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The Seas of Blood (a piritical game) - Full

Argent Silvermage

First Post
You may call me Ramses WaveBorne. I am the crow’s nest man for this ship.
Yes I’m half sea elf and half human. My father is a commander of a legion of sea elf marines. I have never met him. My mother is a tavern owner in the harbor town of Saltbluff.
I have been working the crows nest for many years with my faithful dolphin Fluke swimming alongside the ship and my seagull familiar Stormsong flying by my side.
As a child I was trained in the art of the twin blades and the sea. But I also have the power of magic flowing through me and have studied that to some extent.

Ramses is Ranger 4/ Sorcerer 4; Neutral good.
His animal companion is a dolphin
His Familiar is a seagull (as the Hawk)

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First Post
Bront said:
Yup, very nice, and usefull for a more flexable character (Especialy when you need either lots of cross class skills, and have few skill points). I have a character with it myself, more just point out the restrictions to Pheonix :)

Thanks Chief.....


First Post
Argent Silvermage said:
You may call me Ramses WaveBorne. I am the crow’s nest man for this ship.
Yes I’m half sea elf and half human. My father is a commander of a legion of sea elf marines. I have never met him. My mother is a tavern owner in the harbor town of Saltbluff.
I have been working the crows nest for many years with my faithful dolphin Fluke swimming alongside the ship and my seagull familiar Stormsong flying by my side.
As a child I was trained in the art of the twin blades and the sea. But I also have the power of magic flowing through me and have studied that to some extent.

Ramses is Ranger 4/ Sorcerer 4; Neutral good.
His animal companion is a dolphin
His Familiar is a seagull (as the Hawk)

Sounds cool, give me a full write up of background and stuff, i like the idea.


First Post
Able Learner [Racial]
You have a great aptitude for learning
Prerequisite: Human or Doppledanger
Benefit: All skill ranks cost 1 skill poin for you to purchase, even if the skill is cross-class for you. The maximum number of ranks you can puchase in a cross-class skill remains the same.
This feat does not affect the skill points cost to learn a new language or to gain litteracy.
Normal: Cross-class skills costs 2 skill points per rank.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Phoenix said:
Sounds cool, give me a full write up of background and stuff, i like the idea.
Name: Ramses Waveborne
Class: Ranger 4/ Sorcerer 4
Race: Half Sea Elf
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 148
Eyes: Sea Green
Hair: Blond
Skin: Pale with Green ting.

Ability Scores: Str: 12/Dex: 14/Con: 12/Int: 12/Wis: 15/Cha: 16
HP: (4d8+4d4+8 Con)
AC: 12 (+2 Dex)
Init: +2 (+2 dex)
BAB: +6
Saves: Fort: +5/Ref: +5/Will: + 5
Move: 30’
Weight Allowance: Light 43, Medium 86, Heavy 130, Pull 450, Lift 130.

Rapier +5 1d6+1 18-20/x2
Off hand Dagger +2 1d4+1 19-20/x2
Composite Mighty Long Bow +8 1d8+1 /x3

Racial Abilities:
Immunity to Sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects. Low-light vision: A half-elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. +1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Imformation checks. Elven Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-elf is considered an elf.
Class Abilities:
Ranger: Track, Wild empathy, favored enemy (Animals), 2 weapon combat style, Endurance, Animal companion (dolphin) as 1st level druid.
Sorcerer: Summon Familiar (SeaGull) as hawk.

Sorcerer Spells Per Day:
Cantrips: 6 (DC: 12)
1st Level: 7 (DC: 13)
2nd Level: 4 (DC: 14)

Sorcerer Spells Known:
Cantrips: Mending, Prestidigitation, Message, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light
1st Level: Jump, Animate Rope, Endure Elements.
2nd Level:Alter Self

1st Level Ranger Spell: Speak with Animals (DC: 13)

Alertness, Acrobatic, Athletic.

Skills: (Ability + Ranks + Misc.)
Hide +2 (+2 Dex)
Move Silently +2 (+2 Dex)
Listen +7 (+2 Wis, +1 race, +2 alertness, +2 familiar)
Search +2 (+1 Int, +1 race)
Spot +16 (+2 Wis, 9 ranks +1 racial, +2 alertness, +2 familiar)
Jump +3 (+1 Str, +2 acrobatic)
Climb +10 (+1 Str, 7 ranks, +2 athletic)
Swim +12 (+1 Str, 9 ranks, +2 athletic)
Rope Use +7 (+2 Dex, 5 ranks)
Tumble +6 (+2 Dex, 2 ranks, +2 acrobatic)
Diplomacy +5 (+3 Cha, +2 racial)
Gather Information +5 (+3 Cha, +2 racial)
Knowledge Nature +8 (+1 Int, 7 ranks)
Survival +9 (+2 Wis, 7 ranks)
Knowledge Shipping lanes +5 (+1 Int, 4 ranks)
Profession Sailor +5 (+2 Wis, 3 ranks)
Balance +4 (+2 Dex, 2 ranks)

Common, Elf, Draconic.

Gear: (Total weight: w)

Physical Description:
Ram is a thin wiry man with no body hair and a slight green ting to his skin. He has slight webs between his toes. He typicaly wears very little in the way of clothing mainly a pair of breeches and sandals with a head wrap and vest.

You may call me Ramses WaveBorne. I am the crow’s nest man for this ship.
Yes I’m half sea elf and half human. My father is a commander of a legion of sea elf marines. I have never met him. My mother is a tavern owner in the harbor town of Saltbluff.
I have been working the crows nest for many years with my faithful dolphin Fluke swimming alongside the ship and my seagull familiar Stormsong flying by my side.
As a child I was trained in the art of the twin blades and the sea. But I also have the power of magic flowing through me and have studied that to some extent

more background coming soon
Last edited:

Ranger Rick

First Post
I would love to join the crew. However, I may be at a bit of a disadvantage as my knowledge of naval warfare involves guns and wind and the use of magic on board is a detail I can not quite grasp. I say detail, because I undwer the big picture, but not the minute detail needed to play a PBP.

I can think of 2 different character concepts, but only having core books I might be at a loss to flesh them out.

first concept - Master of arms. As a wee lad he was sent off to sea to join the lands navy. The lad was accepted as payment of back taxes. On board he was quickly known as a powder monkey. He would scamper up and down the cramped ladders hauling magical components to the mages and gunpowder (arrows?) to the ship's cannons. As time progressed and he got bigger and older, he stayed with the gun crews he learned about the different types of ships and what it takes to de-mast each type or blow a hole in the ship. How to fire a meaningful warning shot and the best way to slow and capture a ship with out sinking it. Eventually, he left his country's navy and joined the merchant ships. Hired on as a gunners mate, he improved his knowledge of gunnery tactics and how best to use magical means with the smallest cost of expensive components. He has since joined the current ship as their master of arms and can be seen drilling the gun crews night and day.

Second concept – Navigator. Being the son of a merchant, he learned the ways of reading the currents and navigating by the stars. He learned how to read maps and determine how accurate the charts where. To be able to read the water and know that the chart was nothing but hogwash or written by a sailor who has visited the very water they are in.


The man with the probe
Actualy, cannons aren't an option. We're talking Balistas, Mangonels and such. I'm doing research myself, as I don't have many sea supliments either, just thought it would be a cool concept.

Ranger Rick

First Post
Bront said:
Actualy, cannons aren't an option. We're talking Balistas, Mangonels and such. I'm doing research myself, as I don't have many sea supliments either, just thought it would be a cool concept.

I was wondering about that. Thank you for the update. Agent silvermane jumped in to be a top man so that is why I did nothing to come up with that background.

Without cannons, I am trying to figure out how to be a crew without being a mage.

I guess another background can be the Captain's coxswain. Part bodyguard, part friend, part eyes and ears as well for the Capt.


You'd think being born on the rolling planks of a ship in the eye of a hurricane would be an ill omen, yet, amongst my people, the Sea Folk, it is a blessing bestowed only rarely. I am Nerei din Dyeus, the Wavemistress of the Moon Goddess. My place is beside Jonathon, although our history is varied, it has its merits.

When the sails go calm, I breathe the winds into them, when the seas rear and chop at our bow, I calm the waves, and when the creatures of the deep rise up to grapple at our masts I send them back to the depths.

The endless sea are my rolling hills and the pitching deck my home.


OOC Info:
Human Druid 8


Ranger Rick said:
Without cannons, I am trying to figure out how to be a crew without being a mage.

You could be a rogue type who specializes in boarding an enemies ship prior to engagement (ranks in Swim, water breathing, etc.) and sabotage things.

Or, you could be a fighter type who basically functions as a living cannonball. Load him up onto a catapult and let him fly onto their decks to create a bit of onboard havoc. A monk could also actually work pretty well for this concept. Big jump skill, some ranks in swim in case he misses and goes in the water.

Voidrunner's Codex

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