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D&D 5E The Secret Under the Stairs (IC)



Raising a brow at his sister, the puzzled jock responded: "Me? A hobbit? You're the one wearing those platform shoes. No wonder you Almost fell, you're new height is throwing you off balance."
Strange that Bella had a vertigo attack too, he thought. Maybe it runs in the family. I should ask dad sometime.

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Miriam tosses the knife back onto the table.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you but when you two walked in it was...... never mind." her smile is weary and she gives her husband a hug and kiss. "Thanks for getting dinner. Why don't you two go freshen up while I get the kids down?"


The strange visions pass, with another momentary bout of vertigo. Everyone has seen...something, except Brad.

Everyone gathers in the unfurnished dining room to eat dinner, Miriam using a blanket to serve as a makeshift picnic blanket to shield the carpet from messy burgers.

OOC: Feel free to improvise a bit of dinner conversation and possibly get to sharing everyone's strange experiences thus far.


Queen of Everything
Bella plops down on the floor and sits cross legged. "So, uh, yeah, I think I might be getting sick or something. I saw something really weird at the top of the stairs and I almost fell and broke my neck. Dad you should totally put a carpet in or something."



Miriam throws her daughter a worried look. "I've been a bit off today, maybe its the fresh paint but I've been seeing a few odd things today." she laughs a little nervously taking a drink of her wine. "It has been a very stressful time the last day or so."

She tries to smile reassuringly but it wavers somewhat.


Queen of Everything
"Sure, maybe that's it, maybe too much stress from moving." She drops her voice, "Or maybe too many of Terry's nerdy fantasy movies."


Brad laughs at Bella's comment as he reaches for a bag of fries and a burger. Brad is completely unperturbed by the day.

Simon begins to speak. "I'm starting to think there is something weird in the air around here. Mark got into it with some crazy a-hole at the burger joint. The guy was so hostile I thought I'd have to take him down with my tranq gun. Before I could do anything I got a bad case of vertigo, and I could have sworn I saw a... ah, never mind. Once we get settled in, maybe we should all go to the doctor for a check up, just to be safe."


OOC: [MENTION=6788194]Zansy[/MENTION] and [MENTION=6746242]mips42[/MENTION], are you still with us?

Bella feels a strange warmth in her chest...or more accurately on her chest, and realizes its the key on the necklace she had put on earlier.

Everyone else sees a red glow underneath Bella's shirt in the shape of an old skeleton key. A strange hum, low at first, but getting louder, seems to emanate from all around the family.

Vertigo so bad it causes a headache and completely disorients sense of up and down assaults the family...everyone except Brad. Brad sees the glowing key and hears the hum, but feels none of the other effects.

He alone notices a matching glow coming from under the door under the stairs.


Terry nearly loses his balance once again. This ordeal is getting
too strong to ignore or shrug off. "M-mom - what's going on? I-I'm gonna fall!"
his voice was shaky as his head rang, and he was hardly capable of standing.
"There!" Terry pointed at the obvious glow from Bella's key. "Something very wrong is going on here, there's unnatural evil coming from Bell. Much more than I'm used to."
OOC: hey sorry if I need a nudge every now and again. My schedule is hectic and I'm losing too much sleep...
The hobbit/fantasy movie jokes were very funny, @Queenie, I didn't think of Terry as a fantasy fan (sans maybe a football dream team) but I can't UNSEE Terry heading to movie theaters to watch fantasy, thrillers, or superhero stuff. Maybe a little historical if it has action (such was already canon) pretty much either whatever's big, or what the girl asks for.
I was uncertain how to wrap this post but I hope it works. I feel I needed to pick
my words carefully on this one, for better or for worse... I'm still unsure. Nevertheless: no Japanese beaver-cats were harmed in the writing of this post - Honest!
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