker because it appears as a statue until its programming indicates that it attacks. Divine Retribution is an immediate ability, but I don't see anything about it being a per encounter ability.


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Shroomy said:
Its a lurker because it appears as a statue until its programming indicates that it attacks. Divine Retribution is an immediate ability, but I don't see anything about it being a per encounter ability.

It only works while Divine beacon is up. Once you use Divine Retribution then Divine beacon ends since Retribution is an attack.


First Post
Shroomy said:
Its a lurker because it appears as a statue until its programming indicates that it attacks. Divine Retribution is an immediate ability, but I don't see anything about it being a per encounter ability.

I didn't say it was an encounter ability, I just said it's only going to be used once - to use it Divine Beacon has to be active, and once it uses Divine Retribution (an attack), it cannot use Divine Beacon again. Thus, it can only use it once.


Gargazon said:
I didn't say it was an encounter ability, I just said it's only going to be used once - to use it Divine Beacon has to be active, and once it uses Divine Retribution (an attack), it cannot use Divine Beacon again. Thus, it can only use it once.

Divine Beacon can be used more than once. It is a standard action that can be used at will.

The monster has basically two options each round:

Put up the divine beacon and roam around, setting up flanking and hoping someone will succeed in attacking it.

Or blast the guy who damaged it, then keep beating on him. If the guy dies or runs away, go back to the first option.


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Gansk said:
Divine Beacon can be used more than once. It is a standard action that can be used at will.

The monster has basically two options each round:

Put up the divine beacon and roam around, setting up flanking and hoping someone will succeed in attacking it.

Or blast the guy who damaged it, then keep beating on him. If the guy dies or runs away, go back to the first option.

Oh... didn't notice that. :\

Well, now he looks even more of a nasty piece of work! Love it :]


Also I think spellcasters can use area attacks without the Wis vs. Will requirement. The -5 to hit would still apply since that is simulating the eidolon making a saving throw at +5 in 3e.

I don't think the -5 applies to the Wis vs. Will "attack" under any circumstance. The card just the used the word "hit" as shorthand.


First Post
Gansk said:
Also I think spellcasters can use area attacks without the Wis vs. Will requirement. The -5 to hit would still apply since that is simulating the eidolon making a saving throw at +5 in 3e.

That actually seems like the best tactic to beat it... the Eidolon has an absolutely puny Reflex defence :\

16? For a level 13 monster? Rubbish!


Gansk said:
Also I think spellcasters can use area attacks without the Wis vs. Will requirement. The -5 to hit would still apply since that is simulating the eidolon making a saving throw at +5 in 3e.

A DM of an evil bent (me) would rule that making an area of effect attack which you knew would include the Divine Eidolon was the same as making a deliberate attack on it, and would still require the saving throw.

Voidrunner's Codex

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