• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Tol Vehara Story Hour


First Post
Deepsetter Hall and the Sword of Despair

The heroes began at the earthnode to which Dexter the kobold sorcerer was now bound, and while there overnight in preparation for their adventures in the abandoned Dwarven city they were approached by Narya, a High Sidhe ranger who had been sent from her father's sylvan courts along the east bank of the River of Stars to investigate this strange, nameless party who happened to clear up Teeb the Giant's local menace to the region. Narya decided to join the party, and accepted the party ring, coming into the link in the 9th slot. Because the link was finally full, a number of minor powers revealed themselves to Laeka, who is leading the link.

Skalar decided to stick around Dexter's and do some hunting to try and build up reserve stores for both the Kobold Sorcerer and the party. The rest of the group went off to the ruins of the dwarven city, the clan hall-in-exile which had been built (unknowingly) beneath the domain of a powerful Death Knight known throughout Pain Mountain as the Bone Lord.

On the road, the new Ranger thought she saw a possible shortcut to the city different from the route that Dexter had traced out for them. Unfortunately, she decided not to take it, and a few miles down the track on a climb into the lower foothills the rickety path gave way under several party members. Yovaire was the only one unable to get clear of the mini landslide, and found himself about 50' down and right smack in the middle of a den of Rust Monsters. Luckily, the fighter has no metal armor, but the Rust Monsters did go for the blades of his +3 Double Sword. (They missed, luckily). With the aid of a hastily lowered Rope of Climbing and a well-aimed fireball spell, the Rust Monsters let Yovaire go. It also helped that Marcus tossed down a longsword and shield for them to feast on while the party hoisted Yovaire out of harm's way.

At this time the party also discovered as they suited up again that there had been a mysterious visitor in the night for their last night with Dexter. A note had been pinned to one of the saddlebags on a scrap of parchment. It outlined simply that should the party face the Bone Lord "I will be powerless to help you", and promised that if they took care of themselves "I will find you again should you survive the Bone Lord's realm." No one had any clue as to who had penned the note, but Marcus thought that the parchment smelled of embalming fluid. (The players remembered several different times when at night they were asked to make spot and listen checks and always nothing happened upon resolving the rolls.)

The party continued on over the remainder of the long day, marching up and around to the eastern side of Pain Mountain. As the sun began to sink low over Pain Mountain to their west, they began to find remnants of dwarven runestones marking the approach to 'Deepsetter Clan Hall-In-Exile'. The Deepsetter clan's actual construction at the time of the city's abandonment was only in the preliminary stages. Four towers at NE, NW, SW, and SE corners abutting the mountain face itself and a grand arched entrance to the caverns beyond. The city itself was comprised of the walled aspect of the city with about 20 buildings contained by the walls. All of the buildings apparently had been built with stone foundations and wooden walls which had been replaced as time permitted with the final stone walls. Communal kitchens, a plaza square with a dwarf-made 'island' surrounded by running water from the central fountains encircling a large statue of Moradin hammering an anvil and the declaration that this was Deepsetter Hall-In-Exile.

After their initial scouting they ended up coming into the city via the eastern gatehouse, refusing to walk in the front door, as it were (the party has grown decidedly paranoid in their old age). They began investigating the ruins of a tavern with the last fading light of day, with the idea of establishing a base of operations for the scouting of the ruins. Instead they found several zombies and skeletons of the dwarves of old, confirming their suspicions that the city had most likely fallen to the Bone Lord.

During the encounter with the undead, Marcus, newly minted cleric of Mysta, ended up channeling his divine energy to Turn Undead. During this flush of Mysta's power manifest on the material plane, he heard a voice in his head in dwarvish accented common telling him that they must hurry to the Southeastern Tower's top before the sun set, or all would be lost. After momentary conferences on this matter, the party decided that the four-story guard towers would be a more logical choice for a base of operations anyway, and hied themselves thither with all due haste. As they hustled through the city, they saw that there were stirrings from more of the undead, zombies and skeletons mostly. By the time they had gained the third story where the tower was open to the battlements of the three walls and a path cut into the cliff above the mountain entrance to connect the two southern towers, they saw that the city was full of wandering undead. Either they were on some kind of internal clock linked to when the sun set, or else the powers that allowed them free reign of the city were dependent on some undead which were tied to a nocturnal clock.

They made it up to the top level of the guard tower, saw that it was mostly unused, and set up camp for the night. During the night, at the last watch, the party saw that when Marcus paced back and forth near the wall that that guard tower shared with the mountainside, there were a set of faint sigils that glowed every time he walked by. Upon later investigation, he was able to find and open a door marked with the symbol of Mysta upon it, revealing a hallway leading up into the mountain itself.

Upon following it up, with Valar complaining about being asked to take the van to find traps, they ended up in the workshop of a dwarf artificer. A single shaft of light came in through small accessways to deliver a beam that highlighed a small wooden table on which rested a strange scepter with odd markings and an empty setting at the one end, and a small, leather-bound book marked with the eyes of Mysta. After some deliberation, Marcus picked up the book and began to thumb through it.

[Journal notes to follow]

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First Post
Tiriel Midnight's Journal

13th Aut, 6289
It is with reluctance that I commit these thoughts to paper.Somehow to utter them makes them more real to me. Yet I fear that the bleak vision of the future which looms above my dreaming hours is to be closest to the truth, and what transpires must be known.

I am Tiriel Midnight, Elf-friend and High Enchanter of the Deepsetter clan. I chose to honor the ways of clan and endure the ostracism of my people although I did not agree with what Morthrauk and Clan Lord Karradok Deepsetter did and I heartily approved of the fact that they were shorn of beard and hall, birthrunes broken and scepters burnt before the High King’s Council for their failed coup. I named them friends, and name them so still today, though there are many who will no longer utter their names.

I am also of the Midnight Order, and Mysta will not forgive me if I deny my dreams, for it is in them that She always spake. This vision shall come to pass, and if it be so then this account shall be in the hands of another of the Midnight Order. It is to him that I entrust these notes, that they must serve as a guide for him, to unlock the doorway through which he is to pass, by unlocking the past.

The mood of Deepsetter’s Hall-in-Exile has been growing ever darker, even as the city itself begins to break down. The strange malaise which began a fortnight ago in the spelunker camps seems to have spread now to all parts of the city. The victims lose all ability to fend for themselves. It’s as if they have ceased caring. Some undoubtedly have died, many corpses lying to rot in their own filth because at first no one noticed or cared if they did, and then no one was willing to go near them. I begin to suspect there are Undead amok in the city, but those who have died of this disease have not rised to walk again. Perhaps this is a curse sent to us from Moradin.

I would ask my old friend Elamite Winharrower, the Bishop of Deepsetter, but once his hand had spilt the blood of the unshorn, he declared himself to be one of the Clanless, and slashed his cheeks and cut his beard braids, one of more than nearly half of the Deepsetter who had done so. Many would get adopted or taken in by cousins by marriage in the other Clans, but they would always wear the scars as a symbol of their shame, most not marrying and always dressing in mourning. I fear that the loss of community and lifelong isolation that means might actually be preferrable to watching the very dream and hope of clearing our name after the fifth generation, Deepsetter Hall-in-Exile, be destroyed by a despairing blight that kills from within.

19 Aut, 6289
I have undertaken to investigate the strange malaise myself. I took to the shape of a rock dove and flit about the city. I found no evidene of Undead, but upon closer examination I found a strange mark upon the left palm of each one. A slight puncture, enough to just break the skin, consisting of four lines radiating from a single pinprick hole. Nothing more. I do not know what has come over the city, but the commonality of these holes, even on the victims who only just begin to show signs of the Malaise, makes me suspicious that it may be sabotage from within. A band of Clanslayers, perhaps, utilizing some strange device.

Oh, I am certain it was a device. The pattern of the wounds looked remarkably like a power-auric connection. Forgive me the shop talk, but when certain items are used they sometimes breach the skin slightly by pins to complete the connective power flow necessary to activate the item. It causes no pain to the user, does no damage, and is usually unnoticed since its sole purpose is to breach the aura of the user and allow the ... well, I know my brother Midnight would find this fascinating, but the short of it is that I know the markings were caused by a device. Most likely the same device, or one similarly shaped.

The thing is, even under magical charm and truth zones, no one confessed to having ever come into contact with any sort of device or item, they just felt tired, and often wanted me to leave them alone.

3 Setero, 6289
Things are much worse now. There are strange shadows which flit about the periphery of my vision. I know that the city is doomed, and I confess my dreams do not show any other outcome. There is a battle looming, but it is a battle I don’t know how to fight, let alone win. There is a tangible force which is seeping into my life, and I can’t but wonder whether this is the Malaise come for me.

No. It has been hours since I set my pen down last, and a great battle was fought inside of me. I believe I was victorious, but I know that I cannot delay any longer. I choose to resist. I could flee, but I must wait this out, lest I carry this to other places unwittingly. I have cured myself of disease many times, but still I do not feel whole somehow. I must pray that Mysta guide me.

4 Setero, 6289
The night was full of bleak dreams for me. There is no one abroad in the city at all. I hear no noise and see no activity. I wonder if all have died, or if all have simply barricaded themselves inside as though to keep out the illness. Mysta answered my prayers and sent me visions. The dead do indeed walk this place, but it is not from this disease. I believe it is from the new tunnels which found a worked stone area that led to some kind of ruins. They will find us easy prey from apathy and despair already.

I must begin work, and quickly. I saw the plans in my mind, though it has elements which are foreign to me. I must meditate on them even as I set my workroom to readiness.

10 Setero, 6289
I have been working quickly and quietly, although not in my customary laboratory. Long years ago I came across this cavern while swimming through rock. I made a secret tunnel here and took great pains to ward it heavily against detection. I outfitted it myself to function as my secret laboratory, where I could work away from prying eyes. Soon after I wondered at my motives, for such a thing was not practical. There was never a time for me to be away from my students and assisstants, the other Master Artificers who accompanied me. My every waking moment was usually accounted for, so to disappear for days at a time would be unthinkable.

I never let the supplies run out, though. I think I delighted more from the secret security of this place than from the functionality of it. Now, I must concede that the gods have worked well by me in this planning. It is here I shall leave the journal. It is here I will leave the scepter. I am completely relocated into this shelter and workshop and it is with guilt that I note the sheer satisfaction I have received from being here and at work, one last time. For it shall be. I see that, too.

19 Setero, 6289
The Undead walk the streets of the Clan Hall-in-Exile by night. Some scavenge the shadows by day. Is it ever day here anymore? The attack on the city is indeed an attack by the Undead. It is the work of a sword. A very powerful sword, in the hands of a very powerful creature. The ruins above are the abode of the one who calls himself the Bone Lord. He is a Deathknight of strength, and it is the sword he keeps by himself that plagues our city.

The Deathknight’s sword is forged from the despair of tortured souls made manifest as a blade. It burns with the fire of a dark sun, and it scorches all who behold it or live near its shadow not with fire, but with despair and wretchedness. The Deathknight does not wield this sword, for not even he can bear to be near it, though for him it is like being near a raging bonfire. It was not his when he was made a Deathknight, but it was found by him and brought by magic to his domain.

I have resisted some of the Sword of Despair’s effects, but yet I have also holed myself up and secluded even myself instead of trying to rouse the spirits of my fellow Dwarves. This has not been a disease, this has been an enchantment. I have broken it now, and see the ruin for what it is. We have been stupid, for the Gods are truly punishing us for our ex-Lord’s crimes.

I have completed my creations. I have made the scepter and jewel, and the weapon of great power which combats the despair. It is the Sword of the Last Hope. I go to make further preparations. Even now I feel compelled to remain in this city, to carry out the last instructions of my Goddess.

21 Setero, 6289
With the passing of the Equinox I suddenly perceive the danger. The darkness is spreading more thickly now. I have underestimated the Deathknight’s powers. He is bound to a node of some kind, and draws his power from there. A gloom has cast over the skies by day in this valley now, a magic which protects the Undead, allows some to move about without hindrance. All of the garden tiers have wilted and the grain is rotting in the terraced fields. I spent a day sitting alone in my room. It was only dejected wanderings which brought me back into the presence of the Sword of the Last Hope. The miasma of evil has grown so oppressive that without the sword in the room I cannot function nor resist the darkness that pulls on my thoughts.

I must hurry. The dome is nearly complete, but I begin to wonder how much time I have left.

2 Tektero, 6289
The dome at last is finished, but there is horrid news to tell. I have been foolish in the extreme. As darkness settled over the city, the aura of hope from the sword shone like a beacon. I have been fending off Undead with increasing frequency. Today they nearly had me. There are vampire spawn within the city. I killed two, but I know there are more.

3 Tektero, 6289
The darkness is so terrible now... help me.... Even holding the sword is not helping anymore. There is nothing left to do. I tried to go out to secure my escape route, now that the pieces were in place for you to follow, but they came too quickly. I was chased, but they didn’t get me. I dropped the dratted jewel before I could put it in its proper hiding place in the courthouse. One of the vampire spawn was waiting for me just inside the courthouse door and managed to knock it out from my hands and push me back out into the street.
I... I think I’m going to die here. Why does it have to be? Have I not been an obedient servant to the Lady? Why? Why?

5 Tektero, 6289
It is nearly midnight all day. The sword’s power has been banked, and needs to be kindled. Have I failed then in all that I have done? I must channel divine energy into it to push the darkness at bay and waken its powers. And I must do so more and more frequently all the time now. The time is coming when the darkness will overtake me, and the Deathknight will be my new Master. And all that I have worked for will be lost.

Except you. Who are you? And why must I place my trust in some future brother of the Midnight Cabal? What secrets of the universe will you have gleaned that we have not? What mastery over the fabric of reality do you possess which will enable you to survive where I have not? What failing lies at the core of my essence, what fatal flaw am I burdened with that you have not? Or have you faced your test and passed, while I could only slowly fall into the pit of despair? It is the abyss of the soul that I face, and my faith... no longer comforts me.

I hate you. I hate all of the potential that you are. I cannot abide by you, and when I die I shall go screaming unto death cursing your very name and the bloodline by which you will be born. I see you, but I do not know you.

Why can’t I know? Why are there no easy answers for me?

6 Tektero, 6289
The worst of it is over. I believe a wave of it passed in the night. I look back at my prior scrawlings with horror, that I doubted so much. The sword’s effect to hold back the despair is still abating, but I think I have held on long enough to survive for what remains to be done. I did not pen this previously, because I did not trust that these notes would not be taken before my plan could be enacted. I have succeeded in my plan. I am greatly diminished, but I have been victorious.

The Sword of Despair will never let me leave. Not while the Sword of the Last Hope still exists. And without the Sword of the Last Hope I will succumb to the despair. It is death by either choice.

So I chose you. You are the Last Hope, and this is your Sword, though I think you shall not wield it yourself, but pass it instead to another. I had to hide it, not only from the Deathknight but also from the Sword of Despair. I wonder, who is the Master and who is the Servant, the Sword or the Deathknight? I doubt I shall know.

I have taken the collective wisdom from those souls of Deepsetter who remained true to the Dwarven Kings. They came willingly, and it is our hope that this jewel will restore to good name the Deepsetter clan. If it lies within your path, please take it to the Dwarven King so that his sages might see our hearts and intents and judge whether we be worthy of admittance to Moradin’s Halls. But you must first recover it, and the last place I saw it was in combat with the vampire spawn inside the courthouse.

Before you should lie the scepter. There are two halves, both with markings. There is a code there... decipher the code and you will be able to align the scepter properly. Set the jewel in the scepter’s end, set it in Moradin’s anvil, and it will show you where lies your sword. I would have done more for you, by putting the jewel in a safe place as well, but fate decreed otherwise.

I know not why the Sword is important to you, nor what use it will be. While the Sword of Despair exists, there will always be its nullifying force as a threat, and this close to the Deathknight’s lair the Sword will sense the Last Hope as soon as you remove it from its hiding place. You will need to press onward on your path with all due haste.

I know that you are destined to seek the shores of the Sunless Sea, and quest for the Heart of the Mountain. The only thing which lives near the Sunless Sea is Excelsior, the Ancient Crystal Wyrm, who slumbers with Merradh, his guardian paladin, keeping vigil. But Excelsior may know of what you seek, though he has never been awake when I have visited.

The way below is twisted, but it can be done at speed, which may mean the difference for you. And if you go that route, you must pass by one of the tunnels that leads straight to the Bone Lord’s domain. The power of the Sword of Despair there is great. Only with the powers of the Sword of the Last Hope kindled afresh by the Last Hope himself could you manage to get past it without succumbing to the despair.

Once you have the Sword, you must enter the galleries of the mountain behind the keep’s southwest tower. It will have wooden stairs spiraling down several flights, then lead you out onto a broad ledge overlooking the iron mines. Continue to the end of the ledge and climb down the scaffolding until you are at Sublevel 19. Remain on the catwalk and head underneath the aqueduct. Take the first left by the cart loading area and travel down until you come to the cave with a large pool of water in it. Cast Light and look for the thin ledge by the side of the pool. There is nothing in the water but water itself, though that’s bad enough.

When you make your way around to the other side you will see three caves leading off. Two lead down, and one leads up. The one which leads up is the one which leads to the Bone Lord. Of the two that lead downward, the way I know lies with the one on the right. It will lead you to another iron mining gallery. Go to the end and follow the railcart tracks on the right. They will lead you down to a place very near where Excelsior sleeps. You will only have to take a quick boat ride across the lake *away* from the sound of rushing water, and you will see a small set of double archways. Pass beyond them and you will find yourself on the Sunless Sea. The isle where Excelsior and Merradh make their home is found toward your left, and has a number of crystal outcroppings about.
There is but one more thing I must tell you, though. Mysta came to me in my dream and said that you must call out Merradh’s name before you set sail for Excelsior’s island, or more than just one of you will die. I confess this confuses me, for I have never needed to do so on the few visits I have made.

May Mysta guide you and may Excelsior be awake to greet you when you come. You will carry the Last Hope of this city when you go. May the Lady of Magic, the faith of the Order of the Midnight Cabal, and all the other Gods bless you.
I am now going to try and blast my way out of this city, though I do not see my survival. Still, old habits die hard, and I would rather succumb to wounds in glorious battle in the name of Clan Deepsetter and the honor of the Dwarven Kingdom than to give in to the bleakness of despair.
Remember me, and do so with honor.


First Post
The Sword of the Last Hope

Marcus identified himself as the 'future brother of the Midnight Cabal' and the party took to heart the fact that they would need to find the Sword of the Last Hope. They investigated the scepter and determined that they should next go into the courthouse and look for the gem which had been dropped. Seeing that they still had several daylight hours left, they went into the city below and made their way to the courthouse.

When inside the courthouse, they ran into several ghouls, a few zombies, a magical trap that cast 'darkness' on the skylights, and a few wraiths. The clerics were turning quite a few of them, dusting some and repelling others. For the first encounters with Undead, the party did rather well. Narya managed to spot the missing gem down the hole that the ghouls were coming up into the ruins from, and with some spellfire assistance Valar managed to scamper down, grab the gem, and scamper back up again.

The party then made to the center of town where they put the gem in the scepter, placed the scepter in a slot on the anvil of Moradin, and twisted the scepter so that the month and day were properly aligned to the current date (they tried the dates in the journal first, then gave up and went one by one. Luckily it was April, or they'd have spent much longer trying to get through the days). One the gemstone of the Deepsetters was hooked up correctly and aligned properly, a ball of golden energy formed, then shot out leaving a faintly glowing trail as it raced its way flying through the city. The party gave a yelp and then followed in hot pursuit.

The energy guide led straight to a building which had runes on it marking it as the Hall of Weavers. The ball stopped at the side of the building, then went straight up into the air, and disappeared onto the roof. Narya climbed up and fixed up the rope of climbing, and the party soon followed. There, on the roof, they found a dove cote, and after some prying they managed to find a secret compartment under the fouled nests. Upon opening it up, they found a seven foot long box by four inches wide by four inches deep, coated with lead in which had been scratched the holy symbol of Mysta.

Marcus opened the box, revealing that the inside of it was lined in gold and in the box was the Sword of the Last Hope. Actually, it was a double-sword with a slot near the middle that looked like it would accomodate the gem of the Deepsetters. Yovaire took the sword from Marcus, and the n placed the Deepsetter gem in it. The sword of the Last Hope blazed to life, glowing with power, until finally it sent forth a fiery ball of energy up into the sky that raced up into the clouds of the mountainside, aiming in a straight line for the broken tower, the place of the Bone Lord, and the resting place of the Sword of Despair.

As the party watched in amazement, they saw storm clouds beginning to amass around the broken tower, and a wave of darkness answered the volley fired off by the Sword of the Last Hope. The party very quickly headed back to their tower, amazed that the darkness fell upon the city so quickly, and the mists rose up from the ground with the chill of the grave. They fled to their tower, and then from there along the carved ledge over the mountain entrance until Narya spotted a concealed path leading into the mountain off of the carved rock ledge. Narya led the way, following the directions in the journals of Tiriel Midnight.

The party was amazed to see that the mines of the dwarves were still being worked by the undead, and as they passed several of the more intelligent undead began to follow along behind them, drawn toward their life energy but repulsed by the Sword of the Last Hope. At long last the party arrived at the point where three tunnels diverged. One led upward toward the Bone Lord's domain, and two led downward, but the rightmost tunnel was blocked by a cave-in. The party was accosted there by a few of the wraiths who had been turned back in the courthouse and had finally overcome the turn and located the party. Although the wraiths scored several hits on the party, no one failed their Fortitude saves and lost any Con. (Most upsetting to the DM).

The party did some investigation of the cave-in and found that it wasn't actually a cave-in at all, but a cleverly constructed barrier of loose rocks and dirt that had been piled there to stop up the most direct route to the sunless sea. They used spells and the Dire Lion to blast and dig their way through, and they began to slip through one by one when more wraiths attacked. Arien used another of the Wall of Thorns charges from her Staff of the Woodlands to block those following them, and also to prevent anyone from coming down from the Death Knight's land.

As half of the party was through the rock pile, Yovaire felt the Sword of the Last Hope begin to throb with anticipation. He saw several figures blasting their way through the thorns as they approached, with the Death Knight wielding a black sword that burned with dark fire flanked by a mummy and a vampire lord. Yovaire and the others dispatched their foes and scrambled down the tunnel, stopping at the sandy shore of a large underground lake, and followed the instructions in the journal, calling out for Merradh to come get them.

The ghostly boat appeared almost immediately, and the paladin Merradh arrived quickly. He was human, but his skin seemed to have gone translucent, with light radiating outward from him and ghostly after-trails of energy following his movements. There was one tense moment when the party was half-aboard as the Death Knight and entourage made it down to the shore, but Merradh simply held up his hand and forbade the Bone Lord to come any closer. "They have agreed to pay the price: you have no power over them here. They are mine, now."

The Bone Lord gave a contemptuous shrug and simply drew a line in the sand with the Sword of Despair, then retreated with his entourage back up the way he had come.

The party had made it! Now they just had to face whatever 'price' Merradh spoke of.


First Post
The Heart of the Mountain

Merradh the ghostly Paladin (corporeal, but something weird happening with his energy) made sure the party was aboard the boat and then navigated them out onto the Sunless Sea. As they went, they noticed a large column of rock connecting the cavern's ceiling to the sea just ahead. With crystal outcroppings twinkling faintly with an unearthly glow, they saw as they approached that embedded within the pillar of stone was a shape that looked like a Great Wyrm rising up in flight, wings extended up into the ceiling. At different points throughout there were tunnels and paths entering the stone and circling it, ledges that glowed with inner crystal light, strange flickering shadows, and an overall feeling of power that grew as they approached.

Also as they approached, they saw that the water itself was turning silvery, looking like molten quicksilver, and all of the spellcasters felt the physical presence of power emanating from all around them. Merradh cautioned them all, "Don't touch the water here. It is the raw power of the earth which leaches into the sea around this island, condensing into the liquid known as earthblood. Only the most powerful of spellcasters have a hope of taming its power, and what does not control magic is in turn controlled by it. Don't touch the water."

They made it to the small landing amid the Sunless Sea, and Merradh led them into a cavern that led upward into the crystal-lined caves. The party came out into a large room high up in the pillar in which was set the fabled gem, the Heart of the Mountain. About the size of a small pumpkin, it was a clear crystal that pulsed with power and glowed with a light of its own. A multitude of facets sparkled brightly, and it rested upon a stalactite of crystal. Merradh stepped forward into the chamber and bade the party halt.

"Now the price must be paid. The Heart of the Mountain will indeed accompany you, who are of good intent. However, do not be fooled. The dragon Excelsior's Heart Gem is not a light burden. Whomever touches the gem is bound to the gem until the Heart passes to another. Once it is taken, whoever has taken it must bear the gem, and serve the gem, until the burden is passed on."

The party began to discuss options, and told Merradh that they intended to use the gem to power Karral's Tower. Merradh smiled and nodded, and said "Then whoever takes the Gem will be bound to the Tower itself for so long as the gem is used."

The party decided to rest up and discuss the matter, to take action the next morning. They returned to one of the lower ledges and slept. In the morning, they looked for Merradh, but the paladin was gone.

"Well," said Marcus, "It's clear that I need to be the one to take the gem, since being bound to a Tower isn't that bad for a mage."

"No," said Yovaire. "I think that you're going to be needed for something else if Mysta's visions to Tiriel were correct."

"Well it's certainly not you," said Arien. "You've got the Sword of the Last Hope. You can't be tied down to a Tower."

"Why is Merradh missing?" asked Tybok.

Narya looked around, then came to a leap of intuition. "Because he's dead."

"Whaddya mean he's dead? He can't die. Not unless..." said Tybok.

"...unless someone has already taken the gem." Narya finished. The whole party turned as one and looked at Valar.

"What? Why is everyone looking at me?" he asked.

"Valar, did you take the Heart of the Mountain?" Arien asked crossly.

"I didn't take it," he said. For a moment, the party was puzzled, until he said, "I just... wanted to see what a gem like that weighed. I picked it up, but I put it right back down again!"

So Valar had unwittingly chosen to bear the gem. (I rolled three will saves for Valar, since his character has an established history of being unable to stop sticky fingers from going for gemstones; the first two succeeded, but the last one failed with a 1. Since Valar's player has moved away now, this ties up that aspect of things nicely.) The party tried to decide how in heck to get out of Pain Mountain, and were trying to figure out a way to use the Rings in order to teleport back to their Tower and *not* leave Fluffy behind. Yovaire said suddenly, "I can get us back. I can get us all back."

"How?" asked Marcus suspiciously.

Yovaire shrugged. "The sword, I... I guess. It can teleport us all."

After some discussion, they decided to go through with it, and found themselves in a well-lit dwarven-built room, amid a cloud of fine white powder, with a squadron of Dwarven Defenders levelling crossbows at them and demanding to know how outsiders had found the location of the Hall of the High King, where no non-dwarves have ever set foot previously. The party was placed under arrest, went willingly, and their items subjected to investigation. All except Valar, who curiously refused to put down the Heart of the Mountain, and used some kind of a mental persuasion magic to make the guards leave him alone and forget the gem was there.


First Post
Catching Up

(GM's Note: Wow, I keep forgetting just how far the party has come, and then I check in here from time to time. I'm going to try and paint in the picture in broad strokes, but it will still take a few posts to catch up.)

The party had arrived in the Dwarven King's Stronghold, a place no foreigner had ever been admitted to previously. The sword Yovaire had found was a weapon of power which was needed in the Dwarven King's fight against the renewed assault of the Ogre King, a force of evil unknown to the party. The King of the Dwarves named the party all Dwarven Friends and because of them the Deepsetter Clan's name was reinstated. The Wavewatchers, those Deepsetters who had splintered off and decided to form a new clan to serve out their penance, were to be alerted that their Name was restored and they were able to journey to Karral's Tower which would be the new 'Deepsetter Hall'. The Tower now found itself as a regional capital for the Dwarven Kingdom.

Valar had to remove himself from the party in order to stay with the Gem at the Tower. He is still inextricably linked to the goings on of the Tower and the Gem, and he directs the domestic workforces in their attempts to create a place on the River of Stars in Brace. Valar also discovered that the Tower works off of a Cubic Gate which links the pocket dimension to Brace, as well as to 4 other planes of existence (one for each facet of the Gate).

The party was asked to give Yovaire's sword to the Dwarven Troops in trust, to use against the Ogre King. They did. They were then returned to the Tower magically, where they turned everything on and played around for a bit.

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