This One Goes to . . . Ten [Merged four Oct 29 Playtest Package announcement threads]

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I think you meant levels 3-7 for Isle of Dread

I noticed that fly is back as a third level spell. Boo! I like the idea of flying being higher level.

The rouge use of expertise dice looks interesting - a bit different from fighter as one would hope.

The link is here BTW;


Skimming the pack, I've noticed quite a few changes. Rogues with expertise dice, fighters can take sneak attack, new monsters in the bestiary... There's also some subtle changes, like the fact that expertise dice now refresh at the end of your turn. Makes sense.

I'm really curious to see how things work out in actual play. Some of the monsters in particular feel a bit strange, like the hydra. With the number of hit points it has, and the rechargeable 'regrow two heads' ability, is it ever a good option to lop off a head instead of dealing damage? Also, the dragons don't look scary...

I'm really not a fan of the generic specialty names. I hope those are just placeholders.


I can't download it now, please tell me which domains they have and which wizard traditions?
The domains are tied to the divine archetypes that WotC talked about earlier (approximate domains in brackets), specifically:

1. The Lifegiver (Healing)
2. The Lightbringer (Sun)
3. The Protector (Protection)
4. The Trickster (Trickery)
5. The Warbringer (War)

There are three wizard traditions (approximate specialty in brackets):

1. Academic (Generalist)
2. Battle Magic (Evoker/Warmage)
3. Illusion (Illusionist/Beguiler)


HP Thresholds no longer a thing! Love it!
Possibility for 0-level spells to not be at-will! Love it!
Illusionist! Love it!
Monsters and crap! Love it!
Rogues getting expertise dice for skills automatically, but Sneak Attack only as a choice! Love it!
Glancing Blow that makes sense now! Love it!
Dual-wielding as a core rule that any character can use (and also makes sense now)! Love it!
Magic Missile now a badass 1st-level spell! Love it!
Burning Hands now a 0-level spell that Battle Mages can cast at-will! Lo... wait, what?
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