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The Wednesday Knights Story Hour


The Wednesday Knights


Woodnesday 15th Mork 2000

Dragon Hunt episode 1- the way of the Exploding Fountain.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Xeolus Male Human Monk level 1 Priest of Hieroneous level 1 (Kev. H.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter level 1 (Erin)

The Knights follow Meepo back into the chamber they originally encountered him, and from there take a different exit- a corridor to a door.

“Shh. Goblins bad people… hitting them… bam… bam… much soon… creepy creepy.”

Liandri pushes to the front and gives the door the once over.

“Looks pretty safe, best not take any chances though…”, Liandri nods at Meepo.
“I get ya.” Endrin nods and draws Meepo aside.

“Look you know this place well, so we’re following you from here on- it’s important that you guide us well Meepo, the safety of… what was it called… Weetabix?”
“Sorry, Cornflakes depends upon you… so just nip over there and open the door would you- we’ll be at the side here ready should anything happen.”
“Oh Ok.”

Meepo opens the door, nothing happens.
“Room.” Meepo points at the room beyond.

Bob enters first, he discovers some tracks heading North, human tracks and maybe some other Goblins… oh and plenty of rats. The Knights head on through to a room with a large dusty old fountain on the East wall and a door on the West wall the passageway continues North- the tracks continue in that direction.

The group first head over to the door, it is carved with skeletal dragons, written above it in Draconic it says, “Channel good, open the way.”

Xeolus barges to the front and presents his Holy Symbol of Hieroneous and begins to mutter a prayer, there is a click and the door swings open. The group share out the lit torches and walk inside.

There are nine in all dusty sarcophagi leant against the walls- each carved with an elf-like figure, at the far end of the room is an altar with some stuff on it including a lit candle.

Xeolus goes over and starts picking through the stuff on the altar while Endrin and Liandri begin to open a sarcophagus each- the Skeleton within aid them in their endeavour. Soon all nine of the sarcophagi are open and the group is fighting tooth and nail with the creatures. Xeolus leaps up on the altar and begins to brandish his Holy Symbol- shouting a prayer this time. It has no effect.

Instead Xeolus jumps down kicking the head off one of the Skeletons in the process, he then wades into the combat attacking with his hand-to-hand skills. The fight, once again, is made more difficult by the group’s lack of bludgeoning weapons- have I sad that before, I think I have.

Eventually, however, the Skeletons are destroyed and the room is rifled. The sarcophagi are empty but Liandri, Endrin and Whirlwind discover a secret compartment behind the altar and pocket some gems. Xeolus in the meanwhile has grabbed a whistle/small flute shaped object from the altar and is examining it, it seems to be made of glass but is as hard as steel. Curiosity gets the better of him and he blows it- nothing happens, or at least nothing discernible- not even a noise.

Whirlwind has discovered that the candle will not go out and also burns without heat- he sets about attaching the thing to his helm, although it sheds only a weak light. Endrin grabs the potion vial on the altar and the group head back out into the room with the fountain, Meepo patiently sits on the floor humming the dragon song and clapping his hands every now and then.

Whirlwind heads over to the fountain with Liandri and Endrin in tow the others watch the exits. Once again they discover Draconic script, it reads “Nainarya”, translated- “let there be fire.”

A brief discussion follows-

“You’re up.” Endrin nods at Whirlwind.
“Why me?” Whirlwind looks hurt.
“Last in, first out.”
Endrin and Liandri stand about ten feet away and observe Whirlwind, every now and then giving encouragement.
“Oh… oh… oh… careful… careful.”
“C’mon Whirlwind… don’t die.”

Whirlwind creeps forward, a lit torch in hand, to the very edge of the fountain- and says the word in Draconic. There is a sudden drip, drip as a reddish brown liquid pours from the fountain- the flow increases until quite a puddle forms. Whirlwind puts his torch close to the liquid to better illuminate it…


Amidst the rubble and choking dust several figures stir-

“<Cough> What was that?”
“Hang on I can’t hear me.”
“What- I can’t hear me… or you?”
“<Cough> he’d better be dead, the fecker.”

DM note the fountain produced several potions of Fiery Breath- Whirlwind applied heat- presto, as they say in the Magic Circle.

One third of the room has been shaken badly by the explosion, the fountain is no more and bits of the ceiling have also finally seen sense and obeyed gravity.

Three dusty figures pick themselves out of the wreckage- Liandri, Endrin and Whirlwind all at least temporarily deaf and much the worse for wear, except Liandri who amazingly avoids all damage. As Simon Le Bon was fond of saying “the Reflex... fle… fle… fle… flex.”

A general healing session is called and the Knights rest up except for Xeolus who is beginning to look nervous- he wants action. Eventually after sandwiches and juice the group head down the northern corridor, in the direction of the human tracks, as discerned by Bob. Down the corridor they discover a number of Dire Rats- they begin to fight their way through. Except for Liandri that is, who instead sneaks into the various rats nests as they are flushed out to rob all valuable items before the rest of the group get a look in- and while they are otherwise engaged, obviously.

Xeolus who once again is not getting a look in tells Bob he’s off and wanders back to a door the group discovered but did not investigate at the very start of the corridor they are traversing. He enters a lightless featureless empty chamber with a door on the North wall- he lights a torch and checks the room thoroughly, before opening the door… somewhere a bell rings.

Pressure Creeps Moving up Slowly

Ahead of Xeolus a short flight of stairs lead down, further on an opening seemingly half the size of a door way, his eyes adjust- the section ahead is lit from behind. Suddenly a Goblin head (attached to a Goblin neck, body etc.) peers over what is now discernible as a low wall. The creature shouts something, indicating there are others present.

The tension is profound, palpable- Xeolus is a coiled spring- subject to the inequities of life as a Monk Priest in a party full of Warriors and Spell Casters, it doesn’t help that he’s the only genuinely good guy there also. The dam bursts-

“AAAArrrggghhhh for Hieroneous.”

The Mad Monk leaps down the stairs-

“AAAAAArrrrrrgggggghhhhh my fecking feet.”

And discovers the caltrops liberally spread around the floor- he is then hit by a Goblin spear thrown by an amused onlooker.


Back down the rat corridor-

“What was that?” says Bob.

Liandri, Endrin and Whirlwind hear nothing Bob stands statue and listens.

“Where’s Xeolus?”
“Oh clucking hell.”

Bob hot foots it, with the others following unsure why, the 90 yards to Xeolus who has approached to five feet of the wall and is attempting to punch a Goblin who is trying to stab him with a spear.

The Knights arrive at the doorway and quickly assess the situation, as Bob is about to enter Liandri points out the caltrops on the floor- eventually Endrin and Bob wade in and mince across the hall to Xeolus. There they grab the monk between them and mince back up the stairs and slam the door shut behind them. All the while the Goblins throw spears and generally gesticulate and have a laugh at Xeolus’ expense. Once again the Knights are in need of healing- a time out is taken and Liandri uses the opportunity to lock/jam the door into the Goblin territory as best he can.

A very brief discussion follows regarding the benefits of allowing one of the Knights to wander off and go and explore on their own- a vote is taken and four to one it is decided that this should not be allowed to happen again. Some shall we say “uncomplimentary” things are said, some are left unsaid.

The Knights move off again up the Rat corridor- Liandri, Endrin & Whirlwind still slightly deaf and Xeolus moving at half-speed due to a bloody foot. Bob the only one unscathed as yet- Meepo has gone quiet, not as confident as he once was.


The corridor ends in a much larger chamber there are several pits spiked open in the room- the tracks lead here, there are many more Rat tracks Bob notes, although only Xeolus hears him. On the northern wall is another fountain; on the western wall is a door slightly ajar. The group heads over to the door- Whirlwind kicks it open and a number of Dire Rats spill out to attack, the fight is joined. Bob thinks he will guarantee an easy victory by leaping over the rats into the room beyond- thereby surrounding the creatures.

This otherwise excellent plan is complicated when Bob lands in the room and is attacked by a savage looking Dire Rat some 6 feet long- Guthash the big mama rat. If this was anyone else but Bob then they’d be in trouble, not Bob- natural ‘20’ and the Giant Dire Rat is killed in 10 seconds- the rats take a little longer as more keep coming into the room from the rubble strewn area outside. However a torch is placed in the only entrance available to them from the outside and the rest of the room is thoroughly searched- the Knights make their first grisly discovery.

Hunting through the filth and stink they come across the butchered and partially eaten body of a human- eventually a gold ring on the man’s finger is discovered with the name “Karakis” etched into it. They have discovered the Ranger of the missing party- one down three to go.

After this grisly discovery Endrin goes over to the second fountain and while Whirlwind plugs his ears and crouches down low says the magic word discovered once again on the outer rim of the fountain. “Nathuine”, meaning “let there be death”, it doesn’t bode well does it- Endrin makes his next two saving throws and the colourless odourless gas dissipates.

“It doesn’t seem to be working… shame. See, nothing to be afraid of.”

They head back to Xeolus’ folly to face the Goblin menace.
Set shields to Rat.

Later they will all say that it was just another of Xeolus’ mad ideas, returning to the Goblin problem with the caltrops on the floor and the Goblins throwing spears from behind a low wall- Xeolus has a plan.

He asks Bob to open the door briefly, while it is open he slings a deceased Dire Rat down the stairs and into the room- then another, and another. One Goblin throws a spear but Bob is too quick with the door, besides they are some distance away. Soon there are three Rat bodies on the floor, each one a little further into the room, stepping-stones.

The other Knights then watch in amazement as Xeolus hefts the body of Guthash the huge Dire Rat in the air, and with Bob opening the door, rushes down the stairs using Guthash as a shield.

Bob looks at the others in amazement and then charges down the stairs behind Xeolus- the others shrug their shoulders and do likewise, Meepo sits on the floor and begins to cry quietly (as does the DM).

The Goblin defenders are momentarily non-plussed by the approaching spectacle- one throws a spear which hits the Guthash the other runs off, Xeolus reaches the wall, throws the Rat over, and leaps over himself. Of the four Goblins at the far end one runs away, one is captured after a Ray of Enfeeblement courtesy of Endrin, the other two are killed.

The Knights occupy this new chamber and begin the interrogation of the captured Goblin while investigating the new door they have found. Liandri sneaks through, down a short corridor, which turns back on itself into another room with a low wall and some target dummies- behind the wall Goblins are heard catching up on today’s events.

Back in the first room the party has problems interrogating the creature- they do not understand a word that he/she/it says.

And with that session 23 ends.

Next week…what d’you know, a complete feck up.

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The Wednesday Knights


Woodnesday 15th Mork 2000

Dragon Hunt episode 2- Slip Slide Away.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter level 1 (Erin)

Not present but being manipulated by others (only a bit though),
Xeolus Male Human Monk level 1 Priest of Hieroneous level 1

Liandri reaches around the corner and quietly places Eric on the floor (the Electrifying Lizard if you remember), Eric has a bit of a skitter about and comes back, none the wiser- Eric has a problem with numbers.

Eventually it is decided that Xeolus will stay with Meepo and their new-found Goblin friend, while the others will do the full frontal assault.

It works like this- Liandri creeps in behind the practice/target dummies and readies his bow; Bob likewise in the corridor does the same. The Goblin prisoners’ gag is removed and he is punched in the stomach- crying out, a number of Goblin heads pop over the wall- one is shot and killed by Liandri, Bob misses. Endrin and Whirlwind rush around the corner after being kicked into action by Bob (they’re still deaf) and leg it for the short wall, and leap over. Beyond is a small room with five more Goblins, there are two doors- one north, one west. The other Knights catch up and Liandri, once again, proves deadly. Two Goblins flee, one out of either door- the others are cut down in quick time and the area is secured.

Liandri heads through the north door into a corridor, there is another doorway opposite, while the corridor continues west. The door opposite opens and a bunch of Goblins come out (five in all), Liandri shouts and Bob rushes over- battle is joined. At the same time Endrin opens the other door on the west wall- there is an enormous chamber beyond- like the one in which Yusdrayl holds court, with smoky torches illuminating the area. Also in the chamber moving towards the door is a large number of Goblins- he slams the door shut and shouts a warning.

Liandri and Bob make short work of four of the Goblins, the fifth flees down the corridor, westwards- they leave him be and return to the main chamber where things are kicking off again. Another force of a dozen or so Goblins is eventually repulsed, the Knights pick up a few wounds and another half-dozen Goblins lay dead. The door is slammed shut and Liandri does his best to lock the door, a hasty barricade is soon erected.

Liandri and Endrin then head back north to see where the other fleeing Goblin has got to, while the others man the barricade, the room opposite is a simple Goblin guardroom- the furniture is dragged back into the main room to pile on the barricade. They follow the corridor west to a door, alas Endrin discovers the pit trap the easy/hard way, he takes a little damage and with the help of Liandri climbs out. Liandri then checks the door beyond the pit- it is locked, while he is checking it he hears screams from the room beyond, he decides to leave the door locked- the Goblin must have had a key. The two then head back to the main room and close the door north and put another barricade against it.

The Knights move to the far side of the battlement wall- if the Goblins break in they will have to cross the wall to get to them. They soon discover another door (heavy construction and very dirty) on this side of the battlement wall- Liandri investigates and discovers it is locked- not for long.

Within is an extremely dirty chamber stinking of poo and filth, three Kobolds are chained to the wall, while in a small cage in the centre of the room is a naked female Gnome. Liandri rushes to free her and then moves on to the Kobolds.

Jerky Timbers, the female Gnome, tries to stretch after being caged for so long, while at the same time trying to save her modesty- rough clothes are soon found- Goblinoid but at least they fit.

The Kobold prisoners accompanied by Meepo and Xeolus head back to the Yusdrayl’s chamber where families are re-united in a touching show of emotion. Xeolus against his better judgement can feel himself welling up, the big softy.

“You’ve not seen each other for, how long is it now? Well “surprise, surprise”, this production was brought to you courtesy of the Wednesday Knights.”

Xeolus and Meepo head back to the main chamber and the Knights settle down for the evening, to rest, sleep, heal and hear Jerky’s story.

Jerky’s Tale…

Thankfully Liandri, Endrin and Whirlwind are back on “The Planet of Sound.” They all listen to Jerky’s story, while keeping an eye on the barricades.

“Three months ago, I was on my way to seek my fortune and took the Old Road shortcut- what a mistake that proved to be. I was attacked by a group of Goblins, there were about eight of them and although I slew two I was knocked unconscious and dragged down here. If it wasn’t for my faith and the kind hand of my saviour, Pelor be blessed, then I would have died. As it was I have used my spells and abilities to remain in fair health- I’d have died from starvation an age ago else.”

Xeolus nods sagely.

“During my time I’ve heard many things from my Goblin captors, I’m certain they are at war with a tribe of Kobolds- hence the other prisoners, there seems to be some dialogue as other Kobolds have been sent home. The Goblins also speak of one called Belak who lives below in a place they call the Twilight Grove- whatever that may be. There he grows enchanted fruit- the fruit comes from a tree called the Gulthias Tree; they speak of the Tree in hushed tones. From what I gather there are two sorts of enchanted fruit, rosy red apples that restores spirit and vigour, and a pale midsummer fruit which steals the same. Belak sends the Goblins to the surface to sell the fruits- I have no idea why.”

Endrin begins to make notes, the others nod.

“There are other creatures that Belak controls directly- the Goblins call them the ‘Twig Blight’, the Goblins fear them- they are small Twig like stick creatures.”

“We’ve seen them.” Bob adds, Whirlwind murmurs his agreement.
Endrin, Xeolus and Liandri look non-plussed but shrug, Jerky continues.

“About two weeks ago, it is difficult to be exact about the time, a group of humans were caught by the Goblins- they were brought here and manacled to the walls. They were here for a few days- there names were Talgon, Sharwyn- these two were brother and sister, and a Paladin called Sir Bradford. They had all been wounded badly, although Sir Bradford and I healed them as much as we could. They spoke of Oakhurst and their family, they were sad, it was difficult I had been here for weeks and could see no way out. Talgon was angry, too angry, he upset the Goblins almost daily and was often beaten. Sharwyn was terrified- she cried for hours each day and worried herself half to death. Sir Bradford was more resolute- like he had accepted it, or he had hope- I don’t know…”

Jerky’s voice tails off.

“We are searching for them, the Hucrele’s- Talgon and Sharwyn, we were sent to find them… Where are they? Why are they not here, prisoners like you?”

All eyes turn to Jerky once more.

“Belak sent for them- the Goblins came and took them, that was a week ago- I have not heard of them since- the Goblins have said nothing. I’m sorry… so sorry, that’s all I know.”

With that the Gnome rocks forward and without sound begins to cry- the tears streaking her face, dripping down onto the dusty ground.

A dark silence descends.

Things that go BUMP in the night.

After Jerky ends her tale the Goblins take to battering on one of the doors (the west one)- it’s a token effort though, the Knights generally draw weapons and watch the door for a while, the furniture moves inch by inch away from the door. That is until the door bursts open and the first Goblins appear, they are cut down in seconds- four killed in the moment, the door is slammed back shut and the sound of a hasty retreat is heard.

A little later Liandri pokes his head round the door and sees that the Goblins have erected their own barricade, basically there is a gap of fifteen feet and then a four foot wall of furniture behind which many Goblins (over 20) squat and wait.

A little later still a Kobold turns up sent by Yusdrayl to say that the Knights should hurry up with getting the dragon back as the Kobold tribe has been attacked by the Goblins. The Kobold messenger gives no details, and what starts out as an order from Yusdrayl ends up as a polite request.

All in all, an eventful night for the Knights.

Meepo and the Big Chill.

Thawsday 16th Mork 2000

The Knights briefly check the Goblin barricade is still in place, and then abandon their position and remove the barricade around the door north. They leave Xeolus with Jerky in the main chamber to warn them if the Goblins attempt to break through. From there they head back into the corridor, where Endrin helpfully located the pit yesterday- Liandri sidles round the pit and gets to work on the locked door. A little later there is a satisfying click and the group carefully move into a much larger chamber-the area is full of stuffed animal heads and trophy cases, nearly all of which litter the floor broken and smashed. However the first thing they notice is the body of a Goblin by the only other exit, a door heading south- on the way over there Endrin once again comes a cropper and slips on an icy patch.

“Ice… again.”

The others look about hurriedly; Meepo begins to push his way to the front-

A rough growl… more like a hoarse “Quack” is heard.

The Dragon takes flight- it is off-white and around about 18 inches long. The Knights who are as taut as bow strings expecting something the size of a small horse, visibly relax, and quickly become blasé.

“Feck me… I’d have it for breakfast.”
“Cornflakes… get it… for breakfast.”
“Suit yourself.”

Meepo runs forward eager to be re-united, alas Cornflakes is not so keen- when the Dragon gets within five feet it lets out a broad swathe of mist which engulfs Meepo- he disappears from view. DM note, like a fire extinguisher with accompanying sound.

The dragon flaps over the Knight’s heads and then upward, roosting about 15-20 feet up on the trophy head of a bear. The mist clears to reveal a perfectly frozen Meepo, bearing a rictus grin, the Knights look a little worried and are certainly less at ease. Bob & Liandri draw bows and head off into the room- even this proves difficult- Bob falls on his arse and while Liandri stays on his feet he simply slides forward (look no inertia). Liandri doesn’t panic and allows himself to be carried across the room thinking he will use Meepo as a breaking device, for that is the direction he is headed. Bob in the meantime is being helped up to his feet by Whirlwind. Endrin spots the Dragon and fires off a Magic Missile it thuds into the creature and the fun begins.

It would be difficult in the extreme for me to do justice to quite what happened next, I will skip to the results- the dragon lies dead at the feet of Bob. It was attempting to flee the room when Bob, stood in the doorway, brought it down with his sword- slashing way above his head. Previous to this Endrin had been casting spells from a recumbent position, he fell over so often that it seemed too much bother getting up. Whirlwind has not managed to do anything except fall over and get back up again. Bob had retreated to the doorway, slightly out of the room, for those very reasons. Liandri the most dextrous first of all grabbed hold of Meepo who instead of breaking Liandri’s slide merely joined the queue- like some mad conga. Eventually the two of them come to an arrest courtesy of a wall- alas Meepo takes the impact badly, leaving Liandri holding one of Meepo’s lower arms (not attached to the rest of Meepo). From there he takes pot shots at the Dragon, and unlike the others manages to hit the creature. The Dragon in its turn had blasted a few of the party members and scratched and cut up several others- nothing that could kill however.

The group then slip slide there way over to the dead Goblin body and the door there, the Goblin is briefly examined- killed by the Dragons claws and bite.

Liandri unlocks the door and peeps within- they are behind the Goblin barricade. Liandri closes the door and relays this information- it seems that the Dragon was supposed to be a security guard.

“1… 2… 3… Go.”

The Knights burst into the room surprising a contingent of nearly two dozen Goblins- the fight is bloody in the extreme, with the majority of the Goblins fleeing rather than face the Knights- they have them on the run.

The Knights quickly patch up their wounded and then secure as best as possible the large chamber, which in many ways mirrors the large chamber Yusdrayl holds court. There are lots of doors at the far end of the this chamber, the direction of the Goblins retreat- two doors north, one west and another south. After a brief exchange of views- the Knights decide to head south, unsure of which direction the Goblins fled.

After moving through an abandoned Goblin guard post they traverse a corridor- in which they find the pit trap, without having to fall down it- a first. They open the door ahead of them and walk straight into an ambush…

Kill them all… let Hieroneous sort ‘em out.

… the ambush soon comes to a complete stop as it’s the Kobolds throwing the spears at the Knights- they’ve wandered back into Yusdrayl’s throne chamber. The Kobolds quickly call for her…

“Where Dragon?”
Much whistling and a general sheepishness, followed by a bit of looking about a bit, then some “ummmm”, and, “errr”, and a bit of scratching about trying to avoid eye contact.
Yusdrayl looks at the group sternly.
“Where Meepo?”
Endrin is pushed to the front…
“Well the Dragon killed Meepo…”
“Good” Yusdrayl replies, “save time.”
“And then… well… it took sick and died, it was terrible towards the end coughing up…” and whispered aside, “help me here.”
“Snowballs.” Liandri volunteers.
“Er… Snowballs.”
Yusdrayl looks icy now “WHERE CORNFLAKES? WHERE DRAGON?”
Endrin just sorta shrugs and looks a bit forlorn, “I dunno, I never did it.” He then sort of nods towards Bob and makes a slicing motion across his throat, he then coughs loudly and looks elsewhere.
“’Fraid so… your highness… now about our reward and while I’m at it can I give you our card… if there’s anything else that needs doing… Kobolds rescuing, wars fighting, dragons slaying…. Er actually not the last one- birthdays, Pelormass, Holy Days whatever.”
And then conspiratorially, “I’m sure we can sort out a discount.”
Yusdrayl steps back into the mass of Kobolds (there are about thirty of them present) and screams something in Draconic (Liandri later translates as “destroy them all”) there follows a Benny Hill moment with the Knights high-tailing it back the way they came pursued by the Kobold Massive. In the rush for the exits Endrin and Bob are both struck by Magic Missiles- it seems Yusdrayl is a powerful Sorceress.

The Knights avoid the pit trap and head into the larger chamber with the Goblin barricade, there they split into three groups- Bob and Whirlwind head through one of the northern exits, Endrin through the other. The two passages meet up and after heading north for a while turn West and end in a door- they decide to leave it for a moment and turn to face a group of eight Kobolds that have just caught up, they’re weapons drawn. Soon the group of eight is reduced to four- they turn tail and flee. The Knights hold position to regain their breath, it’s at this point they notice that Liandri is not with them.

Liandri takes an alternative route and heads off back to the chamber in which the Dragon was slain- he is the sole observer of what happens next within the area. A number of Kobolds rush through the northern exits in pursuit of the Knights, less than thirty seconds later half of them come rushing back, Liandri smiles to himself.

The door bursts open and the rest of the Kobolds pile into the room scanning the area- they seem to be ill at ease here in Goblin territory. Yusdrayl orders folks about and two groups detach themselves- half-a-dozen Kobolds in each. The first heads for the door west, while the second group heads down the chamber towards the room in which Liandri hides and observes the situation.

Liandri is about to shoot one of the Kobolds approaching when the west door opens and in an instant there are Goblins streaming into the room- it kicks off right royally. The Kobolds and Goblins begin to sort their differences out using the time honoured method of maiming and killing.

Liandri grins and settles down to watch the show, meanwhile not so far away…

“Got your breath back.” Endrin nods and points to the door.
“Do we fancy a look inside?”
“Why not.”
“Ok Whirlwind?”
He nods.

The door is flung open by Endrin with Bob and Whirlwind standing ready to launch themselves into the room- beyond is the chaos of a Goblin encampment, females and kids run left, right and centre. Of greater concern is the dozen or so Goblins led by two much larger Hobgoblins that are, or rather were, approaching the door they have just opened. They increase their speed, Endrin slams the door shut, and the three of them leap to keep it shut.

“What the feck are we going to do now.”
“On the count of three we run… back the way we came… ready… 1… 2…”
Bob turns round to see Whirlwind and Endrin disappearing around the corner, “Oh bug’r.”

And that’s where we leave the intrepid explorers for this week, facing insurmountable odds, and so until next week goodbye children.

And with that session 24 ends.

Next week… Goblins vs Kobolds.


The Wednesday Knights


Thawsday 16th Mork 2000

Pacifism- that’s fighting talk.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter level 1 (Erin)
Xeolus Male Human Monk level 1 Priest of Hieroneous level 1 (Kev. H.)

The big fight kicks off back in the main chamber where the Kobolds and Goblins are settling some of there spiritual differences- Liandri takes up his bow and begins to pick off stragglers, Kobolds and Goblins alike.

At this point Whirlwind with Endrin in tow and Bob a little way behind come barrelling into the room, they are in turn being pursued by a group of Goblins and Hobgoblins.

“Feck me, what’s going on here.”
“Just sodding run Whirlwind.”
“Oh look there’s Liandri- Coooeee, Liandreee”, Whirlwind waves frantically.
“What’s he doing?”
“Why’s he doin’ that?”
“He’s shootin’ stuff- that usually makes him grin.”

The group pegs it down the side of the chamber to where Liandri is positioned, out of the way of the melee, at the same time the door from the Dragon chamber is flung open and Xeolus wades in.

“For Hieroneous”, wielding his huge two-handed club he runs towards the mass scrap.

The rest of them: Endrin, Bob, Whirlwind & Liandri watch the Monk for a while, and at the same time wait for their enemies to kill a few more of each other, before equipping weapons and charging in, their battle cries ring out.

“For valour.”
“For courage.”
“For justice.”
“For mash get smash… I miss Felix.”

The Hobgoblins and Goblins that were chasing them have entered the melee and swung the balance, the Kobolds much weakened are retreating as they fight.

The tide of the Knights breaks hard against the Goblins et al.

“Bane. Bane on you all.” Xeolus shouts.

The remainder of the Kobolds flee; less than a dozen left, pursued by a half-dozen Goblins led by a Hobgoblin- the Knights attack the remaining Goblins & Hobgoblins. However Liandri doesn’t help matters when he casts a Flare spell, which misses the Goblins and ends up distracting Bob, the result of which is Bob falls on his arse and has to be pulled out of the fight. Nevertheless the fighting is beginning to subside- there are fewer Hob/Goblins left, less than half-a-dozen all told.

The Knights are confident that they have vanquished all before them when…

When two tribes go to war, experience points is all that you can score.

Endrin shouts above the racket.
“Where’s Yusdrayl- did the Goblins get to her?”

Less than twenty seconds later Goblin reinforcements arrive- running screaming from the door they raced through in pursuit of the fleeing Kobolds.

Hot on their heels comes another fifteen or twenty Kobolds- being whipped into a frenzy by the lovely Yusdrayl.


The Goblins begin fighting on two fronts as do the Knights and therefore the Kobolds- the Goblins all the time screaming, possibly trying to attract reinforcements.

Yusdrayl spots Endrin and two Magic Missiles streak out and thud into his chest- Endrin fires one of his own back. Liandri seeing this decides that his moment has come. He sets off running towards the Kobold front line, leaps as high as he can over them tumbles and comes up on his feet, avoiding several attacks of opportunity on the way, and in one stroke cuts Yusdrayl down. The Kobolds instantly panic and begin to flee- several are cut down but for the most part they are allowed to escape with their lives.

The Knights change their impetuous and move back to attacking the Goblins who’ve since been reinforced by six more Hobgoblins- these are proving to be much worthier foes. The Hobgoblins are accompanied by, and being ordered around by, two leader types.

When the Knights begin to cut into these new Hobgoblins the order to retreat is given and they flee through the west door into the area Endrin and company had spotted earlier- the Goblin encampment.

The Knights themselves are in need of rest and healing- although much has been done throughout to keep them up and fighting. They quickly regroup and take to breaking through the door ahead of them, into the Goblin encampment, which has obviously been barricaded from the other side.

Eventually the door crashes down- the area beyond is a real mess, not only the day-to-day filth of a Goblin village but also the screaming, crying females and young. Mallaria is not present so the non-combatants are safe for the moment.

“You lot, feck off.”

Endrin points to the door, the Goblins who cannot understand the Common tongue observe the Bard/Sorcerer making noises and pointing at the door- they shrug uncomprehending.

Xeolus saves the day by taking the hand of one of the female Goblins, after first putting down his club, and leading her calmly to the door and ushering her through. The others reluctantly follow as he waves them over.

The room cleared the Knights head over to a set of double doors that seem to be locked, barred and generally stuck- from the curve of the wall they must lead into another tower.

After a brief rest up they construct a battering ram from odds and sods lying about, there are all-sorts of bits and pieces everything from wagon wheels to old and blackened tea pots. After ten to fifteen minutes of crashing and smashing the doors give way, carefully they enter…

Don’t let the Goblins get you down- Endrin.

The Knights enter, led by Endrin, before them is a huge hole in the ground that plunges into darkness; vines and tendrils surround it like a gigantic maw. A ledge runs around the edge- it is obvious that the floor of the tower, it extends a further fifty feet upwards, has collapsed- but what lies below?

On the opposite side to the Knights are several Hobgoblins and Goblins, including the two leader types they encountered earlier- only half a dozen of the creatures in total. The goblinoids are using a high backed chair which has a chest as a foot stool as cover- one of the Hobgoblins, a leader, steps forward and begins to hurl insults in the Goblin-tongue, although none of the Knights understand a word he is saying. However several of the gestures are know to them- Endrin & Liandri go one way round, Whirlwind & Xeolus the other while Bob drops back and readies his bow.

As combat is about to be joined the leader type lets out a sharp whistle and several hitherto concealed twig creatures reveal themselves and edge towards the Knights. Battle is swiftly joined with the Knights outnumbered nearly three to one.

However this is no problem for them, Xeolus goes crazy ape bonkers with his huge club crushing the stick creatures shouting “Bane… bane… on you all… ya bloody bastards you.” Bob settles for a bit of bow-work, plugging Hob/Goblins as and when they appear. Whirlwind is however in trouble surrounded by four of the stickmen he is eventually slashed into unconsciousness- Bob has to drop his bow and wade in. Less fortunate still is Endrin who with Liandri in tow rushes the leader types- alas Endrin misses his footing and is knocked down the hole and disappears from sight-

“AAAAArrrrggggghhh…. It’s feckkkkiiiinnnnngggg dark… me arm.”

He is saved when flailing as he falls his arm catches in the tendrils and vines, this stops his fall somewhat abruptly- his entangled arm is all that prevents him from falling further. Back at the top Liandri despatches Grenl, leader type- female Goblin priest, straight off and then launches into Durnn the hobgoblin chief, one natural ‘20’ later and the fight is all but over.

Down the hole Endrin reaches into his belt pouches and secures a potion of healing, Asterix like, a few glugs later he feels the new energy surge through him. He spends a minute assaying his situation as the fight above comes to an end- the Hobgoblin chief’s body narrowly missing him as it plunges down to the ground, a wet thud is heard. Rummaging around he locates a scroll and begins to read the words- a minute or so later Endrin, courtesy of a Spider Climb spell appears over the edge of the pit, back into the tower- his arm looks sore and is badly bruised but he will survive

A meeting of the ‘run away for a bit’ sub-committee is called to order.

“Lets feck off for a while, why not?”
“Where to?”
“Anywhere but here.”
“It’s all fecking dangerous.”
“Well it doesn’t matter where we go then- as long as it’s not here, and I get to heal up, then it’s ok with me.”

That decided the Knights gather up the stragglers- Jerky et al, and head back towards the first tower they entered, right at the very start.

And with that session 25 ends.

Next week… the cycle of life/death continues.


The Wednesday Knights


Thawsday 16th Mork 2000

The players are revolting.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter level 1 (Erin)
Xeolus Male Human Monk level 1 Priest of Hieroneous level 1 (Kev. H.)

Whether it was the players that were overly-stimulated or underly-intoxicated, I don’t know- this is known- it was a terrible session… read on…

Returning to the first tower (where they entered the Citadel) the players travel through the Kobold compound and encounter a few of the little miscreants- Xeolus takes it upon himself to become Kobold-friend. He is eventually let into a large room full of mewling infants, and blubbing Kobold females protected by less than half-a-dozen Kobold Warriors. He tells them something of what has occurred and gives them the freedom of the place (after the Knights have departed of course). He says that they will clear out as much as they can, including the Goblins and they can pick over what’s left- he further advises them to lock the door and stay out of harms way until he gives them the nod. He especially tells them not to open the door to a pretty but wild-eyed half-elf who answers to the name of Mallaria- and thus begins the legend of Mallaria the Kobold Killer, not the greatest sobriquet- but apt.

While Xeolus delivers the good news the rest of the Knights head over to the Altar that served as Yusdrayl’s throne- there they rob the key and check all the other stuff for magicability- lots test positive, all of which they steal.

The Knights then continue on to the first tower.

Cooooool Cleeeeeear Warttuuurr.

In the room before the tower, where the Knights previously encountered Meepo (deceased) they find the rag-tag remnants of the Goblin tribe- once again mainly women and children. It seems they have a problem- the corridor that leads to the tower and then the exit is inhabited by a small blue creature seemingly made of water, the creature has slain two Goblin males, a female and two kids already. The group scratch their heads and remember a long long time ago a barrel with a load of pipes going into/from it, and Liandri pulling the plug. Sure enough down the corridor is the Water Mephit that Liandri previously released- guess who is ordered to go and get it.

In the end it is Liandri and Endrin that chase after the thing swords slashing above their heads while the other members of the group stop the creature from escaping into the room currently inhabited by the Goblins. Eventually it is forced back into the tower and there brought down by some expert bow-work from Liandri- the creature is no more than a puddle of water on the floor. With a cheer the Goblins are led out through the tower and up the stairs to the surface.

The Knights rest up a while, but not for long it seems- they discover a door with a dragon mouth keyhole, and they have already found a dragon shaped key.

After a light lunch of potted beef sandwiches, Quavers and Iron Bru the Knights press on.

Her name was Lola she was a show girl… with music and laughter… der der der da der … she was a shoowwww girl… La la la… etc..

The Knights enter a room that looks to have partially collapsed in the southern section- Liandri spots a rat and plugs it. He then moves over to the Dragon door and inserts the Dragon key, and hey… guess what… it opens.

“Her name was Lola she was a showgirl… with music and laughter etc.”

The singing, which is awful, comes from within the room. The Knights observe the chamber, it has three alcoves to the north and one alcove to the south- the alcove in the south seems to contain a glowing blue Orb, there is no other illumination. The singing seems to be coming from the Orb- stranger and stranger.

Cautiously Liandri is kicked into the room and told to “see what the feck it is?” As he approaches the glowing Orb the volume of the song increases dramatically-


Liandri clamps his hands to his ears and flees as does Bob who is still standing in the door way- Endrin shouts “rush it” over the din and the three remaining characters charge in an attempt to grab/smash the Orb- from which the music is definitely emanating. Alas Endrin and Whirlwind make it to within ten feet of the thing before turning tail and fleeing. Xeolus on the other hand casually walks up to the Orb (which has found 11 on the volume scale) lifts it from it’s pedestal and walks back out of the room with no ill effects. The others flee the Orb in stark mad panic, they scrabble-run back into the tower. As soon as the Orb passes the doorway the tune stops, leaving Xeolus holding the lifeless Orb.

“Oh, bugger I was getting into that.”

Xeolus casually saunters back into the tower where the others are cowering and clutching at their ears, singing a little tune as he goes…

“Her name was Lola… dum dum dum der der… she was a shOOOW-a GuuRRLL.”

The others timidly remove their hands from their ears- just Xeolus, which while bad is at least not at the same volume. After a minute they recover and head through the room with the alcoves into a corridor in which is located an arrow trap- expertly found by Liandri…

“Owww, feck… don’t tread there.”

The others find the trigger plate by throwing stuff randomly about the middle section of the corridor soon the trap is dry- no more arrows to fire.

With that they head through into another much dustier room in which on a pedestal sits a small statue of a dragon- as Liandri approaches it turns to speak…

“We come at night without being fetched; we disappear by day without being stolen.”

Liandri mouths “Stars” and there is an audible click on the west wall, the dust is disturbed, as the outline of a door becomes visible. Liandri once again is sent to investigate- soon after the group enters another dusty room.

This chamber is some twenty feet wide with alcoves both sides, this time however within the alcoves are statues of elven looking figures dressed in plate armour and armed with longswords- they are carved from some white stone. The Knights are immediately suspicious and approach them cautiously. After a minute of attention they transfer they’re interest to the pit that blocks they’re way to the West- there is obviously another chamber over the other side of the pit as a dull green glow can be seen emanating from that direction.

Endrin casts a light spell on a copper coin and throws it into the pit- it is full of spikes, Liandri is gingerly lowered into it and then creeps his way through the spikes to the far side. Once there he finds a nice bit of wall and once again cautiously climbs it- frightened to fall backwards and impale himself on the spikes. At the top he has a quick look about- the greenish torch light is illuminating a huge stone sarcophagus.

“It’s a To…”

And with that Liandri feels a shove in the back and falls face first towards the spikes- he curls into the smallest ball he can and only hits one. Meanwhile on the other side of the pit a barrage of missiles fly in- although there is nothing much to see...

“What was it Liandri?”
“Ohh feck…”
“I heard wings… I think I heard wings.”

At that moment there is a movement in the air by Endrin a small creature- seen only Whirlwind appears behind Endrin and sinks it’s claws and teeth into the back of the Bard who is surprised to say the least. Whirlwind attacks quickly but the creature blinks out of vision, obviously invisible.

“It was a little winged feller, with a tail, and wings… for flying. He’s invisible… look.”

Whirlwind points at the empty space between Endrins shoulder blades, the party alternatively crowd round to see and swish the air with whatever weapons they have to hand.

About thirty seconds later the creature once again appears in the midst of the group, this time revealing it’s more terrifying aspect the Cause Fear spell it casts encompasses all save Liandri- although only Endrin and Bob fail there save. Bob rushes out of the room, Endrin rushes into the pit, “Ouch.”

Xeolus who has been waiting for this moment swings and connects with the creature as it appears- the winged fiend is momentarily knocked aside, spiralling to the floor before pulling up- it then disappears again.

The Knights try the best they can to recover, hastily looking around waving their weapons once more. Endrin and Liandri begin to extricate themselves from the pit. While all this is happening the creature blinks back into existence- it looks like a little red/black horned devil and shrieks at them,

“You broke the binding; my watch over the dragonpriest is over!”

And with that disappears cursing as it goes.

The Knights reform, dust themselves down, and cautiously make their way across the spiked pit so they are all on the far side. The new chamber contains a tiny torch that burns with a green light- Bob soon discovers that the torch has no heat and is somehow magical in nature, he nicks it. More impressive still is the nine foot long sarcophagus carved in the shape of a dragon- it has rusting metal clasps that seal it shut. The Knights decide to give it a wide berth and settle down for the evening posting a guard and relying on the fact that any intruders will have to cross the pit to get to them. Although as Endrin points out,

“Where the feck have we got to run to…”

The Knights thoroughly search the dead end room and eventually locate a crawlspace behind the Sarcophagus; Liandri takes a chance and follows it to discover that it emerges in the previous chamber (the other side of the pit). It will be a tight squeeze but it’s a bolthole should they need one.

And with that session 26 ends.

Next week… Here comes Balsag.


The Wednesday Knights


Thawsday 19th Mork 2000

Night night y’all.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter level 1 (Erin)
Xeolus Male Human Monk level 1 Priest of Hieroneous level 1 (Tomo)
Mallaria Female Half-Elf Barbarian level 2 (Tomo)
Sayon Female Elven Fighter level 1 Thief level 1 (Erin)

First off Tomo has returned and so Mallaria enters the fray, accompanying Mallaria into the dungeon is a new character Sayon- Erin has rolled up her own character having played Whirlwind for a while (too long).

The adventurous pair (Mallaria & Sayon) turn up at Oakhurst a day or two late and from there, armed with directions from the Hucrele family, they make their way to the Citadel, they arrive unmolested.

Fortunately Mallaria chooses the right route first time, as I’ve said Tomo has not been in any of the sessions in the Citadel so I allow him to guide Sayon in- it made sense at the time.

The pair end up in the room with the spiked pit within five minutes of entering the Citadel- there’s a brief flurry of arrows as the two arrive, Mallaria begins shouting and screaming and the party are soon made aware of their mistake…

“Fecking Feck you Feckers if you don’t stop Fecking firing Fecking arrows at Fecking me I’ll Feck you up so Fecking bad your Fecking mothers wouldn’t be able to Fecking recognise you. Do you Fecking hear me you Fecks…”

Whispered, “it’s either Orcus or Mallaria.”

A bit of giggling later and the firing stops, the two are shown how to cross the pit. There’s a brief hello to Sayon…

“Who the feck’s she?”
“Is she fit?”
“I said I’M FECKING ASLEEP now shut it.”
“Hello there my name is Heironeous… Sorry Xeolus.”
“Hello, it’s your watch- look that way… Night.”

There follows the sound of snoring leaving Sayon perched on the edge of the pit looking back the way she came, her new found friends are all soon sound asleep, including Mallaria.

An hour later Sayon gets her first taste of adventure…

Things that go “thump” in the night.

At first it is a dull shadow that would have gone unnoticed to all but Elven eyes- Sayon is nervous, on edge- but she sees the danger before it arrives. Quickly she scurries to Liandri’s side, another Elf she figures he’ll know what to do. Liandri doesn’t take much rousing having merely closed his eyes to recharge his batteries. A hushed conversation follows and the entire group are soon awake and awaiting the attack. Several Goblins have moved into the far room and are sniff-sniffing out the party, they smell Elves. The creatures begin to bark in their guttural tongue, Sayon who speaks Goblin (the only one who can) translates.

“They are calling their masters… there is one called Balsag that rules them… quickly to your places, they are coming, they are many and they seek revenge.”
“She talks like a book, have you noticed that?”
“Mmm… posh bird.”

The Knights position themselves either side of the entrance to the Tomb- the assailants will have to pass the pit to fight them. The Goblins charge into the room spurred on by the larger shadowy creatures behind them- there follows a rain of Javelins, which has no affect whatsoever.

The Knights fire back with much greater effect- Bob once again is a killing machine, each round a Goblin falls he, never misses. The other members of the group are also making in-roads. It is not until a much larger (7 foot tall creature) breaks from the ranks and leaps the pit that the party is actually put under any pressure. The Bugbear lands and in the same motion delivers a deadly accurate blow to Xeolus- who injured badly falls. The other Knights, not engaged in the shoot-out, leap at the creature- it is swiftly cut to ribbons, but not before a number of them are exposed to a barrage of Javelins- several hit home. Another Bugbear emerges from the crowd and leads the artillery, with much greater accuracy, however after it has taken a couple of arrow hits it sounds the recall and the Goblins follow, fleeing the room. From the initial attack of sixteen Goblins and two Bugbears only six Goblins and one Bugbear remain, Sayon hears them leave- cursing the party and cursing the fact that they must return to Balsag, their master, and tell the tale of the defeat.

“They will be back.” She confidently states.
“Listen at her, Little Miss ‘I can speak Goblin’ la-dee-da.”

The Knights hunker down, re-set the guard, and try the best they can to sleep and rest till the morning. Until then they have no spells, and they’re all in need of at least a little healing.

Fryday 17th Mork 2000

Tomb it may concern.

The morning comes- rise and shine- the group have slept/rested for the last 8 hours, spells are replenished and the Knights feel much better for a session of healing. Or at least would do if it wasn’t for the presence of the huge Sarcophagus.

They surround the thing and slowly begin to remove the six clasps that secure the lid-, which takes quite some time.

Eventually the last clasp is removed and the lid is slid aside (still on the sarcophagus though).

“Go on then Bob, what’s in there?”

Bob shoves his torch inside to reveal the desiccated remains of an emaciated figure, possibly some 8 feet tall- the dead creature wears ancient looking robes, the only thing of note the necklace around the things neck. Bob is about to reach in when the creatures eyes open- revealing pure white pupils and iris’, the creature screams, or rather would do if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s vocal chords have long since rotted away. Bob jumps back as it rises up, pushing aside the great stone lid with ease. The rest of the Knights also take a step back, readying weapons- the creature lashes out at Bob, catching him across his chest, it’s long brittle talons break but not before they have cut through Bob’s armour. The Knights backs off further, Endrin fires a Magic Missile into the thing sending out a brief shower of dust. In one swift movement the creature leaps out of the sarcophagus and straight into melee as the Knights converge on it with weapons ready.

There follows a blood bath (without blood) of immense proportions- the creatures attacks, mainly on Bob, are countered by Xeolus’ and Endrin’s healing spells- Mallaria seeing the necklace around it’s neck reasons that the magic lies there. As the creature is attacking Bob she conjures her Mage Hand and rips the necklace free- alas the creature is not in the least bit perturbed. Eventually the creature is reduced to so many twitching body parts- it is only then that the party notices that the creature is swiftly regenerating. Liandri reacts quickly and decapitates the thing tossing its head into the spiked pit, having done this he turns around to take the plaudits only to notice that the creatures head is re-growing, he turns back to see the head within the pit withering and caving in upon itself. The Knights get a bit jumpy and a heated debate starts up.

“Fecking ‘ell.”
“What now?”
“Throw it on the spikes in the pit.”
“Feck that it’ll just grow back.”

The creature has now grown back its head and is beginning to open and close it’s eyes. The Knights go at it again with swords and axes till it is once again still- except for the ever-present twitch of regenerating skin, bone and sinew.

“Burn the fecker.”
“We haven’t got any oil- only torches.”

Several of the torches are thrust into the creature which writhes on the floor- the fire is obviously having effect. Soon however the torches are out and the creature remains- regenerating still, it seems the problem remains.

“Put it back in the sarcophagus.”

The Knights look at each other, then take to slicing the thing up a bit more, to make it easier to carry and to buy themselves some time. Eventually all the body parts are lifted up and dumped into the open sarcophagus and the lid sealed shut. The clasps however prove to be more difficult to put back into place particularly as the creature inside is beginning to attempt to push up the lid. Eventually after the last clasp is clipped back into place the tirade from inside abates, the creature is once again sealed inside, entombed alive.

“Can you think of anything worse than that?” Endrin offers.
Mallaria thinks awhile, “You could have Felix in there with you.”

One or two of the Knights smile at this, however the overall mood of the group is not good.

“We can’t stay here.”
“Why not?”
“What if it gets out again?”
“What do you mean again? We let it out.”
“Alright then- I don’t want to stay here, it gives me the creeps.”
“Right then- lets go down the big hole, are we agreed?”

All present solemnly nod at Endrin’s suggestion- soon after the area is cleared; bedrolls packed away, the pit traversed and the Dragon door locked shut again. The group head back to the tower with a hole in it, only the sound of dripping water and the odd squeak of a rat- the dungeon is otherwise silent.

Pit Stop.

Liandri begins his descent, the vines are strong and it seems to be an easy climb, although fifty feet down there’s still a way to go- Mallaria and Sayon drop ropes and begin their descent. Things take a turn for the worse however when Liandri rolls a “1” and falls the last 15-20 feet jarring his leg (dead leg) leaving him hopping around yelping. He finds himself in a large open cavern full of all sorts of vegetation- mostly stunted spiky plants, doors are visible in the dungeon walls to the east and south, while a rough cavern exits north. Liandri continues to hop around waving frantically for Mallaria and Sayon to complete their descent- while doing this he notices from the corner of his eye one of the spiky plants uproot scuttle four or five feet closer to him and then come to rest again…

“The plants are coming to get me… I’ve got a bad feeling about this… hey you guys.”

Mallaria and Sayon redouble their efforts while at the top Endrin, Bob, Whirlwind and Xeolus look on.

Several of the small plant creatures uproot and rush Liandri, in seconds he is hopping in a circle slashing with his Longsword in an attempt to keep the creatures away. As Mallaria and Sayon arrive, Liandri is finally swamped and brought down to his knees- still alive he continues to slash at the creatures who are now landing many more blows. Sayon leaps in with a lit torch and the creatures are forced back- however more join the fray (a total of seven now crowd the group). The members of the party topside begin to scramble down in a rush, while the north door slams open and a troop of skeletons file into the chamber and rush to meet the three Knights present.

Liandri casts Mage Armour on himself and regains his feet, Mallaria uses her magic ring (the one with the skull and cross bones on) and casts Invisibility to Undead and rushes past the skeletons to the north door. At the same time Endrin and Bob arrive at the bottom, Endrin with Mage Armour already cast. Bob leaps into the attack fighting four of the nine skeletons on his own- the others also begin to arrive and join the fray, Xeolus waves his holy symbol about and the remaining skeletons begin to cower.

The tide soon turns five of the skeletons are despatched, while the remaining four cower in the corner; four of the Twig Blights likewise have been destroyed, three fight on.

Mallaria dashes through the north door, the Undead oblivious to her presence, into a large room with columns and several doors to the north and south. In the centre of the chamber, around twenty feet away, is a huge Bugbear wearing the skull of some sort of bear like creature as a helm, the creature has two large Dire Rats yapping like dogs at his heels. With a word the two foul pets leap at Mallaria who reacts by dropping her sword and falling on her arse, die roll “1”. The huge Bugbear laughs long and loud and prepares to settle down to watch the fight, Mallaria is not pleased and after punching one of the rats aside she leaps to her feet and in the same movement leaps the second rat and slashes at the huge creature. Balsag (the huge Bugbear) reacts with fury, however he remains in control, he signals again to his rats, lets out a huge bellow and turns tail and retreats out of the room- the two rats redouble their efforts and Mallaria is unable to do anything except defend herself.

Back in the main chamber Balsags bellow of anger echoes, from the north passage comes, belatedly, the second wave- six Goblins led by a Bugbear. The chamber is by now almost clear- Bob spots the Goblinoids as they appear and quickly switches to his bow, in seconds two of the six Goblins lie dead. The Knights rally once more and battle is joined- the other four Goblins are despatched with ease and the Bugbear, badly wounded, flees back the way he came.

The Knights take a swift breather as Mallaria returns from the next chamber- the two Dire Rats having bitten the dust. After a brief session of healing they move towards the back of the chamber and brew up (make tea)- taking it in turns to watch the various exits for miscreants.

And with that session 27 ends.

Next week… Xeolus in hot pants.


The Wednesday Knights


Fryday 17th Mork 2000

Dark in the Underdark.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter level 1 (DM)
Xeolus Male Human Monk level 1 Priest of Hieroneous level 1 (Gimli)
Mallaria Female Half-Elf Barbarian level 2 (DM)
Sayon Female Elven Fighter level 1 Thief level 1 (Erin)

The Knights put away their packed lunches and follow the wounded Bugbear north, there they find a large cave with a sleeping area and two nests, Mallaria speculates that this must be the station of Balsag and his pet rats. The area is carefully searched and a blood trail discovered that disappears into a crawlspace- Liandri follows this for a while as silently as possible and then returns to the party…

“It goes into the Underdark.”
“What’s it like down there?”
“What in the Underdark?”
“Er… Dark.”

With that the Knights shove whatever’s at hand into the crawlspace, to try to block it up, and then head out of the area and back to the main cavern and then south, down a flagged dungeon corridor. However they leave Mallaria and Whirlwind in the main chamber, a sort of rear guard, made up of players that have not turned up.

Come on baby light my Fire (worm).

The corridor extends forty or so feet into the darkness- Liandri and Sayon creep ahead and discover the passage is bisected by a huge crevasse. The crevasse is three feet below the level of the corridor but extends for dozens of feet overhead- the rogues scout it out, it extends sixty or so feet north east and enters into the back of a darkened silent room. However it also extends sixty or so feet south west- the flagged corridor continues south, with another cave opening, to the south west, off the crevasse. The group head south down the corridor, there they pass through a jammed door into a darkened room- Liandri spots and kills a Dire Rat on the way. There the Knights discover the vandalised statue of a dragon holding a tray in it’s mouth- after a dozen or so attempts to make the dragon “work”, they abandon the room, declaring the magic of the statue to be broken.

The Knights head further down the crevasse towards what looks to be a glowing hole in the back of a cave- this is immediately noticeable to all. Liandri who was sneaking ahead, begins to move to the back of the group- his danger sensor has flicked into the red.

Bob and Endrin move towards the hole, as they get closer they begin to feel the heat and hear a grinding sound- immediately they switch to melee weapons- Liandri backs further away and Xeolus looks for a spot to swing his club. Only seconds later, as if shot out of a cannon, a corrugated fiery worm creatures lunges from the hole- the creatures entire body is white hot and bathed in flame. The group swing furiously, Bob and Endrin singed by the creature’s proximity- Xeolus tries once again to make his way to the melee but is blocked by the cramped conditions. At that very moment, as Bob and Endrin are landing their first blows, a second fire worm emerges from a hole behind the group. Fortunately this area is being observed by Sayon who is not in the least surprised by events- she even manages to land a blow on the creature as it emerges. Liandri hears the call and he and Sayon start attacking the creature- leaving Xeolus frustrated in the middle of the two rumbles- unable to get into either scrap. Eventually both of the fiery worms are laid to rest- with the group taking minor heat damage only. Xeolus then throws a wobbler…

Try reading it out loud in a blustery sixteen year olds (who knows everything) voice- with his hands on his hips, and stamping his little feet to emphasise points.

“I mean… I mean… What… What am I supposed to do… A… A… What am I supposed to do around here… You charge about killing… stuff… willy-nilly… I mean… it’s not on, not on. Sure you kill that, you kill the other- I’ll stand in the middle and watch shall I- shall I. I mean it’s just not on… I’m not having it… ok… not having it at all… ok.”

The rest of the Knights shrug a lot, admire their shoes and generally kick bits of stone about on the floor. After about three or four minutes of silence Endrin speaks, all eyes are on him…

“Right, that’s settled- shall we get on.”

Hurriedly the group file out and follow the crevasse north east, into the darkened room, which turns out to be one of the many doors off the large columned chamber in which Mallaria encountered Balsag. All that is except Liandri who hangs back to make sure there are no other worms about- Sayon is creeping ahead of the party at this point. Liandri re-examines the bodies of the worms, slitting them open and spilling out their guts- he finds a whole cluster of pretty sapphires which he trousers before running to catch up.

The large columned chamber is explored, it’s a Goblin barracks of sorts- containing everything from sleeping quarters, to an area set aside for the fermentation of alcohol products. Most interesting is a small room which holds a Dire Rat covered in buboes and pustules, it also has a number of twig like appendages growing from it- Xeolus destroys the creature, an act of mercy really, but an obviously disturbing sight.

“Errrghhh… Kill it quickly.”
“Let me through- this creature is an abomination in my sight.”
Fhwump Thudd- Xeolus club cancels the strange creature.
“And let this be a lesson to all those that seek to tamper with nature in order to propagate their foul and nefarious ends. In these dark days it is necessary…”
The other Knights file out of the chamber swiftly, Xeolus follows however.
“… to be on one’s guard no-matter where one is, the shops, public toilets, dungeons, anywhere on the prime material plane of existence. The continuing insidious rise of evil can be best shown via the current trend for boxers over, Hieroneous be-blessed, the cotton Y-front, yes y-fronts sometimes chafe and constrict- but Hieroneous is with us to bear the pain… My little chap...”

The other Knights swiftly gather their stuff together and head off east. There they find themselves in a large (huge) high arched chamber, the air here is palpably warmer, there is a layer of dirt on the floor and stunted plants grow lit by phosphorescent fungi- shedding a bluish-white light. Even Xeolus drifts into silence.

The Knights spread out and head south, leaving Whirlwind and Mallaria behind to guard the area. Through a stone door to the south they enter a large (60 feet across) hexagonal high-ceilinged chamber, which, once again, is home to a strange collection of plants- mostly fungi of sorts, some of which Bob recognises as being edible. Worryingly on the walls are a number of holes, much like the ones inhabited by the fire worms previous, one of which has a definite glow to it. After a brief cursory search it is agreed that this chamber and the possible worm menace will be ignored- the group press on.

Back in the main chamber the Knights head east into another hexagonal chamber, much the same as the last but without the ominous holes. After a brief search they exit this and finally head north, the only door remaining- there they discover another huge arched chamber, the same as the chamber they are in at present. The Knights head through another door to the east and explore yet another empty hexagonal chamber and are heading north again to what they believe to be another such chamber, Xeolus chooses this moment to deliver his second speech.

The word of Xeolus.

“I am going to prove myself, once and for all.”

The group stops what they are doing and turns round to stare at the young Monk/Priest.

“I will fight the Fire worm.”
“I will fight the deadly Fire worm, single-handedly.”
“What worm?”
“The one we passed earlier, in the first hexagonal chamber.”
“Oh yeah that one.”
“I shall fight the mighty Fire worm single-handedly without recourse to your profane magics [he looks at Endrin and Liandri], or to your salacious songs [Endrin again], or to your rapscallion nature [Liandri and Sayon- only good old Bob avoids his spite and ire]. Instead I shall rely on the strength of Hieroneous, I shall use my hands and suffer the burns of truth and feel the life force of the worm in my hands- as it ebbs away. I will stand alone before the fiery menace that strikes fear into all that behold it…”
“Is he still talking about the worm?”
“Yes… shh.”
“I shall become a weapon of God, blessed by Hieroneous I shall fight fire with fire, I SHALL VANQUISH THE FIRE WORM [the last part of the speech is delivered at volume 11].”

The words “Fire Worm” echo through the chamber briefly. Once again the Knights look a bit sheepish, eventually Endrin speaks,

“Do you mind if we get on then?”
“I’ll go and make sure he’s alright.” Liandri volunteers.

Xeolus turns on his heels and storms off a look of thunder on his face, at that point the door south opens and Mallaria appears in the room and shouts.


Endrin puts his thumbs up to acknowledge, and he leads the group off northward to probably the last hexagonal chamber (they think), Xeolus pushes past Mallaria and plods on towards the worm.

“What’s up with her?”
Liandri shrugs.
“It’s a deity thing I think.”
“What d’ya mean?”
“Fecking God knows.”
Liandri winks and Mallaria smiles.

Xeolus versus The Fire Worm- seconds out round one…

After a short stroll Xeolus and Liandri arrive in the worm chamber- Xeolus walks solemnly towards the glowing hole- obviously the worms lair.

After thirty seconds of deep breathing followed by a short prayer, he begins a droning chant while his arms and hands perform a deadly dance in the air. Moments pass like minutes, seconds like hours- Liandri looks on a combination of astonishment (tinged with a little envy) and amusement (tinged with sadness). And then the worm comes…

At a rush.

In a brief second the creature is on Xeolus who has failed to avoid the fiery creatures lunge…

Xeolus is instantly engulfed in an amorphous field of flame-

He screams.

Liandri reacts quickly grasps his sword and rushes in, Xeolus’ blows are fierce and come with fury however they do little to mark the surface of the worm…

Xeolus is on fire, his hair burns, his clothes burn, his equipment burns but these are nought to the fire that burns inside of him.

Liandri screams “Run Xeolus… Run” and slashes frantically at the creature- he too is singed by the heat.

Xeolus stands his ground and continues the flurry of blows undaunted by there apparent ineffectualness.

Liandri is at full speed now- chopping, slicing doing all he can to vanquish the foe…

Xeolus falls as if cushioned by time…

Liandri watches, in disbelief, the young Monks haunting eyes seemingly locked on some far distant light as he crumples to the floor- the fire like a furnace blisters and bubbles at his face and skull. His clothes almost consumed. His skin a mixture of black and in other places transparent. His insides boil and fume.

Liandri slashes… and slashes… with all his might, till eventually the worm is dead… but for Xeolus it is all too late.

The silence is broken only by the noise of the fire being quenched in the only way Liandri can think of…

“Aaaarrrggghhhh… I needed that.”

Liandri re-buttons his flies and begins to scrabble about in the remains of the Monk Priest looking for ‘salvage’.

He locates a few items that have survived the heat including the strange looking whistle that Xeolus found on the skeleton altar. Like Xeolus did when he found it he examines the thing then puts it in his mouth and blows- after wiping it clean of course. While no sound is heard the effect is astonishing- the charred blackened body of Xeolus rises from the floor. Liandri dances backward sword drawn- the creature (a Zombie) merely stands to attention and looks at Liandri expectantly- Liandri begins to giggle.

He spends the next few minutes determining the control functions of the whistle- the Zombie Xeolus it seems obeys the commands of the whistle-wielder (while within earshot at least) and is fairly intelligent.

After checking the room once more- and slitting open the fire worm to rescue the sapphires within, Liandri heads back to the Knights with his new found friend in tow.

Unfriends re-united.

Liandri catches up with the group in the last hexagonal chamber, they have discovered a door that leads to a darkened chamber and decided to stop and await the return of Liandri and Xeolus. A little while later they duly arrive…

Xeolus has been spotted.
“Good innit.”

There follows several moments of astonishment- much opening and closing of mouths, some pointing and sad to say, even in this enlightened age, a fair amount of giggling.

“What the feck happened?”
“Why’s he look like a Pelormass Turkey?”
“Oh the worm kicked the crap out of him, those little orange robes of his burst into flame, I managed to kill the worm eventually- but he was charcoal briquette by then.”
“Charcoal Kickette- that’s what we’ll call him.”
“We’re not keeping him.”
“Oh come on.”
“He’s a health hazard.”
“So’s Mallaria… and Felix.”
“So anyway Liandri- why, or more to the point, how the feck is he up and walking?”
Liandri shows them the whistle-
“I… Er… put the fire out as best I could and rescued this. I blew it and he got up and followed me around.”
The others look on.
“Kin’ Hell.”
“He probably is… he probably is.”
“Look- chase Endrin.”
The Zombie Xeolus begins to totter towards Endrin arms out, moaning a bit as he goes.
Endrin giggles for a bit and dodges around the assembled crowd leading ZX (hereafter Zombie Xeolus) a merry dance. Eventually ZX is called off and order is restored.

After a snack of cheese and pickle sandwiches, followed by a bottle of Blue Nun the group gathers their gear together and head off- remembering to leave Mallaria and Whirlwind behind as security guards.

Back to work.

The group enter the darkened chamber, Liandri guiding ZX all the while.

“Left a bit… keep going left.”
“Look Liandri beneath that huge menacing looking Dragon statue… directly in front of it… see, just where it would breathe great gouts of flame- if it were alive. Look there’s a strange coloured tile.”
“I see it… hang on. ZX get over to that tile and jump up and down on it a bit.”

ZX does as he is told the result is a sudden burst of smoke and perhaps some flame, it’s difficult for the group to tell what with all the fumes. While the smoke is settling Liandri feels a sudden chill as if an icy hand had somehow reached into him, Bob soon after complains of the same and swears that he saw a ragged shadowy face in the smoke. The effect is electric- the group head swiftly for an obvious door- kick it open and head within, slamming it shut behind them.

The new chamber looks to be a rotten and ruined library of sorts- ZX is eventually called through to the room when the dust and smoke has cleared. Several of the group state that ZX looks, almost better- as if someone had taken the time to clean him up. The group rest again- Liandri and Bob feel weak (DM’s note they have both been attacked and damaged by a Shadow)- the area is searched and a number of Spell Scrolls are located. After an hour or so the group decide to press on, as they are still in good-ish health.

The Knights exit the library following a dank passage that curves round to a set of steps down- the passage below is about a foot and a half deep with foul smelling water. Liandri and Sayon are despatched forward- they discover there is a door on the left of the passage but it looks to be barred and chained shut from this side. The two press on to the outer limits of a lit chamber- within is a low wall with several Goblins standing behind the wall (battlements) armed with spears, there looks to be another door on the far side.

The two creep back and a plan is hatched- eventually ZX wades forward towards the Goblin guards while Endrin’s Ghost Sound spell echoes down the passageway. The Goblins behind the barricade go to flee- unlocking the door behind them- two are cut down while two escape. The Knights leap the wall and set off in hot pursuit- through a storeroom of sorts they head into a third room- obviously a guardroom also. There the two fleeing Goblins and four more Hobgoblins are cut down in short order. There is another door which leads out into another corridor, with stairs going up again, however after a brief meeting it is decided to lock and barricade this door while the chained and barred door is investigated.

This is done in short time with stuff taken out of the store room to barricade the door- a number of Dire rats are discovered and almost straight after killed. Likewise ZX is sent back to Mallaria and Whirlwind with a note telling them to move forward, and to run through the room with the Shadow. Mallaria rests in the room with the improvised barricaded door, while Whirlwind is in the room with the battlements- the doors open between them.

Meanwhile the rest of the group take to examining the strange padlocked and barred door- it seems to be a tomb of some sort, that has probably been sealed for ages. Eventually Liandri pops the lock and Bob puts his shoulder to it to get the door open, alas this proves to be Bob’s downfall.

The door flies open and the water surges in emptying into the newly discovered room that is bisected by a pit, running the entire width of the room. Bob overbalances and is swept over the side- landing roughly some twenty feet below and damaging his arm (dislocated) in the process. The others rush in to help-

“Bob… BOB… Are you ok?”
“I… I think so… get me some light.”
“Endrin quickly casts a Light spell on a stone and throws it down the pit.”
“AAAArrrrghhhhhh ZOMBIES.”
“No you’re alright he’s up here.”

Bob is on the floor of the cavern, surrounding him are at least six Zombies arms outstretched clambering to get to him- to rip him apart.

And thus Session 28 ends.

Next week… Take a break- enter a kill trap.
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First Post
Poor Xeolus.....

We all miss him, though I'm sure it was Gimli and not Tomo who were (ir-)responsible for the demise of Xeolus (sorry for nit-picking)


endrin said:
Poor Xeolus.....

We all miss him, though I'm sure it was Gimli and not Tomo who were (ir-)responsible for the demise of Xeolus (sorry for nit-picking)

Bow down before me mortal; quiver, tremble in fear as I... oh you're right, I've put Tomo, when it should be Gimli, oh I'm a one aren't I. I don't know my Arse from Endrin.

There it's all edited straight.

The Wednesday Knights are brought to you courtesy of the Smirnoff & Hedges Foundation.

Thank you


Not the Wednesday Knights


Fryday 17th Mork 2000

Inter Mission.

Characters present
Sam Fox female Human Fighter level 4 (Wayne)
Karl Los Val Da Rama male Gnome Cleric of Pelor level 2 (Kev. M.)
Flay male Half-Orc Paladin of St. Cuthbert level 1 (Erin)

Thin on the ground again- Emma’s in New York, Tomo & Dave are lost in space and time, while Kev H./Gimli has sworn off RPG- something to do with him being too old for this kind of thing, also Xeolus met a non-to-heroic end.

And so it is decided to play some of the lesser characters, the bit-part players, to have a bit of fun, thus we go back in time (a few days) to the village of Wick. Liandri and Xeolus you may remember rescued the Gammonandpineapple Halflings from a Goblin hole (down a well) which was being run by a lovely woman who charmed Xeolus and then got him to kick the crap out of Liandri. Well while they were there they discovered a lot of papers and what not- these they took to the authorities in Wick. The authorities being what they are did little or nothing, until…

Woodnesday 15th Mork 2000

Light the Wick.

Woodnesday night and Sam, Flay and Karl are unwinding in the Star Inn, a nice little country pub with a reputation for good beer and fine music- a procession of Bards and wannabe jugglers etc. stop of at the Star Inn just to say they’ve played there.

Tonight’s entertainment- a cover band of the Sulean trio “Sticky Berry Paste” are semi-wowing the crowd when a rough looking feller, in armour and sword (obviously militia), sidles over to Sam and tells her to “come quickly.” Unsure as to whether this is a command or and advertisement for the said gentleman’s services she allows herself to be led from the bar nodding for Karl and Flay to join her.

Outside in the fresh air they are met by Dante Hicks the guard captain of Wick- who explains the situation as swiftly as possible-

“There are creatures in the woods to the north of Wick, we think they’re Goblins- I know that some of your travelling companions dealt with a Goblin lair earlier this week- I wondered if you would help us…”

As he finishes the sentence a shout (more of a scream really) is heard from the northern end of the village- instantly all present are running in that direction.

Only 200 yards away a fire fight has developed, quite literally- Dante and the semi-Knights quickly learn that a group of Goblins, and possibly Orcs, are firing flaming arrows into the thatch of the buildings closest to the woods. The inhabitants of the buildings in a rush to flee are being fired upon also- with at least three people down already.

Sam and Dante quickly co-ordinate a missile response while bucket chains are formed to try to stop the spread of the fire- soon after, however, Goblins spring from the woods and charge down those attempting to extinguish the flames. The semi-Knights and some of the guards (there are only six in total) do their best to put paid to the Goblins attacks.

Once the Goblins are down to a manageable number, this after a second wave of Goblins come from the woods- the three semi-Knights rush off with Dante in tow to take the fight to those in the woods. There they encounter a dozen or so Orcs armed with large bows and sharp swords- it is only when six of them lie dead that the Orcs retreat- throughout the fracas the semi-Knights note that orders are being delivered in Orcish and Goblin by an unseen foe.

The Orcs & Goblins vanquished the semi-Knights retreat to the village for a short rest and note that the villagers have now got the fires under control- there are nearly a dozen dead Goblins and half-a-dozen dead Orcs. Alas six villagers and a guardsman have also been killed in the melee.

Dante immediately offers whatever wealth the village can muster to entreat the three semi-Knights to track down the Goblin & Orc attackers and to “see them off- off this Oerth.” There are no dissenters; they are all in favour, Dante provides a guardsman/tracker Frod to accompany them.

The semi-Knights are quickly provisioned and head out into the darkness of the woods and fields.

Their trip is uneventful, although difficult enough in the moonlight- the tracks are easy to follow as the Orcs/Goblins have trampled many farmers’ fields. Eventually the group finds themselves two hours away from the village in the lower reaches of some hills. An hour or so is spent re-locating the tracks, now more difficult to spot on the rocky ground- at around 2 A.M. they finally spot a cave set back in a small cut, Frod observes movement inside.

Thawsday 16th Mork 2000

It was all going really well until...

The team gets themselves organised and ready to rock and roll- Karl kicks of proceedings by casting a Dancing Lights spell and having the four torches created march directly into the cavern. Crossbows are fired and the sound of grumbling and shouting is heard from within. Frod kills one of the Orcs with his crossbow, while Sam and Flay rush in to despatch the other (overkill there).

Just inside the cave they discover a passage heading north, nothing stirs- Karl kicks into action again, a Ghost Sound spell recreates the sound of marching feet down the passage- once again crossbow bolts twang and snap- another trap foiled. The passage north is dotted with side passages, left and right, each only 10 or so feet long at the bottom of each behind loose rock walls are Orcs with crossbows. There are four passages in total- there are four semi-Knights (including Frod) and soon after there are four dead Orcs.

As the group is looting the bodies (not Flay of course) a voice is heard- an Orc voice.

“Is that you Golan?”
“Yes.” Flay crosses himself- he knows it is wrong to lie.
“What’s happening in there.”
“They have come send more… quickly.”

Ashamed at his deceit he puts his head down and then backs into one of the side passages to wait the arrival of reinforcements. The others in the group fire a few crossbows and let out blood curdling screams- taking this advantage to really ham it up.

“Aaarghh right in the spleen.”
“You’ll never take me alive Goblin.”
“Did I fire five arrows or was it six… do you feel lucky punk, well do ya?”

Soon after six Goblins come running round the corner shouting and screaming- spears in hand. Three are cut down immediately, while the three behind quickly turn and scarper, back the way they came, Sam Fox in hot pursuit.

Sam Fox follows the creatures into a much larger cavern, the other semi-Knights close behind, she swiftly kills two of the Goblins while the third cowers on the floor and begs for it’s life.

“No ‘urt me… no ‘urt me kind lady of the big bosoms.”

The semi-Knights are in the centre of a larger cavern about thirty feet in radius and easily a dozen feet high. A passage leads north- Flay watches it while Sam kicks at the Goblin and shouts questions at it (in Common).

“Who are you? Why did you attack Wick?”


“Wait there’s something moving on the walls…”

Karl’s warning is just in time, half-a-dozen Goblins leap from concealed hiding places- niches set about five feet up on the cavern walls- at the same time Flay screams a warning also and four Orcs come charging down the passage, melee is joined.

However the semi-Knights are once again on top of things, the six Goblins are cut down in seconds- Sam kills two of the Orcs in a single attack. Twenty seconds later there is only one Orc left standing although more noise from the north passage indicates that reinforcements are on their way.

Bursting into the chamber come another four Orcs led by a six and a half foot tall Human Warrior (by the looks of things) dressed in Half-Plate. It is at this point that things go a bit awry, it goes a little like this…

Sam is fighting two Orcs.

“Adieu to yieu and yieu and… next please.”

Result- she kills both in a matter of seconds.

Frod is fighting an Orc, the Orc rolls “20” and removes Frod’s arm at the elbow;

“Me leg… My leg… I can’t feel me leg.”
“That’s ‘cos they’ve chopped your arm off- try using the other one.”

Result- Frod falls to the floor and bleeds to death screaming all the while.

Flay is fighting an Orc however he rolls a “1” and delivers a sword blow (with the hilt) to his own head.

“For St. CuthberDONG.”

Result- Flay is unconscious on the cavern floor, the Orc finishes him off with a stab through the heart in seconds.

Karl is fighting Strumas (the warrior) and an Orc; he lands a blow to Strumas which alas has no obvious effect. In the meantime the Orc rolls a “20” and delivers 18 HP damage to Karl reducing him to –6 HP.

“He he… this is eas… eeeergh.”

Result Karl slowly bleeds to death.

And so in a little under ten seconds the party of four is reduced to one- Sam Fox.

“Frod, oh. Never mind- Karl, can you help- oh, I see. Well then, Flay I’m sure you could- oh, oh Pelor. Aaaarrgghhh.”

Sam kills another two Orcs, and then another two till there is just Sam and Strumas trading blows- she could win this.

When another male Human, this time in loose fitting clothing (no armour), enters the chamber- obviously initially put off by the sounds of fighting. This new enemy is accompanied by two more Orcs- who rush to attack. While Sam is coping with these new arrivals Strumas breaks free of the combat and heads over to Orbin (in the loose fitting clothes) where he is given and then sups a Potion of Extra Healing. Sam in the mean time kills the two Orcs and for her sins is immediately hit by a Burning Hands spell from Orbin- Strumas launches himself into melee again. But once again it is Sam that is doing the damage, Strumas is reduced from 33 HP to only 9 HP (for a second time), it is enough Strumas throws down his weapon to surrender, backing away from the conflict, with his hands raised…

“That’s bet…”

And they are the final words of Sam Fox as Orbin’s Charm Person spell hits her and she fails her save.

What happened after that… well how would you know, Sam has been charmed (captured/killed?), Flay, Frod and Karl are all dead, so much for having a bit of fun with the bit part players- for the most part they are now no more than bits and parts of players.

The above was taken from “Trouble Times Two” another free to download scenario, which you can more than likely find at www.enworld.org in the free adventures section- it was written by Eric Downtown, god bless you sir.

And thus Session 29 ends.

Sam Fox Captured
Karl Los Val Da Rama Deceased
Flay Deceased

Next week… They’re dead Jim- now back to the main event.
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The return of the Wednesday Knights


Fryday 17th Mork 2000

The Day of the Dead.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter level 1 (DM)
Xeolus the Zombie (DM)
Mallaria Female Half-Elf Barbarian level 2 (DM)
Sayon Female Elven Fighter level 1 Thief level 1 (Erin)

Back to the main event-

Bob flails wildly as the Zombies close in- Liandri and Sayon quickly climb down ten feet and then drop to the floor within the ever-decreasing circle, the two of them draw weapons and set to work. Meanwhile up top Endrin gives one end of his rope to ZX (Zombie Xeolus)-

“Hold on to this- don’t fail me now Xeolus- we really need you.”
“Mmm Brains.”

The rope whips through Xeolus’ hands- taking a thumb and a finger with it Endrin plunges twenty feet and lands awkwardly- a little the worse for hit points, he lies on the floor and swigs at a Potion of Healing (his last one I believe). Soon all four of the group are up and at ‘em- with Bob only using one arm and waving his sword about a bit- although to fine effect.

Soon all eight of the Zombies have been killed- the party have suffered wounds but none of them is in the mood to quit now. A simple device is rigged up for Bob- effectively strapping his left arm in place and strapping his shield over the arm- this is done by Endrin.

Liandri scoots around the festering Zombie bodies to see what he can see-see-see, which turns out to be nothing. In the northern section of the cavern Sayon has discovered a sarcophagus with some writing on it, something about moving to face the morning sun. The area in which the sarcophagus lies is surrounded by frescoes- one of which shows the dawn of day- the rising sun. She braces herself and pushes the sarcophagus in that direction- it moves surprisingly easily- there is a loud click, Liandri wanders over to see what’s going on. Thirty seconds later a secret door has been found- it swings open into an abandoned looking room with a passageway leading east and a door to the west- the entire section smells of fust and death.

The two thieves creep in…

“I fancy a bit of liver… sorry, kiddin’- Brains mmm.”

Zombies pile forth from the eastern passage, Liandri and Sayon demonstrate quick thinking by grabbing a rotten couch and pushing it in front of the passageway. This blocks the way although the first Zombie begins to climb (ponderously) over the couch- Endrin and Bob rush into the room and begin hacking at the creature until it is unmoving- more are coming however.

“Quickly fall back- switch to bows.”

Liandri leads the way, each Zombie that crowds the passageway is struck by numerous arrows- only one manages to get over the couch and is killed by Bob in seconds- soon the flow ceases. The passageway is thoroughly searched- nothing is found, the Knights then turn their attention to the door to the west. The two thieves Sayon and Liandri go to work.

“It’s clearly not trapped.” Sayon rolls a “1”
“It bloody is.” Liandri rolls a “20”
“Look I know what I’m doing.”
“I never said you didn’t- it’s just trapped, and I think it’s a magical trap.”
“What are you on about?”
“Look it’s trapped Sayon, you daft cow- stand back.”

Liandri blows his whistle and low and behold one of the Zombies staggers to his/her (it’s) feet and is directed towards the door.

“Stand back everybody.”

There is a blinding flash as the door opens (Searing Light spell) and the Zombie is reduced to a pile of dust-


Liandri spots the shadowy creature that has floated into the room heading for him-

“Oh feck it’s another one of those… whatever they are?”
The Shadow grasps Liandri (“20” critical hit) Liandri takes 13 HP damage and losses 6 points of strength.

“Oh feck- get it off me… I’m dying… mummy.”

Endrin fires off Magic Missile after Magic Missile- Bob grabs Endrin’s magical longsword and wades in- the result from this point on is never in doubt and the creature is vanquished. Sayon has also been struck by the Shadow and is also down on strength- they feel well weak and vulnerable.

“Lets go back upstairs- I don’t like it here.”

Endrin has a quick mooch beyond the door, he discovers a statue that is wearing a nice looking Breastplate, which he removes and a set of steps spiralling down.

“Ok, I don’t fancy going any further- let’s see if we can get back out of this hole.”

An hour or so later the group is once again topside, this is achieved with a great deal of difficulty as the two thieves are feeling the worse for wear.

The Knight rests a while- but soon get bored, they decide to cross the chasm and investigate the corridor that leads off on the far side.

Zombie Xeolus Vs King Cobra.

The Knights haul themselves over the chasm, they take Zombie Xeolus (ZX) with them as a forward scout (tee-hee). The passage goes north to a crossroads- short passages head off with a door (three of them) at the end of each.

Liandri with ZX go west, Liandri unlocks the door and espies (and hears) a snake within- he despatches the killer Xeolus. A little later he opens the door to discover the tottering ZX with the large snake wrapped round his arm and shoulder being repeatedly bitten in the face.

“Ah it’s the simple pleasures in life…”

Liandri tries every now and then to have a stab at the snake but mostly leaves it to ZX who is triumphant, but down to 3 HP at the end of the confrontation.

He searches the room and discovers a number of frescoes on the walls- there seems to be a Dragon headed gentleman killing lots of other creatures- maybe Elves, which does not make Liandri happy. The Dragon headed guy is often depicted with a lieutenant figure, a human, who wears a strange looking amulet.

Meanwhile Sayon cautiously heads north, as she reaches the end of the passage and the door there is a sudden grinding noise and Battleaxes swish out of the side walls. Sayon stays absolutely still- the axes pass and inch in front of her and an inch behind. She musses her hair, ducks down and walks back the way she came figuring Liandri can check further on.

Meanwhile… meanwhile Endrin and Bob check the east door- there is a complex looking lock which seems to have space for a triangle/diamond shaped object. Later Liandri will describe the amulet around the Dragon headed lieutenant’s head and the description will fit the bill- now to find it.

And with that session 30 draws to a close- the players stretch and paw at the air and head home to Bedfordshire.

Next week… Inter Mission Part 2.

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