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The Savage Islands (working title..) - Recruitment closed


Don't worry Wik, you don't need to work up those concepts any more than you already have. Both are great characters by the looks of things. I'm going on concepts that fit the theme of the campaign, but I am also considering whether a party of 8 is feasible in PbP... it would make for some interesting scenes, but could hold things up.

All very exciting possible PCs so far!

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My hands too, sadly, are quite full - I love high seas adventuring, and sometimes, at night, I can still hear the monkeys...
So, I'd sign up as a possible alternate, should anyone drop out during play.
I'd like to see this game going somewhere - it's rare to find a seafaring one!

Voda Vosa... that's a nice portrait! Who's the artist?


Wysiwyg - we'll sort out all the character creation details once we have the ooc thread and rogues gallery up and running. There are lots of variant rules at work as well so we need to make sure anyone taking part is up to speed.

WakkaWakka - duly noted!

EDIT: I just remembered that I downloaded Broadsides! I'll see what character stuff is in there, and maybe we can use that in the game.
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Still want in.

Mass Effect and Thanksgiving travel have/will conspire to stop me from posting today...but I will have a character build up tomorrow.



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Douane said:
Okay, got something new:

Thalius, Human Beguiler 4 from the Minroan League
I now consider it official: casting classes and I do not agree. :eek:

So I went for "wilderness-enhanced" instead:

Julian Thalius

Male Human (Herathian), Fighter 2nd/Ranger 2nd
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 24
Languages: Common (Low Imarran), Ispan, Minroan, Nimean, Herathian, Rakastan, High Imarran, Shazak, Banda, Thanegi
Appearance: 6’10'', 300 lbs. Short brown hair, grey eyes, facial scars (one of them runs from the right corner of his mouth upwards over his right eye and ends in a white streak in his hair)

Str: 18[16] (+4) [+1 from level]
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 8 (-1)

Hit Points: ? (8 Base, 1d8, 2d10, +8 CON)
Armor Class: 19, touch 19, flat footed 12 (10 Base, +7 Defence bonus, +2 Dex); DR: 2 (Chainshirt)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
BAB: +4
Grapple: +8
Speed: 30ft

Fort: +8 (6 base, +2 CON)
Reflex: +5 (3 base, +2 DEX)
Will: +2 (0 base, +2 WIS)

Longsword Attack: +10 (Base +4, STR +4, MW +1, WF +1)
Damage: 1d8+4, 19-20/x2 (1d8, STR +4)

2x Longsword Attack: +8/+8 (Base +4, STR +4, MW +1, WF +1, -2 Two-Weapon Fighting)
Damage: 1d8+4, 19-20/x2 (1d8, STR +4); 1d8+2, 19-20/x2 (1d8, STR +2[Off-hand])

Track (Ranger)
Power Attack (Human)
Cleave (Flaw: Murky-Eyed)
Favoured Power Attack (Flaw: Shaky)
Able Learner (1st)
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting (3rd)
Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades) (Fighter 1st)
Flay (Fighter 2nd)

Special Abilities
Wild Empathy +1
Solitary Hunting
Favored Enemy: Humanoids(Human)
Weapon Style (Two-Weapon Fighting)

Skills (36+9+5+5)
Hide: +9 (7 Ranks, +2 DEX)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7 (5 Ranks, +2 INT)
Knowledge (Geography) +7 (5 Ranks, +2 INT)
Knowledge (Nature) +9 (5 Ranks, +2 INT, +2 Synergy)
Move Silently: +9 (7 Ranks, +2 DEX)
Search +7 (5 ranks, +2 INT)
Speak Languages +7
Spot +9 (7 Ranks, +2 WIS)
Survival +9 (7 Ranks, +2 WIS)



Weapon Groups
Exotic Weapons
Heavy blades

Magical Items
Bracers of STR +2 (4000 GP)
Total: 4000gp

2x MW Longsword (630 GP)
MW Spiked Chain (325 GP)
Total: 955 GP

MW Chainshirt (250 GP)
Total: 250 GP


Gold: 195
Silver: 0

Julian is the 4th son of the noble family Thalius of Herath ... and a major disappointment. A highly skilled tracker and hunter, Julian lives for the thrill of the hunt, but shows little ambition outside of this field. (Which should be a warning to everyone considering taking foreign concubines.) He was exiled from the forest kingdom when the challenge of hunting ordinary animals no longer sufficed and he considered moving on to bigger and more challenging prey - the Aranea did not rejoice.

Since then Julian has found the challenge was looking for in pirate-hunting, an option that offers both thrills and potential wealth. And danger to boot as the injury to his right eye shows, due to which he has forsaken his old preferred weapon, the bow, and trained himself in the unusual combination of wielding two broadswords.


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Okay, here's a quick rundown on my character so far:

Worships: Nimea (Mother Ocean, Sea Mistress, Mother of Us All)
Alignment: Neutral
Domains: Air, Commerce, Ocean, Storm, Trade, Travel, Water, Weather (from Eberron book rather than Complete Divine, or found on p111 in the Clerical domains document at crystalkeep)

Patron goddess of the city state that bears her name; Nimeans believe that Mother Ocean gave them birth and to her all things must go; as her children they are the natural masters of the waves. She can be fickle, hence the superstitious nature of Nimean sailors, and her priests play an important part in the social and political spheres of Nimean life.

Party role will be healing and support...eventually I plan on making her a summoner/thaumaturgist focusing on elemental beings of air and water. I may also eventually take the Extra Domain feat to get Travel.

Name changed to a Greek one (thanks Lorth!) derived from a word that means "wind." Seemed appropriate. :)


Female Human (Nimean)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 20
Languages: Common, Nimean, Aquan, Auran
Appearance: Anemone is a young woman with long, wild, windswept black hair that she often keeps in tight braids or buns to keep it under control and clear sea-blue eyes framed in a perfect oval face, as tan as the rest of her from many years under the sun on the open sea. When not wearing the long, flowing blue-white toga that is a Nimean priestesses official raiment, she alternates between a rather conservative blue long tunic and breeches, or a much less conservative halter and loose baggy pants. She is always barefoot while on ship regardless of her whims though, and she is never without a thin but strong shirt of "windkissed steel," mithril to most, for additional protection.

Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 17 (+3)
Cha: 14 (+2)

Hit Points: 30
Armor Class: 16 (10 + 2 dex + 4 armor)
Initiative: +2
BAB: +3
Grapple: +2
Speed: 30ft

Fort: +7
Reflex: +4
Will: +8

Ranged: +6 atk, 1d8+1 dmg, magic xbow

1 Point Blank Shot
1 Spell Focus: Conjuration
3 Precise Shot

Special Abilities
Turn Undead
Rebuke Air, Turn Earth
Rebuke Water, Turn Fire
Domains: Air, Water
Spontaneous Casting: Positive Energy

Skills 28
Concentration (Con) +9 (7 ranks + 2 Con)
Diplomacy (Cha) +5 (3 ranks +2 Cha)
Heal (Wis) +10 (5 ranks + 3 Wis + 2 item)
Knowledge (religion) (Int) +6 (5 ranks + 1 Int)
Knowledge (the planes) (Int) +2 (1 ranks + 1 Int)
Profession (Sailor) (Wis) +6 (3 ranks + 3 Wis)
Speak Language (4 ranks)

Spellcasting (Cleric CL 4, DC 13+lvl)

Weapon Groups

Magical Items
Vest of Resistance +1, 1000
Healing Belt, 750

+1 light crossbow, +6 atk, 1d8+1 dmg, 80', 4lbs, 2335

Mithril Chain Shirt, AC +4, ACP 0, Max Dex +6, 10lbs, 1100gp


Money 215


Anemone was born in a small Nimean village on a small island that is far enough north to have cold snaps in winter, but not so far that summer lacks heat. As such, extreme weather was not uncommon, and thus the level of frantic devotion to Nimea was high. Even so, Anemone following the priesthood was in spite of that rather than because of it. She always followed a perverse streak that urged her to reject the dictates of authority and seek her own way. This led her to no end of trouble, but it also lead her to a personal calling from the Goddess.

Following her religious experience (details to come, perhaps in play), Anemone journeyed to the main island to study in the great temple itself. Even here though, in service to the goddess she had devoted herself to, Anemone's penchant for disobedience led to difficulties. Only the obvious favor of Nimea, as expressed by her continued ability to draw on the goddesses miracles, saved her from expulsion from the order. Instead, it was decided that the priestess be sent on a long, solo 'sabbatical.' It was understood that this was a sort of exile. She was not defrocked, but was expected to find her own way...neither limited to the temple's usual mandates, nor able to draw on the explicit support of the temple for any but circumstances she could demonstrate affected the order as a whole, not just herself.

As a priestess of the goddess of the sea and storm, Anemone had no problem finding crew positions on ships, and was more than happy to spend the next several years on one ship or another, bringing the blessings of her goddess to the voyage at hand....serving freighters, passenger ships, and of course renegades and rogues of all stripes.
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First Post
Voda Vosa said:
Baldur's gate had a very strong effect in my view of this race =)

Errrr... there are no Rakasta in Forgotten Realms, let alone the city of Balder's Gate. There are actually zero 3rd edition settings with rakasta, and to my knowledge no official 3rd edition stats for one. They were originally in the Mystara setting from 1st edition and eventually got added to (and hunted to extinction in) Greyhawk.

Note that RAKASTA are not the same as RAKSHASA. In fact, other than both being anthropromorphic felines, they couldn't be more different. Rakasta are generally neutral, not evil; they aren't at all vulnerable to holy weapons; their hands are normal; they aren't shapeshifters; they have no special predilection for magic; they work in large kin groups rather than singly or in pairs; etc.

Voidrunner's Codex

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