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They're Bringing Evil Back. ( 3.5 DnD )


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"Hommlet? Why does that place sound so familiar?" Marrow asks as he steps out from his usual hang out, the shadows. Serin's fellow thieving friend, if rogues even have those, was garbed in grey. From his boots to his cloak to the leather he bound back his sandy brown hair, guess it was kind of his shtick. He may have gone with white to emphasize his name more, but what thief wouldn't stick out in that pallid color? "Mm.. that is the place that succumbed to a great evil many years ago, aye? I've heard so many tales of that town and the temple.. but mostly the treasure. There is said to be gems the size of your fist buried within the rubble. Dungeon delvin' ain't my thing, but if it was.. phew.. I'd be a rich rich man." His grey-blue eyes shimmered with interest, just enough to plant the seed within Nairb's head. Of course, the rogue probably had other plans for enticing Serin.. but only time would tell.
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"Why're you here?" The bar tendress arched a brow herself. She was definitely giving Jayla the once over. Never moving from her post, she shrugs before the female can respond. "We've no rooms. Go peddle yer war--" But she's cut off as a younger woman approaches. "Maridosen!" It's quite obvious that the scowl the female is wearing is foreign to her normally soft features. Her eyes narrow as she moves behind the counter as well, a tray full of empty glasses is supported upon a splayed hand. "Why don't you go take a break." Though her words indicate a question, her tone insists the demand. The pallid woman mumbles something inaudible and moves behind the curtains and out of view. "Hello traveler! Welcome to the Inn of the Welcome Wench!" Her visage lightens up, a smile that seems to show every single tooth in her mouth is issued. "I'm Vesta, my father Ostler owns this place. I'm truly sorry for the way Maridosen treated you." The mentioning of the name causes her smile to faulter for a moment, but she quickly recovers. "I can have a room cleaned for you.. if you don't mind waiting around? A drink on the house as you wait, then?" She is all ready reaching for a tankard.


Nairb enters town moments after the wagon carrying Yun does. A race to the first citizen? If Yun was having problems asking questions, the fighter helps him out. "You know where the Welcome Wench is?" The man whose attention was grabbed by the inquiry points in the direction that the boy and the Cleric had wandered. Nairb's next question persuades a chuckle from the townie and he nods. "Depends on whom you ask. That Vesta is a looker." He whistles and adds on a few other not so appropriate sentences about the maid before continuing on his way.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Yun shrugs, and drives off in the apointed direction, keeping an eye out for the Inn. He stops for a moment the next time he passes a villager and hops down from his wagon to stand next to them. "Excuse me." he says, waiting for them to acknowledge him. "I am sorry to bother, but can you please direct me to somewhere I may safely store my wagon and horses?"


TwistedMindInc said:
The youth screeches to a halt, dust flying up from his suddenly stopped feet. He blinks several times, sizing up the cleric. Now.. he had two choices. Run away or actually obey. Opting for the second option he nods and trots off towards the Inn of the Welcome Wench, every so often he glances over his shoulder to ensure that Erik is still following the leader. The boy stops outside the Inn's doors, his head bowed as he becomes rather interested in his feet.

"Thank ye lad." Erik said as he stepped up to the doorway. He tossled the boy's hair with his hand as he passes. An awkward gesture from a man who hadn't dealt with children in decades...ever since...

The past overwhelmed the Priest for a moment. Thoughts of his own son, now dead, and the fact that he may very well have spent some of his last days here, in this town.

The lines on the old man's face deepened as he grimaced and focused at the task at hand.
With a brief nod of acquiesce that the boy could go he took a long step across the Inn's threshold.

He stood there for long moments taking in his surrounding through cold grey slits and then announced to the room; "Ostler Gundigoot!" in a tone that was not a question nor a request, but a demand of compliance.


First Post

Luckily for Yun he just so happened to have stopped the stable boy, and by boy we mean disgruntled youth that never really applied himself. "Are ye staying here at the Inn? If so, then I can take 'em for ye." His words made it pretty clear that if Yun was staying any where that was the Welcome Wench that he was on his own.


The boy huffed as his hair is roughly mussed and then scampers off once Erik has gone inside. The Inn was bustling for mid-day, many people sat around tables sharing meals and good tales with one another. In the far corner, surrounded in a semi-circle by mostly women a human male is seated. You're not sure what is worse, his singing or his lute playing. No matter though, the women don't seem to mind. Whenever he finishes a song they clap cheerfully. The rest of the Inn just seems to ignore the man. Your shout does, however, gather some recognition. A few patrons stop talking long enough to glance your way, but none of them offer any answers. "You there, sir!." A beautiful woman behind the bar waits until you look her way, then waves you over.


"Excuse me.." Vesta dismisses herself from the conversation long enough to wave an older gentleman over. There probably wasn't any need to excuse herself though, as it was evident that she would have to tend to the bellowing man. Whether it was to answer his demand or to show him to the door, was still in question.


TwistedMindInc said:

The boy huffed as his hair is roughly mussed and then scampers off once Erik has gone inside. The Inn was bustling for mid-day, many people sat around tables sharing meals and good tales with one another. In the far corner, surrounded in a semi-circle by mostly women a human male is seated. You're not sure what is worse, his singing or his lute playing. No matter though, the women don't seem to mind. Whenever he finishes a song they clap cheerfully. The rest of the Inn just seems to ignore the man. Your shout does, however, gather some recognition. A few patrons stop talking long enough to glance your way, but none of them offer any answers. "You there, sir!." A beautiful woman behind the bar waits until you look her way, then waves you over.

adding description

It was obvious that the bellowing man was a priest, and by his weathered and creased face, not a young one. Despite the man's advanced years he still stood erect, a head higher then most folk. The breadth of his shoulders and thickness of his limbs stated he was still as fit as any despite not being in his prime. His eyes were of an icy grey-blue and his tied back hair hair was white from age. Atop his crown was a crumpled hat. That, and the silver symbol hanging from his neck, marked him as a Minister of Saint Cuthbert.

Erik strode over towards the maid and stood before her rigid, straight and silent. His unblinking stare bidding the woman to explain.
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Dire Lemming

First Post
Yun nods to the stable boy and reaches back into the wagon to pull out his haversack before hopping down again. "Indeed, I am staying there. Please take care of them, but be aware that they are both very strong." He slaps the side of the closer horse's neck. "They are good horses... Oh yes, what is the fee? Or can I take care of that inside?"
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You make way to the bar and move up beside a rather unusual looking female. Dressed as if the wilderness spat her out, this isn't the most abnormal thing about her.. for when you move up along side she turns to gaze in your direction, and her eyes are entirely blue.. save the pupils. Apparently this odd woman and the maid behind the counter were talking when you made your grand entrance. The bartendress issues a small smile. "Olster is my father, but he is unavailable. Is there anything I can do for you?" Her tone is gentle, and she appears to be friendly emough.

The adolescent smirks at your inquiry as he contemplates taking your coin and running, but thinking twice of it.. he shakes his head. "You cake take that up with Maridosen inside." We'll let that wench take your gold then. He nods before taking hold of reigns and leading the horses around back to the stables.


TwistedMindInc said:

You make way to the bar and move up beside a rather unusual looking female. Dressed as if the wilderness spat her out, this isn't the most abnormal thing about her.. for when you move up along side she turns to gaze in your direction, and her eyes are entirely blue.. save the pupils. Apparently this odd woman and the maid behind the counter were talking when you made your grand entrance. The bartendress issues a small smile. "Olster is my father, but he is unavailable. Is there anything I can do for you?" Her tone is gentle, and she appears to be friendly enough.

Erik's face remained a stone masque. When he spoke one-on-one his tone was even and stoic."That remains to be seen. I was summoned at the behest of Burne and Rufus and instructed to make my presence known to your father. If you will make it known that Erik the Grey hath arrived, and serve me food and drink while I wait, you will have proven most useful."


First Post
"Hommlet, that does sound interesting" Serin remembers tales of his elven father being part of the group that ventured to the temple to rid the evil inside. His father never had the chance to tell him, no, Serin heard it from other folks, such as Marrow. He stands up, barely making a sound as his leather is soft and oily, grabs his pack and dons it, and then informs those listening, "I'm off, the thought of venturing in the vicinity of my fathers past, has surely picked my interest." He leaves the group as easily as he came, nobody seems to worry about anyone else here, no ties to anything, each person free to come and go on a whim.

He makes the trip to Hommlet, knowing the way with ease. Upon arriving he chooses to chase the shadows, and sees a couple of other individuals asking about the Welcome Wench Inn. 'This is too easy' he says to himself. Serin makes his way behind a tall-priestly man while remaining in the shadows. He listens from outside the building as best he can to find out what is going on inside before entering.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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