The World of Greyhawk's Beastmen


Creature Cataloguer
Medium-Size Humanoid
Hit Dice: 2d8+2 (11 hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
Attacks: Handaxe +1 melee; blowgun +2 ranged; net +2 ranged touch
Damage: Handaxe 1d6; blowgun 1d3 and poison; net (see PHB for special rules)
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Poison
Special Qualities: SR 27
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 11
Skills: Hide +12*, Listen +4, Move Silently +3, Spot +4, Wilderness Lore +3
Feats: Alertness

Climate/Terrain: Warm forest
Organization: Solitary, war party (2-12), or tribe (40-60)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Often neutral good
Advancement: By character class

Beastmen are a primitive race of jungle-dwelling, hunter-gatherer humanoids. These short people are 5 feet tall and resemble slender, naked, furry humans. Their skin is covered by a thick coat or coarse black fur, on top of which is a fine layer of various shades of green fur. This black fur becomes erect as the beastman moves, instinctively causing it to create striped or spotted patterns that serve as camouflage.
Beastmen do not have a specific spoken language, but communicate with each other through an intricate system of speech, gestures, and fur movement.

Beastmen prefer to avoid all contact with outsiders, but always defend themselves and their tribe. Their camouflage ability, along with their spell resistance, makes them dangerous adversaries. They attack with stone axes, and sometimes halfspears and daggers. They also carry blowguns tipped with a deadly poison. When they wish to take an opponent prisoner, they use a large, heavy net. Such prisoners are stripped of all possessions, and banished far away from the beastman tribe.
Poison: Blowgun darts; DC 14; initial damage 0; secondary damage death.
Skills: Beastmen receive a +12 racial bonus to Hide checks, in their natural forested habitat.

Beastman tribes are led by chiefs, though there is no set system of rulership. Every day the tribe's chief can be a different individual, as a new chief simply steps up and adopts the role of leadership, as dictated by the needs of the tribe at the moment. Leadership is not an honor, but a duty to be carried out when one's skills are called for.
Beastman culture is egalitarian, and there is no class system. Pregnant mothers are treated with respect and reverence, and all members of the community assist in rearing young. A tribe lives a communal lifestyle, often forming group marriages between several adults. Beastmen are self-sufficient as a race, and as such they have no need of trade with other races.

The beastman first appeared in Greyhawk Adventures (1988), and later appeared in the Greyhawk Monstrous Compendium, MC5 (1990).

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Magus Darkholme

First Post
NiTessine said:
But what's their favored class? I'm assuming ranger...

And Magus Darkholme... You're thinking of the alaghi.

Alaghi, that was it! I can't believe I forgot. :eek:
So, I guess they were right... really does kill brain cells.:D


Creature Cataloguer
Magus Darkholme said:
Alaghi, that was it! I can't believe I forgot. :eek:
So, I guess they were right... really does kill brain cells.:D

Oh, Lisa. Now let's go back to... that place where the TV and beds... is.

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