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The Star Wars Iconic Characters and the Lords of the Expanse: Hunting Grounds...

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First Post
"Do you know what we are going to be hunting, or even what they have hunted in the past? It would be helpful to us if we know. Know its weaknesses, and maybe we will have a leg up on the other hunters. We already do with so many of us being able to use the force to aid us. Even greenie and Rorworr are hunters, and Vor'en must be good in a hunt."

Dorn Tavers

First Post
Kelko said:

Kelko glances over at Kaz Lo for a moment before shuddering violently. "No thanks, Tavers. Though I am a bit wounded that you think you need to be Marshalling me around. Must be the innocent child-like eyes... everyone was always babying me back home, and it figures it wouldn't stop even after I was long gone from home."

The Rodian sighs, then looks at his cards and shuffles them again.

The Jedi shrugs as he idly shuffles his cards and smiles at the Rodian again, completely ignoring the fringer's dour demeanor.

"I'm not Marshalling anybody around, Kelko. I'm just a little concerned about my friends. Is that so wrong? I mean, I have to say that when Arani and I first walked in here you and Kaz looked like you might be getting ready to do something...unnecessary to each other. I just wanted to make sure the game wasn't getting out of hand, that's all. I know how passionate some people can get at the sabacc table."

Dorn finally stops fiddling with his cards and grins at Kaz and Kelko.

"Speaking of which, are you guys ready to lay your cards on the table?
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Arani Korden

First Post
"The prey and rules of the hunt are supposed to be announced when we get there. I don't know what they've hunted in the past, either, but I know who can find out."

Arani fetches her comm-link, and puts in the right code.

"Deel? Hope we're not interrupting anything. Valara and I have a few more questions about the hunt."

ooc: Sometimes I forget that we all have cell-phones.

Sia-Lan Wezz

First Post
Originally posted by Sen Udo-Mal
Sen looks over at Sia-Lan "Well I guess... their "sparing" is certainly... vigorous..."

"Vigorous?" Sia-Lan glanced over and her blue eyes widened. "Oh!" Her fingers covered her mouth briefly as she watched Vor'en continue to pummel Rory, and Rory's immense fists about to take off the solider's head.

"Maybe I should stop the fight?" she opined, already feeling a bit guilty about Set getting hurt, she didn't want Vor'en or Rory to get hurt either. So in typical reckless padawan fashion, she stepped party way onto the mat (not really thinking that she herself might get hit) and placed a hand on each of the warrior's arms.

Smiling dazzlingly with dimples and all, Sia-Lan cheerfuly congradulated them. "Well, I think that's enough of that! How about we go upstair and get ourselves a cool drink to celebrate. It looks like a draw to me!"


First Post
Vor'en vs. Rorworr
Round 6!

Roworr flails blindly at Vor'en's deftly doding form, his fists connecting with nothing but air. Vor'en retaliates with a well placed jab, that would later leave a shining black eye beneath the thick facial fur. Vor'en follows up with the jab just as Sia-Lan steps between the two pugilists. Too late to pull his punch, Vor'en's fist slams into Sia-Lan's jaw, jarring her teeth together with a loud clack in mid-sentence. She can already feel her lip swelling bloodily where she'd bit it.

Rorworr misses. Vor'en hits Rorworr for 4 VP. Sia-Lan steps in to give Rorworr cover, and Vor'en's off-hand attack misses by just enough to hit her for 5 VP instead of Rory.

Vor'en: VP/WP 32/14; Def 19; Atk +5 melee (1d4+2), +6 ranged; Spd 10m; Init +3

Rorworr: VP/WP 8/15; Def 14; Atk +5 melee (1d3+3), +3 ranged; Spd 10m; Init +1

Sia-Lan: VP/WP 21/12; Def 16; Atk +3 melee (1d3), +5 ranged; Spd 10m; Init +2

You know, a good friend of mine once said, "It's all knees and elbows, until someone gets their fun poked out."
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Deel Surool

First Post
Arani Korden said:
"The prey and rules of the hunt are supposed to be announced when we get there. I don't know what they've hunted in the past, either, but I know who can find out."

Arani fetches her comm-link, and puts in the right code.

"Deel? Hope we're not interrupting anything. Valara and I have a few more questions about the hunt."

ooc: Sometimes I forget that we all have cell-phones.

[OOC:] If you look, there's probably a holocomm terminal in the hotel suite too...

Deel's voice replies from the commlink, "Arani! My dear little princess. Do tell Sia that I have just finished picking out her new hoverboard. It is incredibly expensive, thouroughly beautiful, surprisingly fast and suitably dangerous. She'll love it.

"Now, what may I do for you?"
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First Post
"I don't suppouse you could find me a light-saber Deel?" Valara asks curiously, not really meaning it, but she would be open to the possibility. She lets Arani explain her question, not really knowing Deel that well.

Arani Korden

First Post
Deel Surool said:
"Arani! My dear little princess. Do tell Sia that I have just finished picking out her new hoverboard. It is incredibly expensive, thouroughly beautiful, surprisingly fast and suitably dangerous. She'll love it.

"Will do. Sounds like she'll be happy for the rest of her life, which'll give her a good week or so of happiness. More than many people get."

"Now, what may I do for you?"

"A question and a request. The prey for the hunt - is the selection limited to local animals, or do they import dangerous species from around the galaxy?

Also, do you know where we could find records of past hunts? We're trying to come up with a game plan, and it'd really help to know what sorts of things have been hunted in the past."


First Post
Rorworr grunts as Vor'en's fist again connects with the Wookie's torso. He's just about to call an end to the sparring when Sia steps in between himself and Vor'en.

"Sia, be careful you don't..." SMACK. Rorworr grabs Sia's shoulders as she staggers backwards from the blow. "OK, time to stop, I think. Oh Sia, you idiot! Are you alright?" He helps Sia out of the ring, before turning back to Vor'en.

"Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault." He tries to reassure Vor'en. He picks Sia up, regardless of any objections, and carries her over to Sen. "We're keeping you busy today." Rorworr says in a slightly embarrassed tone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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