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The Sunless Citadel [IC1]

Voda Vosa

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Krindorf tries to sink his sword in the rat next to him. Silently the grim dwarf thinks of how to possibly cook these rats after he finishes them off. They seem big and fat. Probably eating gnomes gave their meat some nice flavor.

Sneak attacking rat 3. 13+2 for flanking for 6 sneak attack dmg.

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Eivan stumbles backwards, gritting his teeth at the pain of the bite. As he reaches the end of the ledge, he braces his back against the wall of the cliff and recites the familiar incantation. He raises his left hand, and a thin film appears on the ground under two of the rats.

[sblock=Actions]Move Action:
Move to C1
Standard Action:
Cast grease on C4 and D5 (if the two squares have to be adjacent - I'm not sure if they do - use B4 and C4 instead)[/sblock]


First Post
GM will keep you right but the area of Grease is listed as 10' square which is 4 squares[/sblock]

Quickly loosening the leather thong that kept her Battleaxe secure during the climb down, Brunhilde grasps it in both hands and deftly slashes at the rat in front of her (#2).

Move action - draw weapon
Standard Action - attack

Attack (raging) - 1d20+6=25
Damage - 1d6+6=9[/sblock]

'HA!' she shouts, surveying the result of her attack.


[sblock=Errandir]Please review the combat rules. I helped you out in Round 2 as well. A Move Action to C1 would have provoked an AoO from Rat #2 (Rat #3 died first, otherwise him too). I changed your Move to a Free Action, 5-ft step.
Combat Index :: d20srd.org[/sblock]Krindorf kills Rat#3, stabbing it deeply into its torso. Eivan steps back from the nearest rat and casts his Grease Spell causing Rat#1 to fall down prone, its legs sliding out from under it.

Brunhilde kills Rat #2, severing its spine, the cast off splattering herself and the cliff wall behind her when she yanks the axe free of the corpse. Rat #1 tries to regain its feet and provokes attacks of opportunity from both Gregor and Brunhilde. Gregor's attack misses, but Brunhilde chops the rat in half, splattering Gregor with rat gore and blood.

** Combat ends **
<<75 XP Each>>
[sblock=Tac Grid]
[/sblock]The sandy ledge overlooks a subterranean gulf of darkness to the west. The ledge is wide but rough. Sand, rocky debris, and the bones of small animals cover it (in addition to three dead dire rats). A roughly hewn stairwell zigs and zags down the side of the ledge, descending into darkness.


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'Ewwww' says Brunhilde, wiping the gore off her face. She turns to Gregor, and sees the big man also covered in spatters of blood and...other...things...and can't suppress a laugh. 'Very fetching' she says, 'you look very manly in red'. Before the whole glaring thing starts again, she gives his arm a friendly squeeze and says 'but I'm glad you're here anyway'.

'Is everyone OK?' Seeing the gash in Eivan's leg, she adds 'maybe Krindorf should go first from now on - don't want you getting nibbled by anything else! You should clean that up in case it gets infected'.

Peering down the gloomy stairwell she gives a slight shudder. 'Don't like the look of that' she pouts. 'Couldn't they have had the decency to get lost exploring somewhere nice and sunny?'. With that, she switches the axe into one hand, and unhooks her shield.


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Disgusted with being splattered with rat bits, Gregor minces over the remains and makes his way to Eivan, whom he heals before the party moves forward.

Casts Cure Minor Wounds 3 times, healing 3 hp of damage.

Daily Spells Left:
-0th = 2
-1st = 4


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Eivan nods his thanks to Gregor for the healing, then straightens up and adjusts his pack on his back. "I don't like this stairway much either," he says to Brunhilde, peering down into the darkness, "but I think I'll take it over the rope." As the party reaches the stairwell, he stands by to let someone else take the lead.


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As the companions look nervously at one another at the prospect of descending the dark steps, Brunhilde tries to lighten the mood. She peers over the edge and says with a straight face 'yeah look at the way those steps have been carved out of the rock. Tsk!'. She pinches Krindorf's cheek between thumb and finger and says 'obviously not dwarven craftsmanship, eh? Best let me go first then; any other dwarf I've ever met will be stopping every second one and boring us all with some technical guff about how it was done. We'll be so bored we'll probably throw ourselves over the edge just so we actually get to the bottom'.

She smirks at the dwarf and pulls a torch from her pack. 'Make yourself useful then and give me a light'.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Alright, but stop barkin' me head hurts already. Halflin's can't be quiet can't dey? Now shut yer trup! I'm gonna be scoutin' ahead, so hold di torch yerself." the dwarf barks back and heads forward ahead of the group, as his shape blends with the shadows.

MS: +7

Voidrunner's Codex

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