Jester David
Sure. It could be the "spellsword" class with the swordmage as one of its subclasses.Absolutely not.
But even if I accepted the premise that a 5e Swordmage must do the same specific things a 4e Swordmage does, there is no reason a 5e Swordmage can’t do those things and quite ably fill a dozen or more archetypes in the process.
But every time I had a similar conversation about the warlord and updating it to 4e I was hit by a dozen comments about how it simply had to do everything it did in 4e. So I'm assuming the same constriction here.
At least in terms of subclasses maybe. A generic one and ones with flavour.But also, it doesn’t need to be a largely blank slate. As I suggest earlier, of all the classes only maybe 3 fit that description. The only official post-phb class so far absolutely doesn’t fit that description.
Rather, a new class should have a distinct identity, and a 5e Swordmage should be less generic than the 4e Swordmage.
But if you're making a class not for a specific world, you want to cast a wide net and make it as broad as possible to fit as many subclasses and character concepts as possible.