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Theandric: Journeyman


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[sblock](Matthius can lead the way. He can also tell you there is no inn in the village,, not surprisingly.)[/sblock]

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Valeria just follows along quietly at the moment, having little interest in the village itself, and with it already dark out, and the villagers all secured away in their little hovels, she has little hope of entertaining herself with a mundane daliance with a local youth.


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Matthius scratches his head. It's been a while since he was here, but he recalls the houses as smaller back then, and the village looked different too... perhaps his memory is failing him.
Traveling to where he remembers the Rezini household, he is relived to hear the sounds of animals from within and even their smell through the wintery air. Although the house is definitely not what it used to be.

Upon knocking, Slostav Rezini opens a heavy door. Though the patriarch of the family, he is still a fairly young man, with a brown mustache and a happy demeanor. Upon seeing Matthius his face lights up. "Matthius! It's been too long since we've talked." He grabs the old man amiacly on the shoulder. "But what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" He surveys the others quizzingly, surprised at seeing so many companions. His eyes widen as he takes in the rich clothing some of them wear.

Through the doorway the light of the hearth fire twinkles, and Slostav's (only) boy peers through at you. You can also spot at least two goats, munching over something, tied to a pole near the far wall. There is a smell of something cooking, some vegetable stew by the smell of it.

The door is bulky and strange. Anyone trained in Architecture or Carpentry can notice at once that it is made out of an unnaturally big single piece of wood, and rests on its hinges rather than being pittoned into place, its own weight giving it support and stability.

OOC: I've taken control of Matthius a bit. Sorry, but there were no posts for some time.


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Mattihus returns the greeting. "Hello Slostav old friend. It indeed has been too long. Ah, I see you are surprised at my companions. They are a group of... " he hesitates for a moment and Titus interrupts.

"Artisans, Herr Rezini." he bows. "We are artists travelling through the area. Mattihus was good enough to guide us, and as it grew dark, he suggested that we seek shelter for the night in your fine village. Please forgive our imposition, we will be most happy to repay you for any inconvenience if we may stay here for the night. Allow me to introduce Lady Valeria, our minstrel Malloc and our guardsman, Lucas. I would like to tell you about ourselves and would dearly like to get to know you and learn more about your charming village."

Mattihus nods along with Titus. "What do you say, Slostav? I can vouch for these people, they are good, friendly, and fair...."

[sblock]Yair, FYI, I have no objection to you taking control of Mattihus any time you need to, of course. Thanks![/sblock]


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Slostav smiles at the minsterl. "Well, we'll be honored to have such esteemed company." He bows slightly to the Lady. "You are welcome to stay the night - although I fear it will be a bit crowded, with the animals and all, and I can't offer you meat. We can sure use some interesting tales, though." He looks at the minstrel, and clears the way.

Behind him the building is essentially one big room with most of the animals in a small stockade at one end. Apparently the stockade isn't big enough, as some are tied to odd ends throughout the room. There is a thick stench in the room, which is anything but appetizing.
Slostav's son quickly pesters Malloc to tell him a story, and his wife is busy cooking on the fire. She grumbles about not having enough food, but after a very quick and quiet exhange in Slavic starts adding more vegetables to what looks to be a soup.


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Valeria smiles toward the hosts and pleasantly observes their exchange. Guessing at the subject of derision, she ventures, "Perhaps we might share with you some of our own provisions," she says, gesturing to their ample bags, "We do not wish to burden your hospitality any more than is necessary."

She then gestures for Lukas to fetch some bread and meat from their packs.

Lukas and Malloc

Lukas goes to fetch bread as the Lady asks, he pulls out one from the bags Rodolf made and hand it out to the house keeper.
The tunes fills the room, the incident with the werewolf pass from the humans hearts and thoughts, Mallok's music penetrates deep, and his tells are fascinating
when he finish to tell the story of a brave knight that ventured into the forests to seek the fairy folk, Malloc says with polite voice to Slostav. [enchantment music]
This story is a local legend in my land, are their any stories like that over here? any fairy folk that we might know off?


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Olsa, Slostav's wife, accepts the bread with a surprised smile and a short "thank you". By the time the food is ready, Malloc has just finished his tale.

Slostav shifts uncomfortably at the question, but his son is quick to blurt out an answer. "Lots of them! We went to their court last autumn, it..."
Slostav sharply interrupts him. "Hanon! Be quiet." For the first time he is actually angry. "Remember what we talked about."
He returns to the minstrel. "My son has a... vivid imagination. You remember last autumn, those aweful Knights came looking for more taxes, and burned down the fields? Well, we hid in the forests. There were some... things there, in the background, moving just beyond this realm. But they didn't attack us, Grozny made peace with them. You'll have to talk to him about that, he knows about such things."
His wife is giving her child a very cold stare.

OOC: Slostav isn't a good liar, and it pretty clear he isn't telling all the truth. There is also no way the knights would have burned down the fileds without burning down the village, and there are no marks of such damage.


fealing the fear when Slostav talks, Mallok decides not to push further.
God is your widness, Slostav.
He smiles back to him
who is Grozny and where can we meet him, maybe you can invite him to dinner with us, we shall bring more food and fresh fruit.

OOC: Yair.
I'm going to some field training in the army, I'll be back this Friday, so play Lukas and Mallok.
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