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The Seventeen Branded


Clockwork Golem
Districts in Eaglespire

The Gold District
This district is home to the noble houses and the houses of the wealthy.
Some locations of note are:
City Centre Square - the location of many upscale shops
Temple Street - the location of many small temples, mainly of gods that exist outside the Tyrian pantheon
The Gold Quarter - The wealthiest area in the city, with only the richest merchants and noble families homes located here.

The Soldiers District
Home to the largest barracks in the city, as well as a number of down to earth drinking and dining establishments, this is a middle-class area of the city, largely inhabited by various city guards or marines and their families.
Some Locations of note are:
Rankinfords Aerie - The cities best known stable for riding drakes, war drakes and other ariel mounts
Eaglespire Prison
Soldiers Square - The location of many shops and taverns frequented by the city guard.
The House of the sun - The local temple to Pelor
The Whispering Vale - A local park.

The Warehouse District
This area is largely dominated by warehouses and low-quality housing. Very few people tend to spend much time in the warehouse district after dark.
Some locations of note include:
Skoll’s Academy - The weapons academy run by warmaster Skoll, a tall, imposing northerner from the Heldannic Freeholds. This academy trains its students in the art of the battle axe and the harpoon, and its teachings include many dirty tactics. Students of Skoll’s academy are not particularly well respected.
The House of Ruby - The local Temple to Wee Jas. This is merely a minor temple, there is a larger fortress devoted to Wee Jas near the city necropolis.

The Fisherman’s District
This district is home to many of the local fisherman and the businesses that serve them.
Locations of note:
Szedar’s Tower - Szedar is Eaglespires highest level wizard. This location marks both his tower and the small school he runs for selected apprentices.
The Ladies Guide - The local Temple of Selune, incorporating a lighthouse to guide ships into Sandman’s Bay.

Dockside is a fairly rough section of town, full of warehouses, shipyards, hostels and taverns, all catering to sailors and merchants who use the docks extensively.
Locations of note:
Dockside Lane - Dockside lane is a short street that faces the water. Nine taverns line the avenue: The Frowning Halfling, The Queens Crown, Randall’s Hole in the Wall, The Blue Water Tavern, Spearman’s Hollow, The Moxy Maiden, Mirabelle’s, Taerken’s Delight, and Banaby’s Whirlpool.
Blackhawk Academy - The highest status independent academy in Eaglespire. Blackhawk academy teaches its students the use of the Bastard Sword, and encourages a highly mobile and spiritual approach to combat.

Old Town
Oldtown is the oldest region of Eaglespire, now the home to many of the cities civic offices.
Important locations include:
Civic Offices (27) - Formerly Polidora Manor, this building has long since been converted to the dukes offices in the city. If the Duke must deal with anyone in Eaglespire City, it happens here. It is rare that any city dweller receives a summons to Eaglespire Keep. This is the oldest building in Eaglespire.
Government Centre - This collection of buildings includes the Office of Laws, The Ducal Registry (where firearm permits are obtained), Parliament Chamber, and the Ministry for Public Affairs.

The Academy District
The academy district is a middle class district that has grown up around Eaglespire academy and the students who attend.
Locations of Note include:
College Town - This is the site of the various schools that make up Eaglespire Academy, Including the Eaglespire School of Wizardry, the College of Loremasters, and the Eaglespire Academy of Martial Discipline. Other schools of note include The college of Astronomy, the College of Music and the College of Navigation.
Student’s District - The location of most student housing. as well as a host of booksellers, scribes and researchers.
Beggars Square - This small square is the site of many beggars who find the students a soft touch. It is also the location of one of the best-known entrances to the Undercity.
The Wanderer’s Rest - The local temple of Fnarlanghn.

The Demon-Mouth District
In terms of commerce, this section of the city has almost totally given itself over to catering for the Dungeoneers who delve in the Depths.
Locations of note include:
Adventurer’s Pillar - This large pillar is constantly posted with notices by people requiring adventurers. It was originally erected a few years ago by the Dungeoneers guild, and serves as the main point of contact for adventurers throughout Eaglespire. At any time, 1-8 adventurers will be hanging around the Pillar.
The Demon-Mouth - This large statue with an open mouth is the only known entrance into the depths. It is usually guarded by a Dragonknight, and entry to depths requires a 1gp toll each way.
Adremoth House - The trade House of the Adremoth Gold Elf clan, noted for their relatively low standing amongst the Gold Elves, this house is none the less one of only two houses to establish a foothold in Eaglespire. Adremoth deal mostly with artefacts that Dungeoneers bring up from the depths, but rumour says the house runs its own thieves guild right under the noses of the Brotherhood of Shadow.
Dragonknight Chapterhouse - This large fortress is the local chapterhouse for the Dragonknight, and also serves as the local temple to Bahamut.
The Dungeoneers Guild - The local guild for adventurers, this guild is devoted to making exploration of the depths easier and to gather new information about the depths. The building itself is a three story affair of relatively large size, and the guild maintains its own skydock for particularly important patrons.

The Blood District
This notorious section of the city has an extremely bad reputation. Home to many of the cities most dangerous warriors and gladiators, it is as though aggression hangs in the air. This is the only section of the city above-ground that isn’t under the control of the city Guard, but is instead maintained by the House of Blades, the local Temple of Tiamat and only location of importance in the district.

The Guildsman District
This district is where one is most likely to find large industrial and storage centres, as well as a number of the local guildhouses and residential areas. The local guilds include the Bakers Guild, the Cobblers Guild, the Drapers Guild, The Goldsmiths Guild, The Herbalists and Alchemists Alliance, The Ironworkers Guild, The Mason’s Guild, The Merchants Guild, The Silversmiths Guild, The Tanners Guild, The Textile Dyers Guild, the Sages Guild and the Weaponsmith’s and Mercenary Union.
Important locations include:
Sages Way - This street contains a number of sages. Local lore states if your question can’t be answered in Sages Way, then the answer isn’t know.
War Tower - This is the cities military Aerie, home to a number of drake-riders and griffon-riders in the town guard. This tower also serves as the commercial dock for many of the larger skyships that come to the city.

South Market
South Market is the local merchants district. It boasts a number of artisans and industries, as well as a number of up-market entertainment venues.
Locations of interest include:
Kelamorn House - The local dwelling of the most important Gold Elf Traders in Eaglespire. A rich and powerful house, Kelamorn deals in nearly everything. It has been said that not a copper passes through Eaglespire without touching Kelamorn hands at least once.
Dragonborn Manor - The local manor that houses the members of the Tyrian Royal Family. AT present, Prince Ulther is in residence, taking an extensive rest from the Kingdom’s Capital.
The House of Blood - The local temple to Hextor.
The City Arena - This is a large gladiators arena, and easily one of the more popular forms of entertainment through-out the city. Fights are staged every fourth day, and several independent gladiators and Dungeoneers down on their luck sign up to be involved.
The House Beneath the Waves - This is the local temple to Istishia, and home to a number of powerful druids. Easily the most powerful temple in Eaglespire, the druids go out of the way to maintain a low visibility in local politics.

The Undercity is located beneath the city streets. An offshoot of the sewer system, the undercity was originally created as a thieves den a century ago. Over the last fifty years, it has slowly grown until it has become a city district unto itself. The occasional patrol of guards will make its way into the undercity as a token gesture of control, but the tunnels still belong to the Brotherhood of Shadow.

The Necropolis is located a mile and a half north of the city. It’s a large city of the dead, teaming with undead beings that have become more and more of a problem of late. The Temple of Wee Jas is located inside the necropolis walls, the priests and warriors of the temple do their best to ensure the dead remain within the boundaries of the Necropolis.
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First Post
Just when we thought we had caused trouble in every part of town along comes some new area's we haven't even been too!!
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When I asked for some details, I didn't think you would post such a detailed city description :eek:

Thanks a lot! I've really liked it. Now I can imagine better the story.
Now you've obtained a faithful reader... :D


First Post
Meryns Retirement

Thought I would post some notes on Meryn.

Meryn Stormblade Aasimar 7th Lvl Monk

I found Meryn quite fun to play especially when it came to the others trying to get up to something dastardly!!

Being lawful good and very naive she would always be making sure that nothing bad was going on behind her back which the other characters were always doing. She got very good at working out when they were lying (hence a pretty good sense motive score). Actually managed to save a few lives when the other party members decided to DEAL with uncooperative fellows.

The other good thing about playing her was being so nice and cheerful to people. It really annoyed the others!!

Although she was fun to play she didn't really fit into the party and never really trusted anyone.

She ended up having a romp with the parties druid Bjorn and falling pregnant. As you will find out in some of the later stories.

Favourite Character Memory: When Bjorn decided to hand Meryn a bead from a necklace of Fireballs to throw at several vampires huddled at the back of an unearthed tomb. With a blackened face and several laughing vampires it made the whole situation a real blast!!

My new character is Di'Tario. I will post some more notes on him when he enters the storyline.
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Clockwork Golem
Di'Tario said:
Just when we thought we had caused trouble in every part of town along comes some new area's we haven't even been too!!

Nope, you've covered most of those areas. I believe you were trying to keep things from blowing up most of the time, so you weren't paying that much attention. Admittedly, you spend most of your time in the Demon-mouth district, the Blood district and the undercity, so the rest does seem a little, well, tame :)


Clockwork Golem
Re: Meryns Retirement

Di'Tario said:
My new character is Di'Tario. I will post some more notes on him when he enters the storyline.

Or immediately, despite the fact that his presence doesn't really come into the story or make sense for another twelve sessions or so.

We kept being warned that you were very attached to this character...


First Post
Not so much attached but more excited. I see him more as an excellent opportunity to get a better roleplaying experience from him as opposed to Merryn. Sure he may get in heaps of trouble and really annoy ppl (and DM's) but thats all part of the fun. Probaby the first character I have got feats and skills right for as well and have actually had a goal. :D
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Clockwork Golem
Session 4: Another Meanwhile...

The focus swings back to Madeline and Solomon, and the first real adventure they went through after they got the hang of the new rules. This is based on the Dungeon adventure "Thirds of Purloined Vellum," and all the typical notes about spoilers apply.

After the rigours of the arena, Madeline suggested they spend a day relaxing and organising their membership with the Dungeoneers Guild. Solomon immediately gets an eager look in his eye, absuntly flipping a coin back and forth along his fingers. When his continuing debt to the gnomish sorceress is pointed out, and further reminded that loosing their arena winnings in a game of dice wasn't her idea of relaxation, he calms slightly and suggests a quick lunch at Windglamor Parade in the Trades district. Windglamor is the home to many of eaglespires spice merchnats, perfumers, bakers and small resteraunts of quality, a feast of tastes and smells for pedestrians who wander its length. With no pack animals or riding beasts of any time permitted along its length, it is a calm and peaceful street that is popular as a meeting place with visitors and locals alike.

Their lunch is particularly good, with heavily spiced fish served ona bed of rice and green vegetables, and after sating their hunger the pair start north along the parade, heading for the Guild's headquarters to purchase their membership. They get but half the streets length before trouble finds them - a fight breaking out in the crowd ahead. As they push forward through the throng of onlookers, things turn nasty. Steel is drawn as a trio of dagger weilding thugs squares off against a portly Sabbinite merchant and his red-tuniced guard. Although outnumbered, the bodyguard and his scimitar look more than a match for his attackers, even without the aid of his obviously untrained charge. As many of the onlookers scatter, freightened by the bared weapons, Solomon spots something that tips the odds in the ruffians favor - three more of the thugs fellows sneaking up on the merchant from the shadows of the alley-way, daggers drawn and unnoticed by the merchant or his bodyguard.

Solomon's reaction is instant, part decency and part instinct. He calls a warning to the outnumbered bodyguard and looses a crossbow bold at one of the approaching ruffians. Combat errupts in a furious assult, the bodyguard slaying one of his attackers and MAdeline disabling several of the dagger-weilding thugs with magic. Although those who resist Madeline's magic wound the guard, slashing him twice in the chest, they are quickly cut down by the guards scimitar and Solomon's second bolt.

After members of the city watch question the PC's, the merchant and the few attackers who were rendered unconscious, they take the ruffians into custody. The merchant, Kathkallan, introduces himself and his guard Bezzem to the PC's. When asked why he might be the victim of such an unprovoked attack, he tells them his tale of woe. HE was in town to sell some rare Royal Jelly, a type of honey stolen from the hives of giant bees. He'd signed two trade contracts before he brought the stock to the city - one to sell the Jelly for a sizable sum, and another to buy a profitable cargo of vanilla beans when he makes the retun journey home. His problems truly began after he arrived at the docks. While Kathkallan stayed behind to supervise the unloading of his vessel, he sent his apprentice Galliad to finalise the deals, gving him a third task of organising protection for his trip back to Sabbin. This was three days ago, and still the boy hasn't returned. Worse, he was carrying both the contracts to prove his identity and his master, and they've dissappeared with him. Without the contracts, Kathkallan can no longer go through with his deals at the agreed prices. While this would ordinarily be resolved by renegotiating, recent events in both Tyria and Sabbin have transpired to make the honey less profitable, and the vanilla beans worth more than their weight in gold. With the contracts, Kathkallan stands to become a very rich man. Without them, he'll struggle to break even on the deals.

He offers both Solomon and Madeline 200 gp a night to help guard his cargo, and a further 1000gp if they spend their days tracking down Galliad and finding some way of returning the valuable cargo. THere is an instant agreement, Solomon slowly calculating how much of a dent this reward would make on his debt to his companion, and Madeline eager to get the funds that would enable her to purchase a small supply of alchemical equipment. They take the address of Kathkallan's warehouse, where his goods are being stored, and tell him they'll be there at Sunset. While the merchant gives them a worried smile, obviously pleased that two such competent individuals are willing to lower themselves to guarding merchant stock, Solomon notices that Bezzem is scowling at them, obviously displeased his master feels the need to hire further help.

Madeline and Solomon shrug off the guards displeasure, spending the rest of the day completing their errands. MEmbership in the Dungeoneers guild is quickly established, and they buy a few potions of healing from the guilds stores. As they pick their way back through the streets, heading for the warehouse, they're attacked by a sudden ambush. A small flurry of javlins is launched at them from the balcony of the buildings on either side of the street (Due to the scarcity of space, most buildings in Eaglespire tend to be apartment blocks two to three stories high) Five black-robed figures leap at them, rushing in to engage them in hand to hand after the initial surprise of their assult wears off. Solomon recognises their black robed and mutli-colored belt-sashes instantly - Monks of the Five Hands, a militant order in the service of Tiamat. The fight is quick, Madeline blasting at her attackers with magic missiles while Solomon bares a shortsword and meets their assult with steel. Both are wounded, but eventually manage to slay or drive off their attackers. Solomon offers some healing, but not nearly enough to cure the worst of their wounds. By the time they reach Kathkallan's warehouse, he's no longer sure he's got quite the bargain-price of his guards that he once thought.

There's more from this session, but the notes are still slightly scattered. I'll get them together tonight and post the rest tomorrow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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