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The Unusual Heroes: Journal Of A Half-Drow


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Eight-day of Kythorn

Eilistraee be praised! My parents are together and well, and my companions are safely back on the surface. To think of the Underdark now seems like it was a child’s nightmare. Here I sit back in the home I was raised in, writing by candlelight as I did when I was a child. It seems so safe and protected…but for how long? The drow invaded the surface for my father once, they’re bound to do it again. That is why this will be my final night in the place I have come to know as “home.”

My parents have decided it would be best for them to leave Ashabenford for their own safety and the safety of the town. I must admit that I am heartbroken, and wish it had not come to this, but I know it must be done. Those we helped through the Library of Eilistraee* have offered to care for the farm, so my parents can return someday. My father has spoken again with Drizzt Do’Urden, who has arranged for my parents to stay in Ten Towns in Icewind Dale. I have been told it is not the friendliest of places, but we trust in Drizzt’s judgment, and I know my parents are well enough now to make the journey…Eilistraee watch over them.

I must admit that I still feel somewhat responsible for their situation. What else alerted the drow of my father’s presence, if not the adventures of a half-drow Cleric of Eilistraee? However, it is the way of The Dark Maiden to promote happiness and harmony and to pass on the Lady’s message of Hope, and that is what I have vowed to do. I have felt renewed faith and hope myself after emerging from the evils of the Underdark. I admit that some of my confidence was restored after meeting Drizzt. His courage and heroism were inspiring, and his principles and valor prove that there is hope for the drow. The Lady encourages us to aid drow in distress and to pass on her message of peace. The Underdark made me feel suffocated, as though the drow are not capable of finding such peace and harmony on the surface. But Drizzt renewed my hope and dashed my doubts. Praise Eilistraee for his help.

Tomorrow my parents pack up and leave for Icewind Dale. I will be here to help them prepare and to watch them go. They were hoping to stay at least another day, in celebration of my nineteenth year, but we all know it’s best if they leave as quickly as possible. There is no telling when the drow may strike again. Solstar is convinced they will be upon us at any given moment. I’m sure he’s still a bit worked up over the torture he endured at their hands, but I pray that they are not following too closely behind.

Tomorrow is also the day that we will gather together to mourn the loss of a friend. I find it difficult to write such things…I cannot describe the horrors that were done to him, though the images will be with me for the rest of my days. Thankfully Noristuor, although injured, was not beyond my aid. Tomorrow will be a hard day indeed…I pray Eilistraee give me strength.



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*Library of Eilistraee


I apologize for such a lengthy break between updates, but many things have been leeching my time away...

At any rate, I hope you enjoy the first part of the update. For any who wonder about The Library of Eilistraee, it is part of the story that Xaltar never got around to posting.

Ziona took a large portion of her treasure gained through adventuing and began building a sort of library. Because her Goddess encourages learning, harmony, and helping others, Ziona felt that opening a sort of learning center/sanctuary would be perfect. It is built between her parent's farm and Ashabenford. (her parents live on the outskirts of town...)

The library houses those who need shelter, teaches those who seek knowledge, and of course spreads the word of Eilistraee and her message of peace and harmony.

Anyhow, I will continue working on the story tonight & will have the rest posted before too long.



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As the group emerged from the depths of the Underdark, they squinted their eyes at the rising sun. Relieved to be on the surface again, they moved hastily and made good time on their way back to Ashabenford.

They decided that they would head straight to Noristuor’s home since he was the one who had called them all together several days ago. However, as they approached his house, they realized something was wrong. The front gate leading to Noristuor’s yard had been smashed open, and his front door dangled on it’s hinges.

“It can’t be drow, or my sword would be vibrating more,” Aarack mumbled. His sword always trembled slightly in Ziona’s presence, but there was a noticeable vibration when a true drow was about.

“FOR JUSTICE!” shouted Doc, drawing his rapier and running past the companions.

The rest of the party followed, weapons drawn. The smell of charred wood and paper assaulted the nostrils of those who entered the house. By the smoldering bookshelves and curtains, it was obvious a Fireball had gone off in the room.

“Noristuor?!” called Solstar.

As the companions walked further into the abode, they heard a soft moan.

“There!” shouted Ziona, who ran to where Noristuor lay bloodied beneath an overturned table. Aarack pulled the table away and watched as Ziona closed her eyes and used her divine powers to heal Noristuor’s wounds.

As the tiefling mage came to, he began clawing about the air madly.

“Noristuor! It’s okay! It’s us! Calm yourself, you are with friends,” cried Ziona, grabbing his flailing arms.

His eyes focused on her a moment, and he sighed.

“What has happened here, Noristuor?” asked Solstar.
“Was it the damn drow?” spat Varr.

“No…no it was someone else,” Noristuor began. But before he could finish, Doc solemnly walked from the kitchen.

“I think you should all have a look at this,” he mumbled.

Lying in a bloody heap upon Noristuor’s eating table was a body. The corpse was missing it’s left leg, several fingers, and had an odd symbol branded into it’s forehead.

“Ziona…it’s Holden,” Doc said softly.
Ziona stood up from her kneeling position beside Noristuor and made her way towards the kitchen. When she saw Holden Forthright, the ranger who had accompanied the companions on past adventures, she gasped in horror.

“Who?!” She shouted behind her at Noristuor. “Who has done such despicable acts?”

Even Varr cringed at the sight of Holden, whose bruised face and torn flesh could have made an orc gag.

“It was a group of people,” Noristuor began again, “and they said this was a lesson.”

“A lesson for whom?” asked Aarack.

“A lesson for Drexel.”

Doc, Ziona, and Varr turned from Holden’s body and faced Noristuor, who was now sitting up against the overturned table.

“These men, these villains…they said that they work in the name of Bane, and that this destruction was a lesson for Drexel Doomhand.”

“Who were they, Noristuor? They must be brought to justice,” said Doc.

Again Noristuor sighed. It seemed there was more that the mage did not want to say.

“I am afraid your friend who fights along side you for ‘justice’ was also involved in this,” he said.

“Spiderfang?” asked Varr.

“Wait, Spiderfang helped Drexel take my mother to Thay for her antidote. Where are they now?” asked Ziona.

“I have not seen Drexel or your mother, Ziona. Only Spiderfang. He was among those who dragged the body into my house, ravaged my belongings, and nearly killed me!” said Noristuor angrily.

“It could not have been Spiderfang,” began Doc, but the cold look Noristuor flashed him showed that he was not mistaken.

“It was indeed Spiderfang! He said that Zygamoor the Hunter had shown him the truth about Drexel, and that he must be brought to justice.”

“What do you know about your friend Drexel that could have provoked this?” asked Aarack.

Ziona’s features hardened. She and Rossal, along with Spiderfang, knew that Drexel was a tiefling. However, Drexel kept his heritage hidden using a magical hat to disguise his true appearance. Ziona never truly understood why, but perhaps this encounter had something to do with it.

“Listen, we can’t make any assumptions until Drexel is back. I’m sure he can explain everything,” she said.

“But Ziona, how do we know where Drexel and your mother is?” asked Zellian.

Ziona looked at her father and sighed. She thought the nightmare was over…

“Are you sure you can trust your friend Drexel? How long have you known him?” asked Aarack.

“Do you trust anyone at all?!” shouted Doc.

“Quiet, all of you,” shouted Noristuor over the noise of the ensuing argument. “I have been researching this man Zygamoor. The men who follow him are dangerous…an assassin, a cleric of Bane, an evil wizard and an odd gnome. They were all here, and I’m sure they will not wait long before they strike out again.”

“All the more reason to begin preparations now,” said Ziona.



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An odd gnome? Has anybody ever met a gnome that wasn't? In my experience gnomes come in three flavas: odd, odder and "run away, it's gonna blow!"

Poor Holden.


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Xaltar said:

This Gnome should be making another appearance very soon, along with the new and improved Spiderbane!

Will the party be ready to face their old friend?
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As for Holden...well his player couldn't make it anymore and I thought that would be a good bit of flavor. We game again on Sunday, should be interesting!

- Xaltar

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