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The Wednesday Knights Story Hour

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The Wednesday Knights


Woodnesday 15th Fibber 2000
Year of the Dark

Down on the Farm - part 2.

Dramatis Personae
Mallaria Half-Elven Barbarian 1
Whirlwind Human Fighter 1
Sam Fox Human Fighter 4
Karl Los Val Da Rama Gnome Priest of Pelor 1
Bob Human Ranger 2

“Where the feck is he?” Bob cries out- following him into the farm is Sam Fox- Mallaria, leaps at the last (Dire) rat and kills it in one blow.
“Shut the doors- he’s in here invisible.”

The rest of the Knights pile into the farm and all exits are sealed in quick time-each one guarded by a flashing blade (or associated head-clunking device).

Mallaria looks about the kitchen until she spots the flour bin- “I’ve got an idea”- she grabs handfuls of the stuff and throws it onto the floor and around the table. Suddenly she spots a swift smudge in the flour, a chair leg squeaks as it's moved aside.

Mallaria points and Bob dives under the table and slashes frantically at the same time Mallaria leaps onto the table and in the style of Conan the Barbarian plunges her two-handed sword through the table- from the scream from below she surmises that it has connected.

The chairs scatter in double-quick time Bob slashes and connects with something- Richard is beginning to panic- he reaches out to Bob his invisible hand pulses with Ghoul venom, Bob shrugs him aside.

Richard suddenly appears under the table


Bob, Mallaria and Sam Fox all rush in to attack- the result is grisly to say the least, Richard is cut to ribbons in a matter of seconds.

“No, you’re dead.”

When their bloodlust is finally sated Karl covers up the body; he then heads into the bedroom where he discovers the barely conscious body of Kyla- his healing hands get to work (no- not on her love bumps).

Eventually Kyla comes round and is told the news; she confirms that it was Richard that had been beating her, between explosions of tears. She goes on to explain that Richard has or rather had some strange habits for as long as they’ve been married (five years) Richard had travelled away from the farm for no apparent reason on odd occasions. It was after she discovered Richard cutting up a perfectly healthy cow (sacrificing it) that things really started to get hairy- she points out a chest hidden under a loose floor board that Richard used to put his valuables in. The party investigate and discover a number of pictures and a journal- also a spell book.

Soon after while the Knights are examining the journals and pictures a knock is heard at the farmhouse door- on investigation Sam finds Grit the friendly Goblin outside. Grit seems to be already appraised of the situation (Richard’s death) and has come to offer healing and help to Kyla, who with some persuading agrees in principle. Also the grinning Goblin passes a Dagger to Karl- explaining that he is now a Goblin-friend and that the Dagger should be shown to other Goblins to show his goodwill. Karl mumbles his gratitude- the Goblins begin to clear up and help out around the farm, there are about a dozen of them dressed in loincloths, some also wear bandannas.

Eventually the party say their farewells and head back to Travensburg and the Scalpel Inn- Aaron is so grateful that he gives the group $50 and free room and board for the night- he disliked Richard intently, “always found ‘im creepy.” The group proceed to gather up lost (in training) members and get steadily drunk.

Much later in the Inn…

It is past everyone’s bedtime when Karl is awoken by the noise of the door handle to the room being turned- into the room comes a small hunched figure, the creature looks around once or twice and then proceeds to hunker down on the floor- soon the sound of snoring can be heard. Non-plussed Karl decides to sleep on it- in the morning he awakes to discover the new member of the group Cinch, a very young Goblin who brings Karl breakfast and generally acts as if she is Karl’s servant. Karl says nothing at all about this and while the other members of the Knights find it strange nobody is too perturbed. Cinch is very enthusiastic (in Goblin) about everything, although nobody much, including Karl, understands a word she is saying. Cinch follows Karl out of the Inn and takes her place on Gorgoldand’s caravan, next to Karl- Gorgoldand shrugs and the wagon train heads off to Tinkle. Felix is left behind in Travensburg under the ministrations of the temple of Pelor- who say that it will be three months before he makes a full recovery, the farewell goes something like this-

A Touching Farewell.

Thawsday 16th Fibber 2000

In the Temple of Pelor- patient no. 007 Felix the Dwarf-

“Bye then you fat freak.” Says Mallaria and struts off.
“We will hardly ever see his like again,”
“I’m not fecking dead you know.”
“He was a great Dwarf, an inspiration to us all- I for one particularly liked the way he would point out various rock formations and explain in exacting detail how they come to form.” Endrin wipes away a tear, and looks forlornly out of the window- grizzling, then wanders off.
Felix is propped up on one elbow eating a banana- much of which is now matting his beard.
“What the fecks he on about?”
Xeolus kneels down and crosses himself twice before mumbling a prayer to Hieroneous- he then rises and bows low to Felix, before about turning and striding away.
“Bye then”, Felix reaches for a ripe plum.
Bob comes over and shakes the Dwarfs hand “look after yourself- we want you back as soon as.”
“Aye, lad- I’ll be back, have no fear. Keep an eye on these buggers for me- don’t worry, I’m not done yet- my seam runs deep.”
The two smile at each other and then Bob walks away leaving Felix to his fruit and pebbles.

The above adventure entitled “Darkest Hearts” is by Clinton R. Nixon, which sounds like a made-up name, very presidential- what does the R. stand for Reagan? Roosevelt? I believe it is available from the good people at www.rpgarchive.com look around there’s lots of stuff there.

Ivanna Tinkle.

Satyrday 18th Fibber 2000

Dramatis Personae
Mallaria Half-Elven Barbarian 1
Bob Human Ranger 2
Endrin Human Bard 3
Liandri Elven Rogue 2/Wizard 1
Xeolus Human Monk 1/Priest of Hieroneous 1

The journey to Tinkle, the next village up the road, is without incident and on the way Endrin spends sometime going through the journal Richard left behind- eventually it comes to light that Richard has been doing some fairly diabolical things.

“How diabolical?”
“Oh you know pretty diabolical- evil and stuff.”
“No. I meant what sort of diabolical things?”
“Cutting heads off goats, eating kiddies, chewing gum under desks- what are we talking about here?”
“Does it matter?”
Endrin and Mallaria both turn to look at Xeolus who has since becoming a Priest developed a little bit of a far off stare- as if he is certain of things.
“Ooohh get her.” Mallaria snorts.
Xeolus focuses on Mallaria, who begins to feel herself colour.
“Hieroneous has put me on this Oerth to rid the world of such evil men, men that wallow in the vices and sins that have corrupted humanoids since the dawn of age.”
Endrin and Mallaria look on, half in horror-half in amusement, possibly with a soupcon of mild panic.
“It’s a good job I killed him then.”
“Yes it is, for him.”
Mallaria goes to smile but Xeolus speaks again…
“Now take heed, there will be a dawning of a new age- this…” Xeolus chooses his next word carefully,” barbarism will be destroyed.”

The road goes silent; Xeolus goes back to counting the stars. Mallaria opens and closes her mouth- doing a fair impression of a fish out of water, before dismissing Xeolus’ words and turning back to her inner thought (singular). Endrin continues to watch the callow youth- the hairs on the back of his neck slowly subside. An hour or so later he begins to read on.

It seems from what the journal says there exists a tower of some sort in the Amberdale Forest that serves as a Richard’s second home. Endrin explains this to the other Knights who conclude that Richard was in league with dark forces that must be destroyed (Xeolus’ theory) and that the tower will need investigating for lost treasure (everyone else).

In Tinkle the Knights book into the only Inn available, Kharne’s and spend the evening chatting to the locals in the hope that they can discover something about the tower. A number of the older members of the community are able to recall a (supposedly) haunted tower in the midst of the woods- but none are sure of its exact location. One, however, suggests that a hermit by the name of Randall who lives on the edge of the woods may know- he is said to visit the forest often. The Knights head off to find out what Randall knows.

Randall, the half-elf’s hut lies a little outside of Tinkle- he turns out to be a nice guy, just a little confused about things. Bob and Liandri get on with him and by the time the conversing is done they have the information they need- a promise from Randall to show them at least part of the way to the tower. Randall has also agreed to make a few Potions of Healing for Liandri’s return- the group return to Kharne’s Inn for the night. Endrin makes some beautiful noises, a bravura performance of the Birdie Song and Fat Bottomed Girls, it’s enough to get him free bed and board, the others head up the stairs to Bedfordshire.

Cinch is still sleeping at the bottom of Karl’s bed and generally waiting on him hand and foot although Karl has not abused the situation (yet). The villagers of Tinkle are not sure how to react to the female Goblin, but Karl is always at her side, a glance from him and the villagers think better of asking.

And so endeth the session that is numbered 15.

Next week… For whom the bell tolls.


The Wednesday Knights


Sunday 19th Fibber 2000

The Dead Tower

Dramatis Personae
Mallaria Half-Elven Barbarian 1
Bob Human Ranger 2
Endrin Human Bard 3
Liandri Elven Rogue 2/Wizard 1

The Knights get together in the morning except for Xeolus who has been suddenly called away. Gimli who plays Xeolus, yes I know how that sounds- it’s not his real name he’s just a little short, and how can I put it careful with his gold, anyway his gone on holiday by mistake.

They hook up with the half-elf Randall and their journey begins, Randall explains that it will take the best part six hours to get to the tower, which sits atop a small hill deep within the woods. The Knights decide to take a leisurely stroll through the woods.

The peace is disturbed only once on the journey when a group of Goblins attack, an ambush of sorts- none of the Knights are Goblin friends (or even friendly) and so combat is joined. The result of which, in double quick time, is that of the eight initial attackers- six are swiftly killed while two flee the scene. None of the Knights are injured but Randall, the Druid, it seems is not popular with the Goblins of the Amberdale woods- many of them aiming their bows and spears at him to the exclusion of all others.

After a bit of healing Randall decides that he wants no further part in the Knights endeavour, nothing they say can persuade him to continue. On a piece of dried bark he sketches a rough map of the remaining journey and explains to Bob the route, and with that he is off, hot foot, back to Tinkle- muttering that “the woods are no place for a druid.”

The rest of the journey is without incident- the Knights eventually find themselves in the early evening at the base of a hill in a clearing, atop the hill, more a low rise is a small tower with an entrance building attached. The Knights mooch about the woods, circling the hill, and find a track leading to the tower at the top, as they begin the journey up a number of Goblins moving extremely slowly- Zombie Goblins, emerge from the woods. The Knights do some cutting and slashing and make their way through the creatures- all eight are destroyed swiftly.

At the Tower itself they once again come under attack this time skeleton archers rain down arrows upon them, they use the tower itself as cover and while the arrows fly open a door into the building attached to the tower. At the same time the Knights can hear a bell being rung- it is clear that their attack is no longer a secret. The bell continues to be rung heartily (as a skeleton can) for the duration of what follows- this causes both the tension and Endrin’s ire to rise, “they’ve no musical talent whatsoever.” The Knights hurriedly duck inside only to be confronted by a huge skeleton standing fully nine feet tall.

The creature throws an enormous spear at Bob- it strikes home, knocking him to the floor- a bad wound, it then closes to attack with its clawed hands- the fight is long and hard, even though the Knights at one point surround the creature. Its lack of a body (only bones) is preventing any of them inflicting any real damage- they’re all armed with swords and the like- slashing and piercing weapons. The group make a mental note (about their fifth) to purchase some bludgeoning weapons as soon as possible.

Afterwards Bob is given a healing potion while the room is quickly searched with nothing of import found- the Knights head into the tower in a rush- it is hollow with stairs leading to a trapdoor at the top, to the battlements. Other than that there’s a wardrobe, a large trunk, several cupboards and a large bed- recently slept in by the look of things-

“Still warm.” Endrin murmurs and licks his lips.

The Knights switch to search mode, ripping the place apart, except for Endrin and soon after Mallaria who make their way up the stairs- the source of the campanologists’ (bell-ringing, do you have to be told everything?) offering. There with little in the way of panache or elan they kick the crap out of the skeletons standing on the roof, especially the one that tries to hit Mallaria with the bell it is holding. Endrin in the process gets close to experiencing unconsciousness- however he fights on the din being “an offence to all those with refined musical ability- like me.”

Meanwhile downstairs after searching the cupboards and the chest, with Liandri finding the trap the hard way, discover only mundane items- travelling clothes and the like. He then discovers the bed is on a pulley system and lifts it up to reveal a trapdoor in the floor.

Look Out Below.

“Looks like we’re going underground.” Liandri states.
Emma nods- “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
“You said that about the cave with the Beetles in it.”
“The one in which Felix nearly died.”
Emma looks at Liandri, sort of nodding.
“What’s your point?” Liandri looks back non-plussed.

Mallaria descends the stairs two at a time- she pipes up- “feck that let’s just kill everything- undead give me the creeps.”

Down into the darkness a corridor leads away, a few containers are found with some clothes and cooking equipment, the corridor twists- a light is observed at the end, on they go.

Into a large chamber full of torture & laboratory equipment- a rack, an iron maiden, an iron cage suspended from the ceiling and a number of other tables piled high with well used glassware (see the new Ikea “Dungeon” catalogue- a must for demons, devils and necromancers alike).

As the Knights enter a horde (eight- nearly a horde… a small horde, maybe) of tiny skeletons charge towards them, probably Kobold skeletons, the Knights begin to fight back and then notice the skeletons are not alone. Across the other side of the chamber a beautiful woman in dark robes is standing by an open door- she points a wand at Endrin- who’s taking in the scene. Three energy balls shoot out and with unerring accuracy slam into Endrin, he slumps to the floor- doing his best impression of a draught excluder.


The Knights react- Liandri leaps onto a table kicking the glassware aside, the others follow suit- out of the reach of the Kobold Skeletons. The woman in the doorway looks into the darkness beside her and then screams-


Out of the shadows steps an emaciated creature all fangs and drool- hairless and horrifying to the eye- the party stares in terror, Richard the Necromancer Farmer is back from the dead, and bad to the bone.

“Cook-a-duck who’s he?” Liandri stares at Mallaria.
“That’s whatsisname- I killed him.” She replies.
“Well go on then show me how, don’t let me slow you down…”

Mallaria raises her sword above her head and screams at the second-hand Richard “Death to the Undead… no that’s not right” she takes a step forward, off the table, three more energy balls slam into her- the Barbarian crashes forward knocking glassware over as she hugs the floor.

Liandri looks at Bob, “you take Richard,” Bob nods an “ok”, Liandri continues “and then the woman with the wand- I’m off.”

Bob has no choice Richard leaps at him- the fight continues with the two balancing and jumping from table to table. Liandri is having a dilemma- run/stay, run/stay, run/stay and with that the session ends.

The Knights find themselves staring defeat in the face Mallaria and Endrin are unconscious, Bob is fighting for his life (alone) against a Ghast dripping paralytic poison, Liandri is contemplating a one-on-one with a woman with a wand of death. Things do not look good- oh and there are still half-a-dozen skeleton kobolds snapping at their heels.

And so endeth session 16.

Next week… Get out of that.


The Wednesday Knights


Sunday 19th Fibber 2000
Year of the Dark

The Dead Tower- part 2.

Dramatis Personae
Mallaria Half-Elven Barbarian 1
Bob Human Ranger 2
Endrin Human Bard 3
Liandri Elven Rogue 2/Wizard 1

The fight continues- Mallaria and Endrin are still doing they’re best to win the sleeping lions competition. Bob leaps to meet Richard the Ghast, who is surrounded by a foul smelling haze, Bob is unaffected and takes to kicking the crap out of the creature. Liandri screams-

“Death to everything”, and runs at the woman with his longsword drawn, “but not me”, he adds as an afterthought.

The two confrontations go a little like this- Liandri lands a few good blows- although he too is hit by the balls of energy, he’s also struck by a ghostly ray that drains the very strength from him. Regardless he fights on, he does enough and the beautiful woman is forced to kick him away from her and retreat through the door by her side, slamming it behind her- both combatants are severely injured.

Bob, meanwhile is taking apart the end of level bad guy with out breaking into a sweat. Slashing away with dagger and longsword the Ghast is destroyed in less than 30 seconds. Bob for his part is only struck once, a wave of nausea washes over him, but the feeling passes. Bob climbs down from the table and with the help of Liandri mops up the remaining Kobold skeletons; they’re more of an inconvenience than a threat. At the end of it all they investigate (with healing potions in hand) the bodies of Mallaria and Endrin- who are both eventually brought round.

“What shall we tell them?”
“Well before we heal them we relieve them of some of this heavy gold”, Liandri indicates Endrin’s money belt.
“You have the morals of a Goblin Liandri.”
“Yeah, but don’t ask me where I got ‘em.”

Liandri quaffs a potion of healing himself and sets to examining the door- he discovers a crude magical trap, which he proceeds to disarm. The door swings open into a storage room beyond; the woman is again over the far side of the room- wand in hand.

“Thud… thud… thud.”

The sound of three more Magic Missiles slamming into Liandri, he is knocked to the floor but is still breathing- the Knights charge in but the woman, once again, retreats behind another door.

“Don’t open it.” Bob shouts, “wait for Liandri.” Once again healing is quickly applied and Liandri rushes over to the doorway- he finds the trap and disarms it once again, the door is kicked open and Bob and Mallaria go running down the darkened passageway in pursuit of the woman.

At the end of the passage the woman leaps up into the light, and out into the woods- the Knights are quick to follow, ahead they can hear snatched words, an incantation no doubt- they fear an attack and begin to take evasive action (zigzagging) while continuing their pursuit. Suddenly the woman leaps forward as if injected with fresh energy, within thirty seconds the chase is over; she has disappeared from sight.

“What the feck was that crazy legs thing?”
“Some kinda spell I guess.”

Bob and Mallaria look about a bit and then shuffle off back to the Tower where with the help of Liandri and Endrin they take the place apart in search of booty or fresh information.

A thorough investigation turns up nothing of interest- somewhat reluctantly; they are loath to leave the Necromancer Witch still out there, the group head back to Tinkle, having bagged only a little coin.

Back in town Liandri picks up the Potions he ordered from Randall and sets about having a rest up, he takes Eric the Lizard on long walks and generally takes things easy. Bob does likewise spending the time patrolling the edges of the forest- basically to see if the Witch has followed them. Bob is somewhat surprised to see Endrin head off into the woods alone on the day after their return from the tower- he seems to be loaded up for a journey. He decides to follow Endrin for a while- just in case he runs into difficulties, see below for more on this.

Mallaria goes crazy ape bonkers in the meantime.

The above adventure is entitled “The Old Tower” written by Dennis O’Brien- I believe it won the Adventure Design Competition at Eric Noah’s Unofficial D&D Third Edition News- oh the halcyon days. I think if you sod off to EnWorld and have a snoop about and you’ll find it no doubt- go to www.d20reviews.com

Mallaria la la.

Chewsday 21st Fibber 2000

Dramatis Personae
Mallaria Half-Elven Barbarian 1 played by Tomo
Sam Fox Human Fighter 4 played by Wayne
Flay Half-Orc Paladin of St. Cuthbert 1 the new guy played by Tomo
Karl Los Val Da Rama Gnome Priest of Pelor 1 played by Kev
Whirlwind Human Fighter 1 played by Emma

The ‘A’ team are out of action- Endrin’s on walkabouts, as is Bob, Liandri’s resting up and Xeolus is using the time to get to know how to use the spells that Hieroneous has blessed him with. And so another awkward squad is formed from the rag-tag bunch of hangers on that the Wednesday Knights ™ have picked up, the beginning goes a little like this.

Late on in Kharne’s Inn the locals are mithering over their half-pints of ‘Old Knacker’ while Whirlwind is attempting to chat up Sam Fox, who is pinning for Endrin, Karl is people watching.

Whirlwind swirls what’s left of his beer around and leans over to Sam,
“Err… nice jugs”, he then nods at her once or twice in an attempt to show that he is sincere.

Sam pulls a face and then turns her back on Whirlwind- who turns to Karl and gives him the thumbs up and whispers- “I think I’m in.”

At that moment the doors open and in strides the biggest Half-Orc the Knights has ever seen, the creature is soaked from the rain outside and muddy from the road. However beneath his cloak is the glint of armour- highly polished, immaculate. He removes his cloak to afford the patrons a better look- on his chest is the symbol of St. Cuthbert the bringer of justice. The creature takes five strides covering the distance of the bar and stands in front of Karl- who looks up, and up, and up…

“I am Flay- I have been sent by Sir Malcolm it seems that our paths are intertwined.” Flay has been practising the word “intertwined” on the road to Tinkle- he hopes he has said it right, it sounds impressive though, for a Half-Orc- don’t you think?

“Err… explain”, squeaks the Gnome, hoping he’s not being propositioned.
“Sir Malcolm is of the opinion that you, or your group, owes him for his present condition- I am to be Sir Malcolm’s squire, I have been trained for long years at the Temple of St. Cuthbert. Before taking my position I have been sent to see some of the world, I have a year to learn. Sir Malcolm says that YOU will teach me.”

The huge Half-Orc pulls a scroll from inside his armour and passes it to Karl- who gives it a glance, it confirms what the creature is saying and seems genuine.

“What are you?” Karl finally asks.
“I am Flay, Holy Knight of the Church of St. Cuthbert, the Bringer of Justice, the God of Law, the Righteous One.” The Half-Orc states loudly scanning the bar for miscreants and ne’er-do-well’s, several of the locals edge towards the door- justice being a funny thing, you never know whose side it’s on.

Whirlwind begins to choke on his beer- Sam thumps him in the back to remove the obstruction and at the same time the bar doors swing wide again- standing in the half-light is Mallaria. The half-Elf Barbarian is grinning inanely and babbling to herself- her eyes are like saucers; she grabs a flagon of ale from the bar and gulps it down in one. There follows a bit more giggling and then she turns and runs from the bar screaming her own name, swinging her two-handed axe above her head. She is naked except for a loin cloth- eyes are on stalks.

Whirlwind sort of shrugs his shoulders, Sam looks from Whirlwind to Karl- “Do you think we ought to follow her, it’s dangerous out there?”
Whirlwind smiles and nods- “It is now.”

The massive Half-Orc steps towards the door and opens it to see Mallaria sprinting for the tree line- “Who is… she?” Something other than religious fervour softens Flays face.

Whirlwind is quick to reply “That’s Mallaria, she’s a law unto herself- I think it’s some right of passage or ritual, she’s just nipping into the forest naked, as you can see, to bring an untimely end to one of Pelor’s creations…”. Whirlwind tails off his speech as the rest of the group turn to stare at him, “what… she said something about it earlier, you remember?” The group continue to stare at Whirlwind, “… what? What? Oh what now… no were not going after her… oh it’s raining, oh come on she’s a big girl,” Flay finds himself nodding, fighting for a second the accompanying smile. Quickly Flay makes up his mind he looks back at his newfound friends and then with a grunt is off, after Mallaria.

Whirlwind, for all his talk, puts his beer down and is second out the door, grinning too. Karl and Sam groan and likewise put their flagons down before they put their cloaks and wellies on and head off out into the piss and wind.

“We’ve been here before haven’t we?”
“She’s going to be the death of me.”

The forest is quiet except for the sound of the rain, the low rumble of thunder (far away) and the mad Barbarian screaming her name at the top of her lungs. Flay can still see her, he finds himself somehow drawn towards her- a strange feeling for a Paladin used to the spartan and austere. The chaos, the obvious malevolence, the feeling that the figure charging ahead of him is not in control… and does not care- the freedom. The fact that she is mostly naked (some war paint and a loin cloth) is also not lost upon him, Flay feels very… uprighteous.

The others are closing, Mallaria has slowed her pace- still screaming her name, it sounds defiant like a challenge. Flay watches her head out into a clearing- Mallaria looks round at the Half-Orc stares him straight in the eye, spotting him immediately even though the light is almost gone. She turns back and begins to drag her huge axe through the grass- then another noise is heard, a low growl like far-off thunder, but this sound is much closer.

The others fall in beside Flay who points into the clearing first at Mallaria and then to the huge bear that ambles forward from the deep forest. The two close, the bear roars and stands upright- the creature is easily a dozen feet tall.

Whirlwind quickly grabs a coin from his pouch- “A Dollar on… Mallaria.”
Sam quickly accepts the bet.

The two wild creatures rush to attack.

The Brown Bear is killed in less than twenty seconds- even though the creature is stronger, has twice as many hit points, a similar AC and is possibly more intelligent than Mallaria. None of this is a match for a Barbarian who knows that the creatures death will serve to increase her own power. The bear fights well landing two blows, Mallaria is deadly however and the monster is slit from its belly to its throat, her rage fuels her.


She circles her giant axe above her head and then without turning she sprints off into the woods again.

“Feck me”, Karl looks perturbed, “come on, we’re off again.”
The others fall into line and do there very best to keep up with Mallaria, they fail… in a matter of minutes they’re lost- the night has folded in upon them, only the odd flash of lightning far off to illuminate the empty woods. Sam and Whirlwind are stumbling in the dark not blessed with Darkvision- Flay stops and points at a structure a little further on. The lightning breaks again, closer now, and illuminated for less than a second the group spots a large house of sorts, a little way off, it looks nothing like the other houses of the region. Cautiously they fan out and approach- on closer inspection it appears to be a mansion or villa of sorts- the brickwork is faded and dotted with creeping plants, the windows are smashed or broken and yet the front door is closed.

The group huddles together and formulates a plan-
“Feck knows where we are”, Whirlwind begins.
“It’s wet”, Sam points out.
“It might be dry inside”, Karl adds.
Flay just nods.

The plan made Sam heads over to the door and pushes it open, it creeks, it does indeed look dry within, the group march in.

The Mansion in the woods- part 1.

Woodnesday 22nd Fibber 2000

Dramatis Personae
Sam Fox Human Fighter 4 (Wayne)
Whirlwind Human Fighter 1 (Emma)
Karl Los Val Da Rama Gnome Priest of Pelor 1 (Kev. M.)
Flay Half-Orc Paladin of St. Cuthbert 1 (Tomo)

Inside the group stamp their feet and adjust their eyes to the dank- Sam lights a torch- it is about this time that she spots the detached skeletal hand that is making it’s way up Whirlwind’s back, Sam screams and attempts to knock it away. A second hand leaps (as far as hands can) down from above the entrance door and lands on Sam- she feels a sharp pain it seems the central digit is elongated and ends in a sharp bone protrusion- it pierces her skin. An icy cold feeling flows through her she screams and leaps away- the skeletal hand still attached. The fight spreads out with the group pairing up Whirlwind and Flay are stamping on one of the hands on the floor while Sam and Karl are battling the other- eventually the first is smashed as it attempts to crawl away while the second is wrenched apart. Spooky though.

The group dust themselves down and pick over the remains-
“I have never seen these before what are they?”- Flay turns the tiny creature over in his huge hands- the bits that are left anyway. The others look at it and then at Karl, who shrugs his shoulders- “Pelor only knows.”

The group takes to the corridors that spread out in a figure of eight pattern with rooms within each circle- a mystery unfolds over a dozen dead bodies are found each seemingly killed in a different manner. Some of the victims have been burnt; others have died from poison, others from wounds. The group discovers one room that has more of the skeletal hands in it- they shut the door quickly and continue their search of the area. Half way round the circuit they surmise that something strange is at work- the inside of the building seems to show no signs of ageing and yet the exterior is clearly ancient- likewise many of the bodies are perfectly preserved.

Alas time is dragging on and the witching hour is approaching, the surly DM stops play- until next week adieu.

See next week for the nefarious activities of Endrin the Bard.

Thus endeth session 17.

Next week…. Premier style fannying about a bit (mystery what mystery).


The Wednesday Knights


Woodnesday 24th Fibber 2000

The Mansion in the woods- part 2.

Dramatis Personae
Sam Fox Female Human Fighter 4 (Wayne)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter 1 (Emma)
Karl Los Val Da Rama Male Gnome Priest of Pelor 1 (Kev)
Flay Male Half-Orc Paladin of St. Cuthbert 1 (Tomo)

The group continue their journey opening each door that they find- the mansion seems to be almost deserted except for a smattering of corpses about the place- they do however discover a fair few trinkets and baubles. They also discover some cylinders with raised surfaces- like pottery scroll cases with the writing on the outside- Karl smashes a couple to see what, if anything, is inside, later he will regret this.

All in all the Knights are stumped- lovers of mysteries this lot- they have not read things and have mostly given only a cursory glance to all the clues available. They have discovered that all of the corpses have suffered violent or at least unnatural deaths- therefore a murderer is, or maybe, was on the loose. They however figure that until they discover him/her/it then they couldn’t give a toss. After beating up a few more of the wandering skeletal hands they head back to the one room that seems to be inhabited. Inside they fight more of the skeletal hands and discover the body of what looks to be a thief- he is loaded with good stuff- which they of course pocket. Then the Knights are stuck again for a bit until they discover through careful mapping that there must be a secret room in the centre of the building.

Eventually they break into the room and wander into an encampment (hometown) of the skeletal hands- the fight is long and hard with many of the group taking repeated hits. The fighters are each poisoned multiple times- leading to a loss of strength and a reduction in their ability to attack and cause damage. That said the group are eventually victorious- the huge Minotaur skull with twinkly gemstone eyes, from which the skeletal hands emerge, is smashed into smithereens.

By this time the group have had enough of the mystery, and after barricading themselves in the central room for a few hours (till dawn approaches), they head out of the mansion and back towards Tinkle.

The above scenario entitled “Perinocles’ Manor” is from Eden Studios’, Wonders Out Of Time-, which is a fabulous collection of good ideas and scenarios-, buy it as soon as you stop reading this. In all honesty the players did not do it justice, considering dead people as offering neither threat nor interest- beyond any loot they may have.

The scenario was supposed to be a sort of ancient murder mystery with a few clues to a long gone civilisation- the cack-handed players smashed some of the clues but have noted others which will obviously appear again later- probably.
Woodnesday 22nd Fibber 2000

The Mansion in the woods- part 2b.

Dramatis Personae
Mallaria Female Half-Elven Barbarian 2. (Tomo)

The last time we saw Mallaria she was deep in the woods having recently off’ed a large bear, now read on…

The woods surround her still, the blood of the bear drips from her forearms and matts her hair. The lightning crashes into a tree in the distance, Mallaria dodges a huge branch and sprints off once again into the night… she something ahead… the shape off… it might be dry in there she thinks.

Suddenly Mallaria wakes- bolt upright

Her eyes blink and try desperately to focus, darkness- a crack of light- a door ajar- the soft mattress beneath her she slowly relaxes, a bed’s a bed- she moves her hands about her to hold in the warmth.

She feels it again and remembers suddenly what it was that woke her- there is something, a small many legged something tap-tap-tapping her leg. In an instant she is up bounding out of the bed in a room she does not recognise- a skeletal hand is attached to her leg, Mallaria kicks out and the creature goes flying. She scans the room and spies a chair, quickly she snatches it up and smashes it down on the skeletal hand, which is now perched atop a small chest. The creature tries to right itself- she strikes again and again- it is soon smashed and broken, as is the lid of the chest.

Mallaria pulls the door open allowing in a curtain of light and squats down to look at what attacked her- parts of the creature have fallen down into the hole in the top of the chest, cautiously she reaches in…

“Owww, Feck.”

She quickly withdraws her hand- the spot of blood at the centre of her palm pearls and grows. She presses her hand to her mouth and sucks in…

Her head jolts back as she feels the blue surge of power, a bolt of lightning all of her own- held inside. It stiffens her limbs in some St. Vitus dance and in a moment is gone- her head thumps with the strain of it all and strange symbols and figures clamber behind her eyes begging her to understand them.

Minutes pass, Mallaria remains squatting on the floor in front of the chest rubbing her forehead and pressing her eyes shut- slowly making sense of the letters… she is learning.

She opens her eyes…

“Feck me.”

Slowly forming in her vision is an image of her right hand- floating free in the air it hovers over the chest, cautiously she reaches out to touch it but her hand passes straight through. The symbols and letters continue to dance in her head this time in a more co-ordinated manner, a coded conga. This time with her mind she manipulates the stream- the floating hand turns over palm upwards… instantly her headache becomes bearable, she smiles… no… grins. She reaches out slowly and shakes her hand.

A little latter Mallaria looks in the chest and finds the smashed remains of a ceramic scroll with a serrated edge- beneath the pottery shards another such artefact. This she carefully lifts out avoiding the razor sharp edge, she wraps it up well and places it in her backpack… for later.

The floating hand has long since faded but the spell that summons it lodges now, deep, inside her head.

After a brief mosey around the ancient but still intact Mansion she heads back to the sleepy hollow that is Tinkle.

Chewsday 21st Fibber 2000

Dark Delights.

Dramatis Personae
Endrin Male Bard 3 (Wayne)

The journey through the woods is fairly uneventful- Endrin remembers well the path they took to the Dark Tower and quickly covers the distance, it takes him six hours straight without a break. The forest is silent- at rest, as if it were waiting for something to happen.

Once at the tower Endrin clasps the magical dagger, Goblin-friend- he stole yesterday from Karl’s pack, and using the blades magical Darkvision searches the structure again. Cautiously, carefully he creeps about in the half-dark and shadow, but nothing alive or indeed undead remains.

And so Endrin’s sojourn begins- unhappy in his present profession he feels the flow of magic much stronger within him these days, not the word and song of his Bardic magic- put raw magic, raw power.

The Dark Tower seems to amplify the sensation; he felt it the first time he stepped inside the building. After a nights rest in the big bed that covers the trapdoor Endrin sets about making the place his home (some throw cushions, curtains and fresh flowers), if only for a short while.

After the creature comforts are in place the grand search begins, every cupboard is turned out, scraps of parchment read and mentally inventoried. Three days pass and at the end he feels he knows the place and is afraid of nothing here- there are no darkened corners, no hidden places where danger lurks. At the end of the fourth day he ferries the last of his findings down into the cellar and shuts the door- he has food for nearly ten days.

He works hard, harder than he has ever worked- searching the spaces in his mind in the same way as he searched the tower, discovering for the first time the limitations of his inner vision. With the spell book, stolen again- this time from Liandri’s possessions, he begins to fill up the once dark spaces of his mind.

Time passes, Endrin’s mind storms and rages- the cold cellar drips and sighs, the tower stands silently while outside the rain and lightning dance.

Two days after the food has gone Endrin notices and wearily climbs the stair- he also notices how tired he is, having to crawl out from under the bed, unable to lift it more than half-way up.

The thought of food is banished however as the sight of the bed hoves into view and he slips within the sheets and for the first time, it seems for twelve long days, he falls asleep.

Outside the storm comes again, the lightening circles the tower looking for an opening to reach within. The rain hammers down against the stones and soaks the ground, the thunder rolls…

It rolls a six. (Thanks to Terry Pratchett)

A puddle quickly forms as the outer door stands open- a small robed figure slips inside and heads silently to the door to the bedroom, behind which Endrin stirs in his sleep. The outer door is slowly and silently shut- a key turns, and the room is returned to darkness.

The inner door opens and the robed figure steps inside the bedroom and moves silently to the bed, watching Endrin’s flickering eyes- deep in dreams. A small pale, almost white hand reaches down and gently caress’ his forehead, moving his hair aside- the effect is electric, Endrin’s eyes snap open. His mind accelerates, his mouth already forming words- the small pale hand moves swiftly down and covers his mouth- Endrin’s mind catches up- he kisses the palm. Another pale hand appears from within the folds of the cloak and briefly fiddles with the clasp- the cloak falls to the floor. Endrin shows surprise for a second, and then moves towards the centre of the bed and pulls the covers back, the dark mistress of the tower slips in.

The lightening flashes again illuminating the room for a second showing the two figures moving slowly together and the Zombie in the doorway looking on.

Much later…

Endrin wakes to find himself alone in the bed… he slowly pulls the covers down and is momentarily startled to see the Zombie standing at the end of the bed staring intently at him, pinned to the creature is a piece of paper etched with gothic script. Cautiously he leans forward- the Zombies eyes follow his hand as it reaches out to grab the paper which is held in place with a hatpin firmly stuck into the creatures body- he removes it slowly, carefully- the creature merely watches. The paper says “Hello, my name is Jeff, how can I be of service.” Endrin grins, then giggles, until he begins to laugh aloud- a fiendish almost diabolical sound.

Later he will remember the cold words that she spoke to him about a man called Sir Bradford, a Paladin of some ridiculous god she said. He will also take the wand that she has left for him on the table next to the bed, and eventually remember the command word to activate the device, “Mordus”. But now, in this instant, all he feels is the yearning, the craving- an emptiness inside… Hunger.

DM’s note- Endrin has multi-classed to become Bard 3 Sorcerer 1.

Chewsday 21st Fibber 2000

Out and about with Bob

Dramatis Personae
Bob Male Human Ranger 2 (Emma)

Bob follows Endrin at a distance to the tower, he watches him for three days there, never entering the building, Endrin never leaving the building- except to gather wood for the fire. After three days his curiosity has gone and he feels too embarrassed to approach the tower and reveal himself to Endrin, there would be too much to explain. Instead he heads back to Tinkle ashamed of himself and his actions- Endrin is a friend to him, he must learn to trust.

Nearly two weeks later Endrin too returns to the village, looking… well… strangely rested and yet in some ways more withdrawn.

And so endeth the session that is numbered 18.

Next week… Gone fishin’.


The Wednesday Knights


Woodnesday 8th Mork 2000

Gone Fishing.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue 2 Wizard 1 (Kev. M.)
Xeolus Male Human Monk 1 Priest of Hieroneous 1 (Gimli)

Thin on the ground as you can see from the above- they all made their excuses, and then there were three of us.

It was therefore decided that this would be a short session, which would involve the drinking of concentrated grain alcohol, with, as ever, mixed results- read on.

The Gorgoldand Caravan is fully loaded and ready for the road, the journey begins with the crossing of the River Tinkle- this is accomplished by a rickety ferry- the caravans are loaded aboard and polled/pulled across one-by-one.

Everything is going well with half of the group on the far bank- it’s a lovely day, the sun is shining and The Gaffer, a rotund halfling, is sitting on the bank doing a bit of combination light fishing and heavy snoozing. The second load is half way across with Liandri and Xeolus aboard when there comes a scream and whoop from the bank. The two head for the side of the ferry and observe a now animated Gaffer fighting desperately with his fishing rod- almost bent double with the strain of his catch.

“WWWoooooooooooo, come on now- Gaffer’s got a big’un.” He happily reels and tugs at the rod- Liandri watches the bubbles bursting on the surface of the river- Xeolus keeping an eye on the Gaffer, simple pleasures still make him smile. The battle continues for twenty or so seconds when-


The Gaffer is wrenched from the bank and disappears under the water, half a scream and a thick flurry of bubbles marking his position in the river- being dragged out into the current and the deep channel.

Xeolus and Liandri exchange quick glances, gulp down a lungfull of air each, and launch themselves into the river…


In the dim weed infested world the two aquanauts espy a somewhat panicked Gaffer entangled in his own line being dragged along, bump, bumping on the bottom- on noticing them he waves frantically letting out another stream of air bubbles.

The two swiftly swim over to the entangled halfling, trying at first to disentangle the fishing line, they are part way through this with Liandri losing patience and resorting to his dagger when Xeolus is hit in the back by a large (6 foot long) catfish. This has a domino effect- Xeolus slams into the Gaffer who in turn slams into Liandri- the result of which is Xeolus is winded and out of breath and Liandri’s dagger is now somewhere at the bottom of the river amidst the clouds of dirt.


Xeolus heads up for air while Liandri grabs the fish that has circled back in to reclaim its dinner from these have-a-go-heroes.

Xeolus takes a huge breath of air- on the surface frantic waving and shouting, a cacophony of noise- and dives back down to, well… there’s no one there. A quick double take later and he spots the giant fish about 40 or so feet downstream with Liandri attached and the poor Gaffer being dragged along after them. The fish however has been slowed dramatically by the extra weight- also to add to its woes Liandri- ever the improviser, has taken an arrow and holding it near to the head is gouging at the creature’s side- it’s dorsal flap for the fishologists out there.

Xeolus offers a silent prayer to Hieroneous and states to the DM-

“I will use my Flurry of Breaths ability while at the surface and swim post-haste towards the melee.”

Some giggling and then it is done- Xeolus is man-from-Atlantis towards the contretemps- which has slowed further, the tide is turning.

Xeolus ignores the fish at first and instead swims over to the Gaffer and delivers the kiss of life- re-inflating the Gaffers sodden lungs. The Gaffer blinks once or twice, and shakily makes a thumb up sign. Meanwhile Liandri is having the ride of his life- the fish while not going forward is certainly doing its best impression of a rodeo-bull. Liandri is however almost out of air- with nowhere left to go and no air to breathe he detaches himself from the fish and swims to the surface.

This has a knock on effect- the Gaffer is suddenly pulled from Xeolus’ grasp and is off again further down stream into the deep water. Xeolus is however not giving in- he assumes a torpedo position and after briefly surfacing he heads after the fish-halfling combo picking up Liandri on the way.

The Gaffer it seems has his own ideas- only 40 feet away from the adventurers he grasps a rock at the bottom wrapping his arms around the stone and holding on for dear life- the line plays out and then goes taut- but the Gaffer does not budge.

Liandri and Xeolus are soon up with him and working their way along the line, when the Catfish realises the best form of defence- is attack. It about-turns and swims directly at the floundering threesome. They (actually Xeolus) take the blow and attempt to wrestle the creature the result of which is Xeolus on board, riding the thing, and Liandri clutching the creatures flapping tail. Liandri uses the arrowhead to stab at the creature- Xeolus resorts to his “Fish Chop” and when this has little effect alternatively shoves his fingers in the fish’s eyes, gills and for good measure waggles the hook around in its mouth exacerbating the wound. This continues for another 30 seconds or so with the creature growing weaker with each passing moment. Eventually the fish thrashes no more and begins to float with the current towards the deeper section of the river. Xeolus and Liandri nod to each other- the smug satisfaction of a job well done. The fish meanwhile disappears from view heading down into the dredged central channel.

Xeolus heads over to the Gaffer to attempt to bring him to the surface when- the line goes taut again- the fish is still descending, the Gaffer begins to scream (actually bubbles) as he takes the fishes entire weight (with gravity on the fishes side).

“FuBbblluubbllcking BBBlllubbl’ell”

The Gaffer can hold on no longer and passes out, letting go of the rock- he is being quickly dragged along the bottom of the lake towards the drop off point.

Xeolus grabs the halfling as Liandri returns from taking another breath; the Elf holds a rope that snakes back to dry land. When he reaches the Gaffer he attaches the rope to his waist and ties it off tugging at it swiftly- the strain is soon taken up and the halfling is now been torn in two directions. Quickly Liandri scoots down the rope and grabs Xeolus while passing, they dive over the edge and into the darkness of the deep channel. The two soon encounter the dead weight of the fish, they grasp the slippery thing in their hands and head once more for the surface… they surface to cheers and a heroes welcome.

On the river skiffs have been launched and the Gaffer, dragged from the water, is being tended to by the village priest- nothing major, although he is certainly fortunate to be alive.

Happy villagers eager to shake their hands and give thanks surround the two bedraggled adventurers. Kharne the owner of the Inn comes over and asks if he can buy the fish from them- to stuff and hang in his bar- he offers them $50, which they gladly accept. An hour or so later the two adventurers having been thanked once again, this time by the much revived Gaffer and his family, head back to the ferry and from there are back on the road.

The above encounter entitled “Catch As Catch Can” is available, I think, from Morrus at ENWorld as part of their Mini Encounters competition. Go to www.D20reviews.com and look for the bit in the left-hand column which says “Free Adventures”, or something like that. There’s loads of stuff in there including all the Mini Encounters you’ll ever need.

The Damsel in distress.

Characters present
The same as above Liandri & Xeolus- no one else has arrived.

The first wagon has gone ahead (a couple of hours ahead) leaving the second wagon with a couple of drovers, three guards, Liandri and Xeolus.

About three hours further on the trees and bushes at the edge of the road part and a group of halflings (three in total) steps out into the carts path waving frantically and shouting. The driver brings the wagon to a halt and the guards stare at Liandri and Xeolus until the pair climb down and goes ahead to see what is happening.

“In the bushes…”
“And then one of them hit me…”
“It was horrible…”
“Definitely a Goblin…”
“Easily a dozen of them…”
“Some sort of magic…”
“Oh… Pelor- where have they taken Humpty, Fingle, Deaduck and…”
Liandri looks on bewildered while Xeolus tries to get them to speak slowly, and one at a time.

Five minutes later Xeolus has established that the halflings were travelling to Tinkle, a group of itinerant tinkers, cobblers, potters and chef’s part of the extended family of one Gaffer Gammonanpineapple. Their cart was attacked by Goblins- it lies dragged a little way off the road in a fallow field half in a ditch. One of them says that there was some sort of magic used, although he is vague as to what sort and what effect it had- they are all however still extremely frightened. The real problem is that there are four other halflings missing- the three left behind plead for assistance.

Xeolus and Liandri decide to help them and order the guards to look after the halflings and to take shelter just off the road some way ahead, but not too far. They check their belongings, draw their weapons, and head off into the field. At the wagon there are signs of a struggle the assorted pots and pans, bits of shoes and other gear is strewn about the place- searching around they discover signs of fighting although no blood trails, not that either of them is trained in tracking. There are fields in all directions, the only blot on the landscape a stand of trees about half a mile away. The two draw missile weapons and quickly head off.

They cautiously search through the trees until they are certain that there is nothing present- furthermore no tracks exist, as far as they can tell. They are about to give up and head elsewhere when Liandri spots a large well in the next field a little distance away, near a cattle trough. The inquisitive pair head over and quickly discover a myriad of tracks mostly cattle but in the mud around the trough there are some smaller humanoid footprints- the two look over the side of the well into an inky darkness. Liandri as quick as a flash is over the low wall and beginning to descend using the pitted walls for grip- he is halfway down when he rolls a 1 on his climb check- the remaining 20 feet are covered at a much greater pace.


Back at the top Xeolus takes the rope from his backpack and lashes it to the stone cattle trough he then begins to abseil down the well. Liandri quickly recovers, he finds himself in about ten feet of very stagnant water which he notices has been used by someone as a toilet- a jobbie floats by.

Liandri spots Xeolus’ rope and then notices that a rough plug of stone is being removed from the wall of the well about ten feet above the level of the water. A goblin head sticks out and spots him- a brief shouted conversation follows with someone on the inside and then the creature begins to site on Liandri with its shortbow. As the creature is about to fire a crossbow bolt thuds into the top of its skull. Liandri looks up to see Xeolus braced against the wall of the well firing his Light Crossbow with one hand- he also, obviously, dives out of the way of the falling Goblin body. Xeolus tries his best to reload while gripping the rope with his legs meanwhile Liandri hauls himself out of the brown soup and up to the plug- he looks in.

Much shouting from the inside all in Goblin a language neither understands; a spear is shoved out of the hole- Liandri grabs the haft and shoves back- from the noise knocking the wielder over. He quickly scrambles through the hole and into the lair- a small (15 feet by 10 feet) rough cavern with an equally small passageway leading from it. One Goblin sits on the floor (knocked over), while two others rush forward with spears- combat is joined. In the next round Liandri swings in with his crossbow loaded and in hand, in the same round a further four Goblins rush in from the next chamber.

The fight is bloody and Liandri and Xeolus are not in the mood for taking prisoners not that any of the Goblins are trying to surrender. Both adventurers take hits although minor. Four of the Goblins are quickly killed, including and unbeknownst to the adventurers, the Goblin Priest- one however attempts to flee further into the cave. Xeolus is having none of it and rushes after the creature- while Liandri deals with the two remaining creatures.

In the next room Xeolus catches up with the Goblin who is screaming blue murder- he grabs hold of the creature and roundhouse kicks it in the head- a satisfying click indicating the neck is broken, it slumps to the floor. Xeolus looks up and spots the four halflings tied in a row, gagged- their saucer eyes staring, pleading with the Monk Priest for rescue- he goes over to untie them when a voice stops him in his tracks.

“Thank Pelor you’ve rescued me…”

Xeolus spins round to see the most beautiful woman he has ever set eyes upon- dressed in a long blue robe, which has seen better days. The lady rushes over to him and half flings herself into his embrace- momentarily non-plussed Xeolus stares into her blue eyes. She holds his face to hers, inches away, she whispers into his ear.

“Now you belong to me- you love me, keep me safe.”

Xeolus blinks once or twice as if taking it all in- then nods his head slightly; the woman smiles at him and Xeolus smiles back- like a child eager to please.

She breaks from his embrace as Liandri steps into the cavern, having despatched the other two Goblins.

“Who the feck’s the bird?” Liandri says, followed by under his breath “nice love dumplings.”

Liandri puts his arm out to show Xeolus he is bleeding “heal me”, he demands- Xeolus looks at the lady then wanders over- she is still stood in the centre of the room smiling politely.

Xeolus takes a look at the wound- while noticing the prisomer halflings trussed and gagged- there eyes are delivering frantic messages- from the Elf to the lady, some of them nodding at her maniacally.

“What’s going on… they’re trying to tell us something Xeolus… about her.”

Liandri’s voice tails off as Xeolus ceases his ministrations and looks Liandri straight in the eye.

From behind him the lady speaks again “Xeolus”, he turns to look at the lady, “what a nice name that is”, he smiles. “Now kill him- he wants me for himself, only you can have me.”

Xeolus turns to face Liandri, who is beginning to see the way of things, however before he can react Xeolus fires his crossbow into the Elf’s stomach from close range. Liandri is sent staggering back…

The fight is soon over Xeolus drops the crossbow and swaps to Karate Kid mode, Liandri does his best but is no match, already twice injured- soon Liandri lies unconscious on the floor.

DM’s note the spell cast on Xeolus was a Charm Person- I allowed Xeolus to save each round because of the nature of the requests, to attack Liandri. Xeolus needed to roll a 12 which after bonus’ etc. meant he needed to roll a 5 on the d20, in four rounds he managed a couple of 1’s a 2 and a 4- life’s funny like that sometimes.

While the above was going on the lady at first waded in with a Ray of Frost against Liandri, and then moved over to the halflings. She takes the youngest in her hands and forces it to watch the conflict and then as the fight is won cuts its throat (coup de grace).

And it is this act that finally drives Xeolus over the edge- the unconscious Liandri seems not to bother him, the death of an innocent halfling tinker is however unacceptable- he breaks the spell and dives headlong at the sorceress. In truth Xeolus is unhurt (on full Hit Points) and the lady is poorly armed and armoured, she tries at first to fight back with her magic but it is to no avail- not even her pleas for mercy will save her. Xeolus is in no mood for mercy, in a little under twenty seconds he kills her, and then sets to healing Liandri.

While Liandri is slowly revived (he was only at –2 hp) he unties and ungags the halflings who wail and sob fit to burst.

“Humpty’s dead.” They grizzle.

The rescue is completed an hour or so later when the small cave system (three caves in total) is searched- there are a few odds & sods- some coins, gems and jewellery, nothing to break the bank. More importantly there are a number of missives (letters) written to the lady (Markessa) from a man who signs his name as Aldric. The letters discuss the training of a humanoid (Goblin & Orc) gang and the “necessary disruption of caravans to Wick and ultimately Carimor (both local communities). Xeolus takes these to deliver to the authorities in Fiddle (the next village along the road). With the place thoroughly searched the group head off with the body of Humpty.

Back on the road- having helped the halflings to make temporary repairs to their cart to allow them to go on to Tinkle, Xeolus and Liandri climb aboard their wagon and continue on to Fiddle for the night. The atmosphere is tense, back in the cave Liandri had reacted well to the beating he received from Xeolus- taking it all in his stride, the Monk was obviously charmed. Outside, on the wagon, with night closing in the Rogue Wizard is not so sure- Xeolus has said nothing as yet, not even sorry, he vows to keep a close eye on the young Priest Monk. Xeolus for his part is struggling to come to terms with what has passed- the attack on Liandri was not his doing and yet he feels responsible (remorse perhaps), but he does not feel truly sorry- Liandri is a Thief, a common criminal. He struggles with his conscience for a while before reassuming his position as stargazer.

The wagon rumbles on, even the drovers and guards hold their council- it is cold and dark and they are all a long way from home.

The above was taken from another Encounter courtesy of ENWorld, it’s called “The Goblin’s Lair” and is available as above.

And so endeth the session that is numbered 19.

Next week… One, Two… One, Two… It’s just a test.


The Wednesday Knights


Fryday 10th Mork 2000

Fiddling about a bit.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Xeolus Male Human Monk level 1 Priest of Hieroneous level 1 (Kev. H.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)

The wagons of Gorgoldand’s caravan eventually wend their way back to Fiddle, Gorgoldand’s adopted home. The weary adventurers pile out, stretch and yawn, and then give a token hand to the wagoneers unloading the stock into Gorgoldand’s warehouse. That done they head for Cheaters Inn, a swift drink to get the dust out of their throats and then bath and bed. They’re all tired from the road and Gorgoldand has advised them to rest up as tomorrow he has a little job for them- but tonight they have no enthusiasm.

Satyrday 11th Mork 2000

Up early the next morning the group convene at “The Pickled Dill”- Gorgoldand’s version of the old curiosity shop- there he explains his proposition.

“I had this message delivered to me in Tinkle”, Gorgoldand holds a note in the air, “it seems that one of my friends has got into some difficulties, actually not so much him, as his kids.”

Gorgoldand explains that the Hucrele’s, a merchant family based in Oakhurst, have come a cropper- the son and daughter have gone off adventuring and have not returned- a week has passed without any word. Liandri’s eyes light up, “is there a reward?”

“Yes, of course, and it’s a lot of money- I’ll tell you all about it when you return.”
“When we return?” All eyes are now on Gorgoldand.

“Yes, this is important, and without sounding churlish I need to be convinced that you’re up to it- I don’t mean to be rude, but this is not going to be easy- rescue missions never are.”

Liandri looks wounded and begins “of course we’re up to it…”
Endrin and Bob murmur their agreement, while Xeolus remains silent- still withdrawn, quietly watching his shoes.

Gorgoldand holds up his hands to silence the group, “alright, alright- look I’ve a little test- I devised it myself, it’s not far away. If you’re good then it’ll take you one day to complete- if you do it in two then I’ll still send you on this mission- so don’t kill yourself trying to get it done. And don’t think that just because it’s a test there’s nothing in there that can hurt you- mess up and you’re going to find out, perhaps permanently.”

Gorgoldand looks at their expectant faces- “right then, are you all in?”

The Knights consent- Gorgoldand sends them away to gather their equipment, and to return in an hour to the Dill.

An hour later they return, Gorgoldand hands them a map and from the step of the shop, outside in the street, points out to them a small rise in the distance, “it’s 6 miles, but it’s a pleasant walk- go to the top and look for a way down.”

The Knights each shake Gorgoldand’s hand and proffer their temporary farewells, then slip on their backpacks, and stroll off to “The Gauntlet”.

Two-and-a-half-hours later they stand on top of a low tor, Liandri looks down the rock face and spots a rope that snakes down to a dark opening, further down a small but deep looking pool of water glistens in the sun at the bottom of the cliff.

Liandri descends the rope- at the bottom he discovers a cave entrance with a set of carved stone steps leading further down into the dark- the others quickly follow without incident.

Gorgoldand’s Gauntlet.

Inside is a large cavern, slightly chilly and damp- the Knights form up and send Liandri off to scout ahead.

Liandri creeps into the first cavern cautiously, only just at the threshold when a huge spider descends from the ceiling onto Liandri who in shock swiftly tumbles back out of the chamber, yelping in surprise.

The rest of the Knights arrive quickly and begin to help Liandri up, Bob waves his sword at the spider, it bounces up and down a little on what now can be seen as a thick cord- then does nothing.

“It’s a fecking con”, Liandri explains, “leave it be.”

They Knights head on into the empty cavern, moving around the outside of the chamber, until they are at another passage, on the far side, this they enter. Half way down Liandri- point man, discovers a circle of rope attached to the ceiling somehow with a note that’s says-


“Pelor this is easy”, Liandri states and then inches along the wall past the rope- Bob who is coming next leaps over the rope and lands on squarely on the far side-


The floor suddenly gives way- Bob however grasps the side and arrests his fall, “get me out, get me out.”

Endrin rushes to help, and at the same time three or four tiny creatures, no more than a foot tall, appear from the cavern ahead. They throw tiny javelins at Liandri who is overseeing the Bob lifting operation. Several of the javelins pierce his cloak but none pass through his armour, “what the…”
He spots the little guys who are retreating, further into the cave, gesticulating and shouting all the while-

“Up yours longshanks.”
“You’re so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece.”
“You blow goats.”


Liandri pegs it down the cavern passage chasing the little ‘uns, and out into the next cavern, which from the air moment is much larger. As the chase unfolds the other Knights cautiously cross the pit.

Ahead of Liandri the little guys leap into the air and seemingly fall forward out of sight…


“What now?” Endrin looks at Bob, who shrugs in reply, the Knights head off to find out what new thing has befallen Liandri.

The other Knights arrive to find Liandri suspended from hundreds of fishhooks (on fishing wire) which cover the ceiling-

“”OW. feckin’ rhubarb munching, ARRRGH, dog dirt eatin’, OOOOOOO, pansy painting- good fer nuthin, OH OH OH OWWWWWW, when I get you, AAAARRRGGGHHHH GET ME OUT, GET ME OUT, GET ME OUT, I WANT TO GO HOME, I WANT A CUP OF TEA, AND A SANDWICH, I DON’T WANT TO BE HERE, I’M SICK OF GOING FIRST- WHY DON’T YOU GO FIRST? WHY’S IT ALWAYS ME? WHY? WHY ME? WHAT HAVE I DONE? WHAT’S HE FOR? (points at Xeolus), WHAT DOES HE DO? WHY? (Sob) I want to go home…”

Liandri begins to grizzle.

The Knights- well Bob & Endrin move forward to help Liandri out, when-


A very small dart protrudes from Liandri’s arse…

“That’s all I nee…”

Liandri begins to fall (asleep) but is caught, and held up by Bob, Endrin begins to cut through the myriad of fishing wires with hooks that pin-prick Liandri’s face, several more darts whiz by.

Xeolus steps past the struggling threesome crouched low to the ground- he steps up to the edge of a chasm and espies on the far side a large plumed helmet from which a small pipe extends. He waves his hands frantically while speaking in tongues-

“Itchy Moto Sacamoto Annus Horribilis Kingfisher Glass
Conjure me a badger to bite on his ass…”

The Celestial Badger burrows up underneath the helmet- from which surprised screams issue. The darts stop coming- the little ‘uns swiftly killed.

“That’s what I do.” Xeolus states but Liandri is having none of it- he’s out for the count, the Knights retreat to the first chamber, light a fire, sing a song and make inroads into their cheese and piccalilli.

“Didn’t wagon wheels used to be bigger?”
“What yoghurt’s that?”


The Knights move round the outside of the chamber, as before, and use their torches to burn away the wires with their “nasty” fishhooks- they then move to the edge of the chasm which bisects the room.

Twenty feet below is cool clear water, in between Liandri spots more fishing lines leading to tiny holes in the far cliff- death slides for the “fecking little squeakers”- he burns away the one’s he can reach.

Liandri begins the climb across the chasm, with Xeolus following behind- the two are half-way across when Bob and Endrin standing watch spot a large shadow moving beneath the water. Seconds later the water erupts as a huge Aquatic Ogre breaks the surface and begins climbing up the chasm wall. Liandri makes it over to the far side, Xeolus however, who’s been struggling to get across, jumps back the way he came. Bob and Endrin draw weapons and the Ogre leaps the last six feet to join the fight- the two barely scratch the thing while it delivers a mighty blow to Endrin, his arm goes numb and hangs limply by his side.


Xeolus to the rescue, he executes a two-footed flying-kick and knocks the Ogre off the ledge and back down the twenty-foot chasm into the water, the unfortunate side effect is that Xeolus follows the creature down.


Bob and Endrin share a glance and then leap off the edge into the chasm- underwater the fight is much more difficult for the characters, the Ogre is swiping at Xeolus when the other two arrive. The creature is eventually destroyed, with the Knights concentrating their efforts on moving inside the Ogres spear range and grabbing onto the creature to use their daggers to stab the thing to death.

Before they climb out they do a bit of exploring and eventually turn up a loose cache of silver and gold, behind a rock, which they ferry to the top.

Liandri takes a good hard Licking

Endrin heals himself and the Knights swiftly move over the chasm and into the next chamber without further incident- the new area is bisected by a wooden palisade wall, which is however, only five feet tall.

Xeolus and Liandri shin up and take a look over, the two are having a nosy about-

“There’s a door… it’s got some writing on it.”
“What’s in the compound?” Shouts Bob.
“Nothing as far as I can see… oh hang on there’s a shelf thing this side- I can hear something moving about underneath it.”
“Be careful.”

Xeolus leans over to take a look with Liandri watching him… “UUUaaarrgggh.” Xeolus leaps back nearly tumbling from the wall.

“What is it?” Bob shouts again.
Liandri meanwhile jumps down into the compound- a medium sized Insect-cum-Armadillo creature rushes out to greet him- he begins to back off but the creature advances till it is upon him- it’s snaking tongue licking at his belt and around his private parts.

“Help. Help. I’m being licked, it’s licking me- help me… I don’t know what to do.”

Bob fed up of being out of things gets Endrin to give him a leg up and tumbles over the wall- another creature (the one Xeolus saw) leaps down from the wall and rushes over to greet him also. Xeolus observes the scene, Endrin manages to climb up to watch also.

“What’s it say on the door.” Xeolus shouts.

Liandri’s pants fall down and the first creature sniffs the air and espies Bob- it rushes over to greet him also.

“Stop. Stop now- you’re tickling.”

Liandri picks up his trousers and examines his belt, what’s left of it crumbles as he grasps it- “Oh feck- Gorgoldand you BASTAAAAAAARD.”

Endrin and Xeolus atop the wall begin to laugh, “Rust Monsters- so that’s what they look like”, Endrin states.

“What monsters?” Bob shouts as he begins to notice the edge of his Chainmail shirt redden and crumble- he pushes past the creatures and barrels over the wall.

Xeolus in the meantime stands up and removes his robes- “tackle out” naked, he then climbs down into the compound- Liandri retreats back to the wall- and Bob under Endrins instruction throws the rest of his Chain Shirt over the wall- the Rust Monsters converge upon it to feast.

A matter of thirty seconds later Xeolus has opened the door with the writing on-

“Spelled front to back, it’s a person’s name
Or a protective guard, for certain.
Spelled back to front, it’s what you do
With a bow, blank page, or curtain.”

He spells out “WARD” on four raised wooden dials and the door clicks open.

The rest of the Knights grab their kit and peg it into the next room before the Rust Monsters finish their meal and decide they’re still hungry, Liandri fashions a belt from rope and Bob pines for his armour.

Entering the next area the group discovers a long room with a distinctive black & white tiled floor- a voice speaks to them “many of the squares ahead are trapped,” it says. “I will not tell you where the traps are located, but as you stand upon each square I will tell you how many of the adjacent squares are trapped.”

There follows a massive game of minesweeper which goes swimmingly all four of them on the board working their way to the exit- when they get close a bunch of the little “squeakers” appear and start to throw spears at them. While off putting this is no real hardship- the Knights hold their ground and draw missile weapons- two of the creatures are shot and killed. A third makes a complete fool of himself by overrunning his spear throw and stepping on the square by the exit- there is a bright blue flash and the creatures smoking body falls to the floor.

“Er… don’t put a foot wrong guys”, Liandri offers.

The Knights are soon through this test.

From here the Knights discover a set of stairs leading upwards each step has something written upon it-

“It seems every second or third time I step away, fate is there, without a doubt, to trap my course.”

Which if you read every third word reads-

“Every third step is a trap.”

Not that difficult you would think, what actually happens is this.

Liandri “ I take two steps up the stairs.”
DM “Ok.”
Liandri “Then I take three steps.”
DM “Ok?”
Liandri “I take three steps again.”
DM “Ok.”

And thus it continues till Liandri is at the top of the stair. This was after three of the members of the group had written the message down and spent a good five minutes pondering it- dozens of suggestions were discussed, Liandri just decided to try his luck- the others follow him up.

DM, “Could I just ask how you arrived at that solution?”
Liandri “Er… well it said two then three steps… er… and I just made the rest up.”
DM [sighs] “Fair enough, I suppose.”

The group reaches the top of the stair and the session ends- all in all they have done well, team work aplenty, with some good use of the head- other than to stop arrows (as is customary).

And so endeth the session that is numbered 20.

Next week… attack of the external invigilators.


The Wednesday Knights


Satyrday 11th Mork 2000

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Xeolus Male Human Monk level 1 Priest of Hieroneous level 1 (Kev. H.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)

Gorgoldand’s Gauntlet part deux.

“At the top of the stairs is darkness…”

The Knights’ torches illuminate a room with a metal door at the far end and a number of plaques on the wall, each holding a weapon along with an engraving-

A pair of Siangham (look it up I had to)
“Pa’s Hand Weapons, Gutstickers.”

A Metal Gauntlet
“Pa’s Gauntlet, Fist of Pain.”

A Falchion
“Pa’s sword, islet’s laughter.”

After cautiously (checking for traps etc.) taking the weapons down and distributing them the Knights head over to the door- where a mouth appears and asks-

“Not without the password you don’t. What’s the password?”

A bit of head scratching commences until Xeolus begins to smile and chuckle to himself- he’s a lot happier these days it seems.

Xeolus approaches the door and says-

“Password is let slaughter.”

The door swings open revealing a corridor beyond- Xeolus smirks at the other Knights and strides through- Endrin in the meantime casts Detect Magic and discovers each of the weapons to be magical- the group is overjoyed with their find.

The group enters a large chamber- lit this time by torches, there are four stationary skeletons in the room and a mirror with some writing on it, all on the far wall- cautiously the group creep in.

Xeolus, holy symbol in hand approaches the skeletons-

“Begone foul demons of the nether world, back whence you came, never to ret… oh there made of wood or something.”

Endrin and Bob move to the centre of the chamber and Liandri goes over to the mirror.

“There not real skeletons, they’re carved of something- what does the mirror say?”
“Tirianisportius- whatever that is, I’m just gonna check it for traps.”

The moment Liandri touches the mirror the four skeletons take a step forward, while from the entrance to the room a crashing sound is heard- a portcullis falls, preventing retreat.

The first skeleton slams Xeolus’ holy symbol out of his hand- the group draw weapons and leap into combat. Once again they have trouble as they are all using bladed weapons (except Xeolus with the Magical Metal Gauntlet). The skeletons are incredibly hard many of the Knights’ blows seem to cause little or no damage- it takes a while but in the end they are victorious.

However, their wounds are such that it is necessary to use the last of Xeolus’ and Endrin’s cure spells. They return to the problem of the mirror-

“Try it without the “I’s”, the Skeletons don’t have eyes…” Xeolus once again comes up with the goods.

“Transportus”, Liandri shouts at the mirror.

The surface of the mirror swirls and beyond is an image of an identical room to the one in which they stand except for the pile of treasure at the centre- Liandri rubs his hands together and steps through the portal, the others follow.

In the mirror room they cautiously approach the pile of treasure in the centre of the chamber- each individually calculating there new found worth. When Xeolus and Liandri are within five feet a single coin (gold) picks itself up and lazily wheels itself towards the centre of the room- then another and then another. Soon gems, jewellery and the other items in the pile are coalescing- growing into an amorphous figure made from the treasure. The Knights look on, unsure as to how to react-

“What’s that?”
“D’you reckon it’ll hurt.”
The group turn to stare at the DM.
“Look at ‘im, he’s smiling- bound to be bad for us health.”
“Come on… Come on, let’s get on with it.”

The amorphous blob begins to bulge and form into the shape of a dragon- a Coin Dragon, it slaps it’s tail once making a loud jingling sound, dislodging a few coins, and then flexes it’s wings.

“Not bad.”
The group turn to nod their appreciation to the DM.

The Dragon in the meantime launches a barrage of coins and gems at Liandri and Endrin- Liandri dodges but Endrin is hit ruining his spell. He also notes how the coins expelled (the dragon’s breath weapon) immediately gather themselves up and head back to the dragon, it’s as if the creature is healing itself. Xeolus attacks with the Magic Gauntlet, Liandri & Endrin each with a Magic Siangham and Bob with the Magic Falchion. The fight is difficult the creature is hit a number of times but does a fair amount of damage back- however the outcome is not in question- the four Knights are able to surround the creature and batter it into submission. Eventually it crashes to the ground spilling its contents over the whole of the room- noticeably its spine an engraved longsword.

The Knights look at each other and then leap to the floor scrabbling around for gems, jewels and whatever is around- they stuff there pockets and packs. Note they decide to leave the Longsword there- not wanting to disturb it a second time as they’re all on low hit points. After giving the rest of the room a cursory search, in which they discover some nice leather bound journals, which are inscribed on the cover with the words-

“The Tales of The Wednesday Knights.”

Which makes them all smile. They then head back through the mirror and in the room beyond set up camp for the night- they have no spells left and are all low on hit points, guard duty is decided and the buggers get some much needed rest.
The attack of the External Invigilators.

Sunday 12th Mork 2000.

The next day, healed up to full, the Knights head off out of The Gauntlet- the only thing of note is their momentary return to naturalism (they all get naked) to shoo away the Rust Monsters, with one of the little creatures getting killed in the process.

Armour on they climb back out into the first light of morning and begin to get their bearings, as they do so a loud shout is heard from the bushes approximately 60 or so feet away.

“Cluckin’ ‘ell it’s ‘em. Kufo… Kufo.”

A large Half-Orc rushes into the clearing followed by a human in simple robes, the party also spots a number of creatures (two) hiding in the bushes, possibly creeping closer.

The Half-Orc slows to a walk and unsheathes a huge Greatsword as he does so- he points it at Liandri…

“You die, fecking Elf.” <SPITS>
“Kufo…”, Liandri stammers.
“You know this feck?” Bob asks.
“Remember I said that I lived with some bandits in the Amberdale Forest a while back, this… feck, was the self-appointed leader of our group.”

Kufo rocks back on his heels and smiles, the robed figure takes a fighting stance and stares directly at Xeolus who throws down his weapon and does likewise, both awaiting the signal to go at it Karate Kid style.

“What was he like?” Bob continues.
“As thick as pig-poo, a right dick.”

Kufo’s smile disappears, “Now you die.” With that the Half-Orc begins screaming (raging) where he stands and then rushes at Liandri with his Greatsword. The Monks rush at each other all arms, legs, fists, knees, heads and elbows; Endrin and Bob meanwhile reach for their bows and return fire at the two hiding in the bushes.

Xeolus delivers a beautifully executed kick to his opponents’ ribs- there is a crunching sound the Monk’s breath becomes ragged. He receives a smack in the jaw back as his opponent attempts a “flurry of blows”, however the fight is soon over when Xeolus grapples his opponent and in the same move delivers a heavy blow to the guys temple- the Monks head snaps back and he goes limp.

Meanwhile Liandri is hit by a dagger thrown by Kufo, Liandri draws his longsword and charges in delivering a vicious hit. In the next moment he is struck back and slashed across the chest and neck reducing part of his armour to peek-a-boo style.

In the background the firefight is fairly short and sweet, the two in the bushes miss with their initial volley- however Bob & Endrin are much better shots. The first creature, a female human in leathers, is struck in the arm by Endrin and drops her crossbow and scarpers. The second, a male dwarf, also in leathers is hit in the chest by Bob and begins to back off protecting his partners retreat- this however does not last. Before he can reload and fire he is caught in the throat and falls to the floor screaming and kicking, where he soon expires.

Back at the main to-do Kufo is a whirling dervish, however Liandri is small and nippy (like a little crab)- the Half-Orc fails to connect, Liandri on the other hand strikes thrice and the stumbling Half-Orc finally goes to visit whatever Deity he pays lip service to. Liandri kicks the creature spits on him and then robs him of every penny he has- there’s nothing like justice Liandri style.

While Xeolus protests, and is cut short by a sneer, he decapitates the creature and shoves Kufo’s head in a sack, to collect the reward later. He knows there’s a reward as Kufo carries a copy of his own wanted poster.

After a bit of healing the group piss off sharpish back to Fiddle, where they meet up with Gorgoldand.

The above was taken from “Gorgoladand’s Gauntlet” from Dungeon magazine- I think if you look about there’s also a copy of it somewhere on the web. All in all it’s a cracking little scenario, oh and if you’re playing D20 D&D and not subscribing to Dungeon magazine then shame on you.. rectify the situation immediately.
Here We Go… Pre-Ramble.

Later the same day the group are de-briefed (er… perhaps not the correct term) by Gorgoldand- who then goes on to talk about their new quest. It’s also worth noting at this point that the Magic weapons they found (Gauntlet, Falchion etc.) have disappeared- and when they tell Gorgoldand that they left the longsword from the Coin Dragon in the dungeon he just looks at them and shakes his head.

The Knights are told about the Hucrele family and their importance locally, they are given a brief descriptions of Talgon and Sharwyn, the missing son and daughter, and are told that there were others present in their adventuring group. They hear a little about “The Sunless Citadel”, the missing groups last known location. This done they are told of the great rewards that can be theirs-

Return of Sharwyn/Talgon alive $1,250 for each (Hucrele’s)
Complete mapping of area $2,500 (Gorgoldand)

Gorgoldand sees that they are equipped for the road and lends them swift steeds, with that they are off to Oakhurst-two and a half days travel, and the home of the Hucrele’s.

Next week… Into The Sunless Citadel.

And so endeth session 21.


The Wednesday Knights


Chewsday 14th Mork 2000

The Pre-Ramble continues.

Characters present
Liandri Male Half-Elf Rogue level 2 Wizard level 1 (Kev. M.)
Xeolus Male Human Monk level 1 Priest of Hieroneous level 1 (Kev. H.)
Endrin Male Human Bard level 3 Sorcerer level 1 (Wayne)
Bob Male Human Ranger level 2 (Emma)
Whirlwind Male Human Fighter level 1 (Erin)

The Knights arrive in Oakhurst and do the rounds, looking for clues before they set of to the Sunless Citadel itself. They spend the remainder of the day going around town where they learn that the Hucrele group set off to the Citadel a little over two weeks ago. There were four adventurers in the group- Sharwyn & Talgon Hucrele, Sir Bradford (a Paladin- Endrin nods his head sagely) and a local Ranger called Karakis. They also discover that there are small rewards for the safe return of the other two. Further investigation reveals that there are Goblins at/in the Sunless Citadel, and that each year they sell a fruit (a ruby-red apple) to the highest bidder. Bob learns that a few farmers have paid for seeds from the plant in an attempt to grow their own- only the saplings that grow from the seeds are always stolen. The Fruit is extremely valuable as it is supposed to cure all ailments- although none have seen it do so. Bob also learns that the farmers about no longer allow their cattle to graze near the Citadel as a number of them have been attacked and wounded or killed, with long jagged claw marks on their bodies.

With all the new information pooled and after stocking up with two weeks worth of food each, healing potions and plenty of other equipment they head off. The last stop the Hucrele household where the lady of the house bids them a teary farewell and makes them promise to return with her children.
Into the Abyss (the shallow end with armbands).

Woodnesday 15th Mork 2000.

The three hour journey up the Old Road to the Citadel passes without a hitch, once there the group search around the old ruins and discovers a crevasse with a rope hanging over the edge. A little more searching reveals the remains of several old campfires and some graffiti in a language they cannot read (Goblin). Eventually Endrin secures a fresh rope to an immovable object (fingers crossed) and Liandri climbs down to a ledge some thirty or so feet below.

“What’s it like?”
“It’s like a ledge.”
“Oh. Anything there?”
“Some steps going down, a pile of rubble and stuff… oh and a huge rat.”
“A what? A hat?”

“Liandri… Liandri… LIANDRI, WHAT SORT OF HAT?”

The Dire Rat leaps out of the rubble and Liandri swats it away- killing it instantly, he is about to respond to Endrin’s calls when another Dire Rat appears- the fight lasts a further 10 seconds.

“No, A RAT. R-A-T.”

Endrin- reacts, “Pelor he’s in trouble.”

Endrin and Xeolus climb down the rope in double quick time only to discover the ledge is empty no sign of Liandri,

“He… He’s gone.”
“Probably went over the ledge- look he killed two of them, bastard rats.”
Xeolus kicks a dead rat over the ledge- it disappears into the darkness.

“He was… so… young.”
“Actually he was over a hundred.”
“Oh. Ok.”
The two look at each other and smile wanly before Endrin tries again.
“He… was… a good… person… at heart… deep down… y’know… inside… probably.”

“Who was?” Liandri sneaks up behind the two peering over the side, they both jump in surprise.
“What THE feck, you bastard- you did that on purpose.”
Xeolus shakes his head and moves back to hold the rope, “you’re cruel Liandri- we thought you’d gone over the edge.”
“Where have you been fecker?”
“I was keeping hidden and staying silent- I’ve been down the steps, you should see it there’s a feck off big castle down there.”
“Well why the feck didn’t you tell us that you were hiding and creeping about- you scared the poo out of me… I mean Xeolus, (whispers) he was terrified.”
“You want me to shout you to tell you that I’m hiding and moving silently?”
“Always. Now let’s not say any more about it… especially that bit about Xeolus being terrified, y’know what he’s like- it’s his nerves.”
“I don’t know about his nerves, he gets on my fecking nerves.”

“Endrin. Bob and Whirlwind still haven’t climbed down. D’you want me to go and get them”, Xeolus asks peering upwards into the light.

Back on the surface Bob and Whirlwind are momentarily surprised when two pieces of vegetation come alive and attempt to tumble them into the chasm- they’re fighting with their backs to the drop.

The creatures are only three or so feet high but are proving resilient- well for about twenty seconds anyway, Whirlwind takes a cut but there are no other mishaps, the two head down the rope.

“Fecking keep up Bob, will ya’.”

The group march down the stairs, the Citadel slowly reveals itself to them as they head down a good 80 feet. At the bottom, the stairs end in a courtyard that was obviously once the top of some battlements- the entire area (and that beyond the battlements) is full of loose stone and rock- treacherous footing. Liandri leads the way but even he finds the going tough, several of the other members of the group are reduced to crawling on all fours, which becomes a problem when another couple of Dire Rats appear, they however are soon despatched. Liandri espies an almost clear section and heads for it.


The trapdoor/pit opens and Liandri falls within, inside waiting for him- gnawing on an old bone, is another Dire Rat. Liandri experiences a moment of déjà vu before wading into the creature. The others make their way over to watch.

“I’ve never seen an Elven Pit Fighter before.”
“Liandri, you should’a been born a Dwarf.”

They eventually get him out and head through the door into the Citadel itself.

Into the Citadel.

The first room is a circular chamber, a hollowed out tower with all the above floors collapsed, within the room are the dead bodies of four goblins. The group checks the bodies and then discovers some runes written in Draconic on the wall “Ashardalon”, Endrin writes it down just in case.

Liandri not content with the two possible exits finds a secret door on the southern wall-

“What’s up?”
“I was trying to find a way to open this door here when…”
Liandri holds his hand up to show the needle sticking out of the palm of his hand… “I think I’m going to…”, the Elf goes all woozy and sits down abruptly.

“I’ve been poisoned… I’m… dying.”
Liandri begins to suck out the venom. Actually what happened is he rolled a “1” on his disable traps and is convinced he’s on the way out- in the meantime the door begins to slowly open- pushing from the other side are three skeletons that leap to attack.

Liandri continues to roll around on the floor bemoaning his fate, “I feel all weak”, and, “Oh there’s a tunnel of light- help me Correllan.”

During this time the intrepid explorers batter heck out of the skeletons, which is once again not as easy as it sounds with no bludgeoning weapons to hand. I can’t remember how many times I’ve pointed this out to them but hey-ho, what can you do with them- I ask you.

The fight over Xeolus goes over and casts Detect Poison on Liandri only to discover that the Elf is not poisoned.

“Oh, so I’m not dying?”
“So I should probably get up off the floor and stop rolling around making an arse of myself.”

Liandri gets up and dusts himself down. Xeolus in the meantime wanders off through the north door into a corridor. Half way down he throws open a door on the right hand side and discovers a group of Kobolds who react by attacking him with spears.

“You guys, a little help please.”

The rest of the group comes rushing down the corridor- Xeolus has gone all Chop-Socky and is doing ok when Bob wades in, the fight is soon over- three dead Kobolds. Meanwhile there is another door further down the corridor and a more intricate stone door opposite the Kobold chamber.

Xeolus comes out of the room and heads down to the far door, Endrin and Whirlwind rush to catch him up, meanwhile Liandri, with Bob for support, takes a look at the stone door. The party is effectively split into two groups, Liandri & Bob open the stone door to reveal a barrel with a number of pipes leading from it- Liandri tries to wrench the top (a sort of bung) off.

“Why are you doing that Liandri?”
“Breaking it open?”
“D’uh- that’s what I do, I’m a bit dodgy, a bit wheeee. I’m a geezer- I nick stuff- that’s what I do. Now you stand there and look hard and tell me if anyone comes along that’s not us. Kushtee.”
Bob nods and scans the corridor, at the far end Xeolus, Endrin and Whirlwind open the door into a much larger room.

Inside of the new chamber are a bent and buckled cage, a fire pit (no fire lit), a few benches and things, and what looks to be a very small Kobold on the floor making sobbing noises.

Xeolus approaches the Kobold and lifts him up with one hand-

“What’s he saying?”
“I dunno.”
“Bad Meepo, bad… bad… Meepo.”
The quivering Kobold slaps himself in the face- full force.
“Dragon gone… bad Meepo… bad.”
“What did he just say”
There are a large number of doors and exits to this room- Endrin after discovering an icy patch on the floor (the hard way), opens one; several more Kobolds armed with spears lurch towards him- he slams the door shut.


And from back down the corridor with Liandri and Bob-

“…ing Hell.”

The bung pops out of the barrel and a small (18 inches tall) translucent blue-ish watery figure squeezes out of the hole- it grins at Liandri.

“You’ve gotta see this Bob.”

The creature unfurls fragile looking wings that also seem to be made of water and flaps them once or twice until they are a buzz and the creature hovers in the air. Bob reaches out slowly to pet the creature, whilst saying in a loud dumb voice “we mean you no harm.”

The creature lifts one leg and produces a strange sound-


Kinda like the noise when you fart in the bath- a thin gas like steam fills the area- Liandri and Bob begin to choke (Stinking Cloud spell).

“Feck me what’s he been eating?”
“I don’t know just get him.”

The creature flies off down the corridor towards the other party members, now getting friendly with a whole host of Kobolds, then switches back over the heads of Liandri and Bob, who are just beginning to breath easy. As it does so it showers them with a spray of stinging acid- Bob and Liandri’s faces begin to blister. The creature heads along the corridor and out into the tower and upwards, Bob manages to squeeze off an arrow shot that wings the creature before it disappears out of sight.

Liandri goes back to kicking the crap out of the barrel, while Bob heads for the Kobold fight.

Meanwhile back with the others.
“Here.” Xeolus holds Meepo up.
“No I meant behind this door.”
“And there.”

Endrin looks to where Whirlwind is pointing another door is slightly ajar with a Kobold looking out into the room, another of the creatures is attempting to creep by- out of a different exit. Whirlwind rushes over and slays the thing- he then heads over to the door, which has been slammed shut by now, and kicks the thing open. As he does so an arrow is fired from above the door and slams into the floor just behind him.

“Right that does it.”

Endrin holds the other door shut he can hear and feel the Kobolds trying to break out- Whirlwind returns twenty seconds later, “all dead”, he then bows.

Xeolus meanwhile has a plan, he address’ Meepo-

“Listen I’m going to let you go, I will not harm you but you need to go in there and talk to them- I want to speak to whoever’s in charge here. Do you understand- on my word I will not harm you.”
“Yusdrayl big Queen.” Meepo replies and then nods.
“Right Endrin open the door, you [to Meepo] tell them you’re coming in.”

Meepo begins to yammer in Draconic while Xeolus throws him into the room one handed.

It is at this point that a small blue translucent watery type creature flies into the room and then out again- alas no one is looking in the right direction to see it.

After about thirty seconds Endrin, with his ear pressed to the door, begins to hear someone taking a pounding- it sounds like it’s Meepo. He opens the door and looks in, Meepo (the go-between Kobold) is taking a beating from his own side, it seems he’s not the most popular of Kobolds.

“Right that’s it, you’ve had your chance- I’ve tried to sort this out amicably- but oh no, not you lot- it starts with pushing and then someone says something about someone else’s mother…”
“Kaarrggh Deerst Fhar…”
“That’s as maybe, but it solves nothing… do you think I like doing this, do you?”
There are four Kobolds standing looking at each other, Meepo lies on the floor- where the others dropped him, they are all taking it in turns to stare at the red in the face Endrin who’s shouting at them.
“Well I don’t. I’ve had a hard day- I’ve been attacked by Skeletons and Dire Rats and the like and we’ve only just started- Pelor knows what lies ahead.”

Endrin looks exasperated Whirlwind and Bob have crept into the room to listen to this.
“So you are all my prisoners, what I say goes- do you understand? Nod your heads.”
Meepo says something and the Kobolds nod enthusiastically.
“Right, good… I’m glad we’ve got that straightened out… now take me to your leader.”
Meepo nods enthusiastically once more, “Yusdrayl”, the other Kobolds nod and for the first time begin to smile…

Yusdrayl the Kobold Queen.

The Knights are led down smoky corridors to an even larger and much smokier throne room- sitting on a makeshift throne is Yusdrayl the Kobold Queen. She is flanked by eight or so Kobolds, another two dozen have wandered into the chamber to see what the fuss is about- news of the Wednesday Knights arrival has spread fast.

The Knights notice that behind the throne is a large altar shaped like a dragon- the dragons mouth is open and a key is held within its jaws, also on the altar is a smattering of strange, and therefore interesting, items.

“I am Yusdrayl… Kobold Queen, I rule here, kneel before me.”
Endrin looks at the others, he sort of nods and the others follow suit, “er… majesty.”

“Why have you entered my domain… land of the mighty Kobold warriors… home to…”
“Can I cut you short there, only we haven’t really got time for all this- look we’re after some other humans they came in here about two weeks ago- four of them a bird and three fellers- seen ‘em?”
“I have seen the four you speak of, they were indeed here many moons ago, they killed Burt and Fat Alec, no loss really, and then headed off into Goblin territory… the bastards.”
The other Kobolds boo and hiss at the mention of the Goblins.
“Goblins you say- where are they at, and are there many of them?”
“The vile Goblins are our sworn enemies, they are coarse and vile and not refined and civilised like wot we are.”
“Dragon, Dragon majesty”, Meepo shouts.
Yusdrayl nods at one of her guards who wanders over to Meepo and punches him in the nose.
“Dank you dadjesty.” Meepo shuts up.
“Ah yes the Dragon- our dragon ‘Cornflakes’ has been taken from us by the vile, uncivilised, ruffian…
“Cut to the chase.”
“…Goblins, and we wish for you to go unto the Goblin legions and smite them like they’ve never been smite’ed before.”
“Now that sounds more like it… and you say that these Goblins have also got the four humans we are in search of- doesn’t sound too bad.”
Endrin looks at the others who all murmur approval and nod their heads.
“All we’ve got to do now is sort out our recovery fee…”
Yusdrayl looks non-plussed for a while, “fee, what is fee?”
“Well, let’s see you’ve got your basic recovery mission that’ll be… say a hundred dollars, then there’s the fact that it’s a dragon- dangerous animals you see, not cheap- all adds up, another hundred lets say. Then there’s the wear and tear on equipment, a small charge for any spells and/or magic items that we use, then obviously there’s the insurance money- I think it would be safe to say that I can tick the box for hostile environment. All told… we’ll do it for a pony.”
“A pony- a small horse?”
“$500 to you… your maj.”
“Yusdrayl does not bargain with human scum…”
There follows a mutual drawing of swords, the odds are stacked in favour of the Kobolds but many of them work out quickly that there are bound to be many casualties. The moment passes.
“There are a number of items atop the altar behind me including this magical key which cannot be removed from the Dragons mouth save by one blessed by the Dragons- only I may remove it. I will allow you take one item from our treasures if you succeed in retrieving our dragon ‘Cornflakes’, another item may be yours if you kill many Goblins. Do we have a deal.”
Liandri mooches over to the altar to get a better look, a number of the Kobold guards try to keep him at a distance.
“Dunno, there’s not much here.”
“Oh feck it- we’re going that way anyway, what harm can it do?”
“Well human scum?”
“I’ve fecking told you about that, any more and you’ll get a slap… ok we’ll do it, and we’ll take this one- ‘Meepo’ to show us the way.”
Several of the other Kobolds brighten up at the thought of Meepo going away for a bit- as does Meepo himself.
“Very well and so be it and that, you shall take Meepo and venture into the vile and spiteful and nasty and rude Goblin lair and make the meat of mince out of them. And you will return to us our beautiful and lovely dragon, that is Cornflakes- and you shall be rewarded with great and lovely and great again treasures- for I Yusdrayl Queen of all Kobolds have spoken and thus it is written, word up.”
“Oh and watch for the one that they call Meepo for he is small and annoying and as you humans say… crap.”
“er… Ok, we’re going now- be back soon.”

The Knights alternately wave and push through the Kobold guards- kicking Meepo out in front of them, “which way Meepo?”

“Oh were going to get our Dragon,
We’re going to get our Dragon,
A Dragon, a Dragon,
We’re going to get our Dragon,
Cornflakes, Cornflakes, Cornflakes,
Were going to get our Dragon…”

And a small voice in the distance, “… I warned you.”

And so endeth session 22.

Next week… When is a rat not a rat? When it’s a shield, eh?

Oh and we’ve a new player Erin, who’s playing Whirlwind until she rolls up a character of her own- say hello Erin, “hello Erin”, now play nicely.

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