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The Wednesday Knights Story Hour


The Wednesday Knights.


Fryday 7th Apron 2000

Characters present
Bob Male Human Ranger 3 Priest of Kord 1 (Emma)
Endrin Male Human Bard 4 Sorcerer 2 (Wayne)
Liandri Male Elf Rogue 4 Wizard 2 (Kev.M.)
Mallaria Female Half-Elf Barbarian 2 Fighter 1 (Tomo)
Sayon Female Elf Rogue 2 Fighter 1 (Erin)

Carimor, mi amore, you know the score- we’re off.

“Gertcha, ain’t yew bledy gun yit. ‘Eroes eatin’ me outta ‘owse an’ ‘ome.”

Endrin looks askance at the barmy old man then finds something prettier to rest his eyes upon.




Endrin doffs his cap as the beautiful, and seriously overdressed, young woman comes to a halt before him, she looks as though she’s just left the ball.

Endrin thinks he’s found it.

“I’m Lord Endrin of Amberdale, first Prince of Vauxhall… Nova, perhaps you would like to accompany me to somewhere where there are fewer…”

Endrin scans the still crowded streets of Carimor, the young woman follows his gaze.

She giggles.


Alas, is there any other way.

She steps closer.

Within range.

And looks up at Endrin with her big eyes.

Who licks his lips then continues-

“As I was saying, fewer… clothes.”

Her mouth opens slightly- maybe surprise, maybe, just maybe, not.

“And then afterwards, tomorrow, you can tell me your name.”

The young woman straightens up with a jolt.

“My name… my name… surely you recognise me Endrin?”

Endrin is taken aback.

“Recognise you… D’you mean we’ve… we’ve… met?”
“Oh yes, we’ve met.”

Endrin slips into the archives, the black book with accompanying mug shots in his brain, the few good ladies that have been kind enough to spend time with him.

The young woman waits.

“Well… have you remembered?”

“I’m only up to ‘N’, give me a minute.”

He gets his minute.

“No, no, I can’t remember.”
“Well that’s the end of it then.”

She goes to turn away but Endrin speaks quickly.

“No, no, that’s not the end of it, I just went through the list of the few good ladies that have been kind enough to spend time with me…”
“Now for the bad, bad, sometimes thoroughly bad, ladies that have been wicked enough to spend time with me.”

She smiles.

“Alas this will take considerably longer, perhaps in the meantime you’d like to wet your whistle?”

Endrin points towards the Inn.

And sotto voce, just quiet enough so that she can hear.

“I know I would.”

She smiles again.

“You should have started with the second list- I would have.”
“You intrigue me?”
“You're very good Endrin, what’s your secret?”
“In the mirror?”

She grins.

“Sometimes, but never alone.”

She laughs, she laughs like she knows your secret, but doesn’t care.

“I… I believe you… never alone.”

Then just as suddenly she looks flustered, maybe even angry.

“I must go.”

She turns and runs as fast as she can- which is very fast as it turns out, the chase is on.

Endrin eventually screams he cannot keep up.


She stops and turns to face him.

“WHO AM I? Who am I?”

She trails off to a whisper.

“If I were you Endrin I’d start a bit closer to home.”


“Go to Weston, you’ll, or rather they’ll, see.”

She turns to leave again.

“WHAT? Where are you going? Who are you? What do you mean, closer to home- me?”

She moves off, at speed.


In desperation.

She replies without turning.


And sotto voce, quiet enough so that Endrin could never hear.

“All too soon.”

And with that she’s gone.

Three minutes seven seconds later.


“Right, you (B0B), you (LIANDRI) and, no not you fatty (ZAN), you (SAYON)- we’re off, get your stuff- and one of you find Mallaria, I feel safer when she’s with us, least that way she’s not against us.”
“We off somewhere?”
“What’s there?”
“Answers? To what?”
“Questions? What questions?”
“I don’t know.”
“But I’ll know the questions when I find the answers… at least I hope I will.”
“Bob, look, just don’t ask, I’ll explain as best as I can when we get on the road… and yes I’ll talk slow and use little words.”
“Sorry, tiny words.”

Bob smiles and then runs upstairs excited. Liandri whistles a happy tune while picking rotten-ish chunks of meat from between his teeth. Sayon keeps her head down and says nothing, just going with the flow.

Five minutes later the Wednesday Knights have been reassembled, at least sans Mallaria, they’re saddled up and ready to roll out.

“Where is she?”
“She said she was coming, had something to take care of.”
“What? Those exact words?”
“Pelor, you guys get riding, I’ll catch you up, give me Mallaria’s horse.”

Bob passes over the reins to Mallaria’s nag.

As he does a scream erupts from just down the road- running out of a building comes three men, naked men, followed by two slightly larger ladies, also naked, followed by a sheepish looking goat. Mallaria is of course at the head of the queue.


Endrin begins to spur his horse; the others do likewise, Mallaria dashes alongside her galloping nag and swings herself into the saddle.

The Wednesday Knights gallop off at great speed.

“What’ch ya do?”
“Ok, what were you supposed to do?”
“Ah clever Endrin. I was supposed to do everything.”
“I can see how that would be disappointing.”
“Where are their clothes?”
“The goat ate ‘em.”
“So why did you take the goat?”
“To eat their clothes. Silly”

Bob tries to work it out; some of the others are getting there. Endrin smiles to himself, not listening to a word Mallaria says anymore.

Moonday 10th Apron 2000

Back on the road again.

“So tell me again, what’s this all about?”
“Pelor, Bob- do you never listen.”
“It’s about His Highness getting laid.”
“Hnh hnh. He’s met some bird and she’s knocked him back.”
“ – “
“His ego can’t stand it.”
“That’s not it- this… woman,”
“Beautiful woman.”
“Yes, beautiful woman, she said something about my past- about who I am, at least I think that’s what she meant, about who I REALLY am.”
“Oh, right. So why’re we going to Weston?”
“Pelor, because whatever it is I need to know I’ll find out in Weston, or, somehow, someone will know me there, I think- I’m not certain what she meant, sorry.”
“Oh. So we’re going to Weston to find out.”
“All of us?”
“We’re all going to Weston because some woman met you in town and said some stuff and then mentioned Weston. Is that it?”
“ – “
“Yes, that’s about it, I don’t know, you’ll have to trust me Bob.”

Endrin holds Bob’s gaze.

“Alright, I just wanted to know. It’s fine.”

They ride on in silence for an hour or so.

“So, Endrin.”
“Yes Mallaria.”
“I just want to get this straight,”
“You’re not going to get laid, and it’s nothing to do with your ego?”
“No, for the last time. No.”
“But it’s about you, it’s all about you- about who you are, that’s what you said.”
“Yes. Yes, I suppose.”
“Oh. Ok. That’s alright then.”

They ride on for an hour or so, once again in silence.

“If she’s in Weston, the woman, sorry, this beautiful woman- would you sleep with her? Give her one? Y’know hide the salami? Would’ya?”

An hour later the silence is broken.

It begins to rain.

Woodensday 12th Apron 2000

Back on the road again II.

“Riders approaching.”

Liandri states matter-of-factly.

“Six of them- they’re in a rush.”
“We’ll pull over, be ready.”

The Knights gear up, keeping their weapons out of sight, then watch and wait.

Thirty seconds later a group of horsemen fly by, the lead rider takes a good look at the Knights.

Ten seconds later the riders slow up dramatically, turn their horses around, and head back at pace to the Knights.

Who ready their weapons.

The riders are all in the same livery, except the lead rider- who looks more like a Squire, certainly well-dressed, and Elven, the others humans.

“Greeting travellers, I am Endrin, we travel to Weston- what news of the road ahead?”

The riders look suddenly confused, the Elf recovers quickest.

“Endrin? We were sent for you, although, in truth, I did not know your name. You are wanted.”
“Wanted? By whom? For what?”
“We are to escort you to Weston- for your benefit?”

Endrin stares hard at the Elf trying to fathom him out.

“I swear to you that we mean you no harm, my task is merely to escort you safely to my master, in Weston. I do not know how it is that you are here, unless you knew you were wanted- I did not expect to find you so soon. I know only that you are missed. I see from your face that you have questions, maybe in Weston you will find the answers… maybe only more questions.”

Endrin continues to stare.

“Will you come?”

Endrin remains silent then…

“Who am I?”

Even the horses seem to hold their breath.

“Who am I?”

The Elf looks away quickly.

“I am Aniel. I am here to escort you to Weston- for your benefit. Ride with us.”

The silence continues until Aniel begins to lead his horse away, back towards Weston, the liveried men follow.

Endrin has no idea what game is being played.

“I would be glad to ride with you Aniel. We can talk en route.”

The Knights and the riders head off.


Hours later, hours of Endrin’s questions without answer, Aniel remains silent. Nor can the other riders be persuaded to say a single word.

The town of Weston is a dump, obviously once prosperous; those days are long gone- the buildings have begun to collapse. None of them look inhabited and yet there are a gaggle of men huddled over a fire on the main street, they look to be vagrants.

Aniel spurs his horse on, the Knights follow through the town- heading towards a large and similarly run down villa. At the gate, which stands open, are two guards in the same livery.

They ride on to the villa itself and there are met by several more of what are obviously guardsmen. The door to the villa stands open, Aniel motions for the Wednesday Knights to enter.

They hesitate.

“I swear I mean you no harm Endrin.”

The Knights file in, through a large hall and into an anti-chamber, at the far side of which a man sits at a desk- the scratch of his quill on the parchment before him. He looks up, as if to speak, he opens his mouth- but the words just wont come out.

Finally he speaks.

“We’ve been expecting you…?”
“Yes, Endrin.”
“Won’t you take a seat?”
“I will, but I’d rather I got some answers.”
“And your companions.”

The Knights take a seat. The guardsmen head off, but Aniel sticks around.

“Yes, answers… Mmm, yes.”

A silence descends.

Then he begins to speak, and once he starts, he doesn’t stop.

“This is the Villa of Baron Peyto DeMoren, the family seat as it were…”

Two hours later the Knights emerge from the room- once more in silence, Endrin looks ashen.


He excuses himself and takes a walk around the Manor, the other Knights find food, drink and chatter.

Bob and Sayon talk quietly.

“How do you think he got the key?”
“He’s always had it. I remember seeing it on a chain when we were kids in school, back in Amberdale. That seems a long time ago.”
“It’s not even four months since we started this.”

The Knights stop to stare at Liandri, a lot has happened in such a short time.

“Who’s the woman then? She had a key too.”
“ – “
“But she knows.”

Liandri butts in again.

“Is all this his then?”
“Whatever’s in the vault is.”
“Wheeeeeeew. Ho ho. Come to daddy.”
“Shut up, think of Endrin.”
“What about him? He’s just discovered that he’s rich, his dad was a Baron, Peytro whatever his name is, was. He’s feckin’ loaded- what’s he got to worry about.”

Bob looks hard at Liandri.

“His dad’s not his dad, he’s someone else he’s never met, never heard of even. His mum’s not his mum, this Amelia that disappeared all those years ago, he doesn’t know if she’s dead or alive somewhere. He’s not from Amberdale, he’s from here- this ghost town. That’s all he’s got know- the people he thought where his parents are… who knows. Endrin’s always needed tp know more- he loves finding things out- he loves gossip. He thrives on gossip, especially if it’s about him. And now he doesn’t even know who he is. It’s the ultimate whatsit, like coppery or tinny, the other one, you know.”

Mallaria adds.

Bob nods agreement then shakes his head and looks downcast, saddened. Taking deep breaths after, what for him, was an epic speech.

“He doesn’t know who he is. His families gone.”

Liandri quits grinning and finds an insect to worry and torture.

Mallaria takes up the grin.

“I wonder who the bird is then, the ‘beautiful woman’, has he lost his parents only to gain a sister, I wonder if he’ll still want to shag her?”

Bob rises in a flash, Sayon goes to dive between Bob and his prey- Mallaria. She slows Bob down a little, but not enough…

“Leave her.”

Endrin’s in the room.

“Lets go get the other key and open this vault. All these questions… The answers may be not so far away.”

The Knights kick into gear- Endrin leads off, Bob goes to follow but Mallaria pushes him aside and heads after the Bard.

“Anytime Ranger, anytime you like.”

Bob picks himself up and falls in line, storing up the anger for use later- something that deserves to suffer will undoubtedly suffer, but be reassured, not for long.

Ne Moren’s Vault.

The Knights make easy work of the panelling in the cellar, the hidden door to the vault is revealed. Aniel passes Bob a silver key, Endrin reaches for the one around his neck, where it’s always been.

Seconds later the door swings open, a dark and musky passageway leads off- some way ahead is a pinprick of light. Aniel salutes the Knights then he and the guardsmen leave the cellar.

The Knights stand in silence, only the sound of the door to the cellar being locked and secured.

Sayon breaks ranks and begins to creep down the dark passage, the others begin their routine- torches lit, weapons drawn- ready for adventure.

Sayon returns.

“It heads on a way, there are passages off, two left, one right- at the end a door, I think, that’s where the light is- to the left of the door, oddly.”

Endrin nods then makes to enter, Sayon block his path.

“There’s someone or something here- by the entrance, a message, scratched on the wall- it says “Betrayer”, I think it’s been written in blood.”

The Knights take a deep breath.

“Good work Sayon. Guard yourselves, we go…”

But once again Endrin is prevented from entering, Bob, the huge Ranger, lurches in front of Endrin, draws both of his swords and passes in.

Thirty feet in there’s a crossroads, Bob and Sayon head right to a door, Endrin and Liandri left, likewise, to a door- Mallaria stands guard in the corridor.


Beyond is dilapidated bunkhouse complete with rotten food and soured wine. Bob and Sayon begin their search, they do not have to look long before they make their first discovery- a Giant Centipede shoots out from beneath one of the bunks. Then another, and another, each three to four feet long, until there are a half-a-dozen of the creatures trying to bring one of the Knights down.

By the time Mallaria rushes in it’s all over. Sayon is perched on a bunk, bow in hand, Bob in the centre of the room surrounded by dead Centipedes.

“You’re not needed Barbarian.”

Mallaria smiles at Bob’s bravado, then stoops down to reach under the first bunk- she retrieves a crumpled piece of paper.

“Man words. Probably important.”

She grins again.

“You need me, and you know it. There may come a time when I no longer need you… that could be interesting.”

Bob straightens out the paper and with Sayons help-

“What’s that word?”
“That’s not a word, that’s a stain, let me do it.”

They read it.


The other door opens into a room filled with beauty, Endrins torch illuminates the chamber, reflected a thousand-fold. Four trees seemingly crafted from gold and silver are gathered round a lipped pool of very murky water. Huge elaborate tapestries line the walls.

Endrins stops to stare.

Liandri, obeys his Elven urges, he makes for the trees. Without thought he attempts to pluck one of the leaves from the tree, without success. He grapples with the leaf for a second but only succeeds in cutting his hand.


Liandri turns round, slightly concerned that Endrin hasn’t started shouting at him yet for, ‘despoiling the beauty’, or some other guff.

But Endrin hasn’t moved- Liandri follows his gaze.

About a minute later the other Knights enter the chamber.

“We’ve found a clue, I think.”
“I. I found, you just think- hnh, no, what am I saying...”
“You can’t even read Barbarian. What does it matter that you found it.”
“Oh sorry, good-old Bob, at least I admit that I can’t read. What’s the point Bob, you’ve read it, what’s it say then… do you even remember? You FECK, you make me sick, you sanctimonious fecker, yeah that’s the thing- sure you can read a bit, but do you even understand the words- oh the tiny ones, you know all the tiny words but…”

Mallaria looks at Bob, who’s looking past Mallaria, not even listening.


Then she follows his gaze.

“Oh feck, oh fecky fecky feck. OH FECK. Feck, feck, feck, feck. FECK- we’re never going to hear the last of this are we.”

The Knights take turns to stare at the tapestries moving from one to the other and then back again- open mouthed. They depict a hero in action, a hero being admired by a group of regal looking Elves, a hero being feted by regal looking Humans and finally the same hero standing with figures from the previous tapestries outside the Villa in which the Knights now stand.

The hero is of course Endrin, the exact spit- in one tapestry even the clothes are the same.

Mallaria finishes her moaning and kicks the Rogues into action.

“Search, search it. Now.”

The Knights drift into life, although Endrin appears reluctant.

A few minutes later Liandri makes a discovery.


“Heads up we’re in business.”

Liandri has discovered a secret chamber, he heads in- Endrin follows.

Beyond is a statue a fine statue of a Knight armed with an elaborate longsword in his hands, a plaque at the base reads-

“Sir Jaycin Threefingers, Hero of the Realm.”

“There’s another plaque on the back.”
“What’s it say?”
“Had he twenty perfect hands, still he would not be able to count his great deeds.”
“I’ve heard of him.”

Liandri moves back round to the front of the statue.

“Hang on.”

And finds a ring on one of the statues fingers- he removes it.

“It says "Elven Friend", on it- in Elvish. Nice.”

Endrin is deep in thought.

“What was all that about through there- the tapestries, family?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Who is he?”
“Kragor Ne Moren, I don’t know much about him- a warrior, maybe- he helped the Elves a long time ago, fought in wars- the usual, you know hero stuff.”

Liandri shrugs and goes to pocket the ring.

“He was my grandfather, or so it would seem.”

Liandri looks vaguely interested.

“Give the ring to Bob eh Liandri- he’s a good friend.”

Liandri shrugs again and slinks out of the secret chamber.

Endrin looks once more at the statue, there’s a hand print in the base, just above the plaque. He bends down to examine it, then tries to place his hand in the print- he has one finger too many.

Mallaria, meanwhile, has discovered an inscription around the edge of the pool-

“All true life results from two components- Water & Light.”

“Mmm… Lovely.”

Endrin comments re-entering the chamber.

Mallaria continues.

“Read him the note Ranger.”

Bob stares daggers at Mallaria then unfurls the crumpled piece of parchment that Mallaria found earlier, clears his throat and then passes it to Sayon, who reads.

“You stupid fool- by the time you find this note, it will be too late. You’ll never have her back! And by the time she recovers from what I’ve done to her, she’ll be able to visit your grave.”

Endrin nods.

“It seems Amelia didn’t just disappear then.”

The other Knights nod and look interested.

Bob toys with his new ring as the Knights head off- further down the corridor, down some steps and into a chamber on the left. Liandri and Sayon creep inside as the other Knights ready themselves.

The two Rogues circle around the upper level of a two tiered chamber, below them seems to be a crypt, a few scattered and smashed coffins indicate that others have been here. Eventually the pair complete their circuit and take the stone stairs down to the lower level.


The other Knights come rushing in, Bob leaping down brandishing his Holy Symbol, and in the same instance realising he is seeing things remarkably better in the shadowy light- thanks to his new Elven Friend ring. Of the eight Skeletons seven scatter- Sayon and Liandri in pursuit; smashing them down.

Out of the shadows either side of the stairs lurch four Zombies- Mallaria leaps down splitting one of the foul things in two on her descent. Soon another two of the creatures lurch into sight- regardless, it is not enough the undead are soon put to the sword.

The Rogues head out to do some real searching, Sayon finds caskets for both of Endrin’s parents- Paytro Ne Moren, on inspection there’s no body inside; and Amelia Ne Moren, although her name is crossed out, empty again, but scratched on the casket is the legend, “Always Lisette.”

“Who’s Lisette, Endrin?”

He shrugs.

Liandri on the other hand finds three black onyx gems and a blank scroll- he neglects to mention the gems in his report.

The Knights move on.

To the door, or rather just before the door is an alcove, in which, on a pedestal sits, a glowing gem- the light seen earlier. Without hesitation Endrin picks it up, examines it closely then straightens-

“I’ve got an idea.”

Endrin strides back to the chamber with the pool aqnd the trees and places the glowing gem into the water- in an instant the pool clears.

“Thought so.”

The other Knights stare.

“Drink some Sayon.”
“Why me?”
“Last in, first out.”

Mallaria counters.

“Why me Endrin?”
“Because you’re wounded, trust me.”

Sayon eventually shuffles forward, gingerly places her hand in the water, and then tastes a drop.

“It’s alright.”

She takes a bigger gulp, a wound she received from a Skeleton previously knits together- healed.


Ten minutes later Bob has siphoned off a small cask of the Healing brew.

They head back to the door, Endrin with the light of the gem cutting through the shadows, leading the way.

In the centre of the door is a depression, just big enough for the gem.


And so endeth turn number 41.

Next turn “Evenin’ Stan’ard.”

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The Wednesday Knights.


Woodensday 12th Apron 2000

Characters present
Bob Male Human Ranger 3 Priest of Kord 1 (Emma)
Endrin Male Human Bard 4 Sorcerer 2 (Wayne)
Liandri Male Elf Rogue 4 Wizard 2 (Kev.M.)
Mallaria Female Half-Elf Barbarian 2 Fighter 1 (Tomo)
Sayon Female Elf Rogue 2 Fighter 1 (Erin)


Beyond the door darkness and the stink of decay, the previously pristine stone of the vault has been corrupted. The floor an inch of rot and filth, the air fetid and foul, water drips from the ceiling, down the walls.

Endrin is pushed aside- Sayon and Liandri noiselessly scout ahead.

The dynamic duo discover a number of passages, a set of slimy stairs heading half-a-dozen feet down into a darkened room. One passageway is bisected by an extremely crude channel- as if the earth had been split in two by some titanic force.

Another passage is completely blocked by fallen masonry, and yet another…


Has a pit half way down, Sayon pulls up short.


The Thieves head back to get the gang- if there’s a pit then there’s bound to be something interesting on the other side.

Minutes later Liandri has climbed across and with Mallaria’s help stretched a rope across the void- soon the Knights are on the far side of the pit. Except for Mallaria of course who chooses this moment to go for a wander.

Beyond is only a junk room, Endrin finds some bits and pieces- nothing of real value- disappointed the Knights head back and call for Mallaria, who hasn’t wandered far.

They repeat the trick to ferry themselves back over the pit, but alas, all does not go to plan.

The burly Ranger Bob gets in difficulties and before any of the others can act falls into the pit of inky blackness.


Bob, in the bottom of the pit, looks around and tries to stand, to orientate himself, but all around is inky blackness.

“ERR… Hello, up there. HELLO. It’s me. BOB.”

And on the surface, sotto voce,

“Who else could it be- you idiot.”
“Climb out, Bob, come on.”

“I can’t… I can’t see you.”

“I can’t see you… you ok?”

“Yes… dark though. All round, nothing- it’s spookyOW.”


“I jusd bumpd ind da dwall.”

“Oh, ok, we’re throwing down a torch… here goes.”




“NO. What d’you mean no… hang on I can’t see it either- strange.”








This exchange continues for a while until Endrin figures it out- the pit is ten feet deep but subject to a permanent darkness spell. Eventually Liandri climbs down with a rope and after a brief game of dodgems connects with a now singed Bob.

It takes just over thirty minutes to complete the task.

The others make small talk and play Top Trumps, which, as it turns out, is not a card game.

Soon after the Knights are on their way again, this time down the bisected passage, Liandri leads the way.

The passage is crude but the Knights struggle through, it curves, as though constructed, but crudely done.

Liandri silently emerges into a much, much larger natural cavern- he signals for the Knights to wait and creeps in, following the wall of the chamber.

The cavern is massive, seventy or so feet, a fast flowing stream bisects the chamber, five feet down from the cavern floor.

On the far side are lights, a brazier, in the shadows figures creep, half-a-dozen, tall, thick built, one larger than all the others- and furred, like a bear walking upright.

Meanwhile Sayon follows the opposite wall- she confirms Liandri’s report when the two Thieves arrive back to confer with the other Knights.

Endrin has a plan, the Knights huddle to whisper and plot, except for… well, who else…


Mallaria, as if out for a Sunday stroll, strides the cavern, towards the figures now in silhouette, staring at this strange new phenomena.

“Ok, not the even’in standard then.”

Mallaria tries again.


The Knights shake their heads and ready missiles, Liandri rushes in and around the wall to the river, and there he begins his climb to the other side- still hidden in the shadows.

Three large figures head into the cavern to meet the magazine seller/Barbarian.


Mallaria calls, which is provocation enough, the Half Elf leaps the river and cuts down the centre figure, charging on towards the others by the brazier, all this before the other two can react.




Bob, Sayon and Endrin provide covering fire, the two Hobgoblins slump to the ground.

Mallaria wades into now readied crew- four more Hobgoblins, one wearing a bearskin rug, a fifth sprints away screaming for back-up.

Liandri keeping pace with Mallaria, still in the shadows, releases Eric- the shocking lizard and then heads off after the fleeing guard.

The other Knights rush forward to join the fray.

The fight erupts lit by a clean blue arc of lightning as Eric does his work.

Liandri scampers down the darkened passage towards the light, following after the screaming Hobgoblin, into some sort of ready room.

Eight more of the huge Hobgoblin warriors, some already armed and armoured, lurch towards the Elf.


Liandri improvises-


The Sleep spell hits and a solitary Hobgoblin slumps back onto his pallet and begins to snore loudly.

The others, all eight of them, look on, then chuckle and begin swinging.

And in a flash Liandri is gone- back the way he came.

Back to the Knights who are stood around watching Sayon as she rifles the dead-

“Don’t turn away, not one of you, don’t let her out of your sight- not even for a second.”
“I wouldn’t steal anything Endrin.”

Sayon attempts an angelic look- actually she’s very good, behind her back a Hobgoblin’s life savings miraculously make the short journey to one of Sayon’s secret pockets.

“I’m an Elf Endrin, we’re the good guys.”

She grins.

“Oh yeah, like Liandri, and Mallaria- the Elves, the good guys.”

It’s at this point that Liandri’s screams alert the Knights.

The Knights look up to see Liandri and in hot pursuit a large number of Hobgoblins.

The Knights take aim.

While two more Hobgoblins lose their savings to Sayon.

The Hobgoblins arrive.

And break against the immovable object that is Mallaria.

And a wall of arrows.

Four are killed in the opening exchange.

Beyond Mallaria can see an irresistible force- there must be nearer thirty of the Hobgoblins screaming down the passageway towards her.

They’re led by a female Hobgoblin of enormous proportions, who seems to be already to foaming at the mouth- raging.

Ah well here we go again.

Mallaria and the Hobgoblin chieftain imperceptibly nod to each other- to the death the signal, Mallaria enters rage.

The other Knights back off ready for the charge.

The two titans clash.

Mallaria’s huge sword flashes up and forward, with what in different circumstances could pass for élan, slicing through the Chieftains throat.

Killing her instantly.

Just a second, this is a DM interlude- they’ve done it again, my big bad guy(ess) is natural “20”’ed in the first round- 48 Hit Points of Barbarian with massive strength and a sword to match, gone, just like that…

Right that’s it- somebody’s going to pay.

Meanwhile back to the action…

The scene explodes in flame- Hobgoblins go all elemental, plane of fire stylee, as Endrin’s Pyrotechnics spell erupts from the brazier.

Arrows rain down bringing instant death.

The Hobgoblins, not to put too finer point on it, fill their pants.

They flee.

Except for four hardy souls.

Two of whom drip foam, shudder and jibber- quite obviously enraged- more Barbarians.

DM- now for some payback.

The other two Hobgoblins realise their mistake just too late.

“I fink we shudda run.”

They are quickly slain.

One of the raging Hobgoblins spreads his arms wide and roars in anger- flinging away his two handed sword in the process.

He looks, momentarily, at a loss- then an arrow sprouts from his chest, nonplussed doesn’t cover it.

He recovers and slashes wildly, seriously wounding Bob.

The other rager carves a niche in Sayon, the thief scampers away as Mallaria steps in.


Her sword comes down crunching through bone- killing the creature instantly.

Mallaria yanks her sword free one-handed, clasps her other hand into place and like a professional Goblin-Tosser (one of the highest accolades in Dwarven Society is to be called a Great Goblin Tosser, incidentally, the same holds true in Goblin society) describes a perfect arc.


Mallaria gives the other rager a chuck on the shoulder.

The creature gulps and blinks as his torso slides away from his legs- cleanly cut in two.

Mallaria stares hard at the carcass, Sayon whispers kind words, and her Rage subsides.

Silence for a second.

“Come on- let’s finish them off.”

Endrin trots after the Hobgoblins, the others swiftly follow- a bloodlust in all their eyes.

Except for Liandri, who suddenly stops…

“I forgot…”

But the others are gone.

“Too steal all the money.”

Liandri heads back, stopping off in the ready room on the way to slice a smile into the still sleeping Hobgoblins face.

He then sets to rifling the dead, quite a haul.

Back with the Knights- all is calm, well, relatively calm- screaming Hobgoblins are fleeing into a cramped passage to the Underdark. The Knights are slicing into them, gouts of blood and hacked off limbs fly left and right.

Endrin’s singing a nice tune though- see calm.

The other Knights don’t look in the least bit ruffled either.

It’s soon over.

In all this confusion…

A little later the Knights, gore caked, make it back to Liandri- who shows them his meagre find-

“Two Copper pieces and a button. Bloody cheapskates. Here you might as well keep it.”

He remembers and suddenly stops grinning.

“Can I have a word Liandri.”
“Certainly Endrin, and may I say how lovely your looking, the red goes with your…”

Endrin wanders off with Liandri to begin negotiations regarding how much of the stolen gold Liandri will give over to the party funds.

The others settle in to await the result.

Before the Spanish Inquisition can take their comfy chairs however a strange rattling sound is heard- it’s coming from back within the cavern.

They head off to investigate leaving Endrin and Liandri already deadlocked.


This side of the fast flowing stream is another crudely carved passageway. The noise is coming from there.

Mallaria, Sayon and Bob try to see through the shadows.

“What’s that?”

Crashing through the end of the passage- smashing stone from the cavern sides comes a monster.

Standing nine or so feet tall and covered in slate coloured chitinous plate, with insect eyes, huge fanged jaws and massive clawed hands that, even now, slice through the stone.

The Undrathar.

The creature bellows then charges forward.

Sayon runs away.

Others are not so decisive.

Bob is slashed horrendously and slapped aside.

Mallaria cuts madly but misses.

Bob scrambles to his feet- ready to meet the foe, and is caught in the creatures gaze.

Bob slows to a halt and…

Stands there.

Then waves.

Then does a little dance.

Mallaria is… is… no, there’s not a word for it.

She’s rooted to the spot.

The Undrathar brings down one mighty fist and smashes Bob to the floor- unmoving.

Mallaria is ripped apart almost, she flops to the floor.

Liandri and Endrin round the corner into the chamber and spot the cowering Sayon.

“What’s up?”

Sayon motions over her shoulder- the Undrathar is no more than ten feet behind her, on either side of the creature a fallen Knight.

Liandri reaches into his pocket.


Kisses Eric the lizard.


Then flings the lizard at the huge creature.


Eric seems to be more than a little perturbed.

The creature staggers back.

“Beat that.”

Endrin launches a brace of Magic Missiles- the pair thud home ripping through the creatures hard plate covered exoskeleton.

“Best I can do old chap.”

The two share a smile.


Endrin rushes in and slices a chunk out of the creature, now on the back foot.

Liandri meanwhile is making with the Mage Armour spell.

Endrin’s a little concerned, he however takes another chunk out of the beast, then avoids the creature’s attack.


An arrow hits the Undrathar in the side of its head, piercing its skull.

The creature falls against the cavern wall, but quickly recovers.

Liandri dives in and pours a Healing Potion down Mallaria’s throat, next up Bob.

Endrin fights on, alone, he’s struck once but not badly- blind luck over skill- he fights back, determined.

Another of Sayon’s arrows strikes home.

Liandri launches his sneak attack and cuts deep, and is swatted aside like an insect- the Elf dodges back trying to avoid another blow but stumbles.

The Undrathar hits again and this time it’s Liandri that embraces the cavern floor.

Leaving only Endrin, and a terrified Sayon.

Endrin stabs home again.

The creature is on its last legs.

Endrin hits again, while another of Sayon’s arrows pierces the creatures shell.

The creature roars in defiance and lashes out at Endrin, one final crushing blow, but too late.

Endrin ducks inside the creature’s reach and stabs upwards, just as quick he ducks out from beneath the creature as it collapses.

The silence engulfs Endrin as he slumps to his knees, his Longsword gone, embedded in the creatures gut.

Liandri is brought round, only slightly the worse for wear- compared to the others. Mallaria and Bob are alive but will need a lot of time to heal.

Soon after the Knights stumble off, in silence.

Nervously they scan every dark corner, they couldn’t take another encounter now.

They make it past the gem door and into the safe haven of the vault.

The huge stone door slams shut behind them.

The Wednesday Knights stagger out bleary eyed into the light.

Aniel scoops up Endrin as he collapses- the guardsmen do likewise with the other Knights except for Sayon who stands there looking forlorn, tears in her eyes- and pockets full of gold.

And so endeth Turn 42.

Next session… Oh Mummy.


The Wednesday Knights.


Satyrday 22nd Apron 2000

Characters present
Bob Male Human Ranger 3 Priest of Kord 1 (Emma)
Endrin Male Human Bard 4 Sorcerer 2 (Wayne)
Liandri Male Elf Rogue 4 Wizard 3 (Kev.M.)
Mallaria Female Half-Elf Barbarian 2 Fighter 1 (Tomo)
Sayon Female Elf Rogue 2 Fighter 2 (Erin)

Back to the Front.

After ten days of assorted bed rest, scroll creation and training the Knights are back, Mallaria the worst off- spending the full ten days healing and sleeping.

The Knights equip and head back into the stink and black.

Past the gem door they head in, this time sending Liandri & Bob down the stairs into a sodden wine cellar. Liandri spots movement- leaping from the dark comes a huge frog.


Alas it lands on its back, legs flailing- helpless, Liandri shrugs his shoulders at Bob then stabs down skewering and killing the thing.

“Watch out for frogs… I guess.”

Bob nods serious, and resumes his crouched fighting stance.

The Ranger creeps further into the chamber, suddenly he feels something circle his leg, like lightning a second frogs elastically long tongue has wrapped itself around his leg.

Bob reacts in an instant, dropping his Short Sword, he grasps the tongue firmly in hand and braces his Longsword, like a lance. The frog reels him in, at speed.


Bob’s Longsword pokes out the back of the frog’s head; the creature is dead.


Liandri reacts, a little late.

“Just another frog.”

The Ranger and the Rogue/Wizard scour the room and come up trumps finding three intact wine bottles- two, by their labels, appear to be expensive rare wines, while the third is sealed with a note inside.

Back up the stairs Liandri opens the bottle and reads the note to the other Knights.

“I have grown weary of my imprisonment. I have no food. I drink from a dirty pool seeping through the floor. Is this how your precious Baron treats his love? My brothers are dead and soon I will join them. Will anyone remember me?”

The other Knights look at Endrin, who purses his lips, deep in thought.

“What happened here?”

Bob breaks the silence.

“It seems someone was trapped down here- maybe three of them, the woman and her brothers. We haven’t found them yet- they may still be here, in some form or other.”
“Who were they though?”

Endrin lapses back into silence.

“Are we after your mum?”

Endrin’s eyes flash anger but he controls himself.

“Is this how your precious Baron treats his love, that’s what the note says- why ‘your precious’- if she were my mother it would be ‘my precious’. And ‘precious’ it’s got an odd ring to it- malice.”

Endrin shifts his stance.

“Be on your guard- I am certain we’re not alone here, something dark this way comes.”

Mallaria grins evilly.

The Knights head back to the chamber in which the great fight took place, past the body, now slightly rotten, of the Undrathar. The Knights head down the passage from which the creature emerged. There they discover the creatures lair, and of course, its treasure.

Everyone is watching so Liandri has to share the find- four gold trade bars, nice.

The Knights head off again, following the passage, Liandri stops briefly to pass water, or so he says. Actually the sneaky Elf takes the time to examine the ring that he found along with the trade bars, but failed to hand over.

The ring is magical- some form of protection; Liandri slips it on and heads back to the Knights- armed with a self-satisfied smile.

The Undrathar’s tunnel emerges back into the Vault proper, the other side of the blocked passage they found earlier- once again the place is filthy, covered in mud and slime. Sayon leads the Knights into a small room. Her eyes widen as she takes in the scene.

The room contains the remains of smashed furniture and the remains of a number of hobgoblins- the eviscerated bodies of the ugly creatures are liberally scattered around the chamber. The walls are smeared with blood and ooze, chunks of ragged flesh and bone lie all about.


It’s all too much, Sayon brings up her breakfast- the other Knights make a cursory search then head off, Sayon, only slightly recovered, leads the way.

A little way up the passage north the Knights stop to examine another collapsed passageway off to the west, the corridor continues north to a t-junction.

Liandri decides to share another of his discoveries.

“I found this, in the last chamber- I didn’t…”

His voice fades off; Liandri passes the silver locket to Endrin.

The Bard/Sorcerer takes it, examines it, and then looks inside- a portrait of a young and incredibly beautiful women lies within.

Endrin is caught in the moment; finally he speaks.

“It’s Amelia. My mother.”

The other Knights crowd to look.

“How do you know?”

“I just know.”

They all stand in silence until Endrin snaps the locket shut and slips it into his pocket- the spell is broken, the Knights head north.

At the junction Liandri soon discovers the floor of the corridor east is made of glass, the Elf cautiously creeps forward, ten feet across he can feel the floor begin to bow and sag.

“Not safe.”

The Elf returns to the Knights.

“Lets head west for a while, we’ll come back later.”

Sayon leads off.

Down the west passage the Knights discover a strange looking sealed door heading north, the passage continues on.

Sayon sets to work- while Bob and Mallaria head through a smashed door into a chamber to the south. Inside the pair discovers a small display room with a number of filthy ripped tapestries and a collection of crested shields.

The two wade through the junk but find nothing of worth.

Sayon is faced with a seemingly impenetrable door with a list of colours written in common on a plaque in the centre of the portal.

“Ah hah.”

Sayon begins to read out a long list of colours, as she comes to the end Endrin leans in.

“That’s not what’s written.”

Sayon’s smile is accompanied by a dull creak as the door inches open.

“No but the colours I read out are the colours of the inks in which the words are inscribed- clever, your ancestors, but not clever enough.”

The Elven Fighter/Rogue cautiously enters in.

Thirty seconds later she emerges.

“There’s a trap- Liandri I need your skill.”

Sayon looks serious.

“It’s dangerous Endrin.”

Endrin nods and the two Rogues head in, partially closing the door, Sayon pokes her head around the door.

“If I scream- come running, ok?”

Endrin nods again.

Within Sayon shows Liandri her find, they’re in the Ne Moren family museum no doubt, pressed against the glass of a small display case.

Thirty seconds later the two Rogues come back alive and wipe the smears of their breath from the glass.

“Should we?”

A minute later the display case is open- an exceptional Pearl necklace, a set of fantastic Diamond earrings, a beautiful Ruby signet ring and a magnificently cut Sapphire are removed.

Silently they re-secure the lid, for a second they both look guilty- it soon passes.

Together the two Rogues have just stolen just over five thousand dollars worth of jewellery.

A minute later, when their breathing has returned to a normal pace, the pair appear back to the doorway.

“It’s safe. Close one.”

Liandri looks serious and nods to concur, wiping the sweat from his brow.

The Knights file in and search the museum, Endrin takes his time- taking it all in, including the one empty display case- neither of the Rogues meet his gaze.

“There’s nothing here… anymore. Let’s head on.”

Back down the passage, further west.

There the Knights discover a short passage south to a door, Sayon sets to work again, Liandri unheard and unseen decides to wander off having spotted a much smaller passage heading north from the main drag.

The passage winds and heads west, Liandri heads on.

The Elf discovers a strange chamber, the southern wall seemingly made of glass, on closer inspection it seems there is a room beyond- just visible through the pane.

In the north of the chamber, in an alcove, Liandri discovers a statue of a man kneeling holding his hand out, palm up, almost before his eyes.

Liandri follows the statues gaze.

And smiles.

The pane of glass, stained glass as it turns out, shows again the scene outside of Ne Moren’s Manor, seen previously in the first tapestry chamber, with the silver tree.

Liandri searches the statue and finds the inscription.

“The light that can blind the eye can also illuminate the mind.”

Liandri smirks again.


Then he hears Sayon’s scream.

Back at the door south Sayon nods and grins.

“It’s open, come on.”

She grins, pleased with herself.

The Knights head in… immediately they begin to gag and retch, the smell that erupts from the room is beyond description, only Endrin is unaffected.

Another chamber fouled by the eviscerated remains of the unknown creatures that met their death here.

Stepping out of the shadows on the far side of the room come two creatures, at first sight male humans but on closer inspection corpulent stinking creatures of death- Ghasts.

Gagging while they swing the Knights wade in- Bob is soon in the thick of the action, he’s struck a number of times. He feels the sting of the attacks but seems unaffected by the creatures paralyzing touch- strange. Later he will remember his Elven Friend ring- much later, possibly a year from now.

The Ranger kills one of the creatures; it takes all the other Knights to finish the second, although it is Sayon that delivers the killing blow.

The Fighter/Rogue lets out a shrill cry of celebration.

Then faces the collected wrath of the other Knights.

“You stupid fecker, why not just announce we’re coming.”

Mallaria looks hard at the Elf, as Liandri bursts into the room.


“Oh and here’s your idiot twin.”

Liandri looks confuse, still taking in the scene.

Endrin takes charge.

“Too late, search the room- Sayon make yourself useful, check that door. And don’t, don’t, do that again.”

Sayon looks sheepish and then nods, she heads off to a door in the southern wall of the chamber.

The other Knights fan out to search, Mallaria’s eyes follow Sayon all the way to the door, the Rogue can feel them boring into her every step of the way.

Liandri finds Endrin meanwhile.

“I’ve found something.”
“Come. See.”
“What is it Liandri?”
“Come on. You’ll like it.”

The Elf grins; it must be money, Endrin thinks.

“Hang on. Let’s finish up here.”

Liandri nods and takes a look around.


Endrin wanders over to Bob.


The Ranger points at one creature and then the other.

“The faces. They’re brothers.”

Liandri wanders over.

Endrin stoops to look, to make sure, he knows Bob’s right.

“So that’s two out of three, just the woman to go. I think she’s through there.”

Endrin points to the door south.

“Right then. What is it Liandri? Show me.”

The Knights follow Liandri to the strange chamber and spread out to take a look around. Liandri shows Endrin the statue and the inscription.

“The gem.”

Liandri nudges Endrin; finished reading the Bard nods and places the gem in the palm of the statues outstretched hand.

In an instant the room is illuminated, the stained glass window glistens with light and colour- despite the years it remains a thing of great beauty.

Silence descends as the Knights stop to stare.


“What the?”

Mallaria grabs Sayon’s right arm, she’s about to swing her Morning Star into the huge pane of glass a second time.

“I’ve warned you once.”

Mallaria looks hard at the Elf. Sayon looks daggers back. The tension is palpable, only broken when Bob speaks.

“I’ve got an idea.”

In the stunned silence Bob walks out of the chamber. The silence continues for an age- Bob, an idea, incredible.

The reverie is broken by an insistent tapping sound.

The Knights come alive and look for the source of the sound.

Sayon’s pressed hard against the glass.

“It’s Bob. On the other side of the glass. He’s saying something… hang on. He says we should come round. Hang on though. He’s saying something about the light- leave it on, or something.”

Sayon points at the glass, to the room beyond, then runs back to the corridor- the other Knights follow swiftly after.

The chamber beyond has the picture from the window projected onto the southern wall.

“Hang on.”

“Hang on.”

Sayon moves over to the wall as the other Knights arrive.

“Look, the door.”

Sayon reaches up and taps at the wall, just at the point where the front door of Ne Moren’s Manor is reflected. There’s a grinding noise.

A huge stone door opens.

Beyond is a small chamber, on a table- a book, a ring and a small figurine- an owl.

“It’s all magic.”
“So I’m good for sumthin’”

Sayon looks at Mallaria.

The Barbarian sneers.

“Gather it up, we’ll take a look at it later- let’s get back to that door.”

Five minutes later the Knights are formed up and ready outside of the door south.

The Knights head through into a passage that leads to another door- Sayon goes to work again.

The chamber beyond contains a desk and chair, several empty bookcases, a statue, obviously Kragor Ne Moren. In the centre of the room is a huge black circled- burnt into the floor of the room.

“It’s a summoning circle.”

Another door heads south, Sayon sets to work as the other Knights search the chamber.

Endrin soon comes up trumps finding two scrolls and a potion in the desk.

Liandri meanwhile starts to examine the statue when the thing begins to speak.

“Know your adversary before battle. Enemies can often be summed up by answering these three questions: One, what is their chief desire? Two, what are they willing to do to gain this desire? Three, what do they fear? When you know your enemy, you can be best prepared for battle.”

The statue falls silent.

“It’s written on this scroll.”

Liandri snatches the scroll from the statues hand and reads the words again.

“Hang on.”

Liandri hunkers down on the floor and begins to scratch away, writing on the back of the scroll.

Liandri puts the scroll back in the statues hands- nothing happens.

“Feck, it’s broke.”


The Knights turn to see Sayon holding the door open.

“Safe. Come on.”

They head off again down a small passage to another door.

Sayon is soon through, the Knights pile in- their torches illuminate an almost barren room- a charred black skull sits in the centre of the chamber. There are four more statues, each holding a scroll… too late.


A statue intones.

“It’s a summoning spell.”

Liandri shouts.

The skull jumps into the air and bandages appear from nowhere binding round and giving form to a terrible creature- a Mummy, it forms in seconds.

The Mummy holds up a hand and in the silence speaks.

“Ahh, at last. You must be Paytro’s spawn coming to claim your family’s treasure. Had he been an honourable man his riches would be mine! No matter- his gold means nothing to me now. All I yearn for is… living flesh!”

The Mummy charges at the Knights as another statue begins to speak.

“Kill her.”

Endrin screams back.

Bob leaps in and delivers a massive blow with all his might (DM- natural “20” of course) but leaves just a tiny scratch on the creature (DM- so not using a magical weapon Mr. Bob, tee hee).

The statue finishes speaking all of the Knights can feel an unholy aura fill the room.

Liandri charges in and scores a second critical hit, this time with slightly better effect, he removes one of the Mummies ears, then dodges back.

Lisette, the Mummy, screams in terror, then lashes out at Bob, slicing into him- nearly ending him in one blow.

Angered now the creature slams into Sayon, neatly knocking her down.

Liandri fires off a Ray of Enfeeblement, the Mummy just grins- the spell has no affect.

Mallaria rushes in and slices and dices landing some massive hits- all they seem to do is further enrage the creature, no actual harm done. The Mummy knocks the Barbarian aside- Endrin steps into the gap.

“I am Endrin Ne Moren, prepare to die.”

Lisette throws her head back and laughs wildly, a terrible sight almost completely unharmed despite the Knights best attacks.

Endrin and Sayon are rooted to the spot- paralyzed with fear, thinking, perhaps for the first time, maybe they’ve bitten off more than they can chew.

And so endeth session 43.

Next Turn… Mummy dearest.

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