time travel


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hello i am new to this so please just bear with me. i have made a d&d setting based on time travel. the only problem that i have run into is the prehistoric age. i was hoping that someone else might have already done this setting and could provide me some examples via e-mail. the main theme comes from a game put out in 1993 by a well known gaming company. the idea of the game was to be able to change the out come of the future depending on what you would do. and that is the same theme i wanted to portray in my setting. so if any one can help me please contact me.


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jaide_duo said:
hello i am new to this so please just bear with me. i have made a d&d setting based on time travel. the only problem that i have run into is the prehistoric age.

You need to be more specific about what you need help with. Hey, what was the name of the time travel game? I only know of a couple but can't think of the name off hand.



First Post
well the name of the game is "chrono trigger". and the problem is world building and creating foes. more specifically the reptiets or lizard folk

Cheerful Coffin

First Post
By Hawking's theory of space-time your endevures would become more like Sliders or DBZ with the influence of time jumping.

See, time is a non-exsistant concept of the future up untill we get there. By Hawking theory your interferance of the past would simply trigger space-time to fold in around you because you are a forieghn entity thus creating an entirely differant universe prior to your exsisting one. And you probably wouldn't be going back home because you slipped out of your space-time countinuem into the present one. (As Sliders who attempt to get home but never do..)

Fortune telling and other such things could be possibilities, but as we all know even the greatest psychics have been wrong sometimes. Free will and chaos itself plays a huge role in our nexus. A role that exceeds even the limitations of our universe itself.

Orrrr you could just go with Chrono Trigger.. :p


First Post
i have the time travel idea mastered but my last problem is building the prehistoric civilization such as: the money or trade items, what kind of items that are up for trade, a type of leader, and finally i need some kind of conflict involving the reptites, elevs, halflings, humans, etc. so if any one can help please respond soon. my story line starts again in one week :\ .
ps. all the characters are at least 8th level
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"Prehistoric age" covers a lot of time. How high-tech are these people? Do they have fire? Agriculture? Domesticated animals? Metal weapons and tools? The wheel? Maybe you could tell us what culture (if any) you are trying to emulate. Native americans before the arrival of Europeans could be considered "prehistoric" simply because they didn't write much down. So could the celts, for that matter, and they had iron weapons, war chariots and all sorts of good stuff.I'm not anthropologist, but I might be able to throw a suggestion or two if you give us some more information.


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well the the time period is about 65 million B.C. the only race that live out in the open is the humans. the eleves are hiddine in the forests where the reptilian races cant find them. the drawven people are deep in the mountains and the gnomes and halflings are alomost unheard of. the weapons are mostly made of bone, wood, and stone. yet there are some elders with metalic weapons. at one point in the time period i am going to make reference to the making of the chrono shifter (the divice that allows time travel). the people do have fire, and simplistic weapons, such as bows and arrows, clubs, cat claws (a weapon the uses claws from animals bound to leather and used as a glove), ect. the most dominate race at this time period is the reptilian races lead by Zeallonas a kobold/lizard folk hybrid.

so i asume that the only thing i need help with is items for trade and the different items to trade with (feathers, scales, bones, ect.) and one more twis i am trying to pull is; that magic has not been discovered yet noy even by the eleves.

i know that i am being long winded but the last thing is that the adventurers are going to go to the wild west time period. so i might need help with some law enforcement officals. and guns.
tks Jaide


First Post
Many of the native american cultures had quite extensive trade with other tribes, even in other regions.

Supply and demand existed then just as it does now. The main difference is a lack of standardized, government-controlled currency. So, anything that was scarce in one area and abundant in another could become a trade item.

Sea shells and sea salt were really huge trade items in primitive cultures. Also, flint, obsidian, furs, leather, wood, foodstuffs...
Finished products, like baskets, clothing, or tools, were often widely traded as well, time permitting.



First Post
Okay, it sounds like these guys are pretty primitive. Jericho has good suggestions. There is evidence that good tool-making stones like flint were traded VERY widely in the old world.

Social groups would be relatively small. Certainly nothing larger than a city-state, and probably most places would get by with village-level leadership. The political structure could be anything from "biggest baddest hunter leads" to a priestly caste who run everything. In many primitive societies the roles of priest and king were intertwined, so some kind of theocracy might be in order. You say there's no magic. Does that include divine magic? If the priests can do real magic and nobody else can, then they probably would be in charge (I'd follow them :) ).

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