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The Unusual Heroes vs. The Pool of Radiance


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Session 6, Part 3: Danger Escapes...

The others made it to the bottom of the stairs only to find it was too late.

A horde of cultists was waiting for them brandishing their weapons, and they didn’t think twice about stomping across the mangled body that was once known as Spiderfang. Holden was the first to engage in combat, but fighting on the stairs only held the rest of the party back.

After taking a few volleys of magic missiles, Drexel had an idea. The heroes were starting to even the odds, but the evil spellcaster was much more powerful than the party. With a whisk of his hand, Drexel called upon his innate ability as a tiefling to summon a sheet of darkness. As soon as the wizard had lost sight of the party, they started to pull themselves together and renewed the relentlessness of their assault. Borghin rained bolts down on the cultists like a furious storm, while Ziona summoned a celestial creature to gnaw at their legs.

When all of the attackers on the near side of the darkness had fallen, Drexel turned to the Air Genasi captive with a finger pressed to his lips. Holden and Drexel stood still to listen for movement from the hidden wizard and his two bodyguards while Borghin stealthily unlocked the slave.

Ziona hovered over Spiderfang’s limp and trampled body. With tears in her eyes, she prayed for Eilistraee to guide him into the afterlife. She had never witnessed a death before, and she felt helpless since Tansooth was wounded beyond the capacity of her restorative powers.

The party waited for the darkness to pass, readied with weapons drawn. Beads of sweat rolled down their faces with nervousness and anticipation. The evil wizard had far too much time to prepare, and although they knew that they could beat him, they were afraid that they could suffer another casualty. However, when the blackness began to dissipate and the remainder of the room was revealed, it was empty.

Searching around fanatically, they managed to find a secret door. Ready for battle, Holden whipped the door open, only to find that it was an ancient storage closet and not an escape passage. The room was very dusty and it was obvious that no one had entered this area for hundreds of years. Drexel’s eyes lit up when they discovered a very detailed instruction manual on the topic of enchanting magic weapons. There was other booty to be found in the secret room as well, including two scrolls, a spellbook, and a few finely crafted rapiers.

Still, the party had no answers as to the disappearance of the cultist wizard and his minions. They continued to search the room and Ziona helped them with the use of a detect magic spell. There were two areas of great interest, each radiating auras of magic. First a well-worn wooden workbench riddled with character from it’s many cuts and scratches radiated with the residue of spells that had been forged into magic weapons. The second was an 8-foot-wide circular area within a small alcove, carved to display a splendid city within a great forest. In front of the ornate wall stood a 1-foot-wide iron brazier full of a granular white substance, which was quickly identified as salt.

“That’s Myth Drannor,” exclaimed Holden, who was overly excited by the fact that he was able to identify the location.

Ziona stated in pure awe, “Wow! That wall is very magical!”

Holden waved to the rest of the party, “Give me a few minutes, I’ll figure this out.”

Meanwhile, the party talked to the Air Genasi, Arion, about how he had become captured. He explained that he was a wilderness wanderer who had been ambushed in the nearby woods. He said that the cultists referred to “putting him to work in the crypts.”

He offered to help the party track down the evil mage who had stripped him of his equipment. The party, now down one member, was more than willing to have Arion join their ranks. He rippled with finely toned muscles. He could definitely add that level of physical force that the group seemed to be lacking.

After doling out a weapon and some potions to Arion, the party organized a makeshift funeral for Spiderfang. They hauled his body upstairs, and placed him in a bed that was curtained off from the others. It was decided that beasts and animals would not likely find the body before they returned from avenging his death. Ziona spoke a short but poetic eulogy of her fallen friend who had perished before his time.

Returning downstairs, everyone was in a somber mood. Drexel turned to Holden and asked, “Let’s just get this over with, so how do we get through the wall?”

Holden’s face reddened. “Um, I still haven’t figured it out.”

Holden tried taking a handful and then walking through the wall unsuccessfully. One time he closed his eyes and attempted to confidently walk through, while speaking, “I disbelieve,” only to smash his face into the relief covered wall another time.

Over the next two hours, the party struggled with the mystery of the wall. Finally, Holden went back to experimenting with the salt, and as he rubbed some across the wall, a portal opened into a well-lit cave.

“Oh, THAT’s why there’s all of that salt on the floor.”

Still more to come…

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Session 6, Part 4: Stuck in Myth Drannor...

Stepping through the portal, the party found itself in a cave illuminated by a single continual flame sconce and lightly glowing moss growing around the edges of a small pool of water. A stone statue of a regal and benevolent looking woman stood to the right of the portal. Drexel quickly identified it was an older rendition of his patron, Mystra, the goddess of magic.

Borghin was the last through the portal, and was very distraught when he found that he couldn’t walk back the way he had come. All of his hard earned money, (which he had pilfered from the troll’s cave), was buried on the other side. He stopped his foot on the ground, flustered.

The moss amazed Holden since he had never encountered anything quite like it in all of his time traversing the wilderness. He took a piece from the rocks and placed it in his bag, yet only moments later the plant had wilted and died. Further puzzled, he just gave into his curiosity and ate a handful. Noticing that a few of his wounds from the previous battle had healed, he and Arion quickly consumed all of the remaining moss.

After noticing the entire exit to the cave was covered from floor to ceiling in glyphs of warding, Ziona, wishing to protect the safety of the party, summoned a creature to walk through the entrance of the cave to see if the glyphs were active. They all waited and held their breath, but nothing happened.

Outside of the cave, it was evident to Holden, (with his acute tracking abilities), that there was normally a guard posted here. His eyes followed a thin trail that led away from the cave and into an eerie forest of large trees and tangled vines. “This can’t be good,” he thought.

The party quickly headed down the path toward a large river. After about 30 minutes of traveling through the wilderness, they heard a voice call out. “What in the Nine Hells are you doing? If you go marching out there, the Cultists are going to kill you! Come over here and we’ll talk”

Cautiously the party moved to the side of the path where they saw a small gnome. After a short discussion that was near to an interrogation, the party learned that this gnome, Tarbash, and his cousin Robalend had been looting the city of Myth Drannor. Robalend had been captured and now Tarbash was will to assist the party in storming the closest structure under the control of the cultists, the Tower of Bone.

Tarbash presented the party with identical half-cloaks to those worn by the Cult of the Dragon. Tarbash also informed them that the Tower of Bone was once a necromancer structure that was constructed in the Polyandrium. The Polyandrium was once the site of a great battle where elves, dwarves, and humans fought to protect Myth Drannor from an army of orcs. The Polyandrium later became a large gravesite littered with crypts and frequented by rogue undead during the night.

The party made camp in the woods, deciding to stay, as far away from the Polyandrium as possible. It was dark and cold, but they didn’t risk starting a fire. Unfortunately, they were discovered even after all of their precautions.

Cultists had been sent on deeper patrols into the forest due to the wizard who returned to the Tower of Bone and spoke of a possible threat. The cultists were not very concerned, but didn’t want to be chastised by their leaders within the ruins of Myth Drannor for being callous, either. One such patrol happened to come across the heroes’ camp.

Arion and Borghin were on watch, and called out to wake up the others as they found themselves in a sudden onslaught. Arion burst into a berserker rage and rushed by several of the well-armed cultists, (ignoring the few slashes that cut into his sides), and drove the whole of his blade through the necromancer that was leading the patrol.

The party slaughtered the cultist patrol and cut their night’s rest short. They decided that they would return to the Tower of Bone in the disguise of the patrol that they had defeated. They had done well against the Zhent citadel with a similar strategy, so the plan was decided. Drexel tipped his hat of disguise and when he looked back up, he appeared exactly like a Cult of the Dragon necromancer.

Still more to come…


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Session 6, Part 5: Rebirth...

Spiderfang opens his eyes.

As if by reflex, his body jolts him to a sitting position. What happened? Where is he? His vision is still blurry, but as the shapes around him come into view, he realizes where he is. He is resting in a bed within the hideout of the cultists. He begins to panic, but strong and firm arms pin him to the bed.

Spiderfang recognizes the voice of his master and relaxes. As his vision fully returns he sees that two individuals accompany his master. The first is woman dressed in ornate robes, adorned with numerous scroll cases. The other is a man, a cleric of Lathander, the morning lord.

“We have brought you back from the dead young Tansooth. You are brave yet foolish, and if we had not been following your party, then you would have lost your most valuable possession, your life. Remember, you are now the TRUE Spiderfang, not I.”

Master continued, “Now listen carefully. I have been following you since you returned to Ashabenford. I needed to know that you will be safe, and will carry on the legend of the Spiderfang. There is great evil that I must deal with, and the reality is that I’m not likely to return from my next adventure.”

Spiderfang stared up at his master sorrowfully. He had not seen the man in months, and such a reunion was heart wrenching, not to mention how foolish he felt.

“Your friends need you, I’m afraid that you don’t have much time to spare.”

This broke Spiderfang out of his rut, and he jumped out of bed. His master was right; his friends really did need him. The four of them ran down stairs and the wizard threw the salt against the wall, activating the portal.

Spiderfang turned to hug his master with tears in his eyes. He knew that he might never again see the man that was like a father to him and he didn’t want to let go. As they separated, the Spiderfang master said, “Rebuild the order my young Tansooth! I have faith in you,” as he flicked him a ring.

Spiderfang caught the ring in his left hand, and then almost dropped it as he came to the sudden realization that he once again had two hands.

With one last wave with his newly restored hand, Spiderfang left the shrine of Mystra and moved with great speed down the path.

Still more to come…


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Session 6, Part 6: Playing the Part...

Spiderfang ran with great speed down the path and managed to intersect the party just as they were coming out of the woods on their way to infiltrate the Tower of Bones. They didn’t have much time to discuss what had happened, but Spiderfang was able to prove his identity, by whispering to Drexel that he knew of his true tiefling form, (which had only been shared with Tansooth and Ziona), and they all felt a great relief to have him back.

The Tower of Bones was a magnificent structure of carved stone that resembled skeleton bones and gargoyles. Surrounding the tower was the massive gravesite known as the Polyandrium. The Polyandrium runs nearly 300 feet across and 100 feet wide, with trees lightly covering the area.

Before the party reached the tower’s entrance, they suddenly had doubts about being able to successfully bluff their way in with a dwarf, gnome, and air genasi in the party. They agreed that Borghin and Tarbash, (the gnome that they met in the forest), were going to attempt to find another way to sneak into the building since they were both rogues.

The party unanimously voted that Arion was far too barbariac in his mannerisms to pass as a cultist, not to mention his unusual heritage. So, it was agreed that he would wait in the nearby woods until the party was able to find his equipment and return it to him.

Being disguised the best, and having a way of working words much in a way a painter would paint a great portrait, Drexel took the lead. They walked right up to the tower and barged through the front door. “I must speak to the master immediately!” Drexel demanded.

“Ryngoth is currently on the roof. He is not to be interrupted,” answered one of the sentries.

“Well, I have news that can not wait!” retorted Drexel with such bearing confidence that the sentry began to stutter.

“Then Ggg gggooo saaa seee Rathh Rathwill upstairs.”

The party marched up the stairs and didn’t look back. When they reached the top of the next landing, they saw a small table and chair occupied by an unarmored man. He was writing upon a scroll and was flanked by sentries. This was Rathwill, and when they told him that they demanded to meet with Ryngoth, he was not happy. Drexel’s silver lined tongue managed to keep the encounter from escalating into a battle, and finally Rathwill reluctantly let them pass, but told them that it was their own funeral.

The next floor had two very heavily armored warriors guarding the stairs to the roof. The larger of the two men held out his hand in a warning position while his ally readied a sword. “Praise to the dragons! You are not permitted to enter this level of the Tower of Bones. State your business here immediately or face punishment.”

“Stand down acolyte! I have just arrived from the city of Myth Drannor with crucial information for Ryngoth. If you stand in our path then I will have you fed to the dragons!”

Drexels response held such conviction that the guards looked at each other in doubt. Then, much to their surprise, Drexel pushed them aside and walked by. Most of the party was up the stairs before the guards could react. By the time they regained their wits, they merely drew their swords and waited to assist the master of the Tower of Bones if the need should arise.

As Drexel first reached the roof, he could not tell if it was day or night due to the strange Myth Drannor sky. Looking around he noticed an armored sentry standing guard in the center of the roof where an insane looking robed cultist stood next to a stone slab. Upon the slab was a shackled and frightened-looking gnome. Behind the slab were 8 freshly created zombies. The demented looking man looked up at the party, his robes were adorned with mystical runes and symbols of dragons and death. “It would seem that we have company! While the Lord of the Forsaken Crypt does not mind your interruption, I think he would be better served if we added you to our collection. Praise the dragon!”

Just about that time, Drexel saw Borghin and Tarbash climbing up the side of the tower. While lobbing a burning flask, Tarbash yelled, “Praise this, you death-loving freak.”

Drexel cringed, as did Holden, who was peering around his side. This didn’t look good, for their cover was completely blown. Drawing their weapons, the heroes prepared for the worst as Ryngoth ordered his undead minions to attack.

Next Time: Will the party be able to force their way back out of the hostile tower unharmed?
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Session 7, Part 1: Fall of the Tower...

While Ryngoth’s undead zombies and his loyal guard intercepted the party from reaching the necromantic priest, he cast a spell that sucked the life-force from all living creatures surrounding him.

The party suddenly felt weaker, and it was evident that the cultist guard was also affected, but most critically the shackled gnome slumped into unconsciousness. There was no telling how much time they had before he passed.

Ziona, with righteous power, destroyed the zombies in the name of Eilistraee. This allowed the party to assault the last remaining barrier between them and Ryngoth, which was the cultist sentry. Ryngoth took this time to cast hold person on Holden, seriously limiting the combat power of the group, but they continued to fight on.

Only moments later, hordes of sentries and necromancers rushed up from the floors below. The commotion had not gone unnoticed, and the encounter quickly escalated to a large-scale battle. Drexel made great use of his energy transformation lightning to blast his enemies with balls and bolts of lightning. When Holden finally broke free of the spell, he and Spiderfang together reached Ryngoth. With a broad sweep of Holden’s greatsword, Ryngoth found himself sitting prone on the ground while Spiderfang leapt on him, delivering a flurry of attacks with his restored fists. After he had delivered his final attack, he noticed that the foul necromancer would trouble them no further since his neck was now broken.

Meanwhile, Ziona had healed the captured gnome, while Borghin picked the lock and set him free. Drexel and Robalend had been holding off the forces that dared to rush up the stairs towards them, but now that the head cultist in the Tower of Bones had been defeated, the party regrouped and began wadding down the stairs with renewed furry.

One by one the heroes tore through the seemingly endless force of cultists. The cultists outnumbered the party, (nearly ten to one), and were completely surprised when nearly an hour later the group had completely slaughtered every remaining cultist within the Tower of Bones.

Emerging from the necromantic structure, suffering only minor injuries, the party beamed with success. They met up with Arion and returned his equipment while their rescued gnomish friend, Tarbash, explained to the party about the cultists. They were grave digging in the surrounding crypts for magical items and mystical keys, called rune talismans, that were used for opening sealed doors within the city of Myth Drannor.

The party figured that they needed to beat the cultists to the hidden treasures buried within the Polyandrium. Although Arion couldn’t argue with the groups reasoning, it was against his beliefs and he informed the group that he could aid them on their next challenge. However, he thanked the party graciously for returning his equipment and bade them farewell.

It was also decided that the party had grown to an unmanageable size and that they would split into two groups. Borghin would lead the two gnomes on a reconnaissance while the others would explore the crypts.

The plan was in motion!

Next Time: The party grows! Is that possible?
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Session 8, Part 1: The return of Hunter...

Until they split however, they figured that they would need a safe place to rest and restore their spells. The only (somewhat) safe place at the moment seemed to be the shrine to Mystra, where the party had first arrived through the portal.

As the party was setting up camp for the night, four figures suddenly burst through the portal. Everyone grabbed their weapons, only to see that leading this group was the one and only, Hunter VonLeer. “Now this is no way to treat a VonLeer,” he said with a crooked smile, trying to hide his excitement to once again be back with the group.

Hunter quickly recapped the events that had transpired at the captured Zhent keep. The Riders of Mistledale had sent a force of mercenaries to the keep to assist in its defense from Zhentish attacks. The portals located within its walls were far too dangerous to fall into the wrong hands. After several weeks, the Zhents had given up hope of regaining control of the keep, and the Hunter believed that the structure would be safe under the leadership of their gold dragon ally, Kurudava Khlorous.

Hunter then introduced his new allies. “This is Runtel and Doctor Midnight, two very brave warriors who fought by my side back at the keep.”

Runtel was an Earth Genasi barbarian. The last of a faulting nomadic tribe, he had set out into the world with little more then his lust for adventure and his golden crown. He was determined to someday return to his people with an answer on how to sustain the tribe’s existence, and until he had that answer, he refused to go home. Runtel’s skin was not unlike that of earthen clay, and his hairless head shinned under the light of the party’s torches.

Doctor Midnight’s flamboyance was magnified by the drabness of his barbarian partner. Doc stood tall and wore a mask that left only his firm square jaw uncovered. His wardrobe was that of a swashbuckler but his frame resembled an ox. He swept off his hat with his right hand and with a short bow he said, “For justice.”

Spiderfang sneered, unsure if his sudden discomfort was from the presence of the new vigilante, or from the woman who was standing behind the men. She was dressed all in black, wearing an outfit nearly identical to his own. With a huff he asked, “A who is she?”

Before Hunter could answer, the woman stepped forward and dropped to one knee. “I am Lia. For the past year I have followed the rumors of the Spiderfang to a town called Ashabenford. While there, I was able to find out that a man resembling the description of the Spiderfang had last been seen leaving with a well-known citizen, Hunter VonLeer. When Hunter returned to town, I begged him to bring me to the REAL Spiderfang, so I may continue my training. I offer you my undying allegiance if you will accept me as a student.”
Tansooth stood there motionless, unsure if he was ready to assume the responsibility; After all, he knew that the true Spiderfang master was still alive. He suddenly had an idea. He could act as her master until the true master had returned, and then he would surely train this young woman. He had made up his mind, “It will be so.”

Still more to come…

Dr Midnight

Oh, yes.

The doctor's in.

Doctor Midnight, crime-fighter extraordinaire, is finally revealed as being in-game for the first time in years. He's already proved himself with the Unusual Heroes in some tight spots, although he's not well-loved in the group. You'll read why.

Feels so good to be wielding the rapier again.

EDIT: Forgot to say- awesome job, as always, Xaltar. I'm sorry I don't say it more often.
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Wee Jas

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"Broke free"?! Bah.. Drexel used his dispel magic to free our ever so skillful ranger/thief Holden! As a shamless plug I also cast Haste on Tansooth..lol.

Great story Xaltar! Doc Midnight is finally introduced into our little unusual band and now we make our way to some HUGE fights!

Drexel Doomhand
Lvl 5 mage/ 2 Air Elemental Savant

Dr Midnight


The Black Fist of Justice.
Stabbin' evil since 1998.

Voidrunner's Codex

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