The village of Prumen


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Solomon kneel down and take a good look at the footprint on the ground. It looks like a large number of small creatures passed a few hours ago(1 or 2 at most). Who ever they were they obviously didn't care about being detected, you see all kind of garbage (food rest, metal containers, even a dagger and a frying pan) lying on the ground.

They walked towards the north. You can't identify the exact creature type because they were wearing boots. You also noticed two wheel's track (there were at least 2 different Chariot). You cannot hear or see anything else apart from the sound of an hunting owl, from where you are.

Because the ground is muddy from yesterday's rain and because wagon are usually slow in a forest, you estimate that they shouldn't be far from your current position.
[edit: you also notice spots of blood that seem to follow the wheel track]
[OCC I rolled the spot, listen and survival roll]
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"Wizards ?, it always amazes me to hear you speak, you actually understand the art very well and they way you characterise the different type is fascinating, personally I have no clue on what I am. I just know that since I am a small girl, magic was always part of my life.

Casting a spell is as natural to me as breathing" You both notice that she seems a bit embarrased by her lack of knowledge.

"I was hearing you talk about those various theorem about spell incantation and just realise how ignorant I am..."

She lowers her head for a few second, and turns back to you again "So..., what brought you on this mission, you are another of those secret special troops, that we should not be aware of for our own security. I was thinking that this would simply another of those dummy exploration mission" Her faces brighten at the taught that this could be more exciting than she initially taught.

Edit: Your first impression of Valeria is that of very warm person but even if you would try your best she probably would never understand how to cast a simple magic missile, she also seems very guilible and not very mature.
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Things have been so calm in Mergovie in the last year that you started to think that heading towards the savage land in the south would not be a bad idea.

You decided to follow the northern border of the country hoping that you could fall on a settlement that could make could use of your muscles.

It's now been three weeks and you crossed four villages, all of them were pretty quiet.

As you walk on top of a small hill you notice what looks like a small village, you decide to head towards it hopping this time your luck will turn.
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Oculus, Cloistered Cleric/Domain Wizard

Of course! Oculus had not realized it, but the six soldiers were probably just as wary of us as we are of them! They probably think we are powerful wizards, like Jasper’s Uncle Joe. Well, it’s probably for the best that they think this way.

“Yes, arcana is a truly fascinating subject, and well worth your time to study. I believe all arcanists should learn about it as much as they can. It is a lifetime pursuit. But it’s not for everybody. Your strengths and abilities probably lie in other areas.” Oculus smiles warmly at Valeria.

In response to her question about being special troops, Oculus replies (truthfully, and a little mysteriously) “Yes, secret special troops would be a good way to describe us. Very few know of our presence, or our abilities. Unfortunately we are not at liberty to tell you more.”

“But Valeria, you must tell us about this mission. We were just completing another assignment when Joseph brought us word that Baron ___ wished us to join this mission. We were very rushed, and were not briefed. Where are we going, and for what purpose?”

[Knowledge Nobility +9 to learn the Baron’s name and anything else about him. If not, Oculus will just say Baron.]

Oculus words it so that Valeria believes it was the Baron’s personal wish that they join this party. The ‘other assignment’ was astronomy homework, but Valeria doesn’t need to know that!

Oculus will continue his conversation with Valeria, not asking all this at once, but in a natural flow of conversation.

“And what about your group here, what can you tell us about them?” Oculus wonders about Joe’s mysterious statement about the Baron wanting to keep them far away from the capital.

Nac Mac Feegle

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Telic Freeson, Paladin of Freedom

Telic topped the rise and looked down over the next hill, where he saw a village in the distance. He was already starting to regret his decision to make for the savage territories to the south, as he had been walking for over a week without any real excitement.

"For this I could have just stayed in the city and at least been comfortably bored." he muttered to himself.

Sighing, he pondered what village this was. He had a hazy mental map of the location, but hadn't been this way in a long time, and wasn't sure if he remembered correctly. He hadn't been this way since his time with the circus. He paused considering this.

I'm sure no one here remembers me, I was at least 5 years younger then. No way any of the gaurdsmen would remember me. Positive. Well, best be safe anyways. He thought.

Slinging his travel stained cloak over his back in such a way as to minimize the conspicuousness of his sword, he swung his lute over from his back and began to play it, humming. The old wandering minstrel routine should work to get a bit of information.

As he looked back, he saw some dust moving down the road towards him. Probably a military patrol. Best to be walking like a common bard when they reached him.

Telic sighed, hoisted his bag to his shoulder and stepped off towards town.

OOC: If it works, that can be Oculus and Jasper's group behind him, allowing them to meet up. If not, it can be ignored.


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Solomon Kreel

OOC: I assume Prumen is to the South, which means the 'army' is headed away from Prumen, & towards the wilderness.

Solomon sighs. This could be big news. He slips the fallen knife into his backpack, and turns towards home. He figures he can arrive in the morning by the time Marcus gets to work, so he can make a report about what he has found.

OOC: If Prumen is to the North, then Solomon will move at top speed home, hoping to beat the army.


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Jasper Conrad

Upon hearing Oculus describe the two of them as 'special secret troops', Jasper's eyes will widen, but he bites his tongue. He'll continue riding quietly, wondering where they are going and what special secret tasks they might be expected to perform.


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Manzanita said:
OOC: I assume Prumen is to the South, which means the 'army' is headed away from Prumen, & towards the wilderness.

Solomon sighs. This could be big news. He slips the fallen knife into his backpack, and turns towards home. He figures he can arrive in the morning by the time Marcus gets to work, so he can make a report about what he has found.

OOC: If Prumen is to the North, then Solomon will move at top speed home, hoping to beat the army.
First assumption is right the army is moving away from the town, You estimate their number at around 50-60. If you want you could follow the trail in the opposite sense, at least for a while and still be on your way home.

With you speed you should be able to reach the town very early in the morning.


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Kangaxx said:
Upon hearing Oculus describe the two of them as 'special secret troops', Jasper's eyes will widen, but he bites his tongue. He'll continue riding quietly, wondering where they are going and what special secret tasks they might be expected to perform.
Especially that Oculus is not the best liar. You clearly wouldn't have felt for it, but it looks like she did.


First Post
OOC: Oculus didn't lie or Bluff. It was pretty much the truth, just sort of vaguely stated, that's all. The part about special secret whatever was just repeating what she said, and agreeing that they could be called that. ;)
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