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The Star Wars Iconic Characters and the Lords of the Expanse: Hunting Grounds...

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First Post
Valara slightly lifts her head from Set's leg when Deel addresses her, and her face lights up into a beaming smile. She finally had a lightsaber of her own, even if it was slightly less then Set's she could still learn with it. She lowered her head back down for a moment arching her back to give forward momentum to her roll, ending up on her feet in front of the Twi'lek.

The jungle girl accepts the case reverently, opening it slowly. She takes hold of the hilt with both hands, gently touching the power stud, causing the blade to expand outward in a glowing line. Then she did something she had not been taught to do by Set, she inverted the pommel, holding it level with her chin, the blade held perpendicular to the ground, one hand as close to the emiterr as she could get, the other at the top of the pommel. She wiggled her wrist back and forth creating a glowing triangle of energy that would do well to protect her. With a smile she flicked the stud and the blade died, disapearing back into the hilt.

She kissed the Twi'lek to show the depths of her gratitude for procuring it for her. This imitation-saber, brought her one giant step closer to a dream that had been passed down through her family from the time her Jedi ancestor crashed onto Yashuvu and had children centuries ago. She put all of that into the kiss, it appeared to the others as lust, but it wasn't, just her way of showing gratitude, easily chalked up to her upbringing, it could have just as easily been Sia presenting her with a Saber and that would have met the same reaction.

She sat back down on the couch leaning on Set, still holding the hilt reverently turning the hilt over and over in her hands. That strange style of inverted blade usage, the triangle style, was what stories of her Jedi great-great-great grandfather had used. "Thats what my ancestor used." she commented, "that style of saber use I mean, do you have stories about the different Jedi that used it? I don't think its very common since none of you use it."

Vor'en Kurn

First Post
Vor'em sits off to one side, not touching any food. His rifle sits in his lap, and he shifts uncomfortably in the cushy chair. An odd lot I've fallen in with he thinks, watching from Valara's cross-cultural faux pas from behind his impassive mask. Could be worse. He thinks for a moment, trying to figure out precisely how. His bags are packed, and he's ready to go, so he spends the rest of the time before they leave in quiet contemplation.


First Post
Kelko said:
"Hey, Bate," Kelko greets the little droid before it leaves. "I'm Kelko. I have a feeling we'll get along just fine."

But he's starting to get cabin fever cooped up inside this hotel, so he heads off after Bate and Sia-Lan, hefting his back onto his back with an 'Oof'. "Wait up Sia-Lan, I want to get a look at your new board!" He calls as he dashes after the jedi.

Bait tootles an introduction, and then continues to bleep to himself as he leads the pair to the turbolift, and on up to the hotel's rooftop landing pad.

The turbolift doors and Sia-Lan, in her haste to see her new repulsorboard, almost trip over the dumb-founded Kelko... He's never seen the like of the ship that sits waiting on the landing pad.

Hardly a third the length of the Pathfinder III, it's clearly a custom-built racing yacht. The lines of the ship are smooth and sleek, curving and swooping into likeness of some great bird of prey. The ship looks as if it is racing along at full speed, even though it sits parked on a docking pad.

Two massive spindle-shaped outrigger engines flank the primary hull. Each engine stretches nearly the full length of the ship and both of them put together easily mass half of the ship's tonnage by themselves.

The outer hull has been silvered and polished, but for a single wide, bright red stripe running the length of the ship along the dorsal and ventral keels. Just behind the cockpit viewports, the Cadriaan upside-down hawkbat crest is proudly emblazoned and surrounded by the ship's designation, Redline, and identification numbers.

Bait trundles on ahead toward the ship, whistling a tune to himself.


Meanwhile, back in the hotel suite...

Valara said:
The jungle girl accepts the case reverently, opening it slowly. She takes hold of the hilt with both hands, gently touching the power stud, causing the blade to expand outward in a glowing line.

It is a beatiful weapon, much narrower than a traditional lightsaber, and only just long enough for a single hand to grip. The handle is wrapped in black leather wrapped with silver wire inlaid in the form of twisting vines and wild beasts. A tassel of braided silver and ribbons of shimmersilk dangles from the pommel. A bell guard of woven silver filigree sits just below the emitter disc to protect the hand that weilds the blade.

The diffuse glow of the blade, once activated confirms Set's suspicion that this is a lightfoil similar to the one he had been dueling with earlier.

Valara said:
Then she did something she had not been taught to do by Set, she inverted the pommel, holding it level with her chin, the blade held perpendicular to the ground, one hand as close to the emiterr as she could get, the other at the top of the pommel. She wiggled her wrist back and forth creating a glowing triangle of energy that would do well to protect her. With a smile she flicked the stud and the blade died, disapearing back into the hilt.

Valara's odd reverse grip is somewhat hindered by the lightfoil's bell guard and the short length of the handle itself. If only someone who knew the proper stance for such dueling weapon would teach it to her...
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Deel Surool

First Post
Valara said:
She kissed the Twi'lek to show the depths of her gratitude for procuring it for her. This imitation-saber, brought her one giant step closer to a dream that had been passed down through her family from the time her Jedi ancestor crashed onto Yashuvu and had children centuries ago. She put all of that into the kiss, it appeared to the others as lust, but it wasn't, just her way of showing gratitude, easily chalked up to her upbringing, it could have just as easily been Sia presenting her with a Saber and that would have met the same reaction.

Deel's lekku writhe and slither their way over and around Valara's shoulders and neck in obvious satisfaction. Once she gives him a chance to catch his breath, he straightens his cravat and clears his throat. "You are most welcome."

The look Deel shoots Arani after kissing the Force Adept is subtle. Anyone who knows Deel well, though, can translate it as "Are you certain, Arani, that you don't think we'd make a great couple?"

Sia-Lan Wezz

First Post
Sia-Lan's blue eyes widened into impossibly large saucers before she just squeezed Kelko's shoulders from behind. "Its beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! Rory and Kaz-Lo should be here to see this..." Letting the Rodian go, she moved past him, long lithe legs taking her in quick strides toward the ship.

"Come on, Kelko! Let's see what Deel got me," she called out, an excited bounce to her step and a bit of laughing delirium to her voice. "I want to do some zooming today!"

Arani Korden

First Post
Deel Surool said:
The look Deel shoots Arani after kissing the Force Adept is subtle. Anyone who knows Deel well, though, can translate it as "Are you certain, Arani, that you don't think we'd make a great couple?"

This time, Arani's look of wide-eyed shock is fairly easy to interpret. *I've never seen her do that before!*


First Post
Rorworr raises his eyebrows at Valara's new intimacy with Set, and the enthusiastic thank-you kiss she gives Deel.

"Is there something in the water?" He quietly asks Deel. "I've never seen this lot so... um... forwards before."

Loading a plate up with food, Rorworr takes a seat beside Sen. "Looking forwards to the hunt and dance?" He asks, waving a sandwich temptingly under the Cerean's nose.

Deel Surool

First Post
Or maybe something in the bubblebath?

Rorworr said:
"Is there something in the water?" He quietly asks Deel. "I've never seen this lot so... um... forwards before."

"I don't think so," Deel turns a suspicious eye toward the carafe of spring water sitting on the breakfast tray, "but if there is, I should distill it, bottle it and sell it. I'd make a fortune."

Set Harth

First Post
Throughout Valara's kiss with Deel, Set's expression darkens into a scowl, then he shakes his head clear and just shrugs. When she returns to him with lightfoil in hand Set stands up "I've seen some of the dandy's on this planet using such a weapon yesterday. It's much too light weight, and under powered for a Jedi weapon. Never know when you might need to cut through half-meter of duracrete." smirks Set. "Still It might suit your more acrobatic style Val. I can show you a thing or two I saw yesterday if you like."

Voidrunner's Codex

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