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The Stuff of Dreams (Orsal Judging)


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Devlin stares at Vagan. "Any funds we received were for legitimate investigative services rendered. You can have the fake orb, if you wish. We managed to retain that little item."

ooc: A "one fell swoop" approach is okay with me.

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Dungannon said:
Devlin stares at Vagan. "Any funds we received were for legitimate investigative services rendered. You can have the fake orb, if you wish. We managed to retain that little item."

ooc: A "one fell swoop" approach is okay with me.

Ryland glances at his partner and gives a deep nod, " My partner is completely correct. We earned the pay in the service of our employer. Of course, the orb has been retained, and could be turned over for evidence."

OOC: One fell swoop sounds best. Will we be in line for the reward from Archer's wife from finding her killer? Thought it might be cool to put the orb in the RDI for a conversation piece.

Edit: Can't believe we started this thing on 03-07-06,


First Post
Salix said:
OOC: One fell swoop sounds best. Will we be in line for the reward from Archer's wife from finding her killer? Thought it might be cool to put the orb in the RDI for a conversation piece.

Edit: Can't believe we started this thing on 03-07-06,
ooc: Shhh, Ryland's not supposed to know about that. ;)

Rae ArdGaoth

The Thrilling Conclusion

XP Awards

XP was awarded over the course of the adventure for many, many reasons, roleplaying and otherwise, and no single award was large enough for you to gain more than one level, so that rule does not apply here.

Adventure XP:
Ryland: 4466 XP
Devlin: 6346 XP

That puts Ryland at L3 and Devlin at L5. So real-time XP will be awarded based on those levels:

Real-Time XP (18 months):
Ryland: 2700 XP
Devlin: 4500 XP

For a grand total of...
Ryland: 7166 XP
Devlin: 10846 XP

Thanks for sticking it out, gentlemen. I had a fine time playing with you both.


Vagan gives you both a long, hard look. After some silence, he turns to the cleric, who has not yet left the room. They exchange a glance, and Vagan looks back at you both. A subordinate officer coughs and says, "I don't believe it's a crime if they received the money from a legitimate client, sir. Which she was, sir." Without looking at him Vagan asks, "What are you, a lawyer?" The younger watch officer nods and says, "Studying to become one, sir."

"Hm," Vagan clears his throat. "Looks like you two get off on a technicality. And, if I'm not mistaken, Archer had that reward clause in his will. Though the Watch got her to confess... you two brought her in." He pauses, considering something. Then he says, "I relinquish any claim the Watch might have had on that money, you two can take it. A criminal was brought to justice, that's all I care about. But don't come applying for a position on the Watch any time soon. Either of you. You got the job done, but I can't say I approve of your methods. You'll both need to report to the High Court, to give your statements. And to pick up Archer's reward money." Vagan looks like he's about to leave, but then he stops. Turning around he says, "And keep the orb. What would we do with a ball of lead?" He raises a hand and beckons the other officers to follow him out of the room. The cleric of Zephos beats the floor with his shepherd's crook. You both feel a small weight lifted from your shoulders, and the three people left in the room sigh. The cleric nods at you and leaves as well.

Outside, the common room is all a bustle. The last member of the Watch is walking out the front door, and now several waiters and the manager are going from table to table, promising a free night and gourmet meal for every guest present during the distressing events. Some guests are making quite a stink, but the innkeeper is very patient, though he looks a little frazzled. One man offers Ryland and Devlin an additional night, free of charge, and they accept. Ryland and Devlin go up to their room and sleep. In the morning, they gather their things and the orb, and leave. They make a stop in the back alley to grab their tossed bag. They dispose of it in the garbage behind the kitchen. Then they head to Archer's office.

Eppy is there, organizing files and putting them into boxes. Our two heroes deliver the good news, and she smiles sadly. "Furlong knew he was in a dangerous business. I know he'd be glad that his killer was put away. And... it does give me some closure to the whole mess." She wipes away a tear and quickly turns away, to file some more. Devlin and Ryland express concern about her future. She says, "Oh, don't worry about me. There's plenty of work to do, and I have plenty of savings to keep me afloat for a while. I may even take a break, I've been working for so long..." She seems alright, so Devlin and Ryland bid her farewell.

The High Court of Orussus is in the Old City, near the arena. The plaza in front of the building holds a granite statue of a massive dwarf wielding a huge spiked club in his left hand as if he were dragging it behind him. The statue is labeled [smallcaps]In the name of Morg, In Service of Orussus[/smallcaps]. The court itself is a huge granite work that looks like it was once a temple. Great horn-like columns act as the superstructure for the domed building, and something is written in Giant across the dome. Both Devlin and Ryland know the meaning of the words: [smallcaps]Honor be damned, we live to be free[/smallcaps]. Two massive doors are propped open.

In the main antechamber there is a comfortable seating arrangement of a three fourths crescent of cushioned resting couches. A chandelier made of bronze hangs above, unlit. Two young men stand at the back of the room by a large door. One takes both Devlin's and Ryland's names and asks them to wait while he announces their presence. A short while later, Vagan, Ida (Archer's widow), and a man in an elegant black outfit emerge from the door. Ida takes a seat, she looks satisfied about something. The man in black introduces himself as Ida's lawyer.

"This won't take long." Vagan asks you both for statements, and one of the young men writes down everything you say on parchment. After their story is told, Vagan thanks them for their cooperation and bids them farewell, saying, "You two stay out of trouble, now." He walks out of the two massive doors and out of their lives, for now.

The lawyer produces two bags of two hundred platinum each. He gives one to each of you and asks you to sign some contracts. The legalese is complicated, but harmless, and you both sign. Ida stands and thanks both of you sincerely; she has tears in her eyes. The lawyer and she both leave the High Court. As they walk out you can hear snippets of their conversation echo across the room: "And now, the rest is yours." "Zephos take that man for putting me through all this..." Their business finished, Devlin and Ryland leave the court anteroom.

The sun is shining brightly above, just now reaching high noon. Man and gnome are alone in the court plaza, three hundred Orussian Dragons wealthier and much wiser. Devlin removes from his pack the orb that caused so much pain and death. As he and Ryland examine it in the sun, one of the clerks from inside comes out on some errand. He slows down as he passes our two heroes gazing at the sphere.

"Looks heavy. What is it?" he asks.


First Post
OOC: Thanks for finishing this one out Rae ArdGaoth. El Jefe- Thanks for creating this one and getting it started. Dungannon- Thanks for carrying the action. This one was a lot of fun. :D


LEW Judge
Thanks everyone for the great game. Thanks especially to El Jefe for one of the cleverest games I've seen here, and to Rae ArdGaoth for doing a much better job than I could have finishing it off. (And for figuring out what the story was, without even having seen El Jefe's original proposal!)

I approve the XP awards.

As far as DM credits: I award 11 credits to El Jefe. Strictly by the book, since the last time he vanished he gave no warning, he wouldn't be getting any. But I think this is a special situation -- he did give us a heads up when he first left, was able to help out a little afterwards -- and I know what he's been going through, and want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Rae ArdGaoth gets 3 DM credits. He was DMing on and off for the better part of 3 months; in order not to have to figure out the details, I hope nobody will mind if I treat him as if he was in charge for that whole time.

Now, one last question: who (besides Rae A.) recognized the inspiration for the adventure?


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orsal said:
Thanks everyone for the great game. Thanks especially to El Jefe for one of the cleverest games I've seen here, and to Rae ArdGaoth for doing a much better job than I could have finishing it off. (And for figuring out what the story was, without even having seen El Jefe's original proposal!)

I approve the XP awards.

As far as DM credits: I award 11 credits to El Jefe. Strictly by the book, since the last time he vanished he gave no warning, he wouldn't be getting any. But I think this is a special situation -- he did give us a heads up when he first left, was able to help out a little afterwards -- and I know what he's been going through, and want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Rae ArdGaoth gets 3 DM credits. He was DMing on and off for the better part of 3 months; in order not to have to figure out the details, I hope nobody will mind if I treat him as if he was in charge for that whole time.

Now, one last question: who (besides Rae A.) recognized the inspiration for the adventure?

I eventually did. I'll be renting the Maltese Falcon soon to see how close we were. Fatwon's character was the give away for me. One of the reasons I played back a little.


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Salix said:
I eventually did. I'll be renting the Maltese Falcon soon to see how close we were. Fatwon's character was the give away for me. One of the reasons I played back a little.
I've never seen The Maltese Falcon so I had no clue.


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Dnon and RA- Any chance of getting another intrigue based adventure from you Rae? Perhaps something connected to the war in Vastermarch. Haven't really been following that though. I know I'd prefer that to a hack and slash, but I'm not sure how Dnon feels. Just thought I'd through the grovel out there. :D

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