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The Secret Scion


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Really? Might be dangerous a bit, you have to take care with those energies. You could do some excellent ones for frightening plays though, or even mock haunted houses. I don’t doubt you could do some good shadow illusions that way, but using pure necromantic energy would open you up to the possibilities to having your own energies stolen to power it. And if not your energies, what about those of your audience? You would need a containment abjuration, not necessarily something as strong as a death ward but a lower- level enchantment might be possible…” He goes on much more in that vein, willing to delve into all the delightful (and frightful) details of such a thing.
Tondrek pays apt attention to the wizened elf, become more animated in the discussion. The half-orc's knowledge is all abstract and theoretical---and some parts heretical---but he does not shy away from the more frightening parts of the conversation. It quickly becomes apparent that he has a child's quick fascination with everything without any squeamish preconceptions. Tondrek attempts to learn all he can while he has someone's attention---a rare treat for the half-orc.

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Isida Kep'Tukari said:
A few of the dancers are interested to see what Harolk might have to offer, and some seem mildly impressed by his technique. Others are more than mildly impressed (a conceit that seems to come from their protected position as a member of a dragonmarked House), including Lorien d'Thuranni. "We'll be doing some duels later tonight, could I count on you to spar with me?" he asks you, a bit of an arrogant smirk on his face. He's probably expecting to humiliate you, but you know you can take this arrogant poof any day of the week and twice on Sar.

"Sure" says Harolk while inspecting the strange weapons displayed. Then turns suddendly "But just a spar would be boring. In a party like this, we should make things interesting. Why not a small bet? If I win you find out for me where poor old Silas could be"

Isida Kep'Tukari

A couple hours before now...
Bront said:
[sblock=Layferi conversation]Mel smiles at Layferi, "I.. I am glad to see you too. But please, I must speak with you alone, it is urgent that I not be seen here for long."

Assuming he follows her to a place to speak...
"Layferi, I am sorry to surprise you like this, but I have much I need to talk to you about, and I am afraid of who may find out. But before I can speak with you, I need you to swear that you will not repeat most of this to anyone. I believe I can trust you, but if you find yourself unable to do so, I shall have to turn and walk away, and I fear I will never be able to see you again," Mel says, looking deep into his eyes, fighting back a tear. She seems nervous, which she is.[/sblock] Rayni, lurking close by, can pick up

Once Mel returns to the dance, she will mingle with anyone she can, looking to pick up whatever courtly gossip she can.
Mel: [sblock]"Melphina... of course! I promised you I always would keep your secrets, and the years haven't changed that. I know how to keep secrets, my family would have disowned me decades ago if I couldn't, and I won't do anything to make you walk out of my life," Layferi says, brushing a gentle hand along Mel's cheek and ear.[/sblock] ~~~~~
Tondrek and the old elf man talk nearly non-stop for the next couple of hours, while Hxaptos keeps a close eye out for any more unusual eyes... or other ocular appendages. Mel and Rayni pick up a little gossip, mostly relating to the fact that several people haven't decided to show their faces on the basis of this or that scandal. "Scandal," in this instance, means being caught in some compromising situation, being seen with an unsavory character, or perhaps in bed with another's spouse. One man, at least, had been humiliated when his apparent pair of matched gray griffons turned out to be covered with illusion, covering a rather unbecoming shade of muddy yellow-brown. The illusions had been broken when his maroon and blue skycoach was making a landing at the Sharn Opera House, and the man wouldn't be able to show his face in public until he had gotten himself a pair of something really spectacular to draw his coach, or until a year had gone by at least. A litany of other woes is discusses, mostly relating to minor feuds between nobles families and rich merchants, with a few being between the two Houses of Shadow. Of course, the ones being discussed at this party are the ones that can be talked about in public. Anything lethal or truly dangerous wouldn't be talked about here...


Someone said:
"Sure" says Harolk while inspecting the strange weapons displayed. Then turns suddendly "But just a spar would be boring. In a party like this, we should make things interesting. Why not a small bet? If I win you find out for me where poor old Silas could be"
Lorien strokes his chin a moment on that. When Harolk had been asking around the party as to where Silas could be, he had gotten a lot of blank looks. Granted his cousin was a rather colorless character, as exciting as a rock and as interesting as a fence post, but he had been invited to more than one of these things, surely someone knew something about him. He had even bothered himself to ask a few men wearing badges of the Pure Guild, Silas' guild, and had gotten nothing.

"Seems to be fine to me. Though if I win, then you shall owe me... well, I'll tell you when I win. Nothing more than a secret of some small import to myself," he replies with a small nod, sealing their gentlemens' agreement.

The party sails on, the people drifting to rooms near one end to see several new spells demonstrated. While House Thuranni's specialty is spells that are as subtle as breath, such things are both uninteresting to view and often not suitable for the uninitiated. But there are a few battle spells that had been developed, mostly in response to threats encountered in Xen'drik. Most were demonstrated with stuffed wood and cloth dummies to illustrate their effectiveness. One, called the bolt of conjuring, hit a foe with a bolt of magical force of no small deadliness, simultaneously summoning a creature, in this case a golden hawk.

"While the creature summoned is only from the first tier, such creatures can be very useful in capacities other than combat. Distraction, or perhaps snatching something out of your enemy's hand," the wizard explained, gesturing floridly. Another spell is aptly called cross of lightning, with four bolts leaping out from four different directions from the spellcaster, admirably sweeping an entire room of enemies. "Developed by myself when I discovered myself in a tomb in Xen'drik, filled with hostile drow from all corners, and myself with no way of hitting in all ways at once. Had I not had faithful allies, this might have never seen Khorvaire," the presenter pointed out. The last spell, dragonskin, "...comes to us from the barbarian tribes of Argonnessen. The material component is rare, the scale of an actual dragon! Yet it can protect oneself from the breath of that dragon, and gives one's skin the hardness of a true draconian. This was developed from the dragon shamans of the Bluesteel tribe..." and he goes on to detail the history of the spell, apparently taught to them by a dragon benefactor generations ago, and brought to Khorvaire by a Thunder Guide in good standing with the tribe.

The magical weapons are no less spectacular. One weapon, with odd sharp instruments engraved on the blade, was apparently magically enhanced to seek out the weak points in constructs' bodies. The enchantment was developed, according to the presenter, near the end of the Last War and never saw use with the armies. "While there are no longer armies of warforged to use these weapons against, there are still evil arcanists that use constructs to do their dirty work, and it behooves us to be prepared to meet any eventuality." What's not said is fairly clear however; these weapons were designed to kill warforged, and there are many people who feel that all the warforged should have been destroyed at the war's end. And while it's true that there are, somewhere, rogue constructs or warforged, or constructs with evil masters, the development of such weapon is... troubling. Bane-weapons meant to target humanoids are banned within civilized society, but something like this wouldn't be... at least not yet.

Another weapon shown is the red metal, ruby-encrusted sword carried by the chief sword-dancer, Lorien d'Thuranni. It is called a flameheart weapon, and when Lorien utters something under his breath, his blade begins to glow red, then orange, then yellow, then white-hot. The heat is obvious even from fifty paces away. "In the depths of Sharn, deep in the Cogs, the finest foundries and smithies use the rivers of lava to make weapons of uncommon quality. However, the lava is sometimes a portal or Fernia, the Sea of Fire, and creatures sometimes slip through. While creatures of fire are uniquely vulnerable to cold or water, keeping such things near a portal is difficult. Even a spell or weapon of water can find itself dampened near such a place. But fire... ah spells of fire are enhanced near there. But fire creatures are immune to fire, so how is one to fight fire with fire? This enchanted blade is indeed hot, hot enough to even harm a creature born of flames. This is fire so hot it will slice through metal like a hot knife through butter, so hot it will cut through fire resistance, so hot it will burn a creature made of flames! A demonstration, if you please Lorien," the presenter says. Four servants scurry over with a pair of Y-shaped stands, a large and shallow trough made of metal, and a bar of a dark purple-black metal that they place on the stands, the trough under it.

"The metal bar, ladies and gentlemen, is pure adamatine, the hardest metal in the world, indeed, in the entire cosmos! This has been certified to be adamaine of the purest kind by the Pure Guild," and here he gives a short bow to a cluster of clerkly-looking fellows who nod back, "And I will now give you a demonstration of the metal's amazing qualities." In turn the bar is loaded with an amazing amount of weight, subject to strong magical forces of fire, cold, acid, and lightning, and even hit with several weapons, from a blacksmith's hammer to magically keen weapons. Harolk can even test the bar with Orange Crush if he wants, when an open call is made for others to try the metal's strength. His weapon can put a small nick in the bar, which is perhaps the most abuse it has taken the whole night. The presenter seems impressed, as do several others. "The man has a strong arm and a powerful weapon, but even he can do no more than put a chip in it! I say to you that a flameheart weapon can put this bar in twain in a single strike! I shall even have a protective spell of immunity to fire placed on the bar! Lord Purret," he says, gesturing for an elf in Thuranni colors to cast.

"Those of you who are magicians amongst us, is the casting true?" he asks, and receives several nods and murmurs in return of affirmation. "Lorien, if you please. Note the sweat on his face, ladies and gentlemen! Holding a flameheart weapon is not without danger, and Lorien is wearing a magical ring that protects him from heat! Even through its protection, he can feel it. Now, watch!" the presenter says, waving at the bar. Stepping forward, the ruby blade glowing white-hot in his gloved hands, Lorien raises the sword above his head, and brings it down with stately grandeur. Instead of making a wild, showy, overhand chop, he places the blade an inch or two above the adamantine bar and slowly moves it downward, never pausing or slowing, until, with a shockingly loud clatter, the two halves of the adamantine bar drop into the trough below, their ends melted and dripping. With another word the weapon goes back to its usual non-glowing red, and Lorien sheaths it to applause and gasps of surprise, while the presenter raves on and on how the magic of the blade did that, rather than the strength of a sword-arm.

A little later, once a few more demonstrations are completed, Lorien begins to limber up for his duel with Harolk, smirking a bit more with each passing moment. The participants are placed within a magical dueling circle painted upon the ground, meant to protect the spectators from accidents, and meant to disqualify a duelist if he steps outside the boundaries by announcing a loud chime.

Come and gather around, ladies and gentlemen. Lorien d’Thuranni and Harolk Karrnathen shall perform a duel for our pleasure, to test magic blades and hard-won skill against one another, for honor and for the right to brag insufferably for the rest of the year,” the presenter says, the last to a few chuckles. The crowd gathers around as the two finish their stretches and any other preparations they need to make. “The rules are simple, as is fitting. The duel is to three bloods, whoever draws blood three times will be declared the victor. We have our healer available for after, of course. No one may cast spells or use other non-tangible powers, though the use of magical weapons or other items is permitted, provided they are not wands or scrolls or the like. Once the magical circle is empowered, no one may enter without, or leave from within until the duel is concluded or one of the participants calls to forfeit. And so… bow and begin!

Lorien and Harolk pace to the middle of the circle as is it empowered and bow to one another. As Harolk gathers himself to attack, Lorien takes a pace back and mutters something, and his blade begins to glow white-hot. “Hello. My name is Lorien d’Thuranni. You killed my bother. Prepare to die!” And with that he lunges for Harolk’s heart!
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The man with the probe
[sblock=Layferi]Mel smiles meekly, and looks at Layferi, "I can see why, in another life, I would have love you so," she says, taking Layferi's hand. "But I am not the Melphina you know. What happened to her I am not sure, but I fear the worst, and it is our father who is to blame. I am her sister, yet in many ways I am her, trained to be her for a long time, yet but a pawn in our father's game."

"But that is not the favor I seek. There is an evil in this city. They hide behind the mask of the Illuminated Minds, and seek to corupt those in this city with neferious evil, twisting their very souls to their purpose. I would not risk talking to you and asking you this if it were not important, but I ask that you do what you can to stop it. Melphina trusted you, I can feel it, and I hope I can trust you too..."[/sblock]


”Dude, that line is a bit overused” mocks Harolk. ”How come that a entire family of bards couldn’t think on something more original?”

Despite his words, Harolk keeps an eye on the surrounding wizards. Someone could be preparing to give his opponent a hand. At the same time, he awaits the elf unarmed, hoping to surprise him with his speed at drawing his blades.

[ooc: Well, quickdraw and full attack. I won’t complain if anyone wants to help here…]


Hxaptos circles around the crowd that has gathered, a keen eye for anything out of the ordinary. He largely ignore's Harolk's battle, but he is ready to cast his healing magics should they be required at the end.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Tondrek and the old elf man talk nearly non-stop for the next couple of hours.
Tondrek tries to learn as much he can, and almost misses the new weapons. However, the moment they arrive, the half-orc's attention shifts again. He waves gleefully at the elf, shouting, "Okay, bye-bye!" and then tries to get as close to the display as possible, blythfully shoving his way through the throng.

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
The magical weapons are no less spectacular. One weapon, with odd sharp instruments engraved on the blade, was apparently magically enhanced to seek out the weak points in constructs' bodies. The enchantment was developed, according to the presenter, near the end of the Last War and never saw use with the armies. "While there are no longer armies of warforged to use these weapons against, there are still evil arcanists that use constructs to do their dirty work, and it behooves us to be prepared to meet any eventuality." What's not said is fairly clear however; these weapons were designed to kill warforged.
At first glance of the weapon, Tondrek beams at the nifty invention. But, then a horror that he has not ever experienced comes over him, and tears start to flow on his scrunched face. Wiping his nose with his sleeve, he cries, "Why? Why hurt the forgy 'forges? They nice and do nothing to you, Mean Kill-Forgy-Forge Man!"

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Lorien and Harolk pace to the middle of the circle as is it empowered and bow to one another. As Harolk gathers himself to attack, Lorien takes a pace back and mutters something, and his blade begins to glow white-hot. “Hello. My name is Lorien d’Thuranni. You killed my bother. Prepare to die!” And with that he lunges for Harolk’s heart!
Tondrek, inconsolable after the reveal of the Mean-Hate-Forgey-Sword, was oblivious to the adamantine-cutting sword, something would normally enjoy. But he did notice when someone was threatening Big Sword Man, and came to his sense quickly. His mouth flew open and a bit of left-over mucus ran down his face as he stared flabbergasted at the odd sight before him. But suddenly, he hated Elf Fire Sword Man, hated him as if he was the maker of the Mean-Hate-Forgy-Sword. Hated him like he had not hated before (except for Gertrude the Mean who had pantsed him back in the orphanage before the entire class). A scowl crawled over the half-orcs face and he brooded on how to make Elf Fire Sword Man pay for his imaginary crimes. He almost shouted "Kill 'em!" but kept that to himself.


"I imagine you already discarded some lines" continues Harolk, unarmed, while the two combatants circle each other. "I imagine 'Harolk, I'm your father' wasn't too appropiate. What about 'I'll be back'? Nah, you're already back, actually. What do you think of 'I'm the elf who say Nih!'? Oh, 'I want the mother:):):):)ing Harolk out of the mother:):):):)ing Sharn!', perhaps?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

Bront said:
[sblock=Layferi]Mel smiles meekly, and looks at Layferi, "I can see why, in another life, I would have love you so," she says, taking Layferi's hand. "But I am not the Melphina you know. What happened to her I am not sure, but I fear the worst, and it is our father who is to blame. I am her sister, yet in many ways I am her, trained to be her for a long time, yet but a pawn in our father's game."

"But that is not the favor I seek. There is an evil in this city. They hide behind the mask of the Illuminated Minds, and seek to corupt those in this city with neferious evil, twisting their very souls to their purpose. I would not risk talking to you and asking you this if it were not important, but I ask that you do what you can to stop it. Melphina trusted you, I can feel it, and I hope I can trust you too..."[/sblock]
Mel: [sblock]"If you are not her... I have often wonders why she would go. She respected her father, but she did not love him. And I have the arrogance to think she would have defied the plans he had for her to seize true love. Melphina... even if you are not the one I knew, I still hold great love in my heart for her. And I hold the knowledge that whatever shaped my love shaped you, then I can love you too," he whispers, and leans in to kiss you tenderly on the cheek. "If you ask me to help you unmask evil, then I shall, as my masterwork. Melphina always understood the power of the playwright's pen. Please, tell me what you know of them, and I shall learn their hidden face and bring it forth in the lights of the theater for all to see and judge!"[/sblock] ~~~~

Tondrek's outburst is a cause for a small scandal and much murmuring about his words. The presenter looked honestly startled, but had not deigned to comment over such a childish remark. Hxaptos, keeping himself out of the way, spots the butterfly woman only once more, during the spell demonstration. When he was watching the blue bolt spell being cast, he could have sworn the golden hawk turned to look straight at him at one point, looking at him with startlement and hate in its gaze before it was sent back to where it came...

Someone said:
”Dude, that line is a bit overused” mocks Harolk. ”How come that a entire family of bards couldn’t think on something more original?”

Despite his words, Harolk keeps an eye on the surrounding wizards. Someone could be preparing to give his opponent a hand. At the same time, he awaits the elf unarmed, hoping to surprise him with his speed at drawing his blades.
As Lorien lunges in with his white-hot blade, Harolk whips out his own two large swords and licks them at the elf's sides. Orange Crush opens a gash on Lorien's hip, but his other blade scores off of whatever armor Lorien is wearing under his red clothes.

Lorien's flameheart blade lands much more deeply, scoring through Harolk's armor and plunging into his side. It's much worse than the raver shard you took a couple of months ago; it's just like being stabbed with a red-hot poker... but worse, if that's possible. Your shirt catches on fire and your chain shirt actually melts around the wound, the molten metal dripping down your pant leg. The pain, needless to say, is immense.

Behind you you can hear people beginning to cheer for one person or another, but several gasp when they see the effect of a flameheart blade on human flesh.

OOC: Harolk takes 14 points of damage, five of that being fire.


Lucky shot. Won't happen again thinks Harolk as soon he can shake the agony from his mind, while at the same time twirling his own blades looking for Lorien's flesh.

"First blood shed was yours, my friend. What did you do with Silas?" asks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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