The Waterdeep Adventures or Kobold Soup is good eatin!


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Pudge and the three Elves are following the constable’s directions to the farm he mentioned the night before. The weather is overcast and darker clouds loom in the distance. They catch up with the constable about an hour later.

“Well boys, come to see the mutilations?” ask the constable. “There’s also a cow missing. We’ve searched the area for a couple of miles and caught tracks heading back to the ravine.”

“We thought the goblins were responsible for these and we took care of that threat, we thought!” responds Elric. He moves in to get a closer view of the mutilated cow. “We just haven’t found any proof that the gobbo’s did this though. I mean, we haven’t found any needle-like weapons!”

“We had better get to the ravine before the rain starts,” states an inpatient Pudge.

Valen and Thalez eagerly agree.

“We make better time traveling without our little friends!” Thalez comments.

It takes less than two hours to get to the ravine. The small group immediately head to the kobold sector to inform the matriarch that they are back.

“The dark stranger below is very upset!” she reports to Valen. “He has killed a couple of my warriors that were scavenging in the goblin common room. I thought you were going to take care of him and his minions?”

“What she say?” whispers Pudge impatiently to Valen.

“Patience Pudge, she seems a bit agitated.” Valen replies under his breath.
“Maybe it’s that time of….!” Elric begins to suggest, then trails off after looking into Yusdrayl’s eyes.

“Oh great queen, we have every intention of making true our promise to you. We have found out that another cow mutilation and abduction have occurred at a nearby farm. Have any of your warriors seen anything suspicious in the last fortnight?” ask Valen respectfully.

The Matriarch questions the warrior leader by her side. He responds positively.

“It appears that a couple of my warriors did see some goblins carrying down hunk of meat that could have been this cow, down to the pit below. This madman below is dangerous and if you do not take care of him, he will most likely destroy us.” Yusdrayl responds to Valen.

“It shall not be so my queen.” He politely bows and motions for the other three to do likewise. They then take their leave to the cavern below.

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Heavy Hitter

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Waterdeep Adventures or Kobold Soup Is Good Eatin

What happened to our pal Meepo? I hope that all of our little buddies can join in the blood lust that's about to happen! HH

spacehulkster said:
“Oh great queen, we have every intention of making true our promise to you. We have found out that another cow mutilation and abduction have occurred at a nearby farm. Have any of your warriors seen anything suspicious in the last fortnight?” ask Valen respectfully.

The Matriarch questions the warrior leader by her side. He responds positively.

“It appears that a couple of my warriors did see some goblins carrying down hunk of meat that could have been this cow, down to the pit below. This madman below is dangerous and if you do not take care of him, he will most likely destroy us.” Yusdrayl responds to Valen.

“It shall not be so my queen.” He politely bows and motions for the other three to do likewise. They then take their leave to the cavern below.

You didn't say this was a d20 modern game. :p

When do the aliens arrive? ;)


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“Aagh, what a restful sleep,” Milo sighs, sitting up in his bed. He opens his eyes and looks around the small common room. It is empty, except for Vern snoring at the other end of Milo’s bed, and Felix sitting on the window ledge. The Elves’ bedrolls are still lying in bundles on the floor and Pudge’s bed is made up neatly.

“Are the others eating?” Milo questions of Felix.

“You would think so, but it looks like we overslept. It’s well past 9 a.m. I checked with the Innkeeper and he said the others left early to find the constable,” informs Felix.

“We better get some breakfast and find the others.” Milo kicks Vern and scrambles out of bed.

“Just a few more minutes, dear. Why don’t you get me some muffins like a good wife,” mumbles Vern.

“I don’t think there’s a hurry!” Felix again informs Milo as they both eye Vern peculiarly. “There’s a mighty ugly looking storm heading our way and the deputies said that the constable would be back around noon.”

Milo smacks Vern awake and the three head down for breakfast. They talk amongst themselves about what they might ask the constable and how long the weather will keep them from traveling to the citadel.

“Excuse me gentleman,” a brash voice says, “I was listening to your conversation and you made reference to this “Citadel”. Might you be part of a group investigating some cow mutilations by some bush-like creatures?”

“Yes, how can we help you?” Milo ask politely.

“Well, I’m from the Dalelands and have been following the trail of these creatures. They seem to be spreading out all over Faerun and causing much damage,” the Druid responds. “I talked with the constable this morning and he informed me of your group and that you were investigating this Citadel. After the storm passes, might I join you?”

“Storm? What storm?” Vern inquires while stuffing his face with pancakes.

“The one that’s going to keep us shut up in the Inn today!” responds Felix pointing outside.

“Yes my new friends, I am sure we will not be traveling today,” the Druid conveys. “My name is Carthax, I am from the Dalelands in the east.”

“I’ve heard of the place,” Felix pipes up, “isn’t that where that great wizard Elvira is from?”

Vern scowls at the pixie, “No, that would be Elminster.”

“Indeed, his tower is near my village of Shadowdale,” Carthax braggs. “But none have seen him in years.”

Small talk insues while they wait for the constable, who shows up right as the storm hits Oakhurst. The group inquires him about their friends. He responds that they headed west towards the Citadel after investigating the crime scene. The group sits around all day worrying about their friends.


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I would be Carthax. ::::bows low::::: Well met friend! May your days be long under the sun and may natures blessings be upon you all of your days.

hey hey spacehulkster.

Nice story hour so far. You got yourself a new reader.

So how's the DM holding up with such a big party and two 12 year olds? The mix up of ages really shows in the write up (in a good way - I think party banter is one of the keys to a good story hour).

Spider J

p.s. your name sent me off into a twenty second daydream about my flat being under siege from genestealers.


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Thanks for your input, Spider J. I have noticed your post on other story hours that my friends, Hairy Minotaur and Pogre write. (They inspire me!)
I must admit to feeling overwhelmed (being a year behind in the story), but if I can catch up, the best is yet to come!


Stormcrowe said:
I would be Carthax. ::::bows low::::: Well met friend! May your days be long under the sun and may natures blessings be upon you all of your days.


Any friend of Gary's is a... well, errr, weird dude ;) :p

Looking forward to reading more about your exploits - spacehulkster regularly raves about this group's zaniness.

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