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The Wednesday Knights Story Hour


Not the Wednesday Knights (again).


Satyrday 18th Mork 2000

Inter Mission 2. Return of the Sequel.

Characters present
Zanakand Male Dwarven Fighter lvl 1 (Kev M.)
Lea Female Halfling Thief lvl 1 (Erin)
Greta Goldgarth Female Elf Cleric of Corellan lvl 1 (Wayne)

What with turn 29’s complete failure the players are short of a B team as it were- characters to play when there are not enough people present to play the Wednesday Knights, like tonight, again, for instance. Thus the above characters are rolled into existence.

It’s all mine, all mine.

It all starts in the small mining village of Barrak- Zanakand son of Thorbjorn is beginning to get edgy- the young Dwarf has not seen his father for a week now. Zan’s mother died in childbirth making it just him and his father versus the world- Barrak had also proved to be another wrong turn, a human mining community whose Iron Ore mine has just about played out.

Zan has therefore taken it upon himself to get some assistance- the local militia were sent to the mine four days ago but not a soul has returned- the village has conducted its day-to-day activities in fear ever since. A swift rider has also been sent to Carimor (the next, slightly larger, settlement down the valley) but assistance has not yet arrived. On top of the lost miners and patrolmen, there is a sickness in the village. For the last two weeks members of the community have been falling ill with alarming regularity, mostly the old and the young- but lately the sickness has begun to strike the young, robust and healthy. So far there has only been one death but the illness has not passed, and even some of those cured by the local priests of Corellan have taken sick again. It is as if the sickness is all around the village… in the air.

Zan visits the shrine of Corellan, to tell them his story; there he is introduce to Greta Goldgarth an Elven priest in training and head chorister at the shrine. The two quickly become firm friends- committed to getting to the bottom of this mystery. Last but by no means least Zan recruits Lea a Halfling lass, daughter of Daniel Way the village cobbler- Lea cares little for the mystery, she sees this trip as an opportunity to avoid a life of misery, “crushed underfoot” as she put it, by the family business.

And so the three intrepid wannabe adventurers take what equipment they have and what food they can lay their hands on and in the middle of the night head off to the Mines.

Sunday 19th Mork 2000

The Burning Plague.

In the early hours of Sunday morning, the villagers day of rest- when they are least likely to be missed, the three intrepid explorers arrive at the mine. A brief scout of the area reveals the signs of destruction on a grand scale- a battle has been fought here, and it appears that the humans- the guardsmen and the miners were beaten. The ground is littered with drag marks and blood trails- many of them days (maybe even a week) old.

Greta leads the way into the mine itself- noting as she does the signs of combat within the entrance to the mine- cuts and notches in the pit props, the drag marks lead on.

The central cavern is a mess of overturned mine carts, fallen rocks and the debris caused by the destruction- the only thing of note, the body of a Dwarven miner face down next to an overturned mine cart. Cautiously Greta approaches- from the rear she can see the puncture marks of crossbow bolts, broken off in the wounds. Zan comes to look as Lea rolls the body over, to see if it is Zan’s father (it isn’t)- at the same time a piece of loose rock skitters down from where it was precariously balanced, as it hits the ground there is an almighty explosion. The three cover their ears as the Thunderstone erupts- Lea dives down to the floor and avoids the sonic damage, Zan also withstands the assault it is Greta that is left bleeding at the ears stunned and disorientated, unable to hear anyone or anything.

“Are you alright Greta?”
“I said ARE YOU OK?”
Lea looks at Zan and then back to Greta “HE’S ASKING WHETHER YOU CAN HEAR HIM OR NOT.”

The conversation continues for some time until mainly by hand signals the group heads further into the mine. From the central chamber there are two passages leading off- one goes to the miners quarters, the other goes into the mine- they chose the latter.

Towards the end of the passage, as it descends to the actual mining chamber, Lea and Zan discover a crudely constructed pit trap, only six or seven feet deep but lined with broken glass and rocks.

“Who the feck’s in here then?”
“Dunno- take it easy though.”

Lea heads off into the main chamber keeping low to the cavern floor, in and out of the shadows, she takes her time, as she has never been in the mine before.

Around about ten minutes later she returns with news- there is another tunnel leading off this chamber that descends further, Zan states that this was a new seam which was discovered six months ago, but is also almost played out. The strange thing however is the ledge over on the far wall- up about thirty feet from the cavern floor, she climbed up the rope as silently as possible and observed a bunch of Kobolds drinking and eating up there. Throughout the entire report Greta stands uncomprehending still deaf from the Thunderstone- Zan meanwhile has to be restrained briefly while Lea points out that rushing the Kobolds is impossible-

“They’re thirty feet up on a stone ledge- how the feck are you going to get to them?”
“I’ll kill them all, just you see.”

Zan huffs and puffs a while but eventually sees the sense in Lea’s words- a plan is hatched.

Lea creeps back into the room, observing the inhabitants of the ledge as she goes and all the time indicating to Zan and Greta when it is safe to move forward. In this manner the three make there way to the centre of the chamber so they can all observe the ledge- they ready missile weapons. Lea then heads off again, shimmies up the rope and checks the ledge again, there seems to be one Kobold leader type and at least half-a-dozen Kobold warriors. She takes a rag out of her pocket that she has previously soaked in lantern oil and begins to smear it on the rope as she scoots down- eventually tying it at the end. Once at the bottom she takes her tinderbox out and on the second attempt ignites the end of the rope- the fire spreads upwards quickly, then a short sprint undercover back to her compatriots.

Approximately thirty seconds pass, the fire has taken hold and is half way up the rope when the first Kobold comes to investigate and calls over his colleagues- the wannabe-Knights fire their missiles, they all miss. On top of the ledge the Kobolds duck for cover and chaos ensues, the only fatality comes when one of the creatures leaning over the edge in a forlorn attempt to extinguish the fire plummets over the side. The remaining Kobolds are soon back with their own missile weapons- a short exchange occurs with no winners or losers.

“It’s not them.”
“It’s not them.”
“What are you talking about Zan?”
“They didn’t do this- you said there were only six of them… we need to go on.”
Zan looks down the darkened passage- to the new seam.
“Down there- it’s down there”

Throughout this Greta continues to fire her bow oblivious to the conversation.

Lea nods, nudges Greta and points down the passage. The three stow their weapons and move off at speed.

The passage descends again, a rough-hewn tunnel, into another chamber, nowhere near the size of the last. The three slow to a halt- surrounding them are the rotting remains of miners and guardsmen stacked either side of a cleared pathway puddled with their putrid liquefied remains, Lea is instantly sick. The smell of the chamber is all encompassing- the three tie cloths around their mouths and noses, Zan can feel the sting of his tears- scanning the rotten piles looking for his father. Greta reaches for her holy symbol, fortunate really as several of the piles stir, Zombies are extricating themselves from the morass of bodies, the fighting begins. There are four small Kobold Zombies, who climb off the top of the piles, and four miners and/or guardsmen- one of which is a dwarf.

Many of the creatures are turned instantly by Greta (all of the Kobolds) the others fight desperately- and then Zan finds himself standing in front of the Zombie version of his father, he is paralysed as his father strikes out. Greta pulls him quickly out of the way recognising the situation for what it is- in an instant she begins to batter feck out of the Zombie as Zan stands statue in the centre of the chamber. Soon the fight is over although several of the Zombies have retreated further down the passage that continues to descend further underground.

The non-Knights take stock of the situation- Zan is silent, the tears stream down his face, Greta is still deaf, and Lea is doing her best to keep them together.

“Shall we get on… up ahead… see what’s there?” Lea ventures.

Zan walks forward- descending further, following the seam, his axe in his hands- the others follow solemnly behind- like a funeral march, but who’s funeral?

Thirty seconds later the group enters what looks to be the final chamber. The cavern is around about forty feet wide with a central spur from which water spurts- once again the area is littered with the corpses of miners and guardsmen alike. The water that gushes out of the spur seems to be crystal clear however once it passes through the revolting mess of the corpses it becomes tainted- the source of Barrak's illness is discovered. Zan stands guard as Greta and Lea begin to drag the corpses out of the stream, he begins to notice that the central spur has been carved in many places. Zan takes a few steps forward to read some of the inscriptions, even with his feeble religious/arcane knowledge he realises that they are runes of hatred, fear, disease and loathing the work of some dark god… and then the lights go out.

The maybe-Knights’ torches dim till they illuminate their faces only. Lea turns quickly they are not alone in the cavern…

“Is somebody there?”

In the silence, only the sound of the stream, a hand reaches out to touch Lea- she turns swiftly weapon drawn.


Lea screams and flees back down the passageway towards the Zombie chamber (a Cause Fear spell), Zan moves towards where Lea was and swings his axe a few times- he can see someone in the magical darkness and then suddenly he feels his strength wane (A Doom spell). A huge Half-Orc looms out of the darkness swinging a Heavy Mace that strikes home delivering 9 points of damage. Greta heads towards the ruckus only to see Zan receive a second blow the dwarf is knocked off his feet and unconscious. Not thinking Greta leaps in picks the dwarf up and in one movement is fleeing back the way they came.

It is not until Greta reaches the cavern with the Kobolds on the ledge that she lets up- Lea is also here, embarrassed but unharmed, the three hunker down undercover and talk it out. Greta begins by healing Zan as best she can- however the dwarf is not well, something more than the wound he has received- fortunately Greta’s deafness has about gone so she takes charge of the situation.

“Wah… wha’ yu wan’?” A Kobold shouts back.
“What is it down there?” Greta points down the passage from which they have just emerged. The Kobold, obviously the leader type, comes to the ledge and looks down on Greta who is standing out in the open unarmed- although Lea lurks nearby.
“We don’t kno’. We fownd dis playce- we thort it woz desur… dez-sit… dezzur… oh emptee. But mad Orc about- kill lotz. We gow soon- you leaf too?”

The Kobold waits for Greta’s reply, she merely nods and then waves farewell- her mind is made up she needs to return to her shrine to seek advice- the creature, the Half-Orc, is too strong for them at the moment- they need Zan up and running at the very least. Furthermore as she looks at her two companions she can see that Zan has the beginning of the wasting illness that has affected much of the village- the head priest will know what to do she figures.

And so only two hours or so after their arrival the three adventurers head back, and are in time for tea. They say nothing to their families about the adventure they have undertaken- they do however call in at the shrine of Corellan to sort out Zan.

Moonday 20th Mork 2000

If anyone can Zan can.

The Priest of Corellan takes one look at Zan and begins a cleansing spell to remove the illness from his body; his wounds are only minor compared to the toxins that course through him. The ceremony lasts an hour however the true results will only reveal themselves over time, it is hoped that his Dwarven constitution will spare him the ravages of the illness. The need for this plague to be thwarted is even more apparent now- Zan has a personal stake in it.

The adventurers head back to their respective homes- although for Zan this is an empty house; he sits and stares at his fathers chair until the fire is low. Lea makes her excuses saying that she has been out in the hills all day, “taking exercise”, her father looks at her unbelievingly but says nothing. Greta stays the night at the shrine- she, like Zan, has no one to look after her.

And so early the next morning, 4.30 AM the group reconvenes- aware that this time they are likely to be in trouble, or at least Lea will be…

“Well you know how the song goes- ‘these boots were made for walking and that’s what they’re gonna’ do…’” She giggles to herself. The journey up the mountain pass to the mine is uneventful- the group get there in good time as the remainder of Barrak begin to rise… and so to the finale.

(P)Orc(ky) Dies.

Back at the mine the Kobolds have departed- the rest of the miners quarters are checked and are found to be deserted. The main cavern is empty, the three head down to the last cavern in which the Mad Orc was encountered. This time he is not alone- the cavern is instantly plunged into darkness when the could-be-Knights are heard- Greta counters with a light spell or two. However the Mad Orc is not alone, a huge wolf rushes from the darkness straight at Zen- the creature is hit by an arrow or two from Lea, who stays back and peppers the various melees as and when the opportunity arises. Zan for his part, with a Bless from Greta, makes short work of the Fiendish Wolf. During this time Greta wards off a Hold Person spell from the Mad Orc and then holds her own in a stand up fight, although she does little damage to the creature.

The Mad Orc is soon fighting off Zan and Greta with Lea trying to get a shot in (without success), eventually the creature flees to the back of the chamber, reduced to half its hit points. There the creature swigs Potions of Healing and then Invisibility- Lea follows the creature into the shadows, relying on her listen skill to find the Orc out.

Greta and Zan head for the entrance to the cavern and block the exit- slashing at the air in front of them, the Orc looks for another way out while Lea climbs the central spur, hunkers down and waits.

Time passes… slowly, until…

The Mad Orc, still invisible, can take it no more and charges at Zan and Greta in a last ditch effort to escape- miraculously Zan connects with the creature as it approaches, it roars and slashes back becoming visible. Lea’s bowstring twangs and her arrow thuds into the creatures back (a sneak attack), and in the same round the bleeding Orc is cut down by Greta- it lies dead on the floor of the cavern.

The group circles the dead creature and takes a good look- a six and a half foot tall Orc with crazy hair and eyes, lacerated, bruised and battered- much of it looks self inflicted. It’s face and body a mess of sickening sores and wounds mixed in with crude tattoos.

Zan shoves a lit torch in the creature’s sackcloth robes- the corpse is soon ablaze.

They stay until the body has more or less burnt away and then clear the area as best they can before returning to the village to tell their tale.

And with that session 31 expires.

The above was snatched from “The Burning Plague” a simple adventure available for free from the constantly changing Wizards of the Coast- go to there site www.wizards.com (I think). You’ll need to fiddle about a bit and get to the role-playing game D&D section and then look for the free adventures- there’s loads of them.

Next week… Back to the main screen.

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The Wednesday Knights (back by popular demand)


Fryday 17th Mork 2000

The Stench of Death.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter level 1 (DM)
Xeolus the Zombie (DM)
Mallaria Female Half-Elf Barbarian level 2 (Tomo)
Sayon Female Elven Fighter level 1 Thief level 1 (Erin)

Bob and Liandri re-examine the frescoes and compare the shape and size of the Amulet depicted with the indentation in the eastern door.

“Yep that’s the one officer.”
“So all we need do is find it, and then we can open the door… which takes us… where?”
“Who cares lets just go and get it.”

While the two are doing this Endrin, Mallaria and Sayon head north- with a little shove the door opens into an immensely dusty room which holds just one thing; a cracked and broken sarcophagus.

Can you guess what’s going to happen next- as the group approach, the stone lid, which has already been broken in two, is pushed aside- crashing to the floor. Standing in the sarcophagus is an emaciated creature- 50% fangs, 50% drool.

“Oh it’s one of them…”
“One of what Mallaria”, Sayon eagerly enquires.
“A Richard.”

A “Richard” or “Dickie” is Mallaria’s pet name for a Ghast, or any other hard-looking Undead- after Richard the Necromantic Undead Farmer (See previous turns- can’t remember the number).

“Hold your nose.”

The creature leaps out of the sarcophagus and begins leering and gurning at the adventurers.

“What do you mean hold your nose”, Sayon says then sniffs the air.
“Have you farted?”

The Ghast exudes a foul stench, fortunately Mallaria and Endrin have spent time sleeping over with Felix- whose eggy vapours are a fair comparison.

The creature stumbles forward and Mallaria notices that around the creatures neck hangs a triangle/diamond shaped pendent- now who wanted one of those?

In seconds the pendent is in Mallaria grasp- this Mage Hand ability she has is proving to be worth its weight in gold. For good measure the three slam into the creature and kick the crap out of it in a matter of seconds- the only casualty is Sayon, and then no more than a scratch.

The group retreat and meet up with Liandri and Bob- Mallaria proudly displays the Amulet, Liandri grabs it from her and quickly makes the eastern door work- beyond is another abandoned room, with only a chest to show for it. Seconds later the thing is open and a pile of gold and another Amulet is found- Endrin snaffles it, and takes to wearing it immediately (after a surreptitious Detect Magic makes it glow). Later he will notice how difficult he is to hit for it is an Amulet of Natural Armour +1.

The group split the gelt and head back to the crevasse, there they take a late supper and then head below again, leaving the Zombie Xeolus with Whirlwind with orders to “shout a lot, and very loudly” if the enemy comes.

This above section bit was grafted onto the main adventure (see later) using only sticky tape and spit- it is called “A Typical Tomb”, catchy title eh? I believe you can go get yourselves a copy from www.d20reviews.com/csp (Crooked Staff Productions) or try ENWorld again. Kristian Richards, whose favourite cheese incidentally is Edam, wrote the adventure. Great guy, great cheese.

Wight Dragon.

The group hustle through the Zombie cavern and then through the secret door and then on through the western door from which the Shadow was released and to the spiral stairs that descend into the darkness- Liandri and Sayon are sent ahead.

The stairs spiral down for a short while before ending in a corridor (which also smells of death)- ten feet away is a crossroads. The two thieves sneak ahead while the rest of the group comes down the stairs.

Part way to the crossroads Liandri thinks (only thinks mind) that he hears or even feels a soft click- he decides not to mention this… Mmmm what do you think- a good idea? We’ll see.

Liandri sneaks a peek around the west corner… standing ten feet away from him is a Zombie with it’s back to him- this proves too good an opportunity to miss, Liandri wades in with a sneak attack. The first creature is swiftly destroyed, however as it sinks to the floor Liandri and Sayon see that there are others approaching, the two double up and head off to meet them.

Endrin and Bob hear the action draw swords and rush to the crossroads- there is nothing ahead (south), Sayon and Liandri fighting Zombies to the west, and oh… what’s this… more Zombies heading towards them from the east. Battle is joined as Endrin and Bob pile in, which kinda leaves Mallaria in a quandary- she cannot get into either scrap- nothing for it but to head south.

Mallaria has gone no more than twenty feet when the floor suddenly gives way plunging her a good fifteen feet down onto cold stone and into darkness.

“Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu guyssss.”

Liandri takes note.

Back upstairs the Zombies are getting the crap kicked out of them with little in the way of harm to the Knights- there are ten to begin with and soon after there are none.

Mallaria quickly adjusts to the darkness and the flaring torchlight above- she finds a wall and miraculously scales it (Climb DC 15 x2).

The fight over the group search the corridors, from which the Zombies emerged, but find nothing of interest before sidling past the now open pit into a circular chamber with a dried up fountain in the centre. A door leads further south, Mallaria discovers it is locked- Liandri scours the fountain and in the rotten detritus discovers an ancient looking key- seconds later the door swings open into darkness.

The Knights torches illuminate a huge chamber with rotting tapestries on the walls and two very large sarcophagi.

The Knights look at the DM and shrug there shoulders (collectively) as if to say not this again.

“Ok I want this to go by the numbers people- I want tactical arrow cover and big sword up front formation- that’s you Malaria, shag it people, we ain’t got all day.”
“What’re you on about Endrin?”
“Erm. Mallaria- you’re up the middle, me and Bob’ll back you up, Liandri & Sayon one to either side of the room- clean sweep forward.”
“Whatever, Sarge.”

Mallaria salutes a frustrated looking Endrin.

“Absolutely bad ass… I’m sorry I don’t know what’s come over me.”

They do as their told though, the thieves head for the corners- keeping hidden and as silently as possible. Mallaria draws her sword and heads off with Bob and Endrin for support.

The group are around halfway through the room when Sayon spots the shadow of a figure crouched behind a sarcophagus, only feet away from Mallaria, she screams.

“Mallaria watch out.”

From behind the sarcophagus the figure rises, seven feet tall a dragon’s head with a man’s body, worse still the creature appears to be transparent- some form of Undead Dragon headed tomb inhabiting… and then.

“Phwooosh.” <DM’s note- the sound of Fiery Breath>

Followed by-

“Aaaarrgghh, another bloody Dickie.”

Mallaria backs off, which in 32 sessions is a first.

Liandri, now closest skips in, abandoning his bow for his sword- the blade passes clean through the thing. Endrin slightly singed lets rip with the Magic Missiles, while Bob wades in swinging her blades- both of which bite home.

Mallaria recovers as another gout of flame engulfs Bob and Endrin who stagger backwards- Mallaria rushes into the gap and swings with all her might; the magical two-handed sword does the rest.


The dragon’s head hits the ground spinning before finally coming to rest, in seconds it becomes insubstantial and fades into nothing, the body slumps forward and does likewise.

“Bad Dickie. Bad, bad Dickie.”

The Wight is gone.

The treasure hunters take over, Liandri and Sayon get their jemmies out and begin levering the tops off the sarcophagi- five minutes later, much to their chagrin they discover that both are empty.


Mallaria however has discovered something- here Elven senses have found something between the crumbling patches of plaster on the walls- it looks to be a concealed door. Several swings of her axe later the plaster is gone and the door revealed- Liandri and Sayon shuffle over and in minutes it swings open.

Beyond is a small room full of dust and cobwebs, a backpack, and a pile of equipment in one corner, a passage heads north. The Knights discover some masterwork armour and weapons and, seemingly, a dwarven haversack- at least the writing on it is in dwarven.


And on the inside flap-


Alas Sharon is crossed through, true love never runs smoothly, and is replaced by-


Which is at least traditional.

Inside is a cornucopia of delights, probably the strangest of which is the ten-foot ladder. The Knights ponder this for a while, although Mallaria has her own theory-

“Bad magic.”

She is dissuaded from destroying the Haversack, and Bob takes it vowing to check out all of the contents later, and put an end to the mystery.

DM’s note- Bob is a big thick Ranger; let’s just say he wears slip-ons- no laces.

The passageway leads around the trapped corridor and back into one of the areas from which the Zombies emerged at the start of this level.

The above scenario, entitled "Forgotten Honour", is available from the lovely people Dragonscaleencounters.com, it was written by Eric Price, who's a fantastic guy, eats all his greens and looks both ways before crossing the road- absolutely no trouble whatsoever- God bless you Mr. Price. Thanks.

Let's get the flock out of here.

The Knights climb the stairs, then up and out, and back to the waiting Whirlwind and ZX- who are play “slapsies.”

Slapsies is a game for two players; it takes skill, guile, dexterity and speed to win.

Each player places their hands together as in prayer, pushing their arms out slightly from their chest so that the tips of the two player’s fingers meet in the middle. One player is “it”. He or she attempts to slap the other person’s hands- with one hand, the other player attempts to move their hands away (usually up or down- but keeping their hands in the prayer position) to avoid being slapped. The guile comes into it when the player who is “it” motions or feigns an attempt to slap the other (without actually moving their hands from the prayer position). If the person who isn’t “it” moves their hands out of the way of this feigned attack then the person who is “it” gets one free slap. Whoever is “it” continues until they miss, when the second player becomes “it”. The only time a player may break the prayer position is when they are attempting a slap- any other is punishable by one free slap.

Needless to say ZX is winning.

A Pincer Attack.

After half-an-hour rest the Knights gear up to get on, Sayon opens the door and heads up some steps and into a long corridor heading south, she creeps ahead, the others follow. At the end of the passage are two doors heading east.

Sayon opens one of the doors and an arrow “thwunks” into the stonework surrounding it- she shuts the door quickly.

Meanwhile Liandri opens the other door, an empty room, a study of sorts; although there’s a thin layer of loam and soil on the floor- he moves in followed by Mallaria and Bob. It is indeed a study, with a small library- mostly nature books. More importantly there’s a door leading south, obviously entering the room that Sayon just attempted to investigate.

Endrin clocks this.

“Right then a pincer attack, we’ll open the door here and draw their fire, you charge through your door and lay into them. When they’ve fired their first volley I’ll blow my whistle- that’s your cue.”

Much nodding.

Endrin nods at Sayon who whips the door open-

“Thud. Thud. Thud (x many).”

Endrin steps into the doorway and fires of a Flare spell with devastating effect, three of the half-dozen Goblins reel back- blinded. Sayon squeezes into the room and fires off a shot or two, one of the bad guys sinks to the deck.

Meanwhile in the study.

“It’s locked.”
“The door.”
“Shush, I’m reading.”

Bob looks exasperated then runs out of the room towards Endrin and Sayon.

Mallaria straightens up takes several paces back and thunders into the door. The door creaks and groans, a partial success. Liandri looks up from
His book and shakes his head. Mallaria goes again.



Sayon looks at Endrin.

“Where the feck are they?”

An arrow strikes her in the side, natural “20” from the Goblin archer and she goes down like she’s dying.


Bob appears in the corridor, as the door smashes through at last and Mallaria charges at the Goblins- ignoring the arrows that are hitting her. The Knights rally.

Endrin, “For the Hucrele’s.”
Bob, “For Amberdale.”
Mallaria, “For the money.”
Sayon, “For <COUGH>.”
Liandri, “For Pelor’s sake keep the noise dow…”

Behind the overturned tables in the chamber are at least half-a-dozen (probably more Goblins), rushing into the chamber are another half-dozen of the stick like creatures. Worse still two Bugbears step from the shadows, one of which is Balsag.

Liandri dives for his bow and is in the doorway, “laying down suppressing fire”, (it’s something Endrin said to him) before you can say Jack Robinson (in elvish).

Sayon is gurgling nicely and coughing up blood, Bob is a whirl of blades- mincing Goblins and Stickmen alike, Mallaria and Endrin wade into the first Bugbear making short work of the creature, Liandri continues with the arrows.

The fight begins to thin, the Stickmen do not retreat and so are cut to shreds, the Goblins attempt to flee but the stragglers are caught between Liandri and Balsag, who’s obviously not keen on any of the Goblins getting away. Balsag screams and bangs his chest swiping at any of the Knights that come close.


The huge creature points directly at Mallaria, who shrugs half-smiles and closes in.

“Feck you, fecker. I’m gunna gets me a nu rug.”

And with that session 32 draws to a close and we are all put back in our respective boxes for another week.

Next week… Fin.


The Wednesday Knights.


Fryday 17th Mork 2000

The first line of defence.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter level 1 (DM)
Xeolus the Zombie (DM)
Mallaria Female Half-Elf Barbarian level 2 (Tomo)
Sayon Female Elven Fighter level 1 Thief level 1 (Erin)

Mallaria and Balsag clash, struggle, and then fly apart, their weapons clatter to the floor. Meanwhile the other Knights are laying about the scattered remains of the Goblin/Stickman defenders, however others are arriving, three more of each.

Mallaria pulls out her hand axe and lets it fly missing Balsag and whizzing by Endrin’s head. Balsag launches a punch and Mallaria is sent sprawling. She fumbles for her second hand axe, and lets that fly- it buries itself in the huge Bugbears abdomen. Then she’s on her feet sword in hand, Balsag staggers upright, likewise re-armed.

The Knights are winning all the other fights, Liandri notches an arrow and lets it fly, another Goblin crumples; Endrin stabs out and another one bites the dust; Bob slashes cross-bladed and a Stickman is reduced to tinder; Whirlwind cuts and parries and another falls.

The only casualties of the piece are Sayon who is still wheezing on the floor and ZX, who alas, has finally come to rest- one leg a foot shorter than the other.

Balsag stumbles and Mallaria launches a massive overhead attack, her two-handed sword bites- through the huge Bugbears shoulder and into its chest. Balsag sinks to his knees, and then mutters through bloodied lips-

“The darkness comes for you. I’ll be waiting.”

Then slumps forward- dead.

The other confrontations are likewise coming to a conclusion- the Knights are victorious.

The Knights check the bodies, and discover a Goblin still hanging on to life- Bob patches him up as best as he can,

“We’re going to have a little chat with you.”

Sayon meanwhile has been dealt with, the arrow removed and Bob’s healing hands (he’s got the gift, the big lug) have made Sayon comfortable, a potion of healing to restore her vitality. Meanwhile Liandri has nicked off back to the study, rifled the shelves, and discovered all manner of things- scrolls and books, he’s filled a sack with “stuff to read.”

The area is secured- a dull and dirty guardroom, with one wall collapsed and a huge cave beyond. Bob and Endrin look out through the many twisted and stunted plants, trees and bushes that choke the cave- Endrin swears he can see a light in the distance.

Mallaria and the newly energized Sayon grab the Goblin and take him for a wander.

“What the feck’s in the cave.”
“Big boss.”
“Who’s he then?”
“What’s he like?”
“Crazy like a woof.”
“What power does he wield?”
“The power to end you elf… [he notices Mallaria’s pointed ears] elves.”
“Oh yeah.”

Mallaria takes her two-handed sword rests it on the Goblins chest, smiles, then leans on it- it slips in, and through.

“Thanks for that.”

In remembrance.

The six Knights are gathered in a half circle, in the center of them lies the body of Xeolus the Zombie- lacerated and hacked at, missing one foot, burnt to a cinder, and smelling faintly of elf piss.

“He was a good man.”
“He was a better Zombie.”
“More tolerant.”
“I’ll miss him.”
Everyone turns to stare at Mallaria.
“He made me angry all the time- I like that.”
“Do you want to say something Endrin?”
The silence stretches.
“Err… no. Liandri?”
“He… he… tried to kill me once, but then again he saved me- he was alright, I suppose- I’ll not miss him though. Whirlwind?”
“Never met him really- he seemed, I dunno, alright, I suppose.”
“Yeah- I’ll go along with that.”
It falls to Bob.
“He tried to do the right thing, he meant well, in his heart I know that he wanted only for good, it was just, he was just…”
“An annoying feck?” Liandri offers.
“Actually I was going to say, he was just fifteen.”
It sinks in.
The silence settles.

Liandri draws out the whistle to play a last post-


Zombie Xeolus sits up and opens his eyes.

“Feck I forgot about that.”

The Knights scatter as Mallaria, in one move, draws her two-handed sword, circles once, and decapitates ZX where he sits.

“Leave him. In peace.”

Then stalks off, the others mooch about a bit, trying to find words.

In silence they tighten straps, heft melee weapons, ready missile weapons, re-locate scrolls and potions- for ease of access; ready for the final confrontation, Belak and the Twilight Grove ahead.

The Twilight Grove.

Sayon and Liandri head off, the advance party- they make fair headway through the thorny vegetation, there is indeed a light ahead. Settling down a hundred yards or so from a collapsed (built) stone wall, Liandri bills and coos at Eric (the Lightning Lizard) and then lets him loose to find his way forward.

As Eric skitters off the bushes move around the pair of Rogues and the Stickmen come- half-a-dozen and in a rush, the two down one each before hot footing it back to the cave entrance, and the Knights- Eric is still out there. The Stickmen do not follow.

The second time all the Knights head forward, and when the collapsed walls are back in sight- the two Rogues head off again, knowing that support is not too far away.

Through a gap in the walls they spy and elderly man dressed in leather and robes, with a long beard and leaning on a staff seemingly talking and staring at a huge dark misshapen tree- Belak. He looks, for want of a better word, a bit “crazy”, possibly like a “woof”.

They creep back to the Knights but are once again attacked by the Stickmen- this time the rogues are ready- Liandri kills both in a moment.

Plans are made. The Knights creep forward, silently, as close as they can to the walls- alas the plan is somewhat scuppered when Bob falls over and yelps like a dog- he spends the next few minutes picking thorns from his face.

Belak has gone.

Then Sayon spies him, looking out from behind the tree. Liandri has other news- he points into the branches of the tree- a huge frog balanced there, seemingly on look out.

Mallaria straightens up and strides towards the walls, the other Knights creep and follow-

Whispered, “What’re you doing?”
“Trust me” Mallaria quietly replies.

She steps over the low wall and into the clearing before the tree- Belak steps from behind it, grinning like a woof.

“I am Belak, the outcast, who are you?”
“I am Mallaria, I‘m an outcast too.”

Mallaria looks up at the tree, and the frog.

“It’s beautiful is it not? It lives, it breathes, it’s so strong- so full of life… and death. They say it grew from the heart of a vampire staked to the ground here- the stake still had life, and thus it grew.”

Belak stares in awe at the tree.

“You have battled long and hard to get to my Grove- to what end?”
“I’ve come in search of adventurers- Hucrele’s, a brother and a sister?”
“One is here with me- a supplicant to the tree, she has been accepted, taken in- her life altered forever, devoted to the tree through the living sap that flows in her veins.”

Out of the shadows steps two figures, a handlebar mustachioed Paladin, Sir Bradford, in heavy armour- sword in hand; and a beautiful young women in robes- clutching a dagger- Sharwyn Hucrele. The two stand stock-still, like statues, they look, well- woody.

“I wish to be accepted.”
“Then hand over your weapon.”

Mallaria moves forward proffering her sword, Liandri and Sayon begin to inch forward trying to stay hidden, Bob and Whirlwind are still waiting, Endrin pulls the wand from his belt- a glazed expression on his face, he whispers to himself-

“Kill Sir Bradford.”

Belak hisses at Mallaria.

“Give me the sword.”

Mallaria twists and turns in order to attack, but she’s not quick enough- Sayon and Liandri burst from cover. Belak lurches backwards to the tree, his arm outstretched, muttering strange sounds, from beneath the sleeve of his robe a wand points out. Suddenly the roots and foliage surrounding Mallaria, Sayon and Liandri grows at a terrifying rate- only Sayon tumbles aside, the other two are caught.

Sharwyn moves quickly to stand in front of Belak, eager to take any blow aimed at her master. Endrin appears from behind the wall, wand pointing at Sir Bradford.


Three missiles streak out from the wand and slam into the Paladin, who is moving slowly towards the entangled duo- he slumps to the floor- dead.

The vegetation parts, Bob and Whirlwind are confronted by three of the Stickmen- battle is joined.

Belak moves back behind the tree, while the tree itself bends forward and lashes at Liandri and Mallaria, who scream to be free.

Sayon dodges forward towards Belak but is blocked by Sharwyn- she proves no barrier and is stabbed through the heart, she slumps to the floor dead.

The frog leaps down into the melee, its tongue lashes out and grabs Liandri around his wrist.

Endrin stands statue, slowly becoming aware that he has killed the Paladin- as ordered. (See Turn 18.)

Mallaria looks up, cursing and is caught in the gaze of Belak- she suddenly feels a whole lot more receptive to the Dark Druid’s suggestions.

Bob leaves Whirlwind fighting the last of the Stickmen and rushes to Liandri’s aid- fighting the huge frog that is trying to drag the Elf into its maw.

Belak sees his opportunity and makes his break for freedom, Endrin wakes as if from a dream and sees the Dark Druid running straight for him, and the cover of the vegetation behind him. He draws his sword and readies himself for the confrontation.

Mallaria shrugs off the vegetation, snapping and bending the creepers that hold her, then at full pace she rushes at Endrin, just as Belak approaches, Endrin is grappled and knocked to the floor the crazy Barbarian begins to pummel Endrin’s face and chest.

Three more of the stick creatures arrive adding to the confusion and tying Bob, Whirlwind, Sayon and Liandri up. The tree bends low and swipes at the quartet, although they’ve done their best to move out of the trees range- except for Liandri of course who’s still trapped by the entangle spell.

Belak looks back at the confusion then drops a Flaming Sphere in the path of any that would follow- it rolls towards Mallaria and Endrin who are soon caught in the blaze. Endrin catches on fire- his screams are long and loud, and enough to wake Mallaria from the charm she is under.

Belak moves swiftly into the vegetation, which seems to bend to allow him to pass.

The frog is eventually defeated and while Sayon and Whirlwind fight the last of the Stickmen- Bob frees Liandri from the creepers.

Liandri reacts swiftly and rushes after Belak, hurdling the Flaming Sphere in the process. The vegetation closes as the Elf approaches making it much harder for him to follow the Dark Druid.

“Quickly”, screams the Elf, “he’s escaping.”

Mallaria by now is distraught-

“Pelor, what have I done”, the barbarian screams dragging away from the Flaming Sphere the dead (?) body of Endrin the Bard.

Bob is soon at her side, pushing the Barbarian away with a look of pure hatred on his face, he searches for the signs of life and soon after is relieved to feel a weak pulse.

Mallaria uncorks a potion of extra-healing and Bob allows her to pour the contents slowly down the Bard’s throat- soon coughing and spluttering Endrin opens his eyes, and grasps Mallaria tightly by the arm.

Mallaria is speechless.

Elsewhere Liandri moves as swiftly as he can through the solid wall of thorns and spiny plants which scratch and claw at his flesh. Breathing hard, he screams again.


Sayon has joined Mallaria and Bob, who still cradles Endrin in his arms. Endrin thrusts the Wand at Sayon-

“Take this… kill the <cough> fecker… Mordus.”

And with that the Bard’s eyes close again.

“He’s ok- he needs to rest, GO. Go get the bastard.” Bob delivers the last hissed through gritted teeth.

Sayon is soon up and running, Mallaria with a hunted look on her face tags along behind. Bob swiftly motions for Whirlwind to come over, he directs the warrior and is soon also committed to the chase.

A fog begins to roll into the clearing- Belak has, it seems, lit several smoke sticks to cover his trail.

Hidden within the vegetation Bob and Sayon make their way through the thorns, Bob trying his best to follow the Druid’s trail- he soon realises that Belak has the ability, common to many Druids, to pass without trace.

Mallaria is on a mission, the cuts and scratches of the spiky plants go unnoticed- she bleeds from a dozen wounds, and yet she presses on- the plants ripping at her arms and exposed areas. Blood trickles down from her scalp and clumps of hair, ripped out, mark her passage. The rage is nearly on her she fights for control- tears streak her face.

Liandri moves more slowly, the air seems to be thicker here, he tenses.

Suddenly there is a bright blue flash maybe twenty or so feet ahead of the Elf- a lightning strike.


Liandri cannot help himself- he smiles, “Eric”, he whispers. The vegetation parts behind him and Mallaria steps into the clearing- Liandri turns swiftly and holds the crazed Barbarians glare. He sees fear, hatred and sorrow. Liandri motions forward and the two press on, they’re soon through the vegetation and back into the guardroom in which they made their stand against Balsag, the Goblins and the Stickmen.

Belak limps across the guardroom, he turns round as he hears the two approach, the Wand comes into his hand and another Entangle spell is fired at the pair, both dodge aside. He then swiftly heals himself and hefts his sickle as Liandri and Mallaria approach.

The swing and sing of weapon upon weapon greets Sayon and Bob as thirty seconds later they too emerge from the vegetation.

Mallaria is raging, Liandri is cut badly already- Sayon points the Wand at Belak.


Nothing happens.


Bob looks for an opening but Mallaria is all whirling steel, he cannot see a way to attack.

“What was it?”

Liandri stumbles out of the combat, Bob is swiftly at his side- the Elf is bleeding badly, Bob holds Liandri still and shoves a potion of healing down him, while the Elf fights to be heard.

“Mordus, it’s Mordus you feck- now DO IT.”


Three balls of energy fizz out of the wand and slam into the Druid, he winces in pain but fights on.



But this time nothing happens, the wand’s energy is spent- no more than a useless twig.

Liandri screams and then dashes back into the fray, alas at the same time Mallaria in her anger attempts a roundhouse stroke with her two-handed sword. The stroke never reaches Belak, instead Liandri approaching from behind takes the full force of the blow- the elf staggers back and slumps to the floor. Bob moves again while Sayon looks on, frozen to the spot.

For Mallaria the fire still burns however, Belak grins and hefts his scythe cutting a great gash down the barbarians side- but not enough, not nearly enough- Mallaria grits her teeth and delivers stroke after stroke at lightning speed.

The Druid is caught, unable to escape, the end seems to last an age and yet it is over in less than twenty seconds- Belak drops his scythe in an attempt to halt the barbarian’s anger. The final blow comes overhand down through Belak’s neck and shoulder and into the chest cavity almost splitting the druid open.

A silence descends only Bob whispering quietly, reassuringly, to Liandri who is miraculously still alive.

Nobody talks.

Not for hours.


Still in silence the Knights have gathered back in the chamber with the dark tree, the bodies have been searched and stripped of valuables. Belak’s body has been thrown at the base of the tree-, which still moans and lashes out ineffectively.

A fire is built and banked, rags are made from the garments of the dead and soaked in wine or oil, wrapped around arrows- the first volley is loosed.

The tree cinders and chars, blackened streaks, sap bubbles and boils, it seems to shudder and sway as if it is trying to escape from the fire- the Knights watch.

Sayon, who still registers a heady mixture of terror and excitement, is holding up Liandri who’s still very groggy. Endrin, battered and bruised, one eye closed, one half-open squints at the fire held up by Bob, who’s face, as ever, registers little, his hand in his pocket is wrapped around the rosy red apple he plucked from the tree. Whirlwind stands next to Bob content to lean on his axe and be warmed by the flame. Mallaria stands yards away from the group- the outsider, staring straight ahead, if not considering her nature, then perhaps her future.

It burns for a while and they watch it knowing that ultimately they have failed, their only hope for success is to find Talgen Hucrele, the warrior.

They all bear the scars.

Satyrday 18th Mork 2000

Rap up

And of course Talgen is found, and of course he’s dead. Part of the throne used by the Goblin leader, in the tower with the massive hole in the floor, turns out to be a brass bound chest- inside of which is the grisly, chopped up, remains of the missing Hucrele.

The Knights trudge, stumble and limp their way out of the Citadel- the journey back to Oakhurst is completed in silence, there are no encounters. Endrin goes to see the Hucrele family to break the news, leaving out some of the more horrifying details- needless to say the Hucrele’s are heart broken. Faced with the grieving family- Endrin departs, still needing Bob for support.

The appropriate authorities are informed of Karakis and Sir Bradford’s death, the Knights take rooms at the Inn, a separate room for each- they sleep and dream and eat and heal, and when they can, they talk.

Time passes and yet for the Knights it seems all too slowly.

And thus endeth the session that is numbered 33.

This scenario was of course “The Sunless Citadel”, by Bruce R. Cordell who’s a lovely lad, he’ll go far- mark my words.

Next week… The Lost.


First Post
Poor Mallaria.
Not only is she a raving loony, but she gets charmed AND fumbles with a whopping great chopper!

I can only imagine the atmosphere around the table.


The Wannabe Wednesday Knights.


Chewsday 21st Mork 2000

Hit the road.

Characters present
Zanakand Male Dwarf Fighter level 1 (Kev. M.)
Greta Goldgarth Female Elven Priest of Corellan level 1 (Wayne)
Fred Male Human Fighter level 1 (Emma)
Lea Female Halfling Thief level 1 (Erin)

The fall out from the mine escapade is all too real, half the town thinks the adventurers are heroes, half believe they’re the instigators of the trouble- and that they should have left well alone. No one however can deny that times are going to be hard- all in all, seventeen families are without brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons or daughters- the town is devastated.

The mayor, Alton Gimlick has taken to his bed, and the Guard Sergeant has been arrested for failure to protect the mine- chaos reigns.

It seems an ideal time for the three friends to vamoose, Zanakand has no reason to stay- his father, his only relative, lies dead at the mine. Greta has no ties to the area, she came to Barrak merely to study. Lea, the youngest of the Way family has no desire to stick around- the cobbling business is not for her, she prefers something a little more “tricksy.”

Late in the night the three get together to decide a course of action.

“We can’t stay.”
“There’s nothing to stay for.”
“Where too, then?”
“The next caravan out.”
“Where’s it going?”
“Wherever, it don’t matter- I just need to get out.”
“Will you miss anyone?”
“No, only…”
“Let’s take him with us.”
“How d’you know he wants to go?”
“He will when I tell him he wants too.”
“Tomorrow- there’s a caravan due, Iron Ore- they’re going to be disappointed. They won’t stay long, we’ll hitch a ride.”
“Leave that to me.”

A little later Fred is told that he wants to see the world, he wants to go adventuring, he wants riches, gold, fame and fast carts and even faster women. Less than twenty minutes later Fred’s convinced that the adventuring life is all he’s ever wanted- a childhood dream.

The only difficulty will be persuading Fred’s mum- Fredbold who’s, how best to put it- a little fiery. The story goes- she met an Orc, no ordinary Orc but an Orc Chieftan, on the way to the river one day. The Orc made friendly, in an unfriendly way- she played along until he got his “fireman” out, at which time she pulled it off- actually, physically- off, right off, in her hand- the Orc died of blood loss. Fredbold keeps the offending member in a jar in her kitchen, which she waves at bad kids who get in her way or make fun of Fred.

Fred for the record is a six foot monster of a man, actually only sixteen years of age, who does odd jobs around Barrak- making use of his great strength, alas he’s not the quickest on the uptake.

Emma plays strong but dumb Fighter types (See Bob) that do the killin’ and leave the thinkin’ to others.

Windsday 22nd Mork 2000

And so the next day…

“So you see Mrs. Fredbold, Fred just needs to get a bit of air, spread his wings-like.”
“He’s not a bird y’know.”
“Still it’d do him good to see something of the world.”
“And Kadel the merchant will keep him safe- all he’s got to do is help with the loading of the wagons, he’ll get his Cart License as well.”
Fredbold slowly nods.
Lea looks up, and up, and up, and then smiles.

A little later…

“So you see Kadel, you’ve got to take him. I mean she’s a reasonable woman…”
Kadel winces.
“But when she gets an idea in her head…”
Lea trails off, then shrugs.
“I just wouldn’t want you to get hurt, you know what happened to that Orc.”
Kadel goes white.
“He’ll help out with the loading which’ll save time, and all you have to do in return is teach him how to drive the cart.”
Kadel looks from Lea to Fred, who’s grinning like Pelormass.
He nods.
Lea looks up, and up, and up, and then smiles.

A bit later still.

The wagon is turned round and is on its way back to Arduat- empty, there’s no Iron Ore to be had in Barrak, although slightly heavier as the four adventurers stare wide-eyed over the side of the cart at the strange and unfamiliar land.

Fryday 24th Mork 2000

The gates of Arduat are open, a snake of traffic- mostly merchants and farmers, stretches from them, about a hundred yards from the gate Kadel and the caravan wait their turn. Time passes, slowly.

Ten minutes later they’re only yards from the front when the sound of shouting can be heard from behind.

Pushing past the queue of traffic come three Orcs or Half-Orcs, warriors from one of the many Barbarian Clans that dot the plains. Several merchants shout and gesticulate but none are prepared to stand their ground. Kadel likewise scrambles sideways and out of the way, as do the other adventurers, which just leaves Zan.

The huge Half-Orc warrior stops short of the Dwarf and spits.


Greta, the Elf, moves over to stand behind Zan.

In the meantime the two Orc warriors move towards the caravan- spears at the ready Kadel and Lea find something big to hide behind- Fred.

One of the Orc prods out with his spear, Fred grabs it off him and breaks it over his knee.

It begins…

The Half-Orc, in one swift move, unleashes his two-handed club and brings it down…

“STOP.” Greta shouts.

The Command spell takes hold and the Half-Orc turns statue- Zan charges.


And thumps into the creature’s legs in an attempt to rugby tackle him, the Half-Orc remains rooted to the spot, with the fat dwarf vainly trying to tip him over.

Lea quickly darts round and shouts in Orcish at the two Orcs, one now without his spear, who are menacing Fred and Kadel.

“Leave them, this is not your fight.”

The Orcs marvel at the Halflings ability to speak there tongue, till the one with the spear shrugs and attempts to spike Fred- but not quick enough, Fred punches the warrior on the side of the head and the two Orcs break and run.

Meanwhile the Half-Orc comes round from the Command spell and sees red, he begins to Rage- Greta dodges away, while Zan, still holding onto the creatures legs, is kicked into the air- he lands a good dozen feet away, his pride hurt.

Fred looks at Zan then at the Half-Orc with Greta dodging blows he draws his sword.


Then a gurgling sound as the huge creature, slumped on the floor, spills its guts- Greta sidles over to check for a pulse.


Zan shrugs, while Fred looks… well, looks like he’s going to cry.

“Chin up Fred.”
“The bastard deserved it.” Zan spits.
“We’re all in it together.”

Suddenly the stamp of feet, the crowd parts to reveal the Arduat Guard- motto “better late, than never.”

“Who did this?”

The crowd grow quiet at the Guard Captains words, he scans the adventurers faces- each in turn nods or motions towards Fred, who puts his hand in the air- just like he never did when he was at school.

The Guard Captain strides over while his men begin to examine the body.

Fred sniffs, tears still stain his face.
“Put your hands out.”
Fred slowly complies, his hands shake, he closes his eyes, waiting for the cool metal of the manacles.
Then a sudden weight in his hands, he opens his eyes.

A fist sized stitched leather bag- it feels like…

The Guard Captain smiles broadly,

“You deserve it- vicious bastard, we’ve been after him for a while, twenty five dollars- good work lad.”

The Guard Captain gives Fred a chuck on the arm and then moves off- one of the guardsmen wanders over to take Fred’s name and complete the paperwork. The line moves again, with dozens of folk either tipping their hats or giving a small wave to Fred- several merchants’ daughters come over to hug and kiss the strapping hunk.

Red-faced the big lug eventually finds his way to “The Dragon’s Roost”, the Inn in which Kadel and the adventurers are staying.

Have you seen the light, son?

The wine and ale is flowing and the backslapping continues apace, the adventurers are dining at the expense of an unknown benefactor- the landlord merely stated that they should keep their money in their pockets, and no it wasn’t him paying either.

Eventually with brandy in hand the foursome make a go of smoking some of “Ethanbach’s Skunk Cigars”, it’s an unfair contest- only Zan wins, even Lea has to call it a draw, as for Fred & Greta well they remember little of what happened next.

“Have you seen the light, son?”
“No sorry, father, I haven’t sat on it have I?
“You mistake me my child, the beneficent face of Almighty Pelor.”
“Oh is he in tonight.”
The adventurers scan the bar- looking for Almighty Pelor.
“That thing he does with the snake and well… there’s ladies present, I’ll leave it there… but fantastic.”
“No once again child”, the grey-haired Priest’s face begins to show signs of doubt, “perhaps I should explain.”
“Do. Take a seat father.”
“How much father.”
The adventurers collapse in laughter, the Priest sits down and waits for calm.

“My name is Jehrid, a Priest of Almighty Pelor, the Light of the Ways.”
Greta, still sober, nods.
“I saw you, er… in action at the North Gate, I was… impressed, you see I have a problem and I thought well… well I thought I’d buy you a meal and then broach the subject.”
A silence descends.
“Do you mean an adventure?” Lea looks sternly at the priest.
“We’re in <HIC>.”
Zan and Fred nod, Greta however motions for the priest to follow him and the two depart the table.”
“You three enjoy yourself- I’m just going to clear up some of the details.”
Zan, Lea and Fred wave at the departing clergy, Zan then bursts into song.


Satyrday 25th Mork 2000

“Ah me ‘ed.”
“Come on then.”
“Get up, we’re off in an hour.”
Fred pulls on his pack and re-fastens several buckles while Lea looks… worried.
“You agreed.”
“The priest- Jehrid.”

The above conversation continues, in a circular fashion, for twenty minutes or more- I won’t bore you with the details. When Lea eventually arrives in the taproom the rest of the group are crowded round a table with Jehrid marking their route on a crude map.

“Look, what’s happening?”
“We’re just studying the route, come and have a look.”

Sheepishly Lea nudges her way to the map.

“… so you should be able to cross the river at this point, there’s a lot of swamp, but it’s the highest point for miles- just take it easy. It’s another two days maximum from there, the temple, while long abandoned, should be fairly easy to spot- there was a fortified compound, an Inn, many orchards and vegetable gardens, and all the usual things you’d expect from a temple complex home to over fifty priests of Pelor.”

The priest unfurls several scrolls-

“I’ve brought you these just in case”, he hands several Cure Light Wounds Scrolls to Greta, “don’t lose them.”

“Now what I want you to do is to search the place and discover all that you can about the complex, find as many artifacts as you can. I will pay each of you a hundred dollars on your return. I will also compensate you for all holy items of Pelor that you return with.”

Lea’s eyes light up.

“Right then what are we waiting for?”

Attack of the Huge Killer Swamp Monster.

The four adventurers are wading through the Arduat River, heading into the swamp proper, the first leg of their journey. Greta at the front of the party, somewhat indecorously, is carrying Lea, while Zan is on tiptoes with his head just above that water, bringing up the rear is Fred.

Unseen and unheard a huge beast seemingly created from gobs and splodges of the brown muck of the riverbed rises up directly behind Fred, till it towers over him- ready to engulf the Fighter. It attacks, the DM rolls a “1”, and the creature collapses in on itself having over-extended, with a load “SLURP” it is sucked back under the water- Fred turns to see… nothing. The adventurers press on.

And that’s the only creature the adventurers encounter on the first day’s journey… which doesn’t mean they’re not attacked.

Later in camp for the night- a fire is going, using what dry wood they can find, beneath the branches of a Mangrove tree the adventurers cook dinner and congratulate themselves on a successful days adventuring, that is until…

“I thought I saw something… There… Pelor.”

Several small spiders leap from the branches above into the midst of the group, one lands by Lea who’s ready for the attack, alas she swipes but doesn’t connect- Greta, bow in hand, fires and wings the thing- it flees. A second spider leaps past Zan’s ungainly attack and bites the Dwarf who winces in pain, however his back stroke mashes the creature- dead. The third spider catches Fred in a doze, lying on the ground, and has bitten him before he knows what’s going on. He knocks it away with his hand and struggles to rise, Lea leaps in but misses the spider by a mile and instead buries her sword in Fred’s thigh. The Fighter looks at Lea for a second and then collapses, a huge gaping wound in his leg, (Sayon who plays Lea rolled a “1”). Greta rushes over and instantly begins healing the Fighter, Zan dodges by and smashes the spider into the swamp- dead.

“Sorry Fred, sorry… I didn’t mean…”

The Fighter opens his eyes.

“That’s ok little one.”

Greta applies a poultice and orders the human to rest, Lea will cook and feed Fred this evening to ensure he’s fully rested for tomorrows exertions.

Sunday 26th Mork 2000

The second day passes without incident, Fred’s leg is much better, and at the end of the day Greta declares him to have a clean bill of health- with no infection.

Moonday 27th Mork 2000

Lea has still got her head down after badly wounding Fred, Fred however gets the joke- bested by a Halfling.

Late in the afternoon the group pushes through a dense area of Mangrove trees in a huge flooded clearing.

“Bloody hell, what’s that?”
“Er… I don’t want to worry you but I think that’s it.”
“The Temple.”
“How can it be, it’s a lake?”
“But it’s a lake with a Temple in it… Look.”

Greta points into the distance where the slanted roof of a religious looking building peeps from behind a wooden (now rotten) palisade.

“Look there, the Orb, sun symbol of Pelor… this is it.”

The adventurers look less happy.

“Let’s circle it and find a way in.”

And off they go, they’re journey is interrupted just the once when several human shaped creatures, dressed in tattered robes, lurch from the jungle and towards them- Zombies.

Greta quickly fishes out her Holy Symbol of Corellan and two of the four Zombies head back towards the tree line. Lea fires her crossbow into one of the creatures, Zan rushes in and hacks at another, while Fred obeys tradition. He runs ten yards, hits and then trips on a tree root, and ends up sprawled face down in the marshy water- unconscious and drowning.

Greta quickly rushes in to drag the Fighter out of the water. Meanwhile Zan and Lea step in front of the creatures and begin slashing- they make short work of the already injured Zombies.

Greta discovers that the creatures are wearing crudely made black sun or disc shaped amulets on leather thongs- clearly there’s some greater evil here, controlling the undead possibly.

Soon after, when the circumnavigation is complete, it is decided that someone must be sent to swim to the palisade wall to check out the inner compound. Zan is volunteered, by Lea.

Zan makes hard work of the two hundred or so yards but eventually makes his way over to a small piece of dry land at the base of the Palisade wall. From here he watches and observes, a little while later still he is back at lakeside, having already tied a rope to a sturdy looking stone pillar.

However the meeting is interrupted when the trees part and the remaining two (turned) Zombies lurch forward, this time it’s Fred and Greta that are to the fore- between them they slash and kill the creatures. Once again both creatures are wearing crudely made black discs, Greta is certain that the temple is inhabited, she makes her feelings known.

The adventurers decide that enough is enough, the temple will still be there in the morning- they set up camp and settle down to a night’s rest. Precautions are taken, two on guard- two sleeping, for two-hour shifts, the night passes without further attack.


Chewsday 28th Mork 2000

It’s Zan again the water baby, although I wouldn’t say that to his face, the big-boned Dwarf wades into the lake and then begins his doggie paddle across to the palisade wall using the rope he left yesterday as a guide. Alas the journey is not as successful as the first when just over half way across he encounters a morass of stinking weed, which he of course gets caught up in.

“Go round, GO ROUND- not this Dwarf, laddie. The only thing that’s round about this dwarf…”

The joke goes untold, a shadow passes beneath him, a Lacedon, an Aquatic Ghoul- the creature begins to float to the service.

“Help. HELP.”

On the shore Lea and the others shake their heads and tut loudly.

“I’ve got weed in me ears. Help.”

The Lacedon is closing fast when thrashing out to the Dwarf comes Lea and Fred (without his heavy armour), they soon grab the Dwarf and then head to the palisade. They all arrive safe and sound, Zan explains.

“Weed in your ears, it can be fatal, my Grandfather died of it- my grandmother told me that an Orc weed in his ears, never trust an Orc she said.”

Lea and Fred look on in astonishment they are however disturbed by Greta’s shouts.

“I’ve tied all the armour on, now pull it across.”

Greta tugs the line to make sure everything’s secure- Lea, Zan and Fred form up like a tug-of-war team and begin to pull, the equipment with Greta swimming alongside is dragged across. Until…

“Aaarrgghh blubblblbubll.”

Greta disappears beneath the water, the Lacedon clawing and biting at the Elves legs. Greta fights back as best she can- unarmoured, out of her element, trying to stay afloat etc. The odds are against her, when…

“Pull the blubblubbblublll…ing rope.”

The others comply, and with alacrity, Greta is borne towards them as if she were on water skis, the Aquatic Ghoul left floundering in her wake.

Seconds later she makes the palisade and the danger has passed.

Slightly more reluctant to get in the water the adventurers do the best they can to island hop, using the roofs of the buildings that poke out of the water to make there way over to the largest island, on which stands the Temple of Pelor. The only item of interest they discover on the way is a very large dead Frog.

“You know what’s for tea?”
“Frog’s legs?”
“You know there’s a joke about that.”
“Yeah, here he comes…”

Zan approaches- Zan’s so bandy-legged he couldn’t, as the saying goes, “stop a pig in a passage”.

And with that the session that is numbered 34 comes to an end.

Next week… The Fecking Frog Fiasco.


The Wannabe Wednesday Knights.


Chewsday 28th Mork 2000

The Fecking Frog Fiasco.

Characters present
Zanakand Male Dwarf Fighter level 1 (Kev. M.)
Greta Goldgarth Female Elven Priest of Corellan level 1 (Wayne)
Fred Male Human Fighter level 1 (Emma)
Lea Female Halfling Thief level 1 (Erin)

Lea creeps ashore and to the Temple doors, hiding amongst the tall grass- the doors are open, she whistles and waves for Fred to come over.


A huge tongue lashes out and wraps itself around the Fighter; Fred is dragged off his feet and into the high reeds at the edge of the water.


Zan goes wading into the tall grass, and collides with Fred, who is hopping to stay upright while a Giant Frog chews on one of his legs. Zan splats the thing causing it to jump out of the way- Fred still attached. The Frog thumps down around twenty feet away, but lands upside down- Fred falls out its mouth and lies prostrate on the floor.

Zan comes charging again while the Frog tries to right itself.


The Frog lies dead- splattered, Fred is out cold- Greta does her stuff and the accident prone Fighter is brought round, he is only stunned and winded.

Ten minutes later Lea opens wide the door to the Temple and creeps in, there are doorways to the left and right, both doors smashed down- further on the passage seems to open into a much larger chamber- probably the Temple proper.

Lea motions for the others to follow quietly and heads through the left hand doorway and into a passage, halfway down she hears sounds, she whispers-


Fred and Zan rush past and splat the offending rodents. Several nests are discovered and ransacked for shiny stuff. The group then backs out and heads down the right-hand passage. The same system is employed with Greta finding the rats this time- it’s still Fred and Zan that do the killing however. Actually Zan kills all of the rats, Fred does however spend thirty seconds chasing a large specimen up and down the corridor missing wildly, then the rat runs into Zan’s area of effect.


Zan salutes the huge Fighter, who continues to look frustrated, while the other adventurers mooch about Zan slams open a few more doors and discovers an abandoned money pouch in one rat’s nest. Smiling he leads the others back into the entrance chamber.

While the others watch and wait Lea creeps into the large chamber, the temple proper, she passes down the side of the room using the scattered pews and benches as cover. She spots movement ahead, and turns statue.

Seconds later a skeleton strides past, ten feet from her position. Lea hunkers down and begins to crawl slowly away- towards the center of the chamber. Eventually Lea emerges in the center aisle of the church, looks right- nothing, looks left and straight into the bony feet of a skeleton.

“Arrrgghhh Skelly.”

Lea ducks the creatures swipe and is running, hot foot, back to the entrance chamber, shouting all the while.

“Skellies… SKELLIES.”

Two skeletons are in pursuit only feet behind the halfling- four more hear the noise and come running.

Zan steps out of the shadow and-


One of the Skeletons is reduced to splinters of bone, Greta at Zan’s side presents her Holy Symbol- three more screech to a halt and begin to lurch backwards scrabbling at the air.

Fred nudges Lea and the two of them crash into the remaining skeletons- one is smashed to pieces, Zan takes care of the other. The fleeing Skeletons are rooted out and destroyed by the surly dwarf.

Lea is already in clear up mode- searching the room, although there’s little to be found- the place is rotten to the core, parts of the floor seem to sag with the damp of the swamp.

“Nuthin’ ere.”

With that Lea heads through a door and into a dark and scummy corridor, the others follow her as she snakes her way round to another rough wooden door, after a brief check Lea pushes it open. The adventures file into a smashed up bedchamber, with five beds and lockers, they spread out to cautiously search the chamber.

Greta finds a beautifully made Heavy Mace, which she decides to keep; it proves to be of masterwork quality.

In the meantime Zan wanders through a door to the south into a much larger bedroom with a double bed and nicer furnishings, all alas are worn and battered. He’s nosing about as behind him a Skeleton, dressed in robes and half-plate with a Heavy Mace in hand, crawls out from beneath the bed- the Skeleton of the Head Priest.


The Heavy Mace slams into Zan’s back- he screams, the fat Dwarf spins around to see the hideous creature- at the same time Fred lurches into the room, takes everything in and then starts swinging. The result is never in doubt, while the creatures plate armour deflects many of the blows the two warriors overcome the Skeleton with ease.

The other adventurers come through to see what the noise is, soon after they begin rummaging to see what they can find- figuring the big money items will be in here.

Lea ducks under the bed, she inches across- in the darkness she bumps into something solid- two flecks of red, almost fire like light appear, the pin-points grow to illuminate the face of a creature long dead.


The halfling struggles out and flees, the spectral creature drifts up through the bed for all to see- Greta grabs her Holy Symbol and retreats from the room, muttering prayers in an attempt to banish the terrible spirit. Zan and Fred, weapons drawn, cover the retreat- the spirit approaches and Fred leaps forward to deliver a mighty blow, his weapon passes clean through the creature, the adventurers flee back to the first bedchamber and watch the door. Lea hides in the corner of the room, her eyes tight shut-

“Make it go away, NO, make it go away, I’m too wee to die…”

Greta comes over and soothes her until Lea is able to open her eyes and face the world.

The adventurers form up and after a brief rest investigates two further barrack rooms- more beds, lockers etc. The first chamber is empty; while the second has a skeleton sprawled upon the floor- Lea still shaking from her previous experience creeps forward and then leaps at the prostrate creature and smashes its bones- it does not animate.


As she is screaming several other Skeletons rise from beneath the beds, Lea has her back to them but Zan spots the danger; the burly Dwarf barrels over, picks Lea up, and flings her out the way.

Greta steps in and waves her Holy Symbol- the Skeletons cower and hide; the adventurers rush in and take the bonies apart.

The adventurers head into the vestry where Lea makes amends by pocketing a nice shiny ring, and shares out several potion bottles, soon however the spirit voices and spectral figures appear again- the adventurers flee rather than face the ghostly foes.

From there the group head into another High or Head Priest’s Chamber, within three much larger and better armed Skeletons animate- clad in disheveled and broken plate armour and wielding heavy maces- they attack.

Once again Greta’s Holy Symbol is to the fore, turning only one of the creatures alas- the other two are put to the hammer by the Dwarf and the Ranger with Lea nipping in to help- soon the room is silent again. On investigation it is discovered that the three mighty Skeletons each have a quarter of a Holy Symbol of Pelor around their necks. Stranger and stranger.

“What the feck are these?”
“Holy Symbol of Pelor.”
“What do we do with them?”
“We find the missing one…”
“How do you know there’s one missin’?”

Greta holds up the three-quarter Holy Symbol for Fred to see.

“Oh. Yeah. S’pose.”

A huge metal door is also discovered in the north west of the room- it has space in the center of the door for a Holy Symbol of Pelor, there are no other markings or handles.

“It goes in der.”

Greta pats Fred on the shoulder to acknowledge his clearly superior brainpower.

“We need to search this place again.”

There follows an hour spent re-visiting old rooms and investigating all the other rooms they have not visited as of yet, encounters are few- only another gang of Skeletons that are easily dismissed.

The adventurers do however locate a beautifully made Holy Symbol of Pelor, a medallion worn round a deceased Priests’ neck, Greta seems to think that this is a Holy item and they decide to take it and return it to the Priest.

As the Elven Priest grasps the thing a wave of golden light passes over the group.

“I feel better.”
“Better dan what?”
“Just… better.”

With a Bless spell covering them all they continue their search- alas the fourth and missing part of the Holy Symbol continues to allude them. With that they head back to the room in which they discovered the three other parts of the Holy Symbol to think.

“Where could it be?” Zan strides the room scratching his beard.
“Dunno.” Fred picks dirt from beneath his nails and gazes in to the middle distance, meanwhile Greta stalks the room examining in detail the walls in search of some hidden chamber. Lea sits forlornly on the large stone chair, possibly a symbol of the High Priests office, her little legs far from the floor, she swings them too and fro till…


Followed by…


A flap of stone falls out from the front of the chair revealing a small concealed compartment, Lea jumps down from the chair and reaches inside as the others look on.

“Ta Daaaa.”

The fourth part of the Holy Symbol of Pelor is found.

Soon after Greta places the last part of the symbol into the door, there’s a slight click and rays of golden sunshine shoot out from the now complete Holy Symbol bathing the adventurers.

The door swings open with steps leading down into darkness...

And with that the session that is numbered 35 comes to an end.

Next week… The Dead Center.


The Wannabe Wednesday Knights.


Chewsday 28th Mork 2000

The Dead Center.

Characters present
Zanakand Male Dwarf Fighter level 1 (Kev. M.)
Greta Goldgarth Female Elven Priest of Corellan level 1 (Wayne)
Fred Male Human Fighter level 1 (Emma)
Lea Female Halfling Thief level 1 (Erin)

Down the stairs they go, Lea slightly ahead of the others, scanning and checking the way for traps or other pitfalls. The small chamber with the stairs in leads through a wooden door into a ten-foot long corridor, the doors here are rotten and open easily, sometimes crumbling when pushed open with force. Down the corridor and out into a much longer corridor of flagged stone, only five feet wide this time, it disappears into the darkness.

There are two doors, one on either side of the corridor, the adventurers investigate and discover a chamber with a relatively intact altar to Pelor. Lea meanwhile discovers a secret compartment in which there are a number of flasks of colourless liquid- Greta identifies it as Holy Water, the adventurers stock up.

The second chamber contains a number of rotten coffins alongside some rusty tools- nothing of interest.

The adventurers file out and begin to head into the darkness down the corridor, only ten feet down an alcove is discovered, with rusty bars preventing access. Piled to the ceiling behind the bars are the bones and skulls of the dead.

“Does that open?”

Lea tries to find an access point but sees none; Fred lurches over to test the strength of the bars.


Cautiously the adventurers continue on, into the darkness- another chamber appears, piled again to the ceiling with the bones of the dead.


Then another…

“Oh feck I really don’t like this.”

And then an empty chamber.

“That’s better.”

And then a double chamber, both sides of the corridor, the skulls and limbs of the skeletons spill out, the adventurers having to edge past the outstretched arms and clawed hands.

“Feck feck feck feck feck…”

Lea begins to hyperventilate and is scooped up by Fred who pushes past the horrors, in the light ahead another double chamber appears, the Halfling Rogue begins to gibber and mumble to herself.

“Must stay alive, not be dead, stay alive, got to stay alive, alive, alive.”

Fred pushes on, Zan following behind alert as ever, Greta with her Holy Symbol going before.

Eventually they pass through and to a T-junction, they take a moment to rest up.

“It’s ok Lea it’s over- we’re through.”
“Stay alive, stay alive… must stay alive, promised mum I’d stay alive, not dead, alive.”

Five minutes later and a whole lot less nervous Lea takes point again and heads west, the corridor grows cold, ice has formed on the floor, the adventurers torches illuminate a solid black metal door. It has no handle or means of egress; waves of freezing cold seem to pulse from it. Lea turns to shake her head-

“Not good.”

She sidles closer but is put off when the cold grips hold of her, freezing the snot in her nose, making her face ache furiously, she steps back.

“Let’s find another way.”
“Can’t hurt, let’s come back, let’s try the other way first.”

The others nod agreement and Lea happier scuttles to the front and leads them off again.

Thirty seconds later they find themselves in a large underground temple area, moving along a central aisle flanked either side by huge stone sarcophagi- ahead a pale quivering light; there’s a strange hum in the air.

“Have you farted?”
“Sorry, I’m a bit nervous.”

The adventurers press on towards the light, at the end of the aisle there are several steps leading up to a much larger stone sarcophagi- gingerly Lea climbs the first step.

The light swirls and coalesces, for a second it is blinding, like dawn’s first rays- lighting up the entire chamber.

As the adventurers look up from shielding their eyes standing before them is a being made of shimmering light- a Knight by the look of things. Greta instantly recognises the heraldic design on the Knight’s shield.

“A Paladin of Pelor”, she whispers, the others nod, somewhat in awe.

The spirit holds up his hand in a symbol of greeting, and of peace- the creature speaks in a voice, which is not so much heard as felt inside.

“For many years I have awaited the arrival of your band Greta Goldgarth. Your quest is known to Almighty Pelor, Sun God, he blesses you for your efforts.”

“Hang on, what do you mean, ‘your band’?”

The Knight stops open mouthed and looks uncomfortable.

“It’s as much my band as it is hers.”

Zanakand looks grumpily at Greta, and adds.

“It was my bloody idea in the first place…”

The dwarf continues to mumble as Greta nods to the spectral Knight who continues his spiel…

“Your quest can only end when the wretch Ceruvan has been laid to final rest by the power of Pelor. The entrance to the Cleric’s Tombs were sealed in madness years ago and is beyond your power to open…”

“The cold door.” Lea whispers very loudly, everyone, even the grumbling Dwarf, turns to stare at her, “sorry, but it’s the cold door isn’t it… it is isn’t it?”

The Knight nods, then continues-

“I will perform one last task for my Lord Pelor, I will break the magic that guards the entrance to the tomb, even though it will cost me my immortal soul.”

Even the Dwarf has stopped mumbling; Zan looks suitably cowed at the gravity of the spirits last words.

The spectral Knight paces towards the adventurers, who part to allow him past, bowing their heads. The Knight stops and touches Zan on the shoulder; he looks up, his face bathed in the cold white light.

“My spirit will live on, sheathed in steel and as sharp as Pelor’s light, forged to cut through the darkness. It will be up to you find the way- through the darkness; fear not stout Dwarf you will keep the path.”

Zan puffs out his chest; he looks resolute, maybe even stout.

Lea giggles behind her hand and whispers to Fred, “stout dwarf… Zan.”

The Knight strides on the adventurers falling into line, like some ghostly procession, to the cold, cold door.

The spirit begins to grimace, as if in pain, dispelling the magic of the door- the electric hum of the creature builds in intensity. The adventurers edge back, until with a loud explosion, which seems to linger in the air, the spectral Knight explodes into a million different shards and flecks of light.

The light fades replaced by the adventurers’ own torchlight- the ghost Knight is gone, in his place wedged into the hard stone floor is a gleaming longsword, bathed in light. Zan creeps forward to grasp the hilt of the weapon, as he does so there's a loud click followed by an ominous creak the door ahead swings open.

Dawn of the Dead.

A musty damp corridor stretches into the distance, the adventurers creep forward, Lea and then Zan leading the way. Torchlight reveals a pair of large stone doors; one on either side of the corridor- Zan and Fred put their shoulder against one-

“Stuck.” The Dwarf nods, Lea creeps ahead, while the pair try the other door.

“Don’t go too far.” Greta calls to Lea who has just passed another pair of the stone doors, the corridor continues on.

“I don’t like… what was that?”
Lea spins round, the closest door to her is opening, a moment later the other shudders then moves.



“They’re both stuck.” The Dwarf shrugs at Fred, who nods back then reaches out to lean on the door to get his breath back- the door swings open, Fred falls forward and is lost in the darkness.

Standing in the doorway on the opposite side is a Priest, quite obviously- it has half its face missing, a dead priest.

“ZOMBIES.” The cry goes out.

Meanwhile, back at the front…

Lea is faced by four Zombie Priests, ahead looks clear, a shimmy left, dodge right and tumble forward later she’s past all four of the slow moving creatures. Lea rushes on, away from the other adventurers and into a clear space- no Zombies.

Meanwhile, at the back…

“By the power of…”

Greta’s Holy Symbol shines gold and green- several of the Zombies retreat into the tomb they have just exited, pulling the door shut behind them.

“For feckin’ Pelor.”

Zan steps in and slashes- decapitating a Zombie in one fell swoop; he grins to himself and only just stops himself from kissing/licking the blade when he sees the gore matting it. Grimacing he lunges and cleans the blade by stabbing it through the next Zombie, the sword goes in gory and comes out clean-ish.

The area is clear- temporarily.

Greta leaps into the open doorway, through which Fred fell, there lying on the floor weaponless is Fred doing a fair impression of a break-dancing epileptic, surrounding the big lug are three more Zombies leaning in to claw and grapple.

The Holy Symbol comes out again… nothing happens, the Zombies don’t even look up.

Zan rushes into the room and skewers one of the creatures- the other two take notice and stagger towards the screaming dwarf.

“COME ON, I’ll tek the lotta yus.”

Meanwhile, back at the front.

Lea looks a little nervous, from the second pair of stone doors (she passed) six Zombies have emerged- three head towards her, while another three head back down the corridor towards Zan et al.

Lea swaps to her crossbow-


It doesn’t seem to slow the Zombie down any, she begins to retreat, further away from the others, suddenly she stops short- she has an itch, it’s right in the center of her back- where you can’t reach no matter how hard you try. She turns swiftly- coming down the corridor towards her are another half-dozen, at least, of the rotten Zombie Priests.


Meanwhile, back at the back.

Greta tries again, her Holy Symbol glows and the two remaining Zombies back away- Zan steps in and drags the grasping, and indeed gasping, Fred to his feet. Fred shouts to be heard-

“RETREAT. We must get out.”

Fred moves at speed through the door, back out into the corridor, Greta follows- Zan menaces the two retreating Zombies as if to finish the job, then thinks better of it, he turns swiftly and rushes for the exit.


He misjudges the doorway in the heat of the moment and as he hears Fred’s shouts from outside in the passage.


Zan lies on the floor, stunned; having just ran into the doorframe.

Greta and Fred turn round to see the dwarf waving to them to indicate he’s ok, just a little… Zan gets up, staggers, and then falls down again… dizzy.

The pair do a double take- Zan crawling on all fours- towards the other doorway (the wrong direction- for anything), three more Zombies are approaching and somewhere further down the corridor, possibly somewhere near the large knot of Zombies in the distance, is Lea.

Greta takes charge-

“Help him…”

The Priest holds forth her Holy Symbol; the three Zombies approaching cower and turn away. Greta then casts a spell.

Fred watches the Priest walk by the frightened Zombies then bends to grab Zan, a couple of slaps later the dwarf is making sense.

“WoodneSDAY, crab pasTE, TEA Kettle, FLANGE.”

Fred tries a delicate right hook. The Dwarf straightens and spits out a tooth- Zan watches the offending peg as it skitters onto the ground.

“If that was me gold toof you’d have problems right now strider.”
Fred nods and looks a little scared.
“Right then- let’s go get ‘em.”

Zan makes a few practice swipes with the Longsword and strides towards the Zombies- Fred follows, grinning from ear to ear.

Meanwhile, back at the front.

Lea is surrounded.










The Zombies both sides are closing in, less than fifteen feet away from the beleaguered Lea.



“What’s the fecking use.”

Lea throws down her crossbow and draws her sword- it looks small, as does she.


When stepping out of the crowd,

“‘Scuse me.”

Comes Greta- Lea is a little astonished.

“Invisibility to Undead- nice isn’t it. Hang on.”

Greta cancels the spell and appears Holy Symbol in hand…


Swiftly followed by a light spell- the Zombies shield their eyes, stagger a bit and generally mill- not knowing quite what to do.

Greta and Lea wade in, weapons drawn- this proves to be the anticlimax of the rescue, a Zombie Priest spins round and backhands Lea- a tremendous blow, the halfling slams into the wall and slumps down to the floor- not breathing.


Greta screams as the Zombie in question is almost split in two by a gleaming Longsword.”


Fred mashes away at another of the foul creatures, more surge towards the group- Greta quickly darts to Lea’s side and begins her healing magic- soon after the halfling opens her eyes- in pain, but very much alive.

Fred and Zan press on into a wall of rotting death- there are still half-a-dozen of the Zombie Priests in combat- with others approaching. Back the way the adventurers came, a tomb opens and those previously turned by the Priest begin to exit. The fight rages when…




Zan topples forward his helmet slipping over his eyes, the dwarf does his X-marks-the-spot impression, out cold- behind him a Zombie Priest wielding a battered mace does its best to grin.


Fred does a double take and then snatches up Zan’s Longsword.


And runs the thing through, Greta quickly scuttles over to the fallen dwarf while Lea, grimacing all the while, staggers to her feet- hoping to make a better fist of it this time.

Fred with the magic Longsword is a sight to behold- possibly even more devastating than Zan, Lea tries to stay hidden behind the huge warrior, darting out to deliver stabs and swipes that make it even more difficult for the Zombies to co-ordinate their attacks.

Moments later Greta joins the cause, Zan was stunned rather than actually hurt, the dwarf shakes his head to clear the mist, while Greta stands beside Fred to form a wall beyond which none shall pass.

Soon after the three adventurers begin to press ahead- taking the fight to the shambling undead, a further half-dozen of the tottering Zombie Priests are dispatched before the fight is over.

They rest.


“That was…”

Zan is back to his old self somewhere between grinning like an idiot and looking glum- a happy-go-lucky manic depressive, his wounds have all been healed.

Fred suffered only a few cuts and bruises- he tends not to feel the pain anyway, surveying the undead dead he can’t help but smile, a kinda “I did that”, expression on his face.

Greta survived the fracas unscathed, although she’s almost out of spells and her ability to ward off undead is also very low- she’s determined to see it through however.

Lea has suffered the most, she is scarred and not a little scared, there’s been a lot of horror for Lea, she comforts herself with the thought that she has survived all the same- against all odds.

The adventurers check their weapons, tighten straps and secure their belongings- healing over and dinner finished (mozzarella cheese, sun-dried tomatoes on granary foccacia all washed down with a litre of Diet Fanta), they head on.

The End is Nigh.

The six tombs, from which the Zombie Priests emerged, are searched, one-by-one, with nothing of interest found. The eighteen dead Zombie Priests are dragged out of the way- the corridor cleared for a quick retreat. The adventurers press on to…

A crevasse splits the path, on the opposite side, maybe eight to ten feet across the corridor continues on and almost directly into a larger unlit chamber.

Lea grits her teeth and runs full pelt and leaps the crevasse, she came first at long jump at school, Greta follows suit. Between them they dig out a rope ladder from Lea’s pack and fling it across so it bridges the gap. Fred holds one end while; Lea and Greta hold the other- Zan begins to crawl across the taut bridge.

“I don’t like this, I don’t…”
“Don’t look down Zan, you’re doing great.”

The Dwarf waddles over on all fours as the rope bridge bucks and sways.

“What’s that clicking noise.”

Lea who’s not really helping to hold the ladder, actually just doing facial impressions of someone straining, picks up the lantern and moves to the edge of the crevasse- the light shines out, and down.

Ten or so feet down the crevasse is a huge caterpillar like creature, except without skin- just bones, it’s maw is circled by a bunch of writhing tendon like tentacles or feelers.


The dwarf begins to shimmy faster but the creature is quicker, soon the tentacles search out the ladder, and then Zan’s hands that grip it tight, the sinuous feelers circle round to grasp the dwarf’s arms and legs. A tug of love begins- the Skeletal Carrion Crawler’s love of dwarf meat vs. the adventurers love of Zan.


“FRED, let go when I say. LEA grab on.”

Lea quickly slings a flask of Holy Water at the creature, it smashes on impact, the creature sizzles as it burns, unwrapping several of its tentacles. Lea joins Greta and grabs hold of the ladder.


Fred lets go and the ladder swings to the far side, causing Zan to thump against the side of the crevasse, a rung breaks, but Zan hangs on while Greta and Lea take the strain.

Greta and Lea begin to pull but the Crawler wraps four tentacles around Zan’s legs.


Fred has nothing to throw and so is reduced to throwing stones that ping off the creature, doing little or no damage.

Suddenly three more rungs break and Zan shoots down five or so feet grabbing the last but one.


Zan slips down to the last rung.

Fred abandons the rocks and leaps the crevasse landing neatly on the other side- he swiftly goes to help Greta and Lea pull up the dwarf.

“Come on we’ve got ya…”


The last rung breaks.


Zan falls, well, about 4-5 feet, and thumps into the Skeletal Carrion Crawler, which in turn slips about 5 feet down with the added weight of the dwarf. Zan begins to kick at the face of the creature with his hobnailed boots- it’s about know that the evil Undead Spirit of Crawler wishes he/it hadn't bothered.

“Throw me a rope.”

The rope sails by Zan- still curled in a neat circle.

Back up top Greta and Fred stare at Lea for a second.

“I didn’t think it through.”

Down below Zan is smiling.

“Come on this is easy.”
“Ya big Jessie.”

The Crawler/Dwarf combo suddenly descends at speed, then suddenly lurches as the creature catches gets a fresh grip of the wall, it seems that kicking the thing in the head is not having the desired affect. Zan looks down; the darkness goes on forever.

“HELP, GET ME OUT OF HERE. GET ME OUT. PLEASE- it’s dark down here…”

The Crawler is doing it’s best to stop Zan from stamping on it’s face but the mad dwarf has worked up a sweat now, several more kicks and gravel and loose rock begin to skitter away as the creature starts to lose its grip again.

The dwarf looks up to his companions, now twenty feet above, a look of resignation on his face.


Fred’s rope is about eight feet away, swaying, Zan cannot reach.

Then the Crawler falls.

The moment lasts forever.

Zan leaps towards the rope…


And catches hold, he rolled a “20”, the others drag the grinning fat dwarf back to the surface.

“Well that was easy.”

The three rescuers crowd round the dwarf patting his back, shoulder, chest etc. just to confirm that he’s real, they’re all grinning.

“Come on, let’s get this finished.”
“Hang on.”

Zan unsheathes the Holy Longsword and passes it to Fred.

“You take it… you’re better than me with it.”

Fred nods as he feels again the weight of the weapon.

“Let’s go.”

Dead again.

The room opens out, a temple of sorts; a low cold mist grips the floor of the chamber seemingly drifting from a large sarcophagi on a dais at the far end of the chamber. A broken statue of a priest in the center of the chamber bears what’s left of a Holy Symbol of Pelor.

The four adventurers move further into the chamber, an eerie red glow begins to form on the top of the sarcophagi…


Atop the huge stone tomb is a skeletal figure, it’s hand hangs limply over the side, it still grasps a blood red dagger.

Greta nods.

Cautiously they approach.

Suddenly the red mist swirls, as if with a new impetus, the hand clutching the dagger stiffens and the creature rises to the sitting position and in one-bound leaps from the tomb.

The adventurers draw swords and look to each other and then to their enemy, as Greta nods for the final attack to begin the creature speaks.

“Fools! Your quest is for nought. My soul is eternal, you will suffer in eternity, the forces of darkness will conquer the light, as they did before. The temple failed, lost to your pathetic Sun God, you are lost, and lost you will remain here for ever.”

The creature shrieks screams and rushes forward- the adventurers rush to meet the eerily red glowing skeleton.

Fred strikes first the magical Longsword plunges into the rib cage of the creature, white-hot light pours forth from the blade engulfing the creature, it screams…

The smoke clears as slumped to the floor the skeleton lies motionless, the adventurers gather around- slowly flesh begins to encase it till a fully formed human priest, Ceruvan lies on the floor. Perfect except for the hole in his chest, where the heart should be, burnt through by the Holy Longsword.

“That was plop.”
“How easy?”
“Are you sure he’s dead.”
“He’s undead.”
“Did you see that attack- nice one Fred.”

For the record that was another “20”- why do they insist in chopping up my end of level bad guys in ten seconds flat.

Fred admires the sword then follows Lea, who’s gone to check out the sarcophagi, Greta heads over to the statue of Pelor, Zan meanwhile stands above the body.

Eventually the dwarf kneels down to inspect the corpse.


The corpse sits bolt upright its hand’s wrap around Zan’s neck, squeezing the life from him.

The others react- Greta and Fred rush in as the Zan’s eyes begin to close- he’s losing conscious. The two grapple with Ceruvan attempting to wrestle Zan free, Lea skitters in and stabs at the creature- her sword doesn’t even break the skin. The creature grins, and begins to giggle.

Eventually, smashing at the corpses arms, Zan is dragged free and collapses on the ground, the corpse is on his feet in seconds and lunges at Greta, Zan gasping for air rises, Lea swings again- her weapon rebounds again.

Zan charges from behind the corpse, who is still grappling both Greta and Fred, Zan’s axe falls.


And rebounds away, knocking the dwarf over once again.

Greta and Fred break free- both have been mauled and scratched and are bleeding profusely. Greta lashes out with her Longsword, it two rebounds away- not even a crease in Ceruvan’s flesh.

Fred draws the Holy Sword, the creature stops what it’s doing, it stops giggling, slashes the air and backs away.

Lea dodges away and behind the creature, which is still backing away from the sword- Greta is dizzy and near to collapse, Zan is out on his feet barely conscious, even Fred is breathing hard.

The dwarf raises his axe and with his last ounce of strength charges, Ceruvan grins and giggles again- as long as it’s not the sword, the creature makes ready to receive the dwarf.

“Come an’ get it fatty.”

Only five feet from his quarry Zan hurls the axe at the creature who just in time diverts the it away with its iron-strong forearms, it grins again, as the fat dwarf barrels into the creatures midriff- knocking it off balance.


And over Lea who is crouched behind Ceruvan, the creature whacks into the cold stone floor, arms spread wide for a second in shock and surprise- just the opening Fred was looking for. The Holy Longsword spears down through the mouth of the creature and out the back of its head and into the stone floor.

The creature is pinned.

Once again the burning white holy light engulfs the creature which scrambles and screams, trying to break free but unable to touch the blade.

The adventurers scoot out of the way to watch while Ceruvan continues to scream as his face is eaten away, replaced by the light, thirty seconds later all that’s left is the burnt remains of the creature. This too begins to crumble as time catches up with thrice dead priest; soon all that is left is dust… and a ring.

Greta reaches down and picks the ring up.

The four adventurers stand, heads bowed, and give thanks.

“I enjoyed dat.”
“Mmm.” Lea doesn’t sound so sure.
“We should do this… for a living?”
“Yep.” Zan nods.
“Yeah.” Fred grins.
“Mmm.” Lea looks worried.

And thus the session that is numbered 36 comes to an end.

Zan (Fighter), Greta (Cleric) and Lea (Rogue) are all up to second level.

Next week… The missing turns, maybe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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