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The Selgaunt Campaign


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Welcome to the IC thread for the Selgaunt campaign PbP game! :D

The campaign website is 3d6.org, and the OOC thread is over in the Talking the Talk forum.

Who's Who (PC name - Screen name):

- Artemis Blade - Artemis Blade
- Cupric EmeraldEyes - thedangerranger
- Marduke "The Walker" - glincaelin
- Talishmere - Xen
- Tuggle Scheppen - dharmabum

- DM - haiiro
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"Umm, which direction did that gnome say it was to Selgaunt?" Said Tal to Marduke. "Ah, right - that way. Now where was I... oh yes, I believe I was just about to tell you of Torm's mighty fist."

(OOC: How Embarassing - I'm a virgin poster and accidnetly put a post here I couldn't delete. So now you get a snippet of Tal and Marduke's conversation on the way to Selgaunt!)
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The Selgaunt campaign continues!

In the ruined tower...

The air in this section of the tower is close, and every movement sends up rills of dust -- dust that must have accumulated over centuries, remaining undisturbed for just as long. Peering down hallways and around doors left slightly ajar, the Follies have found that unlike other places in the tower, in this collection of chambers they are truly alone.

Cupric is carrying the strange metal arm that the party recovered in the cylinder room. It's made of smoothly interlocking metal plates, graven with Netherese runes -- and it has two peculiar properties.

The first is the ability to open portals, which it has done several times so far: once when the winged stone beasts attacked the Follies; again when Drake, Jaehn's familiar, used it to stop the flow of water into the cylinder room; and most recently, when it opened the portal to their present location.

Second, when held with a certain measure of detached concentration, the arm moves gently until it points in a particular direction. Entering the empty quarters, it went from pointing at a steep angle to pointing at a much shallower one -- does this mean the Follies are closer or further from the North to which this odd "compass" points?

Finding little but dust and bare walls around them, the Follies moved fairly quickly through this complex of rooms -- and at one end of a long corridor they found a door-panel similar to those in the cylinder room. The faint tug of the metal arm pointed in this direction, so they tried to use it to open the door -- to no effect.

Recalling that mage hand worked on some of the door-panels, Jaehn moved up to this one and prepared to cast the spell.

At that moment, everyone hears a sharp, keening wail -- high and at the edge of hearing. As loud as it is, it does not echo off the bare walls around you.

Simultaneously, the glowing figure of the shimmering man appears half-in and half-out of the corridor wall, not far from the door. His "mouth" is wide open, and his left arm is covered in spots of darkness. It doesn't take much to see that he's in agony.

In the same heartbeat of time, a ragged pulse of light bursts from his body, emerging like a swiftly expanding bubble. It flickers through the whole area -- and all of you -- as quickly as a lightning strike.

His body hovering in midair, the shimmering man writhes -- and you can see what looks like another pulse-bubble forming around him.

OOC: For the Follies in the tower, I need everyone to make a Listen check.

Also, take a look at this map of the area and tell me where you want to go (using the coordinates on the axes) -- and what you'd like to do. As of the end of our last session, everyone was generally in the central corridor. We're not in combat time.

- - - - -

On the road from Dorsala...

Having passed the last mile in conversation -- sometimes quiet, sometimes animated -- Tal and Marduke have just rounded a bend on Owlbear Path (named for the marked absence of owlbears in that area since last year's massacre). Turning the corner, they are greeted by a gust of summer wind -- and on that wind, strains of music.

It doesn't take more than a few chords for Marduke to recognize the tune: a dark little ditty called "Driven's Lament."

Standing at the edge of a large copse of trees some fifty paces off is a short, pale-skinned man with very long hair -- bound into a single ponytail, it brushes the ground. He is looking down the path away from Marduke and Tal, and does not appear to have noticed you.

The music sounds like it's coming from somewhere behind him, in the trees. Apart from the three of you, there is no one else on this part of the path.

OOC: The blacked-out text is used for info that's only intended for certain PCs. If you're among them, just highlight the black area and you'll be able to read it. I thought it'd be fun to give them a try. ;)

Marduke only:
You don't recognize the man, but you do recognize his garb: he wears the red vest of one of Driven's outliers -- scouts, spotters and bawds who lure people into the carnival. Most of them are scoundrels of one sort or another.

Tal only:
You've actually heard Vicktor mention this man: Arweil Webfeet, an assassin who works for Driven's Players (the gypsy group Vicktor once traveled with). Apparently, Arweil really does have webbed feet, and is best known for finding ways to kill people from underwater.

Tal and Marduke, what do you want to do?
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Tal leans in close to Marduke, nods his head in the direction of the pale-skinned man once, and whispers, "He's a trained killer - be ready with your weapon... perhaps Torm stands in judgment today."

Tal moves forward puposfully, hands free, keeping an eye on the thicket from which the music is eminating. "Ho there. By Torm's Mighty Fist, it is a lovely day for a sad song. Is it not?" I pray to Torm that he bless Marduke with courage and strength.

OOC: While Tal walks he is trying to see if there is anyone hiding in the thicket.
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Cupric looks over to Artemis and says "Do you happen to notice what Shimmer-Man is missing now? You think it's coincidence?", not waiting for an answer Cupric answers his own question, "Maybe..." Moving resolutely Cupric beging singing a soothing song and walking towards the Shimmering Man.

OOC: Cupric starts to sing a song of peace and soothing. I'll be moving towards N-10. My intention is to appear as friendly as possible, and imply that we might be able to help. Implication to be accomplished by body language as I sing.
Is the arm that has the black spots the same as the arm we now have? i.e. Left.
Listen: 15
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First Post
thedangerranger said:
OOC: Is the arm that has the black spots the same as the arm we now have? i.e. Left.

OOC: Nope. The metal arm you're carrying is a right arm (good question, though!).
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In response to Tal’s whisper, Marduke whispers back in Celestial, “Aye laddie, and one of Driven’s own hillfolk, as docile as he is octagonal…now what we’re going to do – what the hell?!?!”

Marduke, Walker of the Planes is taken off guard as Tal suddenly moves forward purposefully and loudly. The trained survivalist that he is, Marduke makes a snap decision…and makes an undignified leap for cover.

As soon as Tal begins Ho-There-ing, Marduke jumps behind whatever cover is available and hides – and if possible looks for ambushers
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With his hands loose and ready to move for his sword, Tal looks suspiciously into the trees before hailing the ponytailed man, but he spots no one else lurking there.

Surprised by Tal's decision to chat with one of Driven's killers, Marduke takes a quick glance into the trees himself -- seeing a few bent branches and other suggestions that others had moved through the brush recently, but no ambushers -- and then dives behind a low clump of bushes just to the right of the road.

Marduke makes a hasty attempt to steady the branches as he settles into a crouch behind the bushes, and he doesn't think the outlier spotted him.

Giving a little start -- as if perhaps he was lost in thought -- the pale-skinned man turns towards Tal, putting a hand to the base of his ponytail as he does so. The motion is quick, almost like it might have been a reflex.

"Well met, O priest of Torm," he says with an unnaturally broad smile. "Coming from Dorsala, I'd expect -- and like as not, a noble fellow such as yourself wouldn't care for the pleasures of Driven's carnival...or would he?" As he speaks, he moves his hand from his ponytail to his shoulder, as if he were just scratching an itch.

OOC: Tal's Spot check was 10 ([7]+3); Marduke's Spot check was 19 ([17]+2), and his Hide was 13 ([10]+3).

Is Tal surprised that Marduke spoke to him in Celestial? Is Marduke surprised that Tal seems to know about the ponytailed man?

(Since the party is split right now, I'll wait for Artemis and dharmabum to weigh in before addressing the tower side of things. ;))
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Feeling somewhat unsure, Tal looks around and sees that Marduke is nowhere in sight. He couldn't really hide something in his hair... could he? Suppose it's best not think anything is too dishonerable for an assasin. Tal speaks up, "Seeing as how it holds the the largest temple of the Mighty Torm in the vicinity, your guess seems reasonable. As for the merry making of a carnival - I have nothing aginst it, Arweil. I can enjoy a good song and dance, in moderation, and in fact am known to carry on very well with dancing bears. However, I see no such troup as Driven's around - so why do you ask?" Tal begins to say something else - but is cut short by an abrupt thought: Celestial!?

OOC: Tal makes sure he knows where Arweil's hands are at all times, and keeps 5 feet between the two of them.
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Artemis Blade

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"I doubt it is related to our arm. He seems to be made of more insubstantial stuff. I would guess the creatures we fought earlier had possessed our arm for some time." Artemis replies to Cupric. Artemis also walks toward the shimmering man. "How can we help you?" Artemis shouts to the shimmering man, as he gets much closer. This is so weird.

OOC: Artemis proceeds to N-16 to get a better view of the shimmering man. He also wants to gauge if he feels any different after the pulse(s), especially as he gets closer. I also want to observe: is the shimmering man trapped (paralyzed) in the wall? Or is he passing though it as he moves around in pain?
Listen:17. (18-1)
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