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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 52: In Southroad Fair, Part 5

Merin also mentions the small deposit of aluminum that the party found. He shows Giodavi the map that he made.
Giodavi scratches his head.
"Forgive me. I am a Mayor, now, but before i was a soldier. I know the precious metals and iron, but I am not familiar with the use or value of aluminum. Talk to the Blacksmith."

Tellerian Hawke said:
Lastly, Merin mentions the fact that Giodavi should consider increased protection for Lyndha, given that her detection abilities might prove inconvenient to our enemies in Asylim.
Giodavi looks strangely at Merin.
"Detection abilities? I do not understand. Bah! Lyndha has always been sensitive to certain things. She seems to have some clairvoyance, but she is much smarter than I am. It more likely she just thinks ahead. In danger!? Nah! She did say that you were on your way back 4 days ago, though. Hmm."

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 52: In Southroad Fair, Part 6

Sannit -
"We are happy to help with hostile neighbors, and we are glad that the Rheini have found a place to belong. The Seekers have decided to go our own way for a while, perhaps do a little hunting."
Giodavi looks like he is going to be ill.
"Oh dear! I hope it is a short while. You are all such an asset to our community. There does not seem to be any present danger, though. You should talk to Lyndha before you go. She will be happy to hear that you got rid of those witches."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Giodavi said:
"... I am not familiar with the use or value of aluminum. Talk to the Blacksmith."

Merin says,

"I am not extremely familiar with it myself; I only know that it is lighter than steel, and easier to mold, although it is also easier to penetrate. I am thinking it might make a useful alloy, however. In any case, you are correct; the Blacksmith will be able to tell us for sure, one way or the other. Oh, and before I forget, we also found a vein of iron. I drew a map for its location as well."

Merin hands the map to Giodavi.

~Mental note, talk to Lyndha about needing increased protection, Giodavi does not seem to be aware of The Way, nor of Lyndha's connection to it.~

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tor is thinking of a to-do list for tomorrow morning:

1. Sword & Shield Kata (1 hour at sunrise)
2. Practice with Myth (30 minutes)
3. Practice using Way with weapons (cold effects)
4. Visit merchants & blacksmith / sell and split excess goods
5. Practice mental linking & detection abilities
6. Talk to blacksmith about possibilities of metal weaponry / armor with newfound materials


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 52: In Southroad Fair, Part 7

Back at the Southroad Seekers' land plot, as everyone is making ready for sleep, Indigo expresses a concern.

"Giodavi seemed a bit off, more giddy than boisterous. I have also seen that a good number of the people are in a heightened state of revelry. I have no theory, only concern and suspicion."

Sheldon, who no longer appears to have had too many pine vine mellows, discusses training.

"Hey Saemund. I am a bit further along in developing an affinity for metals despite my lack of weaponry. I will gladly work with you and Sannit some more have I have done before to increase your sensitivity toward them. Once you reach a certain functional skill level, you will find that the metals offer more augmentation than stones, feathers, or bones."
GM: Hint:
Once Collegiate Skill reaches 10 ranks, develop Theologic.

Sheldon and Indigo string up hammocks.

"We will sleep here to be a presence and to keep an eye on the pack animals if any of the rest of you want to let a cabin."
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit rubs his beard and says in response to Indigo, "I'm also concerned about guards on the outside of the herbalist shop. Doesn't seem like it should be necessary. We should meet this new Rheini woman that has befriended Maeli. Also, I definitely want to speak to the caravan leaders before they depart, see what news they might have as well as trade. It will be a busy day tomorrow."

San-Bolo camp on the site with Sheldon and Indigo.

After looking around for something to eat, Turtle settles down for the night.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 53: In Southroad Fair, Morning

The morning breaks with the quietness of the open desert. To the point that everyone stands quietly listening momentarily. Only the sound of birds is to be heard.

Indigo releases the pack animals from their tether so they can water themselves. She washes her face in the stream then reties her hair. Taking her swords in each hand, she stretches and works through a warming routine, smooth and noiselessly.

Sheldon washes his face as well. Afterward, he stretches then performs various isometric exercises, including standing on his hands. He tries walking about on them but is not very accomplished as yet.

Once everyone is ready, Sheldon states the obvious.
"Giodavi mentioned that the Spice Caravan will be leaving for Boga City, today. From the sound of things, it will be well past midday before they do so. I think our first order of business is a quick visit with Lyndha. I will wager she is awake, even if no one else appears to be."


Gamer Extraordinaire
After going through their own morning routines, San-Bolo are ready to go. Holding his spear lightly in his hand, using it as a walking stick while in town, Sannit says, "I had a dream last night that I was a falcon returning to my nest, only to find a snake in it. I agree to visit Lyndha first then the spice caravan. They might have breakfast going with the caravaners and I'm eager for news from outside of this area."

Bolo rests a hand on one of the kukris sheathed at her hip, leaving her bow at the tent. She says, "I propose that we stay in town for a while. I want to spend some time with the Rheini to help them assimilate and hopefully learn some of their language. We seem to run into it a lot."

From his sleeping place beside Bolo's Turtle flops over, not eager to spend a day following his people and listening to them talk. He will stay in camp for the day unless he is needed.
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