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The Savage Tide rises again! New player to be announced later this week.


First Post
Alright, here we go:
I present to you Orm Stormsward; called "Stormbeard" by some, "That rowdy drunk" by others ... and "faithful comrade" to those who he considers friends and family.

Orm is tall and broad, a veritable bear of a man. He sports an unkempt shock of blue-black hair above his storm grey eyes, and a thick bushy beard emphasizes his ready grin. His loose sailor's outfit reveals many things about him -- that his size is as much muscle as it is anything, that his tanned body is criss-crossed with scars and marks of his experiences, and that he is hirsute enough that he just might really be a bear![/sblock]
[sblock=Orm's Early Years]
Orm was born in Sasserine to a destitute fishmonger-turned-whore who had neither the desire nor the inclination to be a mother to him. As he was born during one of the worst storms in recent memory, he was left at the Azure Cathedral to be raised by the clergy there. Such orphans are not uncommon in the district, and the church took him in readily enough. Even as a babe he was large, and so he was given the name Orm, meaning "Strength", and the circumstances surrounding his birth made his surname easy as well; thus was Orm, the Storm's Ward, brought into the world.

He grew up as much in the alleys and canals of Sasserine as he did in the Cathedral itself, but from his very first memories Orm felt a deep and personal connection to the sea and to stormy weather. Whenever a squall drove in from the ocean, Orm could be found outside, laughing and playing amid the driving rain and rumbling thunder. He ducked out of boring lessons at the Cathedral to wander the dockside, watching the ships come and go, paying careful attention to the bustle of the port. Indeed, if it wasn't for his intensity and concentration when it came to his religious lessons, it is quite possible that the priests would have considered him a lost cause and turned him out onto the streets.

That intensity grew from Orm's certainty that, whoever his father-of-blood might have been, Procan, and Procan alone, is his true father. He dutifully attended every sermon, ceremony, festival, and funeral of Procan's faithful since he was able to move about under his own power. The lessons of Procan's priests were the only ones Orm never skipped, and it was clear to all who knew him that Orm was destined for Procan's clergy. As soon as he was old enough, Orm enlisted in the church as a member of Procan's faithful, and pestered the priests and even Belrain Daskeral himself until he was allowed to train as a Cleric.[/sblock]
[sblock=Orm's Adult Life]
Once he was accepted as a priest-candidate, Orm devoted his entire self to the study and prayer required of him. The only pleasures he took during those years were in the frequent storms; no matter where he was when a storm blew in, Orm always managed to find a few minutes to slip outside to let the rain pound his body and to revel in the power of the storm.

After several years of study and hard work, Orm was at last accepted as a junior priest of the Sailor of the Sea and Sky. As is the custom among Procan's clergy, Orm offered his services for free to the captain of a ship sailing out to sea the next day. Since having a cleric of the Storm Lord aboard as a member of the crew is generally a sign that your ship won't sink in a storm, the captain of the Wavespray eagerly accepted Orm's service. Orm endeared himself quickly to the captain and crew with various minor acts of magic (it's amazing how grateful sailors are for simple fresh, clean water while out at sea!) as well as being a quick study for the day-to-day work involved in operating a sailing ship.

When the Wavespray returned to Sasserine after several months at sea, Orm immediately put in for a berth with another captain. He continued to sail with one ship or another -- visiting ports far and wide and engaging in every respectable aquatic venture -- from that time on, but he always returned home to Sasserine at the end of each voyage. In between long ocean voyages, Orm spent the majority of his days along the waterfront, just as he had in his youth, and he spent his nights in the traditional sailors' haunts ... taverns and brothels. His energetic nature and intensity have won him as many friends as enemies in the inevitable brawls and drunken contests that follow his nights in the taverns, but the ladies of the Mermaid's Secret all assert that the big man is gentle and caring -- if vigorous -- in his more intimate pursuits.

Whenever Orm is in town, he attends regular church sessions in the mornings and on the weekends. Indeed, word got around quickly that the best way to get in touch with him for his services was to leave word at the Azure Cathedral with the priests of Procan, for sure as rain Orm would head there after his most recent voyage to offer his prayers to his Father.
[sblock=Recent Events]
Orm has been in town for an unusually long period of time lately. He has twice turned down offers from captains to sail into the deep blue -- unheard of for him -- and his only reply when asked why was to say "There's a dark storm brewing on the horizon, and Procan has need of me here." Needless to say, this has unsettled both the sailors who know him and the other priests of his order, but Orm will speak no more of it to anyone.

Lately he has taken to patrolling the docks and canals of Sasserine in full combat regalia. Wearing coral-studded leather armor, a light steel buckler emblazoned with the trident-and-wave symbol of Procan, and a long, masterfully crafted dark wooden spear with a cruelly barbed cold iron head, he stalks from ship to crane to canalway, his characteristic grin gone from his face.

There's a storm a-comin', and it's none of Father's get. I hear His whispers on the wind, his voice in the thunder, and He warns me that there be blood on the tide...[/sblock]
Orm is as energetic, intense, and chaotic as a stormcloud. One minute he'll be growling and spitting at you, and the next his face will be split with a wide grin and he'll clap you on the back, proclaiming you a friend for life. He has a quick temper and a fierce countenance, but rarely holds a grudge beyond the time it takes to put words to his grievances.

All of that, however, is as much charade as truth. While he is indeed quick to anger and just as quick to forgive, the entire act revolves around the calm spiritual certainty that is the true Orm Stormsward. In his heart, Orm is a good, faithful man, striving to do his best in the world around him. He acts the way he does as mostly because it is expected of a sailor and priest of the chaotic Storm Lord; the act is only a fractured reflection of the sky on the sea. Given a chance to grow close to people he feels he can trust with his life, he would slowly reveal the real Orm -- energetic, yes; intense, yes; even chaotic and rowdy; but also deeply caring and as open as the sea and forgiving as a gentle spring rain. Those few people he has opened himself up to can count on Orm's immediate and unconditional help should they but whisper of their need to him.[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC Notes]
I havn't directly worked any of the existing characters into his background, but I've left a number of hooks to do so. He is widely traveled and has worked with just about every respectable captain that sails out of Sasserine, so chances are good he's sailed alongside at least a couple of the group before. His port-side revels would almost certainly have brought him into contact with Chongo if no one else; his patrols of the docks and canals, and his time spent watching the ships ply their trade, may have allowed him to encounter Keoni or Damash in their similar pursuits; and he's a store of knowledge about odd weather-related phenomina, which may have attracted Mad Col's attention at some point in the past (not to mention it's quite possible he sailed with Not-Mad Col as well). I figured if I'm accepted I'll seek the other players' input about combining backgrounds; it should be easy enough.

As for introducing him to the campaign .. again, several hooks. He's 30 years old and has plied the seas for half his life. It's quite possible that he worked for the late Vanderborens in the past (on the Blue Nixie, even) and that he would be known to Lavinia as a trustworthy ally (possibly through her mother's journal?). Or, he could be a close friend of one of the party members and either be asked directly for assistance, or be drawn in similarly to how Eyvi is. There's even the possibility that he's stumbled onto some of the goings-on that the party is investigating now, and might cross their path in their mutual attempts at cleaning up Sasserine from scummy ex-nobles.

Mechanicswise, he'll be going pure cleric 20. At some point (currently aiming for level 9) he'll pick up Born of Three Thunders just because I like how it works into his backstory. I may also pick up the Storm Bolt reserve feat once he actually has an electrical spell to power it (earliest is the 3rd level domain slot for Call Lightning from the Storm domain, I believe, or a feat for Energy Substitution: Electricity, which is a pre-req for BoTT anyway). Sudden metamagics are also in the realm of possibility for him, to reflect his chaotic outer nature and that of his deity. I'm considering adding a single flaw - probably Inattentive to reflect his tendency to leap into the situation before fully considering the consequences - to help ease the feat burden a little, if allowed.[/sblock]

<pant, pant> OK, I think that's about everything. If there's any questions or if someone notices a discrepency, please let me know :)

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
James Heard said:
Hrm. That's your fault SG, I've read the thread, but all I hear is things like "By the dark tentacles of me first wife's whiskers! Argh!" in my head afterward. ;)
He's very clearly a bachelor, our good man Col. I don't know what you're talking about. :)


First Post
With a Dragon Shaman in the group that's the one reserve feat that I think wouldn't be under much consideration for my character

Actually I meant that for Redbeard. :)

I am unsure of the exact timeline of Col so let me know if this can be worked out…Col is middle aged and how long ago was it that he became “mad?” It seems to be too late to think right now, but I am trying to figure out if Redbeard can be young(10yrs old or so)have his father take the trip and not come back. Redbeard then learns his way, putting him at about 20 currently. From Col’s history is seems like he was aboard the vessel not very long ago, but correct me if I’m wrong. If so, I may have to rework some things below.

Edit: Redbeard will be 20, not 22.

[sblock=background for Redbeard, newly updated and more details may come later]Nicklas “Redbeard” Norstrom grew up in a small village not far from Sasserine. His father was a sailor, and spent much time in Sasserine trading with various peoples. When Nicklas still just a boy his father came home, with a big grin on his face, and a bag over his shoulder.

“There be great news, a man has been offerin’ me a job on ‘is ship, the Midnight Fury! It be payin’ handsomely, we not be be strugglin’ no more!” He dips his shoulder and dumps the bag over the crude table where his boy and wife were eating. Gold and silver coins clinked together on the wood. Nicklas’s mother began to cry at the sight of the riches, and the adults embraced.

“That mean we won’t be sailin’ for a while Pa?” Nicklas was fond of going with his father down the coast to with him on their small sailing boat.

“’Fraid so my boy, but I be promisin’ we be goin’ we I be back.”Over the remainder of dinner, which Nicklas had helped prepare, his father explained that he would be leaving in the morning to set sail and on his return he would have more riches for them. He never came home.

For two years Nicklas’s mother grieved. Not only had she lost her husband, she was so happy with their new money she went out that day and spent it on new things for the family, exquisite linens, a wonderful bottle of Elven wine, and a fine clothes the whole family.

Now widowed and worse off than before, Nicklas’s mother did all she could for the family. She planted a garden, and with Nicklas’s help grew enough to feed themselves and made enough coin to get by.

After a particularly wet season though, food was scarce, and even with Nicklas’s green thumb, times were harsh. One day a pair of travelers came to the Norstrom’s home, they admired the garden, even in it’s rundown state. Nicklas proudly exclaimed that he was the primary tender of the greenery, and the two travelers looked to his mother for confirmation. The travelers were looking for a place to stay for the night, and a hot meal if possible in exchange for good coin. Being as hard off as they were, Nicklas’s mother eagerly invited the pair to stay. The two watched Nicklas wander among the plants and lovingly pick out the best ones for their dinner. The two thoroughly complimented Nicklas on the meal he prepared, with the help of his mother.

In the morning, the pair was amazed, but not surprised to see Nicklas up with the dawn, doing his best to tend to the garden. They talked amongst themselves and then approached Nicklas’s mother. They haned the woman a handful of gold coins, ten times the cost of the meal and the night’s lodging.

They spoke to the woman, “We see talent in Nicklas, he is capable beyond his years in attending to the garden, and a fine cook as well. He skillfully avoided the poisonous parts of the plants that he used to season the stew we enjoyed last night. We saw in the fields earlier in the day yesterday, he was speaking to a bird of prey, as if it was his pet. We would like to take him and further hone his skills, train him in our art.”

The woman nodded, but looked slightly confused. “Nicklas has always been a bit bigger than the other children. They be makin’ fun of ‘im. He be spendin’ a lot of time out there. He be always bringing pets home to be showin’ me. Last week he be bringin’ in a frog the size of my head. I be not knowin’ how he carried the thing w’out it jumpin’ away. She then glares at the men, and says, “How I know ye be tellin’ the truth and not just wantin’ to take him for a slave or somesuch like the folk he be rantin’ about when he used to visit Sasserine with his Pa.”

“He’ll be safe with us. Not all the Olman’s are slaves either, many of them are just working off debts from trips to the city to earn a better living.” To prove to the woman they are trustworthy, they each whistle sharply. There is a shriek as an eagle lands on the sill of the window. Shortly after a wolf lopes into view, Nicklas laughing crazily gripping tightly onto the fur of the beasts back as he bounces along. Even the wolf had trouble carrying the chubby boy. The two men smile at the sight of Nicklas, who had somehow calmed the beast enough to climb onto it’s back.

Nicklas’ mother nods her head, astounded. “I be seein’ what ye mean.”

That was it, Nicklas went with the two, to their home, they trained him the druidic arts. He proved an apt student, smart and hardy enough to live in the wilds. He still loved to cook, almost as much as he loved to eat.


Many years went by since the time he left with the pair. Nicklas, now went by the name of Redbeard. Redbeard is short and overweight at 5’8” and 215lbs. His blonde hair is goes to just past his shoulders and is not kept clean. Likewise, his unruly red beard is long(about 6”)and unkempt. The smell of an unclean body, pine needles, and the earth follows him around. He now makes a living in Sasserine, as a sailor and helper on the docks. He is a regular in on the whaling ships of the Azure district. He stays aboard to make sure they follow the regulations that he helped to set. He values the lives of the whales, but he makes sure they do not suffer unduly and that their population doesn’t suffer. He is a firm believer in the balance of life, and humans(as well as other races) have a place in this world as well. That doesn’t mean he lets evil go unpunished, as they are the most likely to despoil all they he seeks to preserve.

Redbeard often also rides aboard ships, if only hired as a cook. He is one of the better ship cooks, known well for his meals of bacon wrapped salmon fillets, with a fried seaweed salad.

More than once he has helped to crusade against those who would take nature’s bounty for greedy or just for the sake of destruction. With the help of other sailors, Redbeard has stopped and jailed many a poacher. Redbeard is more often than not accompanied by his loyal canine friend, Ralph, a dog large enough for a Halfling to ride. Ralph has an appetite as large as his belly, and loves to slobber on those that attempt to pet him.

Current hook:

Redbeard had heard rumors of Vanthus Vanderboren and his smuggling of various creatures. This upset Redbeard, so he meant to find if the rumors were true himself. He went around to various bars. He tried sweet talking drunks, buying them drinks, but finally he gave up. He was never one to have a way with flowery words, not like the young man Anar or the elf Kalen, who he had met on occasion. He then did what he had to do, he took a cook job aboard a ship whose crew comprised some people who knew things. After a particularly hard day at sea, the crew was exceptionally hungry, this was when Redbead decided to make his offer. While making dinner, he had seperated the tobacco and mint smoked shrimp he was going to serve into two seperate pots. To one, he added his secret ingredient. If the crew ate that one, there would be disastorus consequences.

As he presented the two pots to the famished men, he lifted the lids, a wonderful aroma emerging from the smoked shrimp. Then he declared, "I be knowin some of ye know of the Vanderboren's and the man Vanthus and 'is smugglin' ring. All be well if ye confirm these here rumors and be gettin me a meetin' with the Vanderboren Lady, or just be findin' Vanthus. As ye may know, I be havin' issues with the mistreatin' of the creatures. If ye be givin' me truth and a way to be speakin to the Lady ye can be eatin' the feast I be slavin' over in peace. If ye be keepin' secrets, I be keepin' secrets too, and ye won't be likin' the secret I added to one of these 'ere pots. When no one spoke up, he had the men come to the pots, which were hidden from their view. Redbead scooped the tainted shrimp onto the pplates of those that know things that are not meant to be known. Redbeard sat and waited.

Soon after several men ran to the side of the ship. Several pulled down their pants, rumps hanging off the side of the ship, screaming in pain as a horrible smell came over the deck of the ship. Just as they thought their torture complete, they spun around, still unclothed from the waist down, and began to dry heave, before throwing up the remains of their dinner. This process repeated itself several times. Redbeard could only smile, the bloodflower was one of nature's secrets. He felt bad for the men, but they had a chance to save themselves. After a few minutes Redbeard spoke. "I be havin an herb that be neutralizin' the one that I be puttin' in ye food. Simply tell me what ye know." A man then crawled across the deck, dragging a chamber pot with him. He was red in the face, as well aas his arse. He had to pause several times across the deck to gather himself.

"A man named Shefton...he took the some people that were hired by the Vanderboren Lady...hired to find her brother...they went to Parrot Island, I haven't seen Shefton since, but the others are back in town. They would know of Vanthus if anybody would." The sailor reached for the vial that Redbeard carried but quickly flinched when Ralph emitted a low growl.

"Who be the ones the Vanderboren lady hired?"

"The lady's man Anar, Mad Col, and big Olman, Chongo among others. They will have answers!" Satisfied, Redbeard handed the vial to the man, who drank it down, the red color fading from his skin. Not wanting to see the others suffer, he handed them vials as well. He then returned to his cabin, having no fear of revenge by the sick sailors, with Ralph guarding the door.

Once Redbeard returns to solid ground, he begins his search for the odd group, starting with Mad Col.
Relations with other PCs

Col: Redbeard has seen the mad sailor often, they may have shared a drink or two, as Col pressed Redbeard for any information he could gather about the habits of the local sea creatures. Col was definitely a strange one. If Redbeard knows of Col’s voyage Midnight Fury, he has yet to ask him of it, and if he knows if his father had perished as well.
Anar: Redbeard and Anar probably have met, perhaps aboard the Velvet lass. He would keep his distance from the attractive young man, merely because he is jealous of the attention he receives from the opposite sex.
Kalen: Redbeard may or may not have seen the elf in the city. Redbeard does frequent bars and such, they have met there. If they have met, Redbeard would like the elf, he had met some in his druidic studies, and Kalen is much different from them.
Bael: The other elf might have met Redbeard at a sage, when Redbeard first came to the city.
Eyvi: Redbeard probably met the barbarian aboard a sailing vessel assigned to hunt down some whale poachers. The large man’s….talents would be suitable to dealing with those who harmed nature. From there on out, Redbeard probably befriend the man, and they would often eat together, and they both can eat a lot.
Lavinia: Redbeard may have done some investigating on his own about the Vanderborens once he heard that her brother was involved in animal smuggling. Word travels fast at the noble circles, and Lavinia and her brother may have heard of the large red-bearded man asking about them. Lavinia could have learned much about him, enough to know that he is a capable sailor, and could be of suitable help to her already hired help(now short a healer).[/sblock]

[sblock=mechanics]Redbeard at level two would have the same ability scores he has in the character sheet above(28 pt buy, that looks to be what you used). His feats would be augment summoning and spell focus conjuration. 3rd level feat would be the spontaneous healer feat from CD. Spells normally prepared would be produce flame and lesser vigor as well as a snake's swiftness. Skill points would be much the same. By himself Redbeard is not a melee threat until wild shape kicks in(a while in a PbP I know), but his war trained riding dog Ralph makes up for it. With leather barding, Ralph has an AC of 18 but otherwise attacks as a normal riding dog(+3, 1d6+3 w/ trip on a hit, 13hp). At level three he takes a big jump(AC 21 w/ leather barding , 22 w/dodge feat; attack at +6 for 1d6+4 damage and a trip attempt, as well as 26hp). Equipment would be minor, a depleted wand of vigor or CLW, some potions and scrolls, a weapon and armor.[/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
EvolutionKB said:
Can't wait to see who is going to get it! :)
Me! I'm please to announced Colleen Tobindaughter, a tough as nails <WHATEVER WE NEEDED> that can do <STUFF> and <OTHER STUFF> that will <WIN US THE GAME>.

I'm making a note here. HUGE SUCCESS!

Voidrunner's Codex

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