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D&D 4E Thought Project: 4E As Science Fantasy...


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This seems similar to my current campaign:
Beginning of the End

I decided to not add too much technology to this campaign, wanting to try 4ed first, before I mod it with Lasers and such, but it seems like a easy thing to do, I like a lot of the ideas posted above...I've always like the world of Thundar, and don't think anyone has got it quite right yet.

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I searched in vain through out 3.0 and 3.5 for a good (read that as none broken) scifi/fantasy technology that was compatible with D&D generic, all I ever found was clunky rules, or rules that were only balanced in the settting they were made for. My biggest disapointment was DragonMech, I LOVED the concept and would of tried running in that world even (though I prefer to run homebrew), but much of the rules where either went against the D&D 3E design set (like base saves that went lower as you got higher in level) or where a book keeping nightmare (Coglayer I"m looking at you).


First Post
Will this be more like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, or The City of Lost Children?

Thundarr the Barbarian has more in common with Road Warrior and Reign of Fire with a dash of Red Sonja and some Star Wars seasoning (energy sword, blasters, and a Wookie-like sidekick).

Grimgrin's right... this is more along the lines of slightly campy post-apocalyptic pulp science fantasy, rather than the Yesterday's World of Tomorrow Today that Sky Captain would suggest.

John Carter of Mars would be another good example.


I think that He-Man and the Masters of the Universe as well as Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light would qualify as potential science fantasy sources from which to draw inspiration.


First Post
I think that He-Man and the Masters of the Universe as well as Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light would qualify as potential science fantasy sources from which to draw inspiration.

I'm thinking along the lines of Gamma World, Rifts, Flash Gordon, Masters of the Universe, Thundarr the Barbarian and the like.

Sometimes I wonder if people even read my posts... ;) :p

Although, I must say, I'd forgotten about the Visionaries... I remember the toys with the holograms in stores, but I never saw the cartoon.
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First Post
John Carter of Mars would be another good example.

John Carter was the first thing I thought of, and, in addition, if you go a route similar to that then you could haves alien species introduced in parallel to monstrous species, perhaps both having been mutated by the disaster (or whatever exact mechanism you decided upon as the reason for why your setting is as it is).

That is to say alien species could visit Earth in ways similar to how John Carter ended up on Mars. (The reverse would works for your players as well, as a mechanism for travel to other worlds.)

In addition if you are going the primitive, or alternate world modification of science then you might take Victorian era and similar era technologies, such as the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine, steam engines, hot air balloons, wired communications, radio (as had been suggested- but imagine radio waves, and maybe television waves as well, also being able to transmit energies such as sorcery - imagine a Sorcery Radio or a TV of Wizardry - it would be an entirely different beastie would it not?), etc. modify their development over the course of time or even through the agency of sorcery, and develop entirely new technologies.

I can suggest these forms of technology and science:

1. Modified or alternate world versions of older technologies that were never replaced by other technological developments and so continued to improve over time. Steam engines, mechanical computers, hydro-mechanical engineering, etc.

2. Alien technology that has crept into our world, and either been disassembled and reengineered, cannibalized for other purposes, or redesigned for human or monster purposes.

3. Human technology that has been blended with science to create a hybrid version of devices which operate to some extent as if both principles (science and sorcery) were necessary for function.

4. Collapsed or partially destroyed technology that simply needs repair to function again.

5. Abandoned technology. Abandoned because it was too dangerous, experimental, or could never be made to function quite correctly in the past.

6. Biological technology. What if modern computational technologies, mathematical methods, electron microscopes, and advanced electronics did not function or had never been invented. How would much older and less well informed biological technologies have developed, not along genetic and molecular vectors, but rather along cellular and organic (organism) paths? Take chemical and cellular/semi-medicinal technologies such as responsible for Frankenstein's monster or My. Hyde -what kinds of creatures, monsters, animals, aliens, or even men would that produce? As a matter of fact a whole sub-branch of biological tech might be in existence to counter-act whatever forces of mutation exists in the background environment. And other forms of biological tech might exists to augment normal people, to further mutations in monsters, to make people sensitive to or better at controlling sorcery, for "biological/eugenic experimentation" and so forth and so on.

Mix such biological technologies with alien biological technologies and with sorcery and you could have established an entire complex set of ideas as for how monsters came about, how to create monsters, for alien-human biological interaction, and for methods of creating "heroic supermen" or super-barbarians (a la Thundarr).

In my D&D milieu (not like yours, but more standardized fantasy) there is another world in which Elves, Eladrin, etc. live. (Humans live in our world.) In that world magic (Elturgy) is real, however constant exposure to Elturgy or exposure to large doses of Elturgy can and does produce mutations (similar to genetic mutations in people exposed to radiation or exposed to chemical agents and toxins, etc). Sometimes it makes elves, or animals, or whatever is exposed to it into superior versions of themselves, and sometimes the after-effects turn ordinary creatures into monstrous versions of themselves. Sometimes it just changes their appearance, at other times it alters their minds as well. The point is the Elturgy (magic) often has side-effects, some benign, some malignant. Perhaps exposure to sorcery, or certain types of science/technology, or exposure to hybrid sorcery-science might have the same or similar effects in your world. As a matter of fact in my milieu Elves use Elturgy much as we use magic, and have even developed a bio-tech of heir own based upon magic, rather than technology. Or I should say based upon a magical technology. So in that sense it is science fantasy, but again, not like you envision.

And finally it occurs to me that your world would be replete with opportunities to Vad and to creep into abandoned and deserted/ruined areas. So it would definitely be fun in that sense.

Anywho, you have a lot of background martial to work with.

Good luck and Godspeed.


Sometimes I wonder if people even read my posts... ;) :p

Although, I must say, I'd forgotten about the Visionaries... I remember the toys with the holograms in stores, but I never saw the cartoon.
Sorry about that. You can find the cartoon of Visionaries on YouTube, surprise surprise.

In the show, the eclipse of the suns for some unexplained reason shuts down all high-technology (perhaps electrical interference) and ushers into being the Age of Magic, though the inhabitants are slow to accept this. The world have split into quasi-feudal land holdings. The characters (the Spectral Knights and the Darkling Lords) were mostly variations of warriors, though there were a number of NPCs are wizards and spellcasters (from the last age of magic). These Visionaries, however, were given limited magical abilities by the wizard Merklynn in exchange for undergoing "certain tasks" (adventure hooks!). The Visionaries could turn into some beast/animal form for a brief time (once per day?) while some had magical staffs with a variety of powers (invulnerability, aging, fear, speed, knowledge, healing, etc.), but these staffs had a limited number of charges that had to be refilled in Merklynn's magical pool. Those that did not have staffs were given the ability to magically activate the technological vehicles.


First Post
Trying to think of ways to build/create quasi-scientific objects you can use in 4E along side alchemy and magic. The Gadget Tinker blends aspects of both. "Dragonmech" was a inspiration for this LONG POST.

Gadget Tinker
Prerequisite: INT 13, DEX 13
Benefit: You gain the ability to create “widgets” which can be assembled into “gadgets”. You must obtain a schematic of the gadget you wish to create (300gp).


Widgets are simple machines that can be combined to create steampunk machines called gadgets. Widgets come in five grades of quality (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon). The quality of your widget determines how well it will perform in a working gadget. Your experience level determines the grade of widget you can create.

Level 1: Alpha widgets, Component Cost: 50gp
Level 7: Beta widgets, Component Cost: 500gp
Level 13: Gamma widgets, Component Cost: 5,000gp
Level 19: Delta widgets, Component Cost: 50,000gp
Level 25: Epsilon widgets, Component Cost: 500,000gp

Gadgets are assembled from widgets with one day’s effort. A basic gadget has an AC of 10 and each widget of the gadget provides 5 hit points. The grade of each widget determines the effect of the completed gadget. Using a gadget requires a standard action. Gadgets must be built into a framework to function. Man sized gadgets are built into clothing or armor and occupy “body slots”. Gadgets can also be built into vehicles, structures, or furniture. Anyone with a little practice can use a gadget. Gadget can be broken apart into its component widgets. Gadgets can not be used in combination with “weapon powers”.

The body slot occupied is determined by the function of the gadget
Sensory: Head or Neck Slot
Environmental: Head Slot or Armor
Weapon: Hands Slot or Arms Slot
Locomotion: Feet or Waist Slot
Defensive: Armor


Energy Widgets
All Energy Widgets inflict energy damage based on its grade. An energy widget affects a 2ft cube or can be used as a melee weapon. Multiple widgets can be put together to enclose larger volumes, but the energy damage caused is limited to the damage inflicted by the single weakest widget. Touch weapon gadgets that make a DEX versus “Reflex” attack, and can not be used in combination with “class powers”. Damage inflicted is modified by the user’s INT modifier.
Damage Inflicted: Alpha: 1d6, Beta: 2d6, Gamma: 3d6, Delta: 4d6. Epsilon: 5d6.

Ammonia Bath: An ammonia bath inflicts ACID damage and is used to sterilize.
Flash Bulb: A flash bulb generates a brilliant light that inflicts RADIANT damage.
Furnace: A furnace generates FIRE. It can boil water, cook food, or cure pottery.
Ice Box: An ice box generates COLD and can freeze fluids or preserve food.
Neon Light: A neon light produces illumination in various colors
Smoke Stack: A smoke stack can produce POISON fumes or a black cloud that blocks vision in a single square for one round per standard action.
Spark Dynamo: A spark dynamo generates LIGHTNING damage
Steam Whistle: A steam whistle produces THUNDERING damage with its piercing shriek which is often used in fire and intruder alarms.

Ranged Weapon Widgets
Ranged widgets are attached to energy widgets to convert them into ranged and area attacks. Unlike some spells, all creatures in the area of effect are damaged by the gadget weapon. Ranged weapon widgets make a DEX vs. Reflex attack, and can not be used in combination with “class powers”.

Pump: Launches the energy at a single target. Damage inflicted is based on the energy widget. Max Range: Alpha 5 squares, Beta 10, Delta 15, Gamma 20, Epsilon 25.
Vent: Releases energy in a blast attack. Without a pump attached this is limited to “close” range. Max Area: Alpha blast 2, Beta blast 3, Gamma blast 4, Delta blast 5, Epsilon blast 6.
Mortar: A mortar releases the energy in a burst. Without a pump attached this is a “close” burst. Max Area: No Alpha version, Beta burst 1, Gamma burst 2, Delta burst 3, Epsilon burst 4.
Ducts: This system uses a pre-laid network of ducts to generate the effect of an energy wall. The pump allows the bulk of the gadget to work at a distance and feeds the energy into the duct work with a hose. Max Length: Alpha 3 squares, Beta 4, Gamma 5, Delta 6, Epsilon 7.

Power Source Widget
The power source widget provides the power that allows the gadget to function. All gadgets must have a power source widget to function. The quality of the power source determines the number of times the gadget can be used per day. The types of power sources available include voltaic batteries, clockwork springs, steam boilers, vitriolic engines, and perpetual motion motors (epsilon only). The power source is depleted after one day of hard usage and must be replaced (one day’s work to rebuild gadget).

Alpha: Once max
Beta: Twice max (once per encounter)
Gamma: Thrice max (once per encounter)
Delta: Once per encounter all day long
Epsilon: Once per encounter, but never needs to be replaced.

Artifical Intelligence
An artificial intelligence is use to create a gadget that will act independently of its owner. There are five grades of intelligence based on how the device interacts with its environment. An A.I. can activate other gadgets attached to it. If the device supposed to hear, see, taste, or smell it must have sensor widgets as well. If the gadget is intended to perform a physical action it must be attached to an “automate” widget and the appropriate “gear box” skill programming. If the gadget is intended to speak it must have a phonograph widget or a projector to display words and images.

Trigger (Alpha): The widget reacts to a specific condition or stimulus and activates the gadget. This is commonly used for traps, alarms, and actions the character wants the device to perform as an “immediate reaction”. This AI operates at a base level common to bacteria, plants, and mouse traps. It can not aim itself like the seeker.
Seeker (Beta): The widget aims the gadget at the nearest creature other than its creator or it is designed to seek out a specific individual pre-programmed into the machine when it was designed. This gadget is capable of “delayed actions” when equipped with a sensor. For instance, an automated seeker with a glass eye creates a security camera that seeks out intruders. This AI is limited to performing a single function.
Discriminator (Gamma): The widget has the ability to judge between friend and foe. This judgment is limited to the data programmed into to unit and will be default consider any stranger as an intruder. This AI is limited to a single function just like the seeker but can choose where or not to perform it.
Babbage Machine (Delta): This complex mechanical mind can perform a variety of functions in response to a variety of stimuli. In a hopper in the machine are a stack of punch cards perforated with holes. The machine can read these cards and carry out the instructions written on them. This machine can perform all the actions it is programmed to perform, but has no skills of its own.
Crystallized Cortex (Epsilon): The brain can be preserved as a crystallized matrix after death. When electrically stimulated, this mind has all the abilities and memories it possessed in life but is incapable of retaining new skills or growing in experience.

Sensor Widgets
Sensor widgets allow the gadget to utilize six different senses. Each sense has a Perception rank based on the grade of the widget. An artificial intelligence is required to make sensor widgets responsive to stimuli. This rank is used whenever the gadget must perform a perception check. Perception Score: Alpha 4, Beta 6, Gamma 8, Delta 10, Epsilon 12.

Tin Ear: Allows the gadget to hear.
Glass Eye: Allows the gadget to see normally
Whiskers: Picks up on the movement of air an allows the detection of “invisible” creatures in still air, but completely ineffective against intangible creatures and can’t detect creatures behind partial concealment and partial cover.
Sniffer: This device can analyze scents, but is limited to adjacent targets and can be “blinded” by powerful odors.
Dip Stick: This device provides the gadget with the sense of taste.

Locomotion Widgets
A locomotion widget provides a gadget with an independent form of movement. The speed of the movement is based on the grade of the widget. A gadget without an A.I. will travel in a strait line in a single direction at a fixed speed. SPEED SCORE: Alpha 3, Beta 4, Gamma 5, Delta 6, Epsilon 7.

Treads: Tread move one square per turn slower than all others but can ignore the penalties of difficult terrain.
Wheels: The gadget has at least three motorized wheels.
Rails: The gadget can only move along rails but can travel at full speed in whatever direction they run.
U-boat: The gadget can swim (beneath the water if it is water tight).
Fan: A fan either creates wind (10mph per grade), suction (10lbs or One gallon per grade), or provides thrust to airborne balloons, swamp boats, and sleds.
Balloon: The balloon is an silken envelope filled with either a gas or liquid. It is extremely fragile and a single point of damage will puncture it causing a leak. A balloon intended for flight must be filled with a lighter than air gas (helium or hydrogen) from a tank widget or heated air from a furnace widget. Both the tank and furnace widgets must be of equal grade to the balloon they will inflate. An inflated balloon is usually nine times the number of squares of the object it is designed to lift into the air. Unlike other locomotive widgets the grade of the balloon determines its utility rather than speed. The balloon is pushed by a fan widget or by the wind.
Alpha: This gas filled balloon will float an object in water
Beta: This gas filled balloon will lift 30lbs into the air.
Gamma: This gas filled balloon will lift 125lbs.
Delta: This gas filled balloon will lift 500lbs
Epsilon: This gas filled balloon will lift one ton.

Miscellaneous Widgets

Armature: This metal widget functions much like a human arm that ends in a metal clamp, hinged grapple, metal scoop, any simple weapon (automatically proficient), or another widget. It must be operated manually by its owner or automated and equipped with an AI if self activated. Its STR and DEX score is based on its grade: Alpha 8, Beta 10, Gamma 12, Delta 14, Epsilon 16.

Automated: This device creates the muscles for an inanimate object. An automated device given an AI becomes a self automated turret. Add a means of locomotion and the gadget can move about the battlefield. An automated object can be turned into a construct “soldier” (DMG, creating monsters section) by increasing the cost of the gadget by 10gp per construct level cubed. The construct monster’s level can not exceed its creator’s experience level. Automation requires its own power source widget. Instead of providing power for a single use, the power source widget allows the automated gadget to move for an entire encounter. The grade of the widget determines the size of the object it can automate. Alpha “Tiny” or any hand held object, Beta “Small”, Gamma “Medium”, Delta “Large”, Epsilon “Huge”.

Cast Iron Plating: You gain an gadget based AC bonus to your armor but suffer a reduction in your mobility. It is most commonly used to reinforce gadgets. The grade of the widget determines the bonus given. Alpha +1 (-1 check), Beta +2 (-1 speed), Gamma +3 (-1 check & -1 speed), Delta +4 (-2 check & -1 speed), Epsilon +5 (-2 check & -2 speed).

Gear Box: By a complex series of gears and rackets, this device can replicate one skill other than perception. The gear box widget grants the gadget the ability the use of one skill a number of times equal to its power source. This widget usurps the ordinary actions of the user and prevents them from adding any attribute bonus to the skill roll. Most skills will require at least one sensor widget. Physical skills require one or two armature widgets equipped with tools of the trade for the gear box to perform the skill. This widget is most commonly added to mechanical constructs to give them access to skill points. The rank of the skill is determined by the grade of the widget. Alpha 4, Beta 6, Gamma 8, Delta 10, Epsilon 12.

Phonograph: A phonograph will reproduce the sounds programmed into it. Activating the phonograph will play one message from beginning to end of 200 words or less. A discriminator artificial intelligence is can play up to 24 prerecorded sentences or phrases. A babbage machine or crystalline cortex can reproduce speech. The grade of the phonograph reflects the quality of the voice which has an impact on social interactions. Bluff & Diplomacy Modifier: Alpha -4, Beta -2, Gamma +0, Delta +2, Epsilon +4.

Projector: A projector will display images. A projector can hold up to 600 still images or a 1 minute silent movie. The quality of the image is tied to the grade of the projector. Alpha: B&W Line Art, Beta: Gray Tone, Gamma: Color Wash, Delta: Filmed in Technicolor, Epsilon: Hologram.

Straight Jacket: A straight jacket is has two functions. When paired with an energy widget of equal grade it can provide equal resistance as the maximum damage inflicted by the energy widget for one encounter per activation. It can also be used to “immobilize” any humanoid wearing the jacket. It is often utilized as a security feature placed in armor that will bind anyone other than the owner of the suit (3 widget device: Automated, Seeker, Straight Jacket). The quality of the straight jacket determines the DC of any Escape Artist attempt to work free of the jacket. Alpha 15 DC, Beta 20, Gamma 25, Delta 30, Epsilon 40.

Tank: A tank can hold a quantity of gas or liquid. An air filled tank is often paired with a sealed helmet or suit of armor to provide a supply of oxygen to the wearer. The grade of the tank determines how much it contains. A filled tank is much heavier than an empty one and reduces your carrying capacity accordingly. Alpha: 10 min. or 1 pint, Beta: 40 min. or 1qt., Gamma: 2hrs or 1 gallon, Delta: 8hrs or 4 gallons, Epsilon: 36hrs or 16 gallons.

Water Tight: This device is sealed and pressurized enabling a device or living creature to travel deep under water. An air tank is required for breathing air. Water tanks and a suction fan are required for diving ballast. A furnace is required to stay warm at great depths. The grade determines how deep before the device may fail (roll a saving throw each round with a minus one penalty per fathom beyond safety zone). Diving Safety Zone: Alpha 20 fathoms, Beta 40 fathoms, Gamma 60 fathoms, Delta 80 fathoms, Epsilon 100 fathoms

Unalterable Record: An unalterable record is made of wax and can be a recording of 10 minutes of sound, a roll of film for a 1 minute motion picture, a 200 character spool of brail, or a graph of data points indicating measurements taken during a 24 hour period. The grade of the wax record must match the device which will play the record. If a wax record is attached to a sensor widget it will record the information gathered by the sensor.



“Alpha” SOUND PLAYER: Phonograph + Record + Tin Ear + Power Source (Clock Spring), Creation Cost: 200gp

The ASP has a noticable hiss underlying all the recordings it makes, but will store and playback sound clips.

“Beta” AIR DRONE SENTRY: Balloon + Fan + Seeker + Glass Eye + Automated w/ Beta Power Source (Vitriol) + Furnace + Trigger (0 hit points) + Mortar + Armature (w/mace): 10 STR/DEX + Alpha Power Source (mortar), Creation Cost: 4600gp

Attributes: Medium, STR: 10, DEX: 10
AC: 10
HP: 40
Mace: Simple Melee, +2 AB, 1d8 damage
Fire Burst (Activates if the device is ever reduced to 0 zero hit points): Close Burst 1, DEX vs. Reflex, 2d6 fire damage.

The BADS system is a hunt and destroy gadget that will attack the nearest creature it sees and bash their brains out. If it is ever reduced to 0 hit points or its balloon is popped it will explode in a vitriol fueled fire ball engulfing all adjacent targets. It only has enough energy for two encounters.

“Gamma” ELECTRIFIED MITTENS (Hands Slot): Spark Dynamo + Power Source (Battery), Cost: 10,000gp

With this gadget gem your hand shakes are truely electrifying. This deadly joy buzzer allows you to make a DEX vs. Reflex touch attack that inflicts 3d6 +INT lightning damage and can be used once per encounter up to three times before the batteries are drained (5,000gp replacement).
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I would also make Arthur C. Clarke's 3rd Law as something of a campaign philosophy: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

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