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Tired of Waiting: Star Wars Saga game


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I love both entries LoboLurker!

A couple of notes on Imperial Knights, for LoboLurker and anyone interested:

They all wear uniform red and black armor that is something like a 3-way cross between Vader's armor, Stormtrooper Armor, and Imperial guard armor. See a picture here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Knights

They also all use standard-issue silver-bladed lightsabers.

Any Imperial PC, Knight included, will be stationed on Manaan for a very specific purpose which will become clear later on.

Other Imperial Knight Stuff:

Imperial Knight Armor:[sblock][sblock](light armor) Armor Bonus to Ref Defense: +6; Equipment bonus to Fort Defense: --; Max Dex Bonus: +3; Weight 10 kg; Availability: Military, Rare; Imperial Knight armor is lighter, less restrictive ceremonial armor. Imperial Knight armor includes an armored chest-piece, shoulder guards, and cortosis gauntlets that, with training, can parry lightsaber blows. All of this armor is worn over a padded combat jumpsuit. It is issued exclusively to Imperial Knights. If you are ever attacked with a lightsaber and the attacker rolls a 1 on his/her attack roll, the lightsaber hits your Cortosis gauntlets and the lightsaber is immediately deactivated, and cannot be reacivated until the end of the encounter[/sblock]

Imperial Knight PRC:[sblock]

[sblock]Prerequisites: BAB +7; Trianed Skills: Use the Force; Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers); Talents: Armored Defense; Special: Must be a member of the Imperial Knights, swearing your first loyalty to the Empire and Emperor.

Class as Jedi Knight EXCEPT:

Defense Bonuses: +1 Reflex, +2 Fort, +3 Will

Talents: Selected from the following trees: Armor Specialist, Imperial Knight, Lightsaber Combat, or Lightsaber Forms[/sblock]

Imperial Knight Talent Tree:[sblock]
Attune Armor: As a full-round action, you may spend a Force Point to attune a suit of armor to the Force, permanently increasing its armor bonus by +2. In addition, the maximum Dexterity bonus of the attuned armor permanently improves by +1. Only you can benefeit from wearing the attuned armor; the benefeits do not apply if someone else dons the armor.
Gauntlet Defense: As a reaction, you can spend a Force Point to negate an attack made against you by a lightsaber. In addition, the lightsaber immediately turns off and cannot be reactivated until the end of the encounter. Prerequisite Force Fortification
Force Fortification: As a reaction, you can spend a Force Point to negate a critical hit scored against you and take normal damage instead. You can spend this Force Point even if you've already spent a Force Point earlier in the round.
Lightsaber Guardian: When you are adjacent to an ally who is the target of a melee or ranged attack, you may use your Block, Deflect, or Redirect Shot talents (if you have them) as if you were the target of the attack. If you fail your Use the Force check, you take damage from the attack instead of the original target. Prerequisite: Block or Deflect talent.[/sblock]
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First Post
ValenarJaeldira said:
I love both entries LoboLurker!

A couple of notes on Imperial Knights, for LoboLurker and anyone interested:

They all wear uniform red and black armor that is something like a 3-way cross between Vader's armor, Stormtrooper Armor, and Imperial guard armor. See a picture here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Knights

They also all use standard-issue silver-bladed lightsabers.

Any Imperial PC, Knight included, will be stationed on Manaan for a very specific purpose which will become clear later on.

Other Imperial Knight Stuff:

Imperial Knight Armor:[sblock](light armor) Armor Bonus to Ref Defense: +7; Equipment bonus to Fort Defense: --; Max Dex Bonus: +3; Weight 10 kg; Availability: Military, Rare; Imperial Knight armor is lighter, less restrictive ceremonial armor. Imperial Knight armor includes an armored chest-piece, shoulder guards, and gauntlets, worn over a padded combat jumpsuit. It is issued exclusively to Imperial Knights.[/sblock]

Imperial Knight PRC:

[sblock]Prerequisites: BAB +7; Trianed Skills: Use the Force; Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers); Talents: Armored Defense; Special: Must be a member of the Imperial Knights, swearing your first loyalty to the Empire and Emperor.

Class as Jedi Knight EXCEPT:

Defense Bonuses: +1 Reflex, +2 Fort, +3 Will

Talents: Selected from the following trees: Armor Specialist, Imperial Knight, Lightsaber Combat, or Lightsaber Forms

Imperial Knight Talent Tree:
Attune Armor: As a full-round action, you may spend a Force Point to attune a suit of armor to the Force, permanently increasing its armor bonus by +2. In addition, the maximum Dexterity bonus of the attuned armor permanently improves by +1. Only you can benefeit from wearing the attuned armor; the benefeits do not apply if someone else dons the armor.
Battlesense: As a swift action, you can make a DC 15 Use the Force check. If the check succeeds, you know which allies and opponents in your line of sight are reduced to at least half of their maximum total hit points.
Force Fortification: As a reaction, you can spend a Force Point to negate a critical hit scored against you and take normal damage instead. You can spend this Force Point even if you've already spent a Force Point earlier in the round.
Lightsaber Guardian: When you are adjacent to an ally who is the target of a melee or ranged attack, you may use your Block, Deflect, or Redirect Shot talents (if you have them) as if you were the target of the attack. If you fail your Use the Force check, you take damage for the attack instead of the original target. Prerequisite: Block or Deflect talent.
Improved Lightsaber Guardian: As a swift action, you may select a single ally who is adjacent to you. You grant a bonus to their Reflex saves equal to 1/2 of your total Armor Bonus to defense. You grant this bonus to your ally until they are no longer adjacent to you or until you use a swift action to select another ally to defend. Prerequisite: Coordinated Attack, Lightsaber Guardian.[/sblock]

One more thing about the armor of an Imperial Knight. As just revealed in #13, the gauntlets are made of cortosis ore and capable of shutting down a lightsaber.

And does that mean we can play as Imperial Knights? Because I just checked my character family tree, nothing fits with a Merridon (my standard Star Wars family).


First Post
I havn't read 13 yet: I'll have to revist the Cortosis gauntlet thing.

As far as Imperial Knights as PCs:

I am only going to accept 1 PC as an Imperial Knight from the beginning-this will fill the archetype of "Imperial Officer". This Imperial Knight will need to be the brother/sister of the Jedi apprentice on Manaan. That said, the other force-senstive characters (force potential, Jedi apprentice) could potentially join-up later if the galaxy moves them that direction.


First Post
Ok, I've got a pretty good character concept for you to create stats for, if the offer is still on the table.


Male Rodian

Wyallt was born on Mandalore nearly 80 years after the planet and it's somewhat infamous culture began its most recent rebirth. His real parents died in a regional conflict that they were hired for a few years after his birth, but he was adopted by friends of his family and took their family name as his own.

When he was 13--the traditional age of adulthood in Mandalorian society--he had his coming of age ceremony and began taking odd jobs. A few months before Krayt's takeover of the Empire, Wyallt was hired by a Gungan smuggler by the name of Garlin Sun and given a commission as a lieutenant in the organization. He frequently works with an Ithorian smuggler by the name of "X"

He has no personal politics about the takeover, he thinks as long as they don't bother him and his family, it really doesn't matter. His work with Sun, however, makes him a de facto member in a resistance cell.

Family: Bryn Lorrens: 8 year-old adopted son. Being raised by his adoptive mother on Mandalore at the time being.

*Good at tracking, as bounty hunters and other mercenaries have to be.
*Good with a blaster rifle, but only okay with other forms of weaponry.
*Has been trying to improve his melee combat skills ever since he started training, but to no real avail.
*Not the one to really pilot a ship, even though he barely knows how.
*Other than the prerequisites of speaking Basic, Rodese and Mando'a, Wyallt also knows how to speak Huttese.

Needed Kit: Mandalorian armor. The color scheme is a dark green based off of its owner's skin color with with a deep earthy brown undercolor.
*A standard blaster rifle and pistol
*A vibro-dagger[/sblock]

That enough info for you, or do you need more?
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First Post
ValenarJaeldira said:
Good information. I'll work on him tonight.

I'm thinking mostly levels in Scout, shooting for Bounty Hunter PRC.

Sounds good, but what about the armor profeciency?


First Post
Right now he's looking like a Scout 3/Soldier 3 with the talents Acute Senses (reroll perception checks) and Expert Tracker (no penalty at full-speed tracking) from Scout levels (meeting most prereqs for bounty hunter, and making you a darn good tracker) and the talents Armored Defense and Improved Armored defense from soldier levels, making armor use worth it.

His feats will mostly be focused on making him relaly good with rifles...specifically with aimed shots which get very good with the Bounty Hunter Talents.


First Post
Medium Male Rodian Scout 3/Soldier 3, CL6
Destiny 1; Force Points 8
Init +10[/color]; Perception +11 (Acute Senses, Heightened Awareness); low-light vision
Languages Basic, Rodese, Mando'a, Huttese
Defense Reflex: 23 (flat-footed 22); Fortitude: 22; Will: 17; Improved Armored Defense
Hit Points: 61 Threshold: 22
Speed 4 squares
Base Attack Bonus +5, Grp +7
Melee combat gloves +5 (1d4+4) or
Ranged Blaster Rifle +8 (3d8+3) or
Ranged Blaster Rifle (stun) +8 (2d8+3) or
Ranged Blaster Rifle +8 (4d8+3) (Deadeye) or
Ranged Blaster Rifle (stun) +8 (3d8+3) (Deadeye) or
Ranged Hold-out Blaster +7 (3d4+3) or
Ranged Hold-out Blaster +7 (4d4+3) (Deadeye) or
Area Blaster Rifle +6 (3d8+3)
Atk Options Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Deadeye
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 8
Talents: Acute Senses, Armored Defense, Expert Tracker, Improved Armored Defense
Feats: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Deadeye, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Shake it Off, Skill Focus (Survival), Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons)
Skills: Endurance +10, Initiative +10, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +10, Knowledge (Tactics) +10, Perception +11, Stealth +10, Survival +14; all others 3+ability modifier
Possessions: Battle Armor, Helmet Package, Blaster Rifle, Sporting Blaster Pistol, Jet Pack (10 charges), Utility Belt, Rifle Holster, Concealed Blaster Holster (wrist), Combat Gloves, 500 credits
Experience 10,000[/sblock]

Build Notes: [sblock]You are a VERY perceptive fella. Whenever you make a Perception check, you can choose to reroll it, but you must take the reroll. Unless you don't like it, then you can reroll AGAIN, but you must take that one. This is a combination of your scout Acute Senses and your natural Rodian Heightened Awareness.

I would like for you to select (one) melee weapon to be your melee back-up. Vibrodagger, as cool as it is, would take another feat (Weapon Proficiency-Advanced Melee) for you to use, the stats in the block are for using the Vibrodager non-proficient. Daggers are simple weapons, but don't do a ton of damage. Alternately, we can equip your battle armor with combat gloves, giving you a +1 bonus to unarmed attack damage. This has the added bonus of stacking if you ever start taking the Martial Arts feats (more on this later). The area attack you have listed is a 2x2 area of effect. This is the Autofire capability of your blaster rifle.

Aiming taks two consecutive swift actions on the same turn and allows you to ignore all cover short of total cover. If you aim, your Deadeye feat kicks in and adds 1 die of damage. If this game goes far enough for you to take Bounty Hunter level, the hunter's Mark talent will let you knock people down the condition track if you aim at them (in addition to doing extra damage from Deadeye). Shake it off is a bonus feat from being a Scout. It lets you only take 2 swift actions to catch your breath and move yourself up one level on the condition track instead of having to spend 3. These actions don't have to be in the same round, but they must be in consecutive rounds. Skill Focus (Survival) is a bonus feat you get from being Rodian. Rodians were designed to be scouts.

Gear: there is not a set "Mandalorian Armor" gear set in the book. The Boba Fett stat block calls his armor "Battle Armor with the Helmet Package" so that's what I did for you. Helmet packge comes with low-light vision and a +2 to your Perception checks, and also a built-in Comlink. Your armor doesn't have quite as many tricky attachments as Boba Fett's, but over time, you will be able to add to it. Mostly this is a matter of how expensive having lots of attached missile launchers, grapple cables, and grenade launchers would be, combined with the fact you are not proficient with heavy weapons anyway. You do get a Jet Pack (fly speed 6, swift action to turn on, routine maneuvers require no check, but to land after moving more than 12 squares in a turn requires a DC 20 Pilot check. Your fuel cells will last for 10 rounds before needing to be replaced). As far as gun selection, I did get you concealed holsters for your dagger and pistol. I figure the "pistol" you have can even be in your gauntlet, and it pops out for you to use. It will take a move action to bring it from concealment. Your utility belt includes 3 days of food, medpac, tool kit, a spare power pack and energy cell, a glow rod, a comlink, a liquid cable dispenser with a grappling hook, and a couple of additional pouches for credits, and other odds and ends.

Long term planning: You are built in such a way to be able to take levels in one or both the Bounty Hunter or Elite Trooper PRCS. You already meet all reqs for Bounty hunter except for 7 levels in classes, and the only Feat you need to gain for Elite trooper is Martial Arts I--a feat your character description indicates you are working on anyway. At 4th level soldier and 4th level scout you will get a bonus feat. I reccomend a 4th level of soldier due to the ability to get Martial Arts I, plus more HP. Martial Arts I increases unarmed damage to 1d6 and gives you a +1 bonus on Reflex Defense.

Elite Soldier is focused on being VERY good with weapons, commando tactics, and Damage Reduction; Bounty Hunter is focused on being very good with Ranged Aimed attacks, and figuring out how to bring down opponents that they have time (a full-round action) to observe.[/sblock]

Any questions or comments?
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