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Thread Recompilation - Places

El Jefe

First Post
Proposal - (Proposal)Some UA OGC Stuffs

This thread had a couple of interesting proposals for Barbarian characters. No location information, though.

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El Jefe

First Post
Proposal - Messenger System

There was no location information in this thread, but it struck me as a very good idea for a proposal that probably deserves better than to be forgotten and abandoned.

El Jefe

First Post
Tavern - Tavern Bouncer

This thread added a wonderful bit of color to the Red Dragon Inn:
  • The bouncer at the Red Dragon Inn is a huge half-orc named Gort.
  • He weighs 438 pounds.
Some might find the on-going discussion of Gort's weight amusing.

El Jefe

First Post
Archive - Dark Elf (Drow) Half Drow

This was the thread that formally introduced the Drow and Half Drow as player character races. Originally, there was a long, long description of the history, background, and culture of the Drow, which was edited out as it was taken from copyrighted material and not really suitable for LEW. All that remained of a geographic nature was mention that several dwarven cities were destroyed (roofs collapsed) in the cataclysmic end to a dwarf-Drow war.

The proposal passed, but there was no real geographical information left in the thread.

El Jefe

First Post
Archive - Huraken tribe of Sairundani

This was a nice proposal that added a lot of color to one corner of EnWorld. These facts emerged:
  • Helatia is the largest city and capital of the Sairundani. It was founded by the Typhoon tribe, but after the Typhoon suffered heavy losses in a war against the Orcs, the Huraken tribe was invited to live there, too.
  • A small nomad village a few days from Helatia is inhabited by the Etasian tribe of the Sairundani.
  • The Sairundani tribe live in the deserts and badlands in the southwest of EnWorld near the tower of Air.

El Jefe

First Post
Adventure - Adventure:-- LPNN (Manzanita Judging)

Originally posted by rln:

In this thread, adventurers travelled to the village Rangarata to discover who had murdered a woman. The thread was abandoned by its original DM and brought to a close by the judge, Manzanita. Nimisgod took over judging.

Rangaratas location and the way there
  • The actual location of Rangarata is contradicted a couple of times times in the story, particularly by the map posted. It could be easily explained by saying the lad explaining it didn't have a very good idea of the larger geography...
  • To get there from Orussus, you go south & west past Allimon, then southwest (on a road not marked on any map). Rangarata lies "halfway to Lathirn and a bit to the West".
  • It takes five days to walk from Orussus to Rangarata by way of Allimon.
  • If you go 2 miles past Allimon, there's a well-used campsite in a clearing near the road.
  • Allimon is referred to as a small town/village at some points. Perhaps the party actually visited a small village outside Allimon? In any case, it has a two-story inn called "The Rovers".
  • The forest around the clearing is pretty young. Fields were cleared maybe 150 years ago, but the forest has taken the area back now.
  • The forest around the clearing is home to deer, and also to the Spotted Woodpecker, a rare, solitary bird that makes moss nests in tiny holes on the northward ide of half-rotted trees.
  • A plant called "Old mans curse" can be found in the forest. It causes a rash on contact. other uses are unknown.
  • Another days walk to the southwest, there's another clearing often used by travellers.
  • A short (perhaps 15 minutes?) walk into the forest from this clearing, there's a hill where the top is surrounded by some large rocks, making it a very defensible camp site.
Rangarata and surroundings
  • Rangarata and a nearby settlement is referred to as "towns" by the inhabitants, though in fact they are rather small villages.
  • The Dettikyll river flows through Rangarata. It is a slow-moving river that is slow enough to accomodate shipping goods on boats.
  • On both sides of the river near Rangarata, fishermen try to get a good catch.
  • (Assumption) Supposedly, the Dettikyll river would flow through some larger city further up (Lathirn) and down to the coast (through Drolai or Travilis)
  • There are cobras near Rangarata.
  • Kopasker the Alchemist lives in a cottage a few miles outside of town. It is through a dark wood where hunters have been known to disappear. The party encountered an assassin vine there.
NPCs in Rangarata
  • Hal & Dora, farmers. Owns sheep. Well-off, as far as farmers go.
  • Hallidor, son. Well-liked in the village, but some see him as a trouble-maker. Has a cousin in Orussus.
  • Hallidora, daughter (murdered by Tryggvi). Not very popular in the village.
  • Gerpir, grandma to Hallidor & Hallidora (senile)
  • Dagmar, maid to Hallidors family.
  • Sindri, Hallidoras fiancee, friend of Hallidor
  • Krafia, admirer or Hallidora, shy, from a wealthy family.
  • Kopasker the Alchemist (Clr1/Drd1/Wiz1, specialist Alchemist and Potion maker) can make alchemical items, potions and poisons.
  • Tryggvi the river trader (Rog2/Ftr2), lived in an unnamed town near Rangarata also on the Dettikyll river. He was sentenced to death for the murder of Hallidors sister Hallidora, but escaped. Has some connection with an old mob-type organisation, the Conclave.
  • Sigurveig the midwife, visits Rangarata and nearby villages, selling potions (in wooden bottles, with badly-spelled identifications burnt into the bottles with rusty nails.
  • Tasha, a girl once bitten by a Cobra, rescued by Kopasker.
  • The Conclave is detailed further in the Enworld world guide. It should be noted that the Conclave has had Wererats among their ranks, or at least employed them as muscle.

El Jefe

First Post
(Discussion) General Part VII

Another sign that most geographical information had been discussed to death in previous discussion threads: Only one really new item came up in over a thousand posts.
  • There are no Forgotten Realms Sun Elves in Living EnWorld.

El Jefe

First Post
Adventure - The Treasure of the Tierra Padre…[Knight Otu Judging]

This really brought back memories for me...it was my first Living EnWorld Adventure.

  • The Red Dragon outside the Red Dragon Inn is female.
  • The Stonespike Mountains and Larkevold Reach used to be infested with dragons, but there haven’t been any seen in centuries.
  • River barges ply the river Roars, but there are some rapids and waterfalls that give the river its name.
  • There is an ancient stone bridge spanning the River Roars on the way to Lathirn. The river is 20 yards wide there, and runs swift and deep.
  • There is a clearing on the north side of the river by the bridge over the Roars on the road to Lathirn. There is a firepit in the clearing.
  • The clearing by the River Roars and the road to Lathirn is an excellent campsite, shielded from the road by trees.
  • At the entrance to the campsite by the road to Lathirn is a narrow, knee-high pillar.
  • At the opposite end of the campsite from the road to Lathirn is the remnant of the old road to Fallon.
  • The terrain south of the River Roars and between the road to Lathirn and the River Grellgo is low hills with sparse wooded areas.
  • At the mouth of the Grellgo, the Grellgo is wider than the Roars, sluggish and muddy.
  • The land east of the Grellgo and south of the Roars has tangled trees and bog grass…a swamp.
  • Near the mouth of the Grellgo, the river is waist deep, with knee-deep mud for a bed.
  • It would take a feat of engineering to bridge the wide Grellgo near its mouth.
  • There are trees growing near the mouth of the Grellgo that can be used to string ropes across the river to ease a ford. The river is over 150 feet wide.
  • The land east of the Grellgo and south of the Roars is uniformly swamp.
  • A half-day’s march upstream from the mouth of the Grellgo is a low stone dam that spans the Roars. On the north bank is a spillway, and the foundation of an old mill. The spillway is just narrow enough to jump.
  • The flat top of the dam in the river Roars is 2 feet wide with ankle-deep water flowing over the top.
  • The mill race is just wide and deep enough to let a rowboat pass.
  • The foundation of the old mill by the Roars is a yard high and wide, enclosing an area 30 feet square. A dirt path leads off in both directions along the riverbank.
  • Rupert Vaneelkelen lives in a wealthy part of Orussus, not far from the Red Dragon Inn.
  • Rupert Vaneelkelen’s estate in Orussus has a courtyard.
  • The path leading downstream from the ruined mill by the Roars leads to the clearing by the stone bridge on the road from Orussus to Lathirn.
  • Less than a day’s march due south of the old mill on the Roars is a clearing a half mile wide in the swamp. In the middle is a large, turtle-shaped hill with a dead, blackened oak on top.
  • The only dry ground and suitable campsite in the clearing less than a day south of the ruined mill on the river Roars is the top of the hill in the middle of the clearing, by the dead tree on the top.
  • The "tree" atop the hill in the clearing in the swamp south of the ruined mill by the River Roars is actually made of smooth black stone.
  • There is a tunnel entrance in the side of the hill in the swamp south of the ruined mill by the River Roars.
  • The tunnel in the hill south of the ruined mill by the River Roars has a shoulder-high ceiling of flat stone and a muddy bottom carved in loam.
  • The tunnel in the hill south of the ruined mill by the River Roars is slippery and slopes down from the entrance.
  • The tunnel in the hill south of the ruined mill by the River Roars slopes down for 40 feet to a room carved from stone 60 feet in diameter and 10 feet high, with a small pool opposite the tunnel and stalactites and stalagmites scattered around.
  • The pool in the chamber under the hill south of the ruined mill by the River Roars is 15 to 20 feet deep and filled with clear water. There is a small ledge on the far side.
  • There is an underwater tunnel in the bottom of the pool in the chamber under the hill south of the ruined Mill by the River Roars, leading away from the chamber.
  • The tunnel at the bottom of the pool in the chamber under the hill south of the ruined mill by the river Roars proceeds horizontally for about 60 feet, then turns up a shaft to emerge in another chamber (there is air at the top of the shaft).


Dungannon said:
WooHoo! Someone used my PrC, I'm so excited. :D

I like the PrC, and one of my PCs is a Paladin of Hyrag, so I thought that making a hero of the faith would be cool :). BTW, my build with said paladin PC is taking that PrC.

El Jefe

First Post
Discussion: (Adventure - The Treasure of the Tierra Padre…[Knight Otu Judging])

Some things that are probably worth commenting on...

First, I largely ignored the travel times between locations that were given during the adventure. Where distances on the map weren't clear (the distance from the mill ruins to the "hye hill", for example), I used the ones given in the adventure. When they were clear (such as Orussus to the "T" intersection with the road to Lathirn), I just ignored them. The party may have gotten from Orussus to the bridge over the Roars in one day in Treasure of the Tierra Padre, but it will probably be the last party to do so without magical means.

River traffic on the Roars has been alluded to here and in other adventures (Ashlin's Commission? I can't remember.) I don't have any problem with this on the lower Roars, most rivers slow down as they approach the sea. But I don't see regular barge traffic between say, Orussus and Fallon. First, you can't effectively portage a barge without some engineering work...locks, a winch and cart arrangement, a "highway" of logs to roll the barges on, etc. We haven't mentioned anything like that. We've also mentioned swift moving current in places like the bridge on the road to Lathirn. No barge can sail or row upstream against that. Historically, this meant a mule-and-towpath arrangement. I don't have a problem with such a thing existing at that site, even though no description of the area has mentioned it yet. But then there's the problem of the ruined mill and the dam. There just isn't any provision for getting a barge over that dam, and until someone builds one, I doubt there is any commercial barge traffic going upstream. Note that it would be possible to portage a barge over the dam in the downstream direction, but that would require a day's work for a barge crew and it would be a one-way, one-time thing.

Note that this isn't the only impassible obstacle on the Roars...there are also waterfalls and rapids. There are ways of dealing with rapids, but see the previous paragraph for even small waterfalls. Oh, and none of the above applies to vessels the size of canoes...those are easily portaged.

The clearing and the mile marker by the bridge over the Roars is a great site, and has been used in three adventures that I know of. Thanks, pbartender!

In the thread, everyone referred to the river that flows north from Lathirn into the Roars as the "Gallgo". I think we got that terminology from the fake maps the baby dragon made. In every other adventure that I've seen, and on every other map, it's referred to as the "Grellgo". I used "Grellgo" in this writeup.

The map the dragon passed out implied that the old road to Fallon paralleled close to the river all the way from the bridge over the Roars to Fallon. However, the party was only able to verify that this was so from the bridge to the ruins of the old mill.

One last thing...some of the "stalactites" in the chamber in the hill appeared to be the "roots" of the stone tree on the summit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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