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The Temple of Elemental Evil (Recruiting Alternates Only)


An elf duskblade is exactly the type of concept that I am looking for. Your character could be a member of the Knights of the Hart. I will even see if I can whip up some affiliation rules for them.

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First Post
May I introduce Dolan, son of Danath, a relatively young dwarf who grew to the age of majority in a small holding in the Lortmil Mountains. His childhood was typically dwarven. He learned to smith, to fight and to drink. He also learned the importance of tradition and unity in the face of adversity. All of which makes the fact that he has recently separated his fate from the master artisan he trained under at his parents' behest very puzzling. The fact is, he has discovered that he has much more of a taste for the open road and adventure than for the hot forge, and thus he signed on as a guard for a caravan that was passing by his clan's holding, bringing goods from the Duchy of Ulek to Verbobonc.

In Verbobonc, Dolan quickly discovered that city-dwellers have a different set of ethics than those in smaller communities. He found that nobody cared about his well-being, and nobody was willing to help him find work or other necessities. The only kindly face he encountered was that of Garnor Thickwaist, a dwarf with a bit more experience in the wide world than Dolan. It wasn't until he woke up in an alley with a tailings-filled hangover and without the last of his savings that he grasped Garnor's true motivations.

Disgusted by the decadence of the city but unwilling to return to a life of stoic complacency, Dolan set out to find a place more to his liking. It was then that he heard of Hommlet's troubles. Listening to one of the count's messengers talk to several guardsmen about the opportunities for wealth and fame in the small village, Dolan began to forge a plan. Later that very day he set out for Hommlet, hoping to prove himself and earn fame, fortune, and a bit of belonging.

Picture if you will a dour-looking dwarf with the early version of a full-bodied beard. He carries a thoroughly dented hammer (a family heirloom) and wears a still-shiny, if a bit imperfect, set of scale mail, his most recent effort at the forge. His granite-grey eyes search newcomers distrustfully, but behind the shield of experience can be seen the glint of an idealistic and adventurous spirit.

Ability scores: 16, 15, 14, 10, 9, 9
[sblock=character sheet]
Dolan, son of Danath
Neutral Good
Male Dwarf
Fighter 1

Initiative +0
AC 16
HP 13
BAB +1
Move 20'
ACP -6

Str 16
Dex 10
Con 17 (15 +2 racial mod)
Int 14
Wis 9
Cha 7 (9 -2 racial mod)

Fort +5
Ref +0
Will -1

Class Abilities
Proficiencies: Basic Weapons, Axes, Picks and Hammers, Crossbows, Light Blades

Weapon Focus (warhammer)
Blind Fight

Climb +1 (4 ranks, +3 str, -6 ACP)
Craft (armorsmithing) +6 (4 ranks, +2 Int)
Intimidate +2 (4 ranks, -2 Cha)
Jump +1 (4 ranks, +3 str, -6 ACP)

Equipment 160 gp.
Scale Mail (50 gp)
Warhammer (12 gp)
Heavy Steel Shield (20)
Throwing Axe (8 gp)
Light Crossbow (35 gp)
20 Bolts (2 gp)
Backpack (2 gp)
Bedroll (1 sp)
Flint and Steel (1 gp)
Artisan's tools (5 gp)
50' silk rope (10 gp)
Waterskin (1 gp)
Whetstone (2 cp)

Meager Lifestyle (5 gp)
Left to spend: 8 gp, 8 sp, 8 cp [/sblock]
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Use the standard 4d6 drop one rule for scores. For wealth either roll on table 7-1 in the PH or select a starting package.

Voda Vosa

First Post
I'll try with my dear gnome spellthief. I have been waiting so long to play him =) So I'll give it a try

Mulnock Dilngbor, is one of the many sons of the Dilngbor family. His father Drumock Dilngbor, is the "Locks and related devices expert" of town, and he always have a story to tell, most of them, from when he was recruited to save the village from the horrifying evil worshipers! Drumock was in charge of unlocking entrances and doors, finding traps and the sort. Dilngbors have been known for their talents with locks, traps and many mechanical devices, that their thin fingers can get. Most of his brothers are locksmiths too, or trap finders. But Drumock, Drumock was always the black sheep of the family. Deciding he wouldn't became a locksmith, he travel to become a powerful mage. Or so he said.
After many traveling, and some real life lessons, Drumock learned to do things the easy way. Instead of learning and studding for years or decades, he developed an innate talent to steal the arcane energies from the spellcasters. In Drumocks words, "Arcane gestures? magical components? Giv' me!"
A few years from the start of his journey, he heard of evil, rising in his homeland, this was the opportunity to show his parents, that he was as capable as his father, and made them proud.
Drumock changed his itinerary, next stop, Hommlet.-


First Post
To expand upon what I previously wrote, a (somewhat) brief background (followed by a character sheet):

Drynethael Midurien, known to his friends as Dryneth, was born to a rather well respected elvish couple in the elven community of Celene. His early life was relatively sheltered. His father was a respected, if haughty, wizard and his mother was a very capable, yet loving, ranger. Both had retired to Celene to raise a family, and both possessed the wealth to do so comfortably.

Drynethael was the only child born to this couple and, as such, both parents tried to press him into their chosen professions. He understood the spells and formulae his father used, but as a child he was much more enthralled with the swordplay and tales of adventure that his mother would tell him. So, although he dabbled a bit in the arcane arts when his father made him, he practiced the most in the woods with his mother, sparring, doing archery practice, and listening to his mother's many tales of adventures past, with her company of human companions. This is how he spent many of his formative decades; studying the arcane when his father made him, yet practicing swordplay with his mother whenever the opportunity presented itself (oftentimes sneaking away from his studies to do so).

Unfortunately, tragedy was to strike. One day, while Drynethael was far outside of Celene practicing in the woods with his mother, the pair were ambushed by desperate human bandits. Drynethael's mother fought valiantly to defend her son, and for his part, Drynethael fought well beside his mother, proving he learned her techniques well. Along with his mother, they slew most of the bandits easily, and the foolish thieves started to rout.

However, after dispatching the last of the thieves in close combat with himself, Drynethael spied a sniper with a crossbow crouched in the shadows of some nearby shrubs, taking aim at his mother. His mother did not see the hidden sniper; she was busy fighting off a brigand on her own. The hidden bandit was too far away to strike with his sword, and by the time Drynethael could get his bow strung, the bandit will have already fired.

So, Drynethael did the only thing he thought he could do - he cast one of the incantations his father tried teaching him. However, Drynethael's inattentiveness towards his father's studies would come back to haunt him, for as Drynethael tried to form his thoughts into the necessary patterns and give the magic words shape, his lack of practice in the arcane caused him to stumble during the incantation, causing the magic to harmlessly fizzle. He watched helplessly as the thief fired his crossbow, piercing his mother's armor and striking her in the heart just as she dropped the last thief that had threatened her with his sword.

Enraged, Drynethael charged the crossbowman as he was reloading and felled him easily, but the damage was already done. He could do nothing else but watch his mother die in his arms.

When Drynethael came back home and told his father what happened, the old elf flew into a rage. He blamed Drynethael for his wife's death, claiming if he had learned his studies as he should have - as a proper elf would - his mother would still be alive today. Drynethael apologized profusely to his father, promising to be the wizard he wanted him to be, but his father would hear none of it. Instead, he gave Drynethael, his only son, his fair portion of his mother's inheritance, and asked him to leave the house.

Drynethael brooded for a long time, but he finally took the lion's share of his mother's inheritance and enlisted in the academy for the Knights of the Hart in Celene. There, he was determined to take a balanced approach to his fighting techniques; he would still study the way of the sword as a measure of respect and pride for his mother, but he would also study the secrets of the arcane, to hopefully make amends to his father.

The long years at the academy were tough, and lonely during the holidays, but Drynethael took to the training well, and soon became a promising young Duskblade, ready to serve the Knights of the Hart, and, by extension, the elven people, in the world at large. He took his new duty very seriously, with a profound sense of pride, hoping that his deceased mother still looks down favorably upon him, and that he may redeem himself in the eyes of his father.

Drynethael has not ventured far into human lands as of yet, and his view of this younger race is colored very much by the encounter with them that killed his mother. He keeps his distance around humans, expecting them to express their greedy, violent personalities at any moment. However, he still remembers the tales his mother used to tell him about the noble humans in her old adventuring party. He secretly holds out hope that the majority of humanity is more like the tales in his mother's stories, but reality (so far) has taught him differently.

So, without further ado, the rolls and the character sheet:

17, 15, 12, 11, 11, 9

[sblock=character sheet]
Drynethael (Dryneth) Midurien
Male Elf
Lawful Neutral
Duskblade 1

Age 142
Height 5' 1"
Weight 94 lbs.
Hair Blonde
Eyes Blue

Init +4
AC 18 (Base 10, +3 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex*)
HP 8 (1d8)
BAB +1
Move 30'*
Armor Check Penalty -2

*See Encumbrance for speed and AC while Traveling

STR 11 +0 mod
DEX 19 (17 + 2 Racial) +4 mod
CON 10 (12 - 2 Racial) +0 mod
INT 15 +2 mod
WIS 11 +0 mod
CHA 9 -1 mod

REF +4

Racial Abilities:

Immunity to Sleep Effects; +2 vs. Enchantment Effects; Low Light Vision; +2 Racial Bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks; always gets a Search check near a secret door

Class Abilities:

Weapon Group (Basic Weapons), Weapon Group (Bows), Weapon Group (Light Blades), Weapon Group (Heavy Blades), Weapon Group (Maces and Clubs), Weapon Group (Spears and Lances), Proficient with all Armors and Shields (except Tower), Spells (listed later), Arcane Attunement, Armored Mage (Light)


Weapon Finesse

Spells Known: 0 level - Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Ray of Frost, Touch of Fatigue
1st level - Lesser Deflect, True Strike
Arcane Attunement - Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, Read Magic

Spells/Day: 0 level - 3/day
1st level - 1 3/day
Arcane Attunement - Combined Total of 5/day

Skills: (only noted skills with ranks or special racial modifiers)

Concentration +4 (4 ranks, +0 Con modifier)
Knowledge (Arcana) +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int modifier)
Knowledge (History) +4 (2 ranks, +2 Int modifier)
Listen +2 (0 ranks, 0 Wis modifier, +2 Racial modifier)
Ride +6 (2 ranks, +4 Dex modifier)
Search +4 (0 ranks, +2 Int modifier, +2 Racial modifier)
Sense Motive +2 (2 ranks, +0 Wis modifier)
Spellcraft +6 (4 ranks, +2 Int modifier)
Spot +2 (0 ranks, +0 Wis modifier, +2 Racial modifier)


Rapier (20gp) Attack +5 (+4 with shield) Dmg 1d6 18-20/x2 Type (P) Wgt. 2 lbs.
(in scabard on the right side of his belt - wields it left handed)
Shortbow (30 gp) Attack +5 Dmg 1d6 /x3 Range Inc. 60 ft. Type (P) Wgt. 2 lbs.
Quiver with 20 arrows (1 gp) Wgt. 3 lbs.
(slung over shoulder)
Dagger (2gp) Attack +5 (+4 with shield) Dmg 1d4 19-20/x2 Type (P or S) Wgt. 1 lbs.
(tucked into left boot)


Studded Leather Armor (25gp) Bonus +3 Max Dex +5 Check -1 Wgt. 20 lbs.
Shield, Light wooden (3gp) Bonus +1 Max Dex - Check -1 Wgt. 5 lbs.
(Usually worn on right arm)


150gp starting money

Traveler's Outfit
(Black and Grey Shirt and Breeches with Deep Purple Cloak)
Satchel (Backpack) (2gp) 2 lbs.
(In backpack)
Bedroll (1sp) 5 lbs.
Flint and Steel (1gp)
1 Day Trail Rations (5sp) 1 lb.
Whetstone (2cp) 1 lb.
Waterskin (1gp) 1 lb.
2 Torches (2cp) 2 lbs.
Spell Component Pouch (5gp) 2 lbs.
1 Belt Pouch (1gp) 1/2 lb.

Total Encumbrance: 47.5 lbs. with satchel/backpack, 35.5 lbs. without satchel (during combat)

Medium Encumbrance while Traveling (with backpack) Max Dex +3, Speed 20 feet
Light Encumbrance during Combat (without backpack)

Upkeep: Common (45gp) - 1st Month included

Remaining Wealth:

13 gp 3 sp 6 cp

EDIT: spelling, format
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Vicroar Shadowfall was odd for an elf. He loved life in villages. He still cared for nature and still had ties with his native people, but preferred the diversity of the town life. He loved watching the multitudes of people interact. Vicroar would go to the taverns to watch the drunks, he would go to churchs to see the priests, he'd watch the folks as they bartered their wares in the local shops.

Vicroar did begin to grow bored with city life, so he started to play around. He learned how to pick locks, and he learned to spot traps and disable them. He never stole anything from anyone, although he did point out to several locals that their house was less than secure. He was employed often as a locksmith, or rather as a lock pick.

http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?u=OnlytheStrong 15,14,12,11,11,8


Short background. Let me know if it seems plausible.
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Voda Vosa: Looks good. Gnomes in this part of the Flanaess typically come from the Kron Hills so it is likely that is where your character calls home. Do I assume correctly that Mulnock's father was part of the group that originally dealt with the followers of elemental evil six years ago?

Brachna: A bit wordier than I was hoping for, but it looks good.

OnlytheStrong: Looks perfect so far. Sounds like, as a connoisseur of urbanity, he would be a native of Verbobonc (the nearest city).

Just a couple observations of mine: There is no one who can heal yet.



Redclaw: I hadn't noticed that you had posted a character sheet up yet, but Dolan seems like a fine addition.

Now if there is anyone who would like to play something along the lines of a cleric, druid, spirit shaman, favored soul, or even a paladin this would be an excellent group. I will go ahead and start up the game, but if someone comes up with such a concept, I can introduce their character at a later time. You guys might want to do some exploring around Hommlet before doing any dangerous adventuring. There is a bit of adventure to be found in Hommlet itself however, if you know where to look. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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