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The Second Golden Age of Oannon


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Expirience Reward: 600 exp for sparking a revolution]

You rush through the turmoil towards the tavern, a poor-looking building with a giant wooden sign hanging from a post over the doorway depicting the drawing of what appears to be a... blurred smudge... possibly a dead pig.

The bartender doesn't appear to be in the building when you first come in (in fact, the place is completely empty), but a portly middle-aged individual with mutton chops bursts in through the door behind you immediately after you step over the threshold, nearly knocking you over.

He bustles over to his position behind the counter, panting heavily and with sweat outlining his jowls. As you take your seat, another couple of people walk in nonchalantly. They're dressed in hooded, undyed, roughspun woolen clothing, one of them sporting a bleeding wound on his left arm, bandaged up with a piece of cloth. They take their seats next to eachother on the counter counter one seat to the right of you.

"A mead coming up" he chuckles as you place your order. He eyes you nervously before switching his glance to the other two.

"So... uh... fine weather innit?" he asks as he pours you a mug filled with an opaque brownish liquid and drops it in front of you. He turns around, grabs a clean-looking glass off the shelf and starts polishing it with his back still turned to you.

"I wonder who it was that warned the guards." the one with the bloodied arm asks aloud. "Probably some fat old man" the other answers, smiling with yellow teeth.
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Daniel, Fighter

Daniel turns in his seat toward the bloodied man, drink in hand. "Ah, who knows? Maybe Oswell's manly lover was in the crowd. You have to wonder what he did in his keep, spending as much time there as he did."

He takes a sip of his drink, then motions toward the injured man with his drink. "How's the arm?"

[I edited my sheet to put in a short background]
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First Post
[B]Name:[/B] Jake
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue
[B]Race:[/B] Halfling
[B]Size:[/B] Small
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] CN

[B]Str:[/B]  8 -1 (2p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 1        [B]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 +3 (6p.+2)   [B]BAB:[/B] +0         [B]HP:[/B] 6 (1d6-1)
[B]Con:[/B]  8 -1 (0p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +-1     [B]Dmg Red:[/B]
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1 (4p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 20'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] XX
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 (4p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +7        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +X
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -1         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] XX%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +3    +0    +3    +1    +0    +0    17
[B]Touch:[/B] 14              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 14

                         [B]Base  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                0    -1    1      +0
[B]Ref:[/B]                 2    +4    1      +7
[B]Will:[/B]                0    +1    1      +2
+2 vs fear

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Light crossbow			+3	1d6	19-20x2
Ammo 10

[B]Languages:[/B] Comman, Halfling, Elven

[B]Abilities:[/B] Sneak Attack 1d6, Trapfinding

[B]Feats:[/B] Improved initiative

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 36       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks	Mod	Misc  Total[/B]
Bluff				3	+2		+5
Diplomacy			3	+2		+5
Disable Device			3	+1		+4
Gather Information		3	+2		+5
Hide				3	+3	+4	+10
Listen				3	+1	+2	+6
Move Silently			3	+3	+2	+8
Open Lock			3	+3		+6
Search				3	+1		+4
Slieght of Hand			3	+3		+6
Spot 				3	+1		+4
Tumble				3	+3		+6

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Light crossbow              35gp  4lb
bolts			    1gp	  1lb
Studded leather             25gp  10lb
Back Pack                   2gp   .5lb
Bed Roll                    1sp   1.25lb
Flint and Steel		    1gp
Lantern, Hooded		    7gp	  2lb
Rations	(10days)	    5gp	  2.5lbs		
[B]Total Weight:[/B]21.25lb      [B]Money:[/B] 4pp 13gp 9sp 0cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med     Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]            19.5  39.75   60	 120   300

[B]Age:[/B] 26
[B]Height:[/B] 3'2"
[B]Weight:[/B] 32lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Brown
[B]Hair:[/B] Brown
[B]Skin:[/B] light
Appearance: Jake covers himself in balck whenever possible. He wears a black cloak over his studded leather armor.

He keeps his Crossbow tied to his belt so he does lose it in combat. He keeps his hair shoulder length and usually unkept.

Background: Jake was born in this city. He was often ignored and neglected by the townsfolk as he grew up.
He decided to make this neglect work for him and uses people's ignorance against him. He is loyal to people he calls friend but is often distrusting.

A small halfling watched what happened from afar. He was looking to pick pocket the commoners as the rioted, thinking 'it would only be to easy' but he had a better plan. After seeing the lord hanged and his captor flee he knew exactly how to exploit this situation...

He enter the bar after the human and watched for a few seconds to try to get the impression of what kind of man he was. After he saw the man was shaken up by what had happened he approaches and says "Fine mess you got yourself into I say. Those loyal to the lord will have you hanged right beside him. I think the best thing you can do now is look to unite these people on your side. I think I can help you!!" completely ignoring the conversation that had just started.


Daniel, Fighter

"And how am I supposed to..." The young man turns around, and doesn't see anyone. Then he looks down. "Ah there you are. And yeah, you're right about that. Not just for the sake of my own neck, but it's about time this town stands up to..." Daniel looks back toward the bloodied commoners sitting next to him. "Uh, maybe we should speak in private."

"Hey barkeep! Get something for my short friend here!" Daniel takes another drink when it's ready, steps off his stool, and hands it to the halfling.

"The name's Daniel by the way. And what may I call you?"
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First Post
"My name is Jake" the halfling says to Daniel."Meade will be fine" he says to the barkeep as goes to follow Daniel to a more remote location.
Once they are alone he leans in close and says "First we need to find out who is loyal to the lord and who is not. Then, you need show them that you are not afraid to accept the concequences of your actions and challenge for lordship of this land for yourself. You need to arm your closest suppotrter and ride to the keep and declare this land for yourself. I will go through the town and rally support for you. We can meet at the gallows at dusk. What do you say?"


Daniel listens intently to Jake's plan., and then a long silence follows. "Well I'll say this Jake, you're nothing if not ambitious. Amass a small army? Seize the keep? Of course, if I do nothing, I'll probably be hanged inside a week. But if we succeed... Well, I'm always talking about change, but it's about time I did something. Alright, I'm in."

"I know a few men that would be willing to follow me. Poor farmers mostly, and some men that have lost their businesses. Beyond them, I'm not sure. There were certainly plenty of people a few minutes ago that seemed the sort we'd need, but I only personally know one or two. And then there's our former Lord Gilliam... he'd be able to rally the town, but he'd seek the lordship for his own." Daniel reveals a slight smile at the thought of losing power when he currently possessed none. "Well, he'd likely be a better ruler than I ever could be. If we succeed in taking the keep, we'll have to make contact with him."

"I should be able to manage procuring weapons. My family owns a blacksmithing shop as luck would have it. There's hardly anything of masterful quality, and certainly nothing magical, but it will do. And you mentioned riding to the keep... depending on how many people we can recruit, that may prove difficult. Horses are not exactly cheap after all."

Daniel tries to sound confident, but he recognizes the small chance of success. By the hells, I'm still barely a kid. Who's going to follow me into battle? "We must both be madmen, Jake." He takes a long drink from his glass.


First Post
You hear a lot of commotion coming from outside. It's your guess that the guards had arrived by now.

Looking up at the sound of a stool scraping against the floor, you notice that the man with the bloody arm got up and is walking over to you. He sits down at your table in a chair next to yours.

"Hey, you're the guy who tackled that worthless sack, aren't you?" he asks, cutting into the conversation. "Nice job. My name's Gar by the way. Don't worry, you can talk freely around me and my pal, you and I are on the same side."

"Hey, Ron, get over here" he shouts across the room.

"Oh, but don't say anything to that fat bartender over there. He's a royalist, and a sack-and-a-half."
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"Ah, Gar is it? Me and Jake here were just discussing the aftermath of today's fun. I'm a bit worried that someone will point me out to the guards. We were just talking about taking over the position of our deceased Lord, but uh, I think that may be a little premature."

"Heh, the guards at the keep would probably laugh me off if I showed up there. Before they hanged me of course. So Gar, who do you think's going to officially take over for Oswell? I keep hoping for Gilliam to show up..."


First Post
Ron gets up and walks over, sitting across from Gar at the table.

Gar lets out a loud laugh upon hearing your plan, before looking around and quieting down again. "Yeah, that won't be a good idea. Betcha were thinking that with Old Oswell out of the way the place would be empty. It might work if you took the right approach, but... well... haha... I would write a will first if I were planning on doing what you're thinking of. Oswell's dog, Garland Reeves runs the town now... at least until a new lord gets appointed. When Reeves finds out what happened today, you can bet he'll be protecting his ass. After me and Ron take care of things here, we're going over to his manse and we're gonna stick some metal in him while he sleeps tonight. As for Old Gilly, don't worry, he'll show up to take control of the town when everything is done. If you want to talk to him, he might still be at the Lion's Head Inn. He moves around a lot though, so don't count on it. Either of you ever meet him?"
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First Post
Just as the ruckus in town was starting to die down, a lanky gnomish fellow rides slowly into town on a short pony, covered with thicker hair than local horses, which shows that it's from the cold northern steppes. The gnome looks about at the odd activity in town, wondering what's happened. For now he keeps to himself and trots the pony slowly towards the nearest buildings, looking around for signs of anything that may clue him in. He doesn't want to look for a stable and an inn if it turns out his steed might get stolen or his throat slit by brigands.

'Poor timing,' Nezzern thinks to himself.

Voidrunner's Codex

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