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The Unusual Heroes Enter The City of the Spider Queen!

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The Streets of Maerimydra

The heroes entered the city of Maerimydra in tense silence. The streets were vacant of drow, and were instead occupied by lumbering giants and ogres who looked menacingly at the newcomers.

“We should get out of sight and discuss a plan,” suggested Dent.

The companions wandered until they found an alleyway out of earshot.

“I thought we were going to the coliseum,” said Varr with impatience.

“Ziona and I may be killed if we enter,” spoke Belasco quietly. “But if the rest of you would like to go…”

“I wouldn’t trust you alone with her,” said Dent coldly.

The two looked at each other. Dent’s brow was furrowed in anger, while Belasco’s lips peeled back into a smirk. Ziona cleared her throat.

“Tark and Avangel have celestial blood,” she said. “I’m sure their kind would not be welcome, either. What exactly are we hoping to accomplish in going to the coliseum?”

“It’s an attack on the enemy, lass,” said Varr.

“Perhaps we should approach quietly, and peek inside,” suggested Roedyn. “There are fire giants everywhere, and…”

“I don’t care if the fire giants have the city,” growled Belasco, “I say we find these drow and destroy those that are left!”

“We will smite every last drow,” mumbled Avangel.

“While actively looking for Lox,” noted Ziona.

“We can check the coliseum for prisoners or slaves,” said Dent. “We’re bound to find him here somewhere.”

“Let’s be on our way, then,” huffed Varr. “I’m ready to give them the icy grip of death!”

The heroes stepped out of their secluded spot and headed toward the coliseum. Their path was illuminated by the eerie glow of edible fungus, but Dent was the only one to notice such things. How he longed to return to the lush green lands of the surface world…

He was snapped out of his pleasant thought of the world above by the sound of grunts. As he raised his head, he saw two fire giants and an ogre were up ahead, blocking their path.

“Hail. Make way,” called the ranger.

The giant huffed. “No one hails around here, surface scum.”

“Then get out of the way, or I’ll send you to the Abyss.”

The fire giant snarled and lumbered towards the group and the heroes sprang into action. Tark, Ziona and Rossal readied spells, while Belasco, Avangel and Dent attacked. From afar, Roedyn’s arrows slammed into their targets with vicious precision.

Varr, eager to sink his axe into the flesh of his enemy, began roaring wildly. Froth foamed from his mouth as his barbarian rage consumed him. The dwarf knocked the ogre back several feet as he chopped into the beast’s abdomen.

Tark nodded and pointed out movement to Ziona. The two clerics watched as a large form flew overhead, then disappeared.

“Be wary,” called Tark to the group. “Reinforcements may be on their way.”

“They will need them,” called Belasco as his longsword dug into the meaty gut of a fire giant.

The giant bellowed with anger and pain, but managed to slam his weapon down upon the drow. The second fire giant joined his kin, flanking Belasco and roaring wickedly with anger.

Moments later, a large form flew into the fray and landed alongside Belasco. The fiend had huge leathery wings, crimson skin and long, clawed fingers. In it’s grip it held a whip and a sword, and it seemed intent on assisting the giants destroy the drow they were attacking.

Running to Belasco’s aid were Tark and Haley, who destroyed the first giant, while Roedyn continued to plug the second giant from afar. Soon, only the fiend was left standing. Belasco spun away from the melee, however, using his Ring of Invisibility to vanish.

Rossal flew up to the beast and cast upon it, sending icy shards cascading toward it. The shards melted before they hit, however. The fiend looked at the heroes and snarled, then lifted it’s wings and flew away into the darkness.

“What was that?” asked Roedyn.

“Whatever it was did not seem very happy,” said Tark.

A tap on the shoulder caused the cleric to turn and look around in confusion since there was no one near him.

“I am in need of healing,” mumbled a low voice.

Tark recognized the voice of Belasco.

“Well, I must see you if I am to heal you.”

The drow reappeared and accepted Tark’s healing. Meanwhile, Ziona healed Haley and Dent.

“To the coliseum?” asked Dent.

“You bet yer green hide,” huffed Varr.

The Adventure Continues…
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First Post
Thank you very much for the compliment! :)

I'm hoping I will be able to write up more of the story soon, but we're currently in the process of moving, and we just found out that there may be a delay in our internet service (the ground is frozen right now, so we have to wait for a thaw before they can hook us up at the new house...) :(

So, before long, I will only be able to post from work (which I happen to be doing right now... muhahahahaha....)

Thank you all for your patience. In other news, we did not play last night because we were blasted with another stupid snow storm... grrr...arrrghh... I just hope Mother Nature is done sending snow our way. It will suck to move with ice and snow everywhere.

Thanks again for reading & commenting! I will do my best to get another update going soon.


First Post
Whoa! Looks like Dent fighting a drow...


Of course, Dent's skin is green and all, but otherwise...
The pic is from the new Races of Faerun book. The Wizard's site has the art gallery up, and I have to say that I like what I see.

Anyhow, I'm working on an update, so with any luck, I'll be able to post it while here at work at some point today. :)


First Post
Yeah, the pciture looks like I'm about to kill that drow scum with First Light.
Quoting Doc Midnight, "I've only meet half a drow that I really liked."
That half-drow is Ziona.
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