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Theandric: Journeyman

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Kajamba Lion said:
Pavel cocks his head to the side and lets out a small, inquisitive crow. He flaps his wings a few times, puffs up his chest, and settles in, staring at the man.
The man keeps one eye on the bird as he nears the house. He peers through a window, stealthily, concentrates, and then looks very surprised. Perhaps a bit frightened. He then hurries back the way he came, still sending Pavel and the hut an occasional look until he rounds a nearby building.

It's morning, and although cloudy and cold the weather is otherwise pleasant. The night was at least warm in the Rezini's house, although not very comfortable. The village is a bit sleepy this deep into winter, with few people venturing outside their homes.
Slostav is somewhat relieved to send you off on your way, pointing the way to Grozny's house. Before you leave, his son discreetly approaches Mallok and hands him a small tangle of leaves and flowers, tied with a thin leather cord. "If you meet the princess, give her this. Tell her I made it myself." He quickly looks at his parents to make sure they didn't notice, and pretends to attend to the goats.

Grozny's house is not exceptional in any way, indeed all the houses in the village are remarkebly consistent in build (not identical, but very similar in size and construction). It is near the forest's edge, not far from the Rezini's. When you approach, you find an old woman waiting for you, sitting before the doorway. With an emotionless face she motions to the side, where you see a man sitting a few hundred feet away, right next to the forest's trees. "He is waiting for you."

Grozny, sits inside a circle of crushed petals. He is busy chanting prayers in Slavic, but stops as you near him before you can make them out. Laying a bone wand capped with a leather pouch in his lap, he simply stares at you as you approach.

OOC: The house is in the direction Pavel saw the man walking, and the man was Grozny.

Lukas & Mallok

Lukas whisper to the magi
I suggets we do it quick and get the answers, we are already lost a day, the stag's foot prints are fading in the forest.
It's a lovely day sir
says Mallok and shakes Grozni's hand.
we are here because we heard that you are the most wise man in the village and you can answer us a few Questions.


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Grozny shakes Malloc's hands reluctantly, then snatches his back. "You have the witching ways about you, all of you." He looks at the raven. "You too! Think you can fool old village fool, do you? I can see through you." He loos at Valeria. "Filthy witches, dancing naked, cavorting with animals."
His voice cracks. "You've bested my guardian, aye, I give you that. So the Animals have come into the place of Man, yes? You've come, in your animal forms" he glances at Pavel, "and you have come to prey." He sighs, and suddenly looks much older. "What will it take? It can't be just blood, or the Rezini's would be dead by now. What do you want?"


First Post
Titus takes in the setting as they approach Grozny's house. He studies first the old woman and then Grozny himself, taking particular interest in the circle of petals that surround him. Mallok's greeting, and Grozny's response, snap him out of his reverie.

"Ah, Herr Grozny," he greets the man. "For one so perceptive, you have us all wrong. We come here in peace, with our friend Mattihus, who you may remember, who is friends of the Rezinis. We mean you and your people no harm. Indeed we did slay a wolf on the way here, but it was only in self-defense, and its death was regrettable.

"But I shall get to the point. I-- and my comrades-- are students, and we have come to this place to learn; nothing more. We will take naught from you but your wisdom, for there are many things here that are of interest to us. As strangers, we ask that you educate us in your customs so that we not wrong you. We are not witches, though our search for knowledge in some ways parallels theirs. And judging from your raimnent, we share some curriculum even with you. I'll not lie to you on this, Herr Grozny. We are magus, come to study the curious decrease in various auras that our fellows have observed. Surely one with knowledge and perception such as yourself may have noticed these fluctuations with some concern. The magic goes away, Herr Grozny.... the magic goes away."

Titus pauses to judge Grozny's response.


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MummyKitty said:
Titus takes in the setting as they approach Grozny's house. He studies first the old woman and then Grozny himself, taking particular interest in the circle of petals that surround him.
Taking a close look, Titus also notices a young lass within the house, which looks out with interest but quickly hides from sight once she's been detected.
The circle of crushed leaves lies on top of the snow, although the snow cover is light where Grozny is sitting. The crushed leaves are hard to identify without a spell, but it is consistent with a ward.

"You lie" snarles Grozny. "Phah! Self defense! It wouldn't have attacked you if you weren't a skin changer, and only witchery would have let you stand up to it. But it does not matter." He raises his hand. "If it is my secrets you seek, you should know they are not mine to give. I can lead you to those who can teach them, if that is what you came here for."

OOC: When they raise their Parmas in the morning, the magi feel a slight upsurge, like one might expect in a minor magical or faerie aura.
Grozny seems to recognize Matthius, but all pretty much ignores the old man.


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Valeria gives Malloc a slight nod of acknowledgement, but signals for him to keep such comments to himself while the situation is still so tense.

"Tis true, my kind sir, that there is a skinchanger amongst us," she says, giving an indication in Pavel's direction, "but surely you are not saying you believe us all to be skinchangers? As for ourselves, having heard the stories of the werewolves that prowl these forests, and then having come upon such a fearsome - yet magnificent - beast, we had little recourse at the time of its attack than to assume it was none other than one of these werewolves. And though some small effort was made in the use of magic - not witchcraft - to stop the creature, it was a mortal sword blow that ultimately fell it. If this creature was a pet or companion of thee, then I am truly sorry for your loss.

"As for your secrets, though you may possess wisdom and knowledge that would surely interest us, we do not come as thieves in the night to steal or trick them from you. We only seek to understand the ways of the forest and to understand the message of its messenger, the Black Stag."

"If you cannot help us with this, but will lead us to one whom can, then please do so, sir, with our appreciation."


Meanwhile, having observed the party depart from the Rezini house, Volkmar and Puck will have navigated around the forest edge, keeping the others in sight as they make their way to the encounter with Grozny. Volkmar and puck will approach close enough to observe the interactions, and insure a timely response in case things turn sour, but Volkmar has little interest in overhearing their conversation.

Puck, on the other hand, may not be so reserved...


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Grozny licks his cracked lips. For the first time, he seems to contemplate your words. "The Black Stag? Ah, 'Wheels and Steel'." He relaxes a bit, and smiles - but it is not a kind smile. "You were wise to seek the counsel of this old men in the ways of the forest. I know much. For example, I know that which you came for - the marks in the soil, the blood shed and the life spared."
He judges your reaction. "Yes, I can explain what you must do, for the Black Stag to relent his assualt. But you must do so much more, if you wish to live so close to the forest. There are rituals, customs, blessings, bargains... so much to do. It will take time, and effort, and I will have to visit your place and teach you there, and go to the gods and beg them to forgive your sins."
"And why should I do all that? You have come to my village, and in return for our hospitality slew our guardian. Now what shall protect us against the witches? If indeed you are not in league with them, alligned as you are with their progeny."
He looks at Pavel again.


As Volkmar and Puck near the party, they become more and more aware that something is entirely wrong. There seems to be a whisp of smoke snaking about around Grozny, circling him, ever shifting.
When you get close enough, you realise it is your second sight that sees what lies beneath the mundane surface: it isn't smoke, it is a spirit trapped within Grozny, dancing within him like a flame dances at the top of a candle. It lashes out at the others, but is bound by the circle of leaves, and recoils whenever it hits it. You are not sure what the beast is, but Volkmar is reminded of the infernal hordes he fought so long ago - for all you see of it are claws, and fangs, and sometimes, a gaping mouth of sharp, ethereal teeth.

OOC: Second Sight 12 (6+1 Per+5 Ability) for Puck, (3+2 Per+4 Ability) 9 for Volkmar. Both will do.
No one said the ward was facing outwards...


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This man is obviously vexed by something, thinks Titus. His statements are paranoid, illogical and confused...

"Herr Grozny, we thank you for your offer of assistance in learning more of this place and obtaining the forgiveness of your gods for whatever unintentional sins we have committed. And, we are certainly willing to help your people defend themselves against injustice or evil forces to the best of our ability. We do indeed hope to create a place for ourselves nearby, a peaceful place, where we can pursue our studies for the benefit of all, including your people. If we are to meet these ones who will teach us wisdom, we would like to bring our entire entourage. Who is it you would lead us to?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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