• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Star Wars Iconic Characters and the Rebels of Ralltiir.


First Post
"Damn cheek. I'll show them exotic animals..." Rorworr mutters, shuffling himself round in the box so he can load his bowcaster. He awkwardly braces the weapon against his shoulder, and waits to see if anyone opens his crate...
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Dorn Tavers

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Upon hearing the voices outside, Dorn unclipped his lightsaber from his belt and took a deep, slow breath, drawing on the calming influence of the Force. He didn't want unnecessary violence, but he would do what was necessary to defend himself and his companions. If he was forced to make a stand, he would do so without hesitation.

He momentarily found himself wondering, though, why nothing ever went smoothly when he was involved with this particular group of people.

"Just like old times," the Jedi muttered to himself as he waited for the cargo inspectors to begin unlatching his crate...

Vor'en Kurn

First Post
Vor’en, while not as tall as Roworr, is by no means short, and to complicate matters he is also fairly broad, due to muscle mass. So it might come as some surprise that he was managing to nap when the ship came out of hyperspace. The ability to catnap at any time, in any situation, is one valued in a soldier- you may, after all, not get a chance later. Vor’en had picked it up some years ago, not long after Deel had hired him as a bodyguard and he had met a certain group of young beings, way back when in the Tapani sector….

That was some time ago. More recently, Vor’en had tried very hard to convince Arani that coming at Deel’s call was a exceedingly poor idea. Deel, he had pointed out, was hardly the most trustworthy individual. He would likely put them in danger. He would likely ask them to do something illegal, or at the very least, borderline illegal. Arani, being Arani, had gone anyway, and Vor’en, being Vor’en, had followed.

Vor’en was fully awake now, although looking at him all you would notice was a changed rate in breathing and a twitch of his thumb. He had spent the trip with his blaster rifle in hand, fully charged, and now the safety was off. Light from the glowbulb plays over his shiny black blast helmet and vest. He lies in wait now, fully content with lying still until action is called for.


First Post
Rorworr said:
"Damn cheek. I'll show them exotic animals..." Rorworr mutters, shuffling himself round in the box so he can load his bowcaster. He awkwardly braces the weapon against his shoulder, and waits to see if anyone opens his crate...

Between the size of his weapon, the size of himself and the interference of his translator droid, it was inavoidable that Rorworr should bump around a bit while hurredly loading his bowcaster.

In the midst of his preparations, Rorworr hears a slightly muffled, but electronically amplified voice exclaim, "Sir, there something inside this one, we can hear it moving around."

To which the reply comes, "Open it."

Rorworr barely has time to shoulder his bowcaster, before someone outside unlatches the magnetic latches holding closed the lid of the crate. The lid lifts, and the white helmeted and armored figure of an Imperial shock-force stormtrooper peers over the edge alongside the business end of a military-spec SoroSuub blaster carbine.

Without even thinking a nervous twitch sets off the bowcaster's hair trigger, and the the bolt slips in underneath the chin of the stormtrooper to exlode into his throat's thin protective sleeve. The helmet disappears in a flash of energy and the remains of the trooper is hurled bodily back from the opening of the crate.

"It's a trap!" someone cries out.

OOC: Surprise round is over. Combat ensues. Rorworr's crate is open, but everyone else's is still closed.
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Vor'en Kurn

First Post
Action is called for. Funny how these things work. Vor'en surgically pumps three blaster bolts into the lid of his crate and kicks it free, not moving out- it will provide some modicum of cover- but shifting so as to be able to peek over the rim and do to the enemy what he did to the lid.

ooc:I realized after I wrote this that some mechanism might have been provided so we could open it from the inside. I also realized that Vor'en would probably shoot his way out anyway.
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First Post
Arani Korden said:
OOC: Possibly a stupid question, but do the crates open from the inside?

OOC: Well...

Vor'en Kurn said:
...Vor'en surgically pumps three blaster bolts into the lid of his crate and kicks it free...


There is no obvious way to open the crates easily from the inside. They were originally designed to smuggle cargo, not passengers, and there apparently wasn't time to modify them appropriately.
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Arani Korden

First Post
Arani takes a deep breath.

"Not a problem. We've gotten out of worse scrapes than this," she tells herself. "Not that that helps any."

Using the utensils from the food as improvised tools, Arani tries to get the lid of her crate open. If that fails and it probably will, given her unspectacular Disable Device skill she gets a little panicky and shoots her way out.
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Dorn Tavers

First Post
Hearing the bowcaster go off outside and the chaos that follows, Dorn centers his mind on the Force, activates his lightsaber, and quickly slices open the front of his crate.

ooc: activates Battlemind (+6) before slicing through the crate

Set Harth

First Post
pbartender said:
"Yes sir," a speaker-modulated voice replies. Booted footsteps approach Set's crate, and someone begins fiddling with the exterior latch to open the crate's lid.

Set holds his breath as he hears the latch on his crate rattle.

pbartender said:
… electronically amplified voice exclaim, "Sir, there something inside this one, we can hear it moving around."

To which the reply comes, "Open it."

Set quietly sighs as footsteps walk away from his crate, but his relief is short lived as the unmistakable sound of a bowcaster goes off. “That Sithspawned wookie,” hisses Set, “he’s gonna get us all killed.”
The bowcaster shot is soon followed my more blaster fire and shouts. Set focuses on the latch of his crate stretching out with the Force to open it. [Move Object +5] Then curles his hand around his blaster handle and quietly opens the lid to peak out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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