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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 49: The Return Trip, Day 13

The Seekers simply follow the river west. This is a familiar trek. The only notable discovery, during the day, was a small herd of pigs watering themselves. As there was still plenty of meat remaining, it was decided to let them be.

That afternoon, after camp is prepared and the pack animals freed of their burdens, Indigo decides to take all of the feathers useful to her and stitch them into a head band using some of the gut string Sheldon carries. Sheldon decides to identify some more of the treasure. Indigo works with him first to make the process faster.

OOC: Note:
To be functional, a Feather Talisman contains 3 to 5 feathers of the same type.

OOC: Village Items:
27 various Bone Talismans

OOC: Feather Talismans:
2 Stork Feathers
1 Swift Feathers
1 Raptor Feathers
1 Flicker Feathers

OOC: Items that Augment Will:
2 Song Bird Feather Talismans
5 Shiny White Stones

OOC: Items that Augment Strength:
7 Thrush Feather Talisman
2 Brown Stones
9 Goat Horn Talismans

OOC: Items that Augment Cohesion:
1 Heron Feather Talisman
1 Shiny Orange Stone
1 Calcium Ingot
6 Spider Fang Talismans

Indigo takes apart the talismans and keeps the feathers from a turkey, jay, teal, songbird, and robin, working them into a headband that ties back her hair and trails down her back. She return a yellow, a burgundy, and a white stone to the collection
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Sylvar B.

If no one else cares Saemund would like one or both of the shiny gray stones.

GM: Only 1 is necessary. They do not stack.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Bolo will work with the feathers, sewing them under her lizard skin tunic and skirt to protect them and keep anyone from snatching them away from her. She will use Carrion Feathers (Adhesion), Calling Bird (Persona), Duck (Confluence), Turkey (Health), Songbird (Will), Thrush (Strength), and Heron (Cohesion). Any stones no longer useful to her she will put back in party inventory.

Sannit will converse with Sheldon about what training he will need to focus on to increase his affinity with metals, thinking to work them into his armor at a later date.

Turtle sulks for a bit since Bolo wouldn't let him kill one of those pigs by the river. Fresh pig is so much tastier than the dry stuff they feed him. He decides to find Myth to play with while the people fiddle with their feathers and rocks.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 52: The Return Trip, Day 16

Each of the 2 remaining evenings of the trip, Sheldon works with Sannit and the various metals they have collected familiarizing him with his peculiar affinity for the substance, not really performing any manipulative tasks but simply learning the feel and the differences. In part of a discussion Sheldon proposes that the Mhytre clans that are labeled with being able to smell the ores must have Geomancers for the rocks and Urgists for the metals.

During the travel, the remaining items from the Evipau village are identified.
OOC: Items that Augment Motility:
1 Swift Feather Talisman
2 Snake Skulls

OOC: Remaining Items:
2 Stork Feather Talismans: Health + Strength
1 Titanium Ingot: Health + Strength
1 Raptor Feather Talisman: Motility + Strength
3 Lizard Skulls: Motility + Strength
1 Marine Colored Stone: Motility + Strength
1 Molybdenum Ingot: Motility + Strength
1 Flicker Feather Talisman: Health + Confluence
3 Equine Tooth Talismans: Persona + Will

By midday on the last leg of the return trip, the Seekers notice people coming toward them through the trees. The group moves from a semi-staggered position to a more defensive spread. They are carrying bow at ready. Once the distance is close enough to allow for recognition, the leading pair of the group immediately lower their bows and wave greeting. They are apparently a scouting party from Southroad Fair.

A young man speaks,
"Happy Hunting. Sorry we did not recognize you sooner. It is good to see you are returning. There is much talk of you in town these days. We have almost doubled our size thanks to you. A wayward Rhein clan has joined our community. We now have larger patrols like this one and can rove farther. Also, the spice caravan has arrived from Asylim. Everyone will be glad to see you. Happy Hunting."

Within an hour of arriving in town, more people are seen out and about, even children who ask a barrage of senseless questions requiring no answers.

OOC: XP earned for posts on return trip:
Tor: 6
Merin: 6
Myth: 2
Sannit: 10
Bolo: 9
Turtle: 7
Saemund: 3

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Gamer Extraordinaire
San-Bolo arrive in Southroad Fair with smiles and friendly greetings, even for the children. At Bolo's suggestion, Turtle bobs his head and starts loping away, encouraging the young ones and his buddy lynx to come play.

San-Bolo do what they normally do first, get a bath and a meal. After the Seekers gather in the Boar's Head, if San-Bolo do not see the elder, Passaro, and others of the Rhein tribe there, they will go and seek them out. Bolo will check on the boy, Gato, and they will invite any of appropriate age to return to the Boar's Head to share a drink with them. They will pay for the first round of Pine Vale Mellows.

At a convenient time Sannit tells the tale of the trip to any that will listen in the tavern, starting at the point they encountered the Rhein tribe. "After we left our new friends, we travelled until we reached a line of grisly scarecrows hanging in the trees. They were either for decoration or designed to scare us, but either way we passed by them with ease. Not long after that we were attacked. Evipau warriors ambushed us, striking to kill. We met the foe head on and we were the victors, suffering only minor wounds. After that we continued to a swamp, and it slowed us down quite a bit, having to push through all that muck. We encountered a pair of sentries, but they were no match for our skills. Finally we saw the tree ahead, tall and wide, it was enormous, awesome in the spread of its branches. But there were things hanging from the thick limbs, bones of animals and people, and walkways for archers to fire down on us. At the bottom of the tree we saw the ones we sought, people that practiced dark powers, preying on others to increase their strength. While we watched and waited, unseen, we saw them scramble and call out to each other. Somehow they sensed danger was near. Sheldon and Indigo came up with a brilliant, but dangerous plan. Two of us could pose as sentries and walk towards their camp, getting closer for an attack while the others snuck around and utilized flanking tactics. Bolo and I knew with her bow and my crossbow we would not be helpless out there in the open so we decided to be the bait. We walked out boldly, getting close enough for them to see our faces. By then it was too late. Merin and I suffered the worst wounds, but the dark benders were wiped out or fled. We searched the camp and found little in useful items, but there was a prisoner inside, his mind torn apart by his horrible captors. Unable to restore him, we gave him his final rest and put him with the other bodies, burning them so no one could return to claim trophies from the deceased. After that we returned here, our three quests completed."

Turtle plays with the people cubs, letting them pet and climb on him with patience and seeing if they have any treats to share.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 52: In Southroad Fair, Evening

Arriving earlier in the afternoon than usual, the Seekers quickly note that there are many more people in town, many of whom are clad in new armor and clothing. Everyone seems joyous and lively. The towns' people greet the Seekers excitedly. Many mention the presence of the spice caravan.

The pack animals are taken to the Seekers' own plot of land and string tethered due to the enormous number of people milling about. Normally this would not be necessary, but Indigo wants to take the extra precaution in case one of them becomes spooked.

Indigo speaks to the group in general.
"We should look into constructing some simple kind of fence so that we can allow our pack animals to roam freer even when more people are in town."

She and Sheldon head to the barber then to the bath house as well.
"We will meet everyone back at the Boar's Head in an hour or so. With this many strangers in town, we should keep our trade goods with us until we can barter with them tomorrow."

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Sylvar B.

Saemund walks up to Tor,
"I do not enjoy the throng of people, its difficult to tell when someone will decide to get stupid just to see what they are made of. I'll meet all of you at the Tavern."

Saemund splits off from the group and heads toward the tavern. He enjoys the adventure, and doesn't mind being known as a Seeker, but large crowds make him jumpy. After things have settled down he seeks out Sannit.
"If no one else has laid claim to them I would like to have the marine colored stone, the and one of the brown stones in addition to the shiny gray stone...I'm going to make a necklace to wear into battle."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
In town, Merin tells Myth to go play with Turtle and the village children. He orders him to be EXTRA patient and gentle during play.

Merin and Tor want to compare all of the identified skulls, tusks, etc. to see if any of them offer greater augmentation than their current charms (i.e., +2 rather than +1); they will swap out any of them that meet that criterion.

Sannit said:
"...people that practiced dark powers, preying on others to increase their strength." [...] "...but the dark benders were wiped out or fled."

Merin whispers to Sannit, "Perhaps we should leave those parts out Especially calling them Benders; that would suggest a familiarity amongst ourselves as to what these people were doing. Someone might start to wonder if we are Benders. If we mention these sorts of things, we should use less "professional" terms. There is an old saying that it takes one to know one. Therefore, we should try to appear as unfamiliar with Way and Bending as possible, to avoid any unnecessary suspicions among the townsfolk."

Voidrunner's Codex

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