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Theandric: Journeyman


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"Herr Rezini, we have heard tale of the predations of these knights. Alas, I am afraid there are those who would abuse the authority that the church gives them... Let us discuss this with Herr Grozny on the morrow..." Seeing the discomfort in discussing these matters, Titus tries to change the subject.

"One of my areas of artistic interest is sculpture as well as architecture. Your dwelling is fascinating to me... if I'm not mistaken, your door is fashioned out of a singular piece of wood, and the hingework is like none I've seen in the area. Is this your handiwork, Herr Rezini? My complements if so. I should like to learn your technique someday."

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Valeria sips from her soup, then smiles to the hosts to show her appreciation for their efforts. She would prefer a more hearty meal, but she is content to suffer through the night on peasant's fare. Still, she doesn't like that this Rezini so blatantly tries to withhold something from them.

After a few more sips, she speaks:

"Perhaps, my good sir, you can enlighten us with more specific advice and warning. Yesterday we encountered a young man - a courier of some fashion - who told us a most fascinating tale. He spoke of having been attacked by a most ferocious beast in the woods. By all accounts this beast was but a mere stag - and the young man indeed had wounds to testify to this - but his telling was almost beyond belief. He spoke of a stag of massive proportions, and black as midnight, with a malicious cunning. I have heard tell of beasts of such magnificence only in stories, and though I find his account hard to believe, I find myself fascinated by the possibility of seeing such a creature for myself. But alas, the young man told us even more frightening tales of men that take on the shape of wolves and prowl the night. This, I thought, on top of his already bold tale of the stag, is surely fallacy - and such I told him, to be sure, before he went on his way - but afterwards, I must confess, I found myself considering the ramifications. And the wolf cries we heard earlier this night caused me to recall his words and, I tell you, send shudders through me." She pauses a moment to eye Rezini (and his son) to judge their reactions to her words. "Do you know anything of such creatures... this stag or these man-wolves?"

Valeria obstensibly returns her attention to her soup, but she keeps a close eye on her hosts.


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Malloc said:
fealing the fear when Slostav talks, Mallok decides not to push further.
God is your widness, Slostav.
He smiles back to him
who is Grozny and where can we meet him, maybe you can invite him to dinner with us, we shall bring more food and fresh fruit.
Slostav shifts again at the mention of God, but is relieved when Grozny's name is brought up. "Grozny is the village leader, yes, you should go see him in the morning. He could answer all your questions, I'm sure."
Slostav considers an answer to Titus, but Valeria's comments find him more ready with a reply.
"He was attacked by the Black Stag?! That is ... unheard of. Surely... he didn't venture into the forest? That is forbidden. Not without... well, if you want to hunt in the forest, you have to placate its spirit, you know. You can't take without giving, no, that is just wrong." He sips a quick sip of soup. "Grozny takes care of such things."
"As for the werewolves..."
again he hesitates, then smiles. "They won't enter here. You're always safe at Slawno [that's the name of the village]. Don't let the howls frighten you off."

OOC: Don't get hurt in the Miluim, Roy.


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Valeria feigns surprise at confirmation of the existence of the beasts: "Oh my, how exciting."

She then probes for further revelations: "Is it possible for one to observe these creatures... from a safe distance, of course? And do you know what must be done to appease this forest spirit you speak of?"


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Nzld said:
"Is it possible for one to observe these creatures... from a safe distance, of course? And do you know what must be done to appease this forest spirit you speak of?"
"Oh, werewolves are not some circus animals to watch, milady. No, no. They are dangerous, cunning things. Don't go hunting for them, or you will become the hunted. But again - you'll not find them here."
"For matters of spirits and faeries, you really should talk to Grozny. All I can tell you is this - don't take without giving. Give presents to the wood, and travel lightly or lie in wait. The fores'ts bounty will be revealed to you in equal measure. But if you try to stealthily sneak in and take it like a thief... then you shouldn't be surprised if some black stag comes hunting after you in turn, I say."

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Pavel, bored and still stuck in his raven form outside the inn, decides to fly a few laps around the building, checking the perimeter and generally nosing about. If he doesn't find anything, he finds a safe perch on the roof and settles in for the night.


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Pavel notics another man approaching the house. He is about 40 years old, but rough and tough looking. He wears a cape made of various pelts, and various small talismans hang from his belt like ornaments from a christmas tree. As he nears the house, he notices Pavel and stops, eyeing him with scrutiny.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Pavel cocks his head to the side and lets out a small, inquisitive crow. He flaps his wings a few times, puffs up his chest, and settles in, staring at the man.


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"This Grozny must be a most interesting man," Valeria muses, accepting that little more information will be forthcoming from her hosts.


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Titus yawns, then nods, concurring with Valeria. "Well, it is getting late, perhaps we should turn in for the night." He didn't relish the thought of spending the night in these primitive conditions, but it was better than out in the woods. He felt a brief pang of guilt as he remembered Puck, Volkmar and Pavel... The thought of them outside in the cold was pathetic. It made him remember Mattihus's story about the leader of this town leaving one of his slaves out to die in the cold. Still, he trusted Volkmar to take care of himself, Pavel would be fine in one of his animal forms, and who knew if a half faerie thing like Puck even felt cold?

"Herr Renzini, I thank you again for your hospitality. Your home should be cozy with so many in it tonight. Is there any particular place you would like us to sleep?" He gathers his cloak and mentally prepares himself for a night on the hard floor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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