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The Savage Islands (working title..) - Recruitment closed

Raven Crowking

First Post
If I had more time, I would be all over this setting!

I'll be watching this from the sidelines for things to stea.....I mean, for the sheer joy of it.

Cool setting!


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First Post
yeah, I'm looking forward to it. dark, screwed up abjurer from the demon realm? looking forward to playing him.


Wow... this thread has really exploded!

Remember folks that character stats details can be ironed out in the ooc thread that will appear - a statement of character class(es) and race is really enough for now for me to consider (along with a short personality/background).

e.g. - the variant rules in particular will need some going-over such as armor as DR, incremental caster levels and others.
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Just a heads-up; if you haven't already done so, please provide a name and a little snippet of background if you wish to be considered. Thanks! It will be very tough to decide...


First Post
Theon Marinatos was born several years after his family had started losing their wealth. They had been very successful merchants for several generations, trading with the feared Nimeans when nobody else would. Unfortunately, their close connection to the pirates eventually eroded the goodwill of the rest of Minros, and a merchant without a good name is quickly sunk. They clung to their existence by selling cheap goods to people who didn't care about quality or source.

Thus Theon was forced to grow up in the ruins of affluence and trained to be suspicious of anyone who might seem kindly-disposed to himself or his family. With two older brothers, who had been alive to see the benefits of the merchant life, to take over the family business, Theon knew he would need to find another way to help the Marinatos fortunes. Thus he turned to the darker side of mercantilism.

At first it was pretty mild, lifting a few extra coins or goods from trading partners, but he quickly realized how short-sighted that was, and he started working against the competition, stealing and sabotaging materials that might take customers away from the Marinatos' warehouse. His activities had little immediate impact. By the time his actions were starting to help the family recover, his eldest brother, Kostas, had discovered what Theon was doing.

Kostas was a true believer in the power of trade, and he heartily disapproved of Theon's nighttime activities. In fear of further ruin to the family, Kostas 'encouraged' his brother to find another focus for his skills. Still only wanting what was best for the family, Theon listened to his brother and signed on with an adventuring party less than a week later.
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First Post
Decided I like the Abjurer too much, but made a few changes.

Zariv Morandr
Zariv is a thin man that has lost his left eye. He took his own eye out as part of a ritual to improve his own magical power - a regular tradition in part of Imarr. Frail, much of his pale skin is covered tattoos of wards and sigils, said to prevent demons from possessing his body, and to contain his own flightly soul.

Zariv occasionally has flights of prophecy, brought on by a minor form of epilepsy. He occasionally "sees things" that he cannot explain.

He was trained as an assistant to a great summoner - it was Zariv's role to maintain wards that protected the summoner during foul rituals. Forced to consort with demons and act as an apprentice to a power-hungry fiend, Zariv preferred to not think about the life before him

Then, a fiend broke free of his summoner's bonds, and tore Zariv's master to pieces. Zariv fled with his life - and as much as he could steal from his master's inventory.

Zariv (and his raven familiar Cthat - formerly the familiar of Zariv's master - a crude observer of the human condition) has taken to the high seas, hoping to get as far away from Imarr as possible. Zariv seeks to discover much of the world he has only read about in books, and perhaps break free of the demonic taint that grips him.

[sblock=Zariv Morandr]
Human Male
Wizard (Abjurer) 4

DEX 12
CON 12
INT 19
WIS 14
CHA 10

Scribe Scroll (bonus)
Spell Focus (Abjuration)
Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Augment Summoning
Spell Penetration
Item Familiar – Staff
Alertness (bonus from Familiar)

Familiar - Cthat, a sly, enigmatic Raven that speaks Low Imarran.

Spellcraft 7
Knowledge/Arcana 7
Concentration 7
Knowledge/History 4
Knowledge/Geography 4
Knowledge/The Planes 4
Knowledge/Religion 4
Decipher Script 3
Knowledge/Local 3
Knowledge/Nobility and Royalty 3
Knowledge/Dungeoneering 3
Languages: Common, Low Imarran, High Imarran, Infernal, Abyssal.

Murky-Eyed: When fighting a foe with concealment, roll twice, and keep the worst.
Non-Combatant: -2 on all melee attacks.

Absent Minded: -1 Spot and Listen, +1 Knowledge Checks.

Spells Known
0th: All Spells
1st: Ray of Enfeeblement, Alarm (A), Hold Portal (A), Shield (A), Protection from C/E/L/G (A), Summon Monster I, Mage Armour, Identify, Magic Missile, Mount
2nd: Command Undead, Resist Energy, Protection from Arrows, Summon Monster II.

0th: 4+1
1st: 4+1
2nd: 3+1

Barred Schools: Enchantment, Illusion[/sblock]


Well, it was very tough to decide, but decide I have! The chosen characters are:

Nac Mac Feegle - Esteban the duskblade/swashbuckler (Belcadiz)
Shayuri - Anemone the cleric (Nimean)
Wik - Zariv the abjurer (Imarr)
Redclaw - Theon Marinatos the rogue/sorcerer? (Minroan)
Wysiwyg - Artemis the swashbuckler/fighter (Minroan)

Sorry if you weren't picked: you all came up with great concepts! If the rest of you are still keen, maybe I can start up another group?

Here's the OOC thread (yes, the new name is a blatant steal from Moorcock, but it's such a cool title)

Voidrunner's Codex

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