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They came in search of Paradise (A Story of Erth) - Updated 23rd April


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Another new friend?

Boldo Chanunga’s breath came in pained gasps; the wound to his skull from the gnarled knobkerrie of the hook nosed human slavers had almost killed him. Bound in manacles and thrown to the floor of a creaking wagon, he awoke from peaceful oblivion to the agony of a rough road and the tight-packed company of others of his people similarly tossed like so many sacks of goods into the stinking cage. The cloth-swathed raiders had descended on the peaceful Pygmi village just before dawn, scimitars cutting down those who resisted, whips and ropes rapidly binding any who could be subdued. Women, children, men, all were taken.

An agonising journey followed, many weeks across hard desert. The swathed ones excelled at keeping their charges at the edge of life, force-feeding them a weak and greasy gruel that lacked enough sustenance to give the energy necessary for escape.

Sold to a trader from the centre sea and then on to an inland owner he was set to work as a miner, his small stature allowing him to work the smaller seams normally worked only by children. One day, breaking through to a new chamber, the miners stumbled into a nest of goblins. The one-sided fight left many of the child miners dead but the goblins were routed by a swift counterattack from the mine-owner’s brute squad. Seeing his chance, Boldo escaped during the melee. Lurking in the dark tunnels of the goblins’ former lair he struck off his manacles with rough goblin tools and wandered the labyrinth for many days. Following the upstream flow of an underground river he eventually emerged into the night sky many leagues distant, murdering a pair of goblin guards and stealing their equipment at the exit.

Feeling unable to fit easily into bronze skinned human society he hovered on the edge of civilisation, making occasional forays into villages only to steal better equipment or food. In one such place he discovered a tunnel hidden in the shadows of a seemingly normal farm building and ventured within, not thinking about what might live down there.


When he had crept down the ramp, Boldo Chanunga quickly realised his error, as goblins and larger creatures seemed to fill the chambers dug out of the earth beneath the farm. His escape back up the ramp cut off by a returning hobgoblin patrol, Boldo scrambled under the tarpaulin covering a large cart and pretended to be a sack of smelly herbs.

Managing to burrow further into the pile of sacks, Boldo slept for a short while only to be woken by the sound of battle. Able to get an eye below the cover he could see the shadows cast by many figures dancing in combat in the barn above and hear the squeaks of consternation from the goblin women and children all around him. He backed tightly into the sack pile and waited for the fighting to die down.

Some time later, he must have been dozing, he suddenly smelt smoke. The noises from the goblins were frantic, but a different voice, a man’s voice, seemed to be calming them down and organising them. Boldo thought it best to keep hidden for the time being. If they took the cart with them that would be best, but if they left he might be able to get out on his own.

The goblins moved out of their lair and, shortly after, Boldo heard the noise of the barn roof collapsing. Poking his head out of the cart he could see that the exit had been blocked by smouldering beams. Oh well, nothing to do but wait for it to cool down. Might as well have a look around.

Boldo moved through the chambers of the goblin lair, not finding anything of interest, until he heard what sounded like the beams being removed from the exit. Secreting himself around a corner, he watched as sunlight streamed down the ramp followed by several large figures. Humans!

Realising that his short, deep brown body might not be easy to distinguish from a goblin’s in the gloom of the chamber, Boldo decided to remain hidden until he could get more information about the new arrivals.
They moved through the chamber quite stealthily, though at least two of them were hulking brutes with swords twice as long as he was, and seemed to be searching the other chambers.

When the humans returned from the goblin family chamber, Boldo got the distinct impression that they had seen him, but were pretending that they hadn’t. They moved into the human overseer’s chamber and Boldo took this opportunity to scuttle quietly across to the cart, reaching its shadows just as the humans emerged from the overseer’s chamber and moved towards where he had only just now been hiding!

Now he was close enough to hear their conversation, and realising that they were speaking Graecae (one of the languages he knew), he decided to trust to his abilities and stood on top of the cart, addressing the humans.
“Hello, there! Me Boldo Chanunga. Me want job, you need me”.


“There’s a goblin over there, hiding in that opening,” said Gaelle. “Act as if we haven’t seen it”.
The party moved into a small chamber across from the ramp, keeping half an eye on the little dark shape almost hidden in the shadows, finding it just as empty of anything interesting (worth money) as the other chambers.
Coming back out, they decided to head towards the goblin, still not making it appear that they knew it was there.
What they found was the chamber where the hobgoblins lived, dozens of large nests dotted the cavern floor. There was, however, no goblin to be seen.

Turning to leave, they could clearly hear a strangely accented voice calling to them. They emerged into the entrance chamber to see a short figure, shorter even than a goblin, dressed in leather armour with so many weapons that they probably weighed more than he did.


Chatting to the strange little man, they realised that Boldo could well be a valuable inclusion into their group. Despite Helga’s best efforts, they were not blessed with a dedicated roguish type and little brown person seemed to fit the bill.
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First Post
Dramatis Personae update:

Boldo Chanunga (Male Halfling Rogue from Ethiope - complete with stereotypical bone through his nose)


Having welcomed Boldo into their merry band, they went back outside to find out what had happened to the rest of the goblins.

Gaelle cast about for tracks and was easily able to follow the trail of a large band of goblins, and one human, moving roughly south-east towards the woods. Picking up Li Kung and the horses they continue to follow the goblins through the woods until the part company with the human just inside the southern edge. The goblins turned westwards, staying within the woods, presumably going to meet up with another goblin band, while the human set off across country towards Starros.
They decided to ignore the goblins and follow the human, managing to keep to the trail even though he had made great efforts to hide his tracks. Despite the time he must have taken to do such a thorough job (though not thorough enough to fool Gaelle) they reckoned he would still arrive at Starros hours before them. They made best speed back to the town, though Gaelle kept an eye on the tracks, just in case he veered off unexpectedly.

Back in Starros, doing their duty as sworn-in members of the militia, they reported the goings on at the herb farm. As the Watch Captain organised a scouting party of militiamen to investigate the farmstead, the party discussed their options and realised that they didn’t have many. They decided to head back down into the sewers to hopefully capture someone with more information than the pathetic thieves they had previously captured.

They made their way to the harbour and re-entered the sewers underneath Wharf 4. Showing his usefulness, Boldo scouted ahead and heard movement ahead. Creeping up to a ‘crossroads’ of sewer pipes, he could hear a couple of thieves readying an ambush to either side of the entrance.
Tumbling through the opening, taking the ambushers by surprise, Boldo flic-flacced across the central pool, landed, turned and shot both before they could react. Unfortunately, they would be difficult to interrogate.

Moving on through the sewer, heading vaguely north-east, Boldo again discerned an ambush being set. This time he, Gaelle and Helga decided to attack. Boldo tumbled into the chamber, managing to avoid the reacting shortswords of the flanking thieves.
Gaelle also tumbled across the chamber while Helga waited on the threshold.
On this occasion, their tactics were not particularly effective. The three waiting thieves were giving as good as they got until Cord and Seigfried turned up. Then they got rather more than they gave. Again, not much use asking them questions.

The heroes spent the next eight hours wandering around in the sewers, until they got close to where they thought the Hark must have his lair. Stumbling onto a lone thief, they managed to subdue him sufficiently softly for him to be able to answer questions.

They interrogated him for some time, getting quite a lot of potentially useful information:
His boss, one Philp, has his headquarters in a warehouse just to the east and, every day just after sunset, a rope is let down from the drain in the road outside it so the thieves in the sewers could change shifts. The sewer chambers were roughly hemispherical with a shaft heading up to the grilles in the roads. This design made them almost impossible to climb without a rope, so the thieves were stuck in the sewers until they were allowed to leave via one of the wharf outflows.
Nothing about the Hark, though. This thief knew no more about him than the others they had asked.

When they thought they had everything out of him they could Cord dispatched him, against Seigfried’s protestations.
Thus began a discussion of moral and ethics during which Cord and Seigfried said a lot of things, but listened to none.

Gaelle paced the distance to the grille where the thieves had their exit and marked on her town map where she thought Philp’s warehouse would be.

Gaelle and Boldo left the rest of the party and the sewers and made their way round to the drain grille beneath which the party rested.
Unfortunately, the grille was in the middle of a fairly busy street.

Gaelle, brandishing her militia badge, stepped out into the road and shouted “Stop!” to a merchant on a wagon. By chance she has stepped out in front of someone who is already late and who whips his horses. “Bloody militia, get out of the way, idiot!”
Gaelle nimbly dodged out of the way as the horses galloped past, calmly drew her bow and sent one of her black-fletched arrows clean through the merchant’s head. Amid screams of “Murder!” and the sound of people leaving the scene in rather a hurry, the wagon stopped and Boldo tried to make himself even smaller as he squeezed out of sight, not wanting to be associated with this mad woman with the cold eyes.
He watched as she casually stepped up to the ex-merchant, attached a pouch of coriander root to his belt and removed her arrow (from his forehead, as it had passed most of the way through).
Whistles could be heard in the distance – it wouldn’t be long before the “real” militia turned up and started asking why Gaelle had executed a man in the street.

Best to be gone when they arrived.

Boldo, after being called by Gaelle, crept out of his shadows and moved across to the grille, attaching a rope to it so the rest of the party could climb out. Seigfried took the first turn on the rope. He made it almost all the way up before Boldo’s poor excuse for a knot gave way. Gaelle, her movements too fast to see, grabbed the end of the rope as it disappeared down the shaft but, unfortunately, Seigfried was unable to keep hold of the rope as it jerked to a halt and fell back into the sewer. Luckily, he fell on his head which is a non-critical location.

Gaelle’s plan is for the rest of the party to come up and go to Philp’s warehouse where they will ambush his men as they change sewer shifts. Gaelle would go back down into the sewer and attack the thieves from below.

Sounds like a classic pincer movement. Wonder if it will work.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
robberbaron said:
They all dismounted and handed Li Kung their reins to hold (absent player duty)

Bastards! :)

(trust the DM to fracture his elbow thus making him unable to get to work and pick up a copy of Li Kung's character sheet. Now I'm a level behind!)

Still, more fumble-a-riffic opportunities for Li coming up this Sunday...


First Post
Good News and Bad News

The Good News:
After recording the last three sessions, I have transcribed the first 6 hours and have started editing it for publication.

The Bad News:
I still have 11 hours of recording to transcribe and we have another session this Sunday.

The Really Bad News:
As well as the broken elbow, which is healing nicely, I have now been diagnosed with a fractured scaphoid and will have my left hand in plaster for 6 weeks (then there is the fair probability of surgery and further weeks in plaster. Just in time for Christmas). This means that the notes will take much longer to do.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
robberbaron said:
I have now been diagnosed with a fractured scaphoid and will have my left hand in plaster for 6 weeks (then there is the fair probability of surgery and further weeks in plaster. Just in time for Christmas).

Blimey, that's bad news mate. I hope the delay in diagnosis of this scaphoid hasn't caused any additional problems.

See you Sunday


First Post
I hope you are not cracking up mate. :D

BOOM, BOOM :eek:

Sorry, saw Basil Brush for the first time in twenty years yesterday. :lol:

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