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Toasterferret's Council of Thieves


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"Argh, ya ruddy fools..." Noa murmurs, just barely audibly to the other two. "Why couldn't ya stay back where the actual ambush was supposed to happen? Don't ya know even the first thing about fighting?"

Noa draws another knife from his belt and throws it directly at the kidneys of the still surprised Armiger that he just wounded.

Seeing the weapon slice cleanly through the armor and into the Armiger's lower back, and hearing the man's muffled cry, Noa refreshed the grip on his sword and pressed himself ever tighter to the wall, doing his best to shield the foolish gnome behind him. All the while, he glanced around to ascertain if there were any other threats that he might have overlooked in addition to the few lone Armigers.

I just KNOW that I'm going to jinx myself by saying this, but I'm pretty freaking BEAST thus far!! (LOVIN THIS!)
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As Noa's second blade sinks into the arminger's back, his torch drops to the floor as he falls forward onto his knees, then collapses in a slowly spreading puddle of blood.

The other two armingers quickly spot his assailant, drawing their weapons with a cry. The female arminger draws a crossbow, and taking several steps to her right, looses a bolt at Noa, but her shot goes wide, landing in the water with a splash.

The second arminger, draws a shield, bearing the mark of the Order of the Rack, and a small lumpy stone. With a snap of his wrist he flings the stone toward the ground in front of Noa's feet. The stone hits the ground and lets out a deafening CRACK! After tossing the stone the second arminger takes a step forward and kicks the torch into the murky water, extinguishing its light.

Noa, with his sharp eyes, spots a grove of purple mushrooms hanging from the ceiling in the back lefthand corner of the room before the tunnel is plunged into darkness.

Then, even over the din of the stone, you hear the shrieks.

OOC: I need a DC 15 Fort check from Noa, Vigil, and Leo. They might not hear the shrieks if you know what I mean. Maurea is up! Also, I should have mentioned this before, but the water counts as difficult terrain, and Janiven will follow Maurea in initiative order.

OOC: Also, see what I did there?
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Noa glanced up and noticed a strange patch of large, purple mushrooms seemingly growing from the ceiling at the back of the chamber. Just then a crossbow bolt whizzed by his head and Noa refocused just in time to clench his teeth as the second Armiger tossed a heavy stone his way. He blinked sharply as it hit the walkway in front of him, the crack bursting in his ears, pain wracking his eardrums. Then the room went black.

Able to neither see, nor hear, Noa dropped to one knee, held his sword up in front of him, and prayed to Iomedae that he would live through this battle, if just to kill the slayers of his family.
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Leo squeaks at the crack of the thunderstone and instinctively covers his ears from the noise.

Leo hears his ears pop and mutters a curse...
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Well, at least he still had 3 senses left. Not that smell and taste were doing him any favors at the moment.

"Note to self," he thought, "don't lie down in the sewers."
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OOC: Just a note to Mark before he posts: I messed up on the map and labeled Maurea as "S" for Slithy. I'd also like to say I absolutely love how you guys make creative names for your dice rolls


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Maurea jerks upright after the tremendous bang of the thunderstone.
"Damn, the fight was supposed to come this way. Well, this should get most of them."
Maurea casts Bless, gives all allies within 50' of me a morale +1 to hit and saves against fear. She then steps delicately out of the sewage onto the stone walkway.
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Seeing the light go out up again, and hearing both the crack of the thunderstone and shrieking of the mushrooms, Janivens hand flies to her pack, grabbing another sunrod.

Holding the sunrod up, she quickly strikes the head, which flares up into a warm reassuring glow.

Shadows seem to dance beyond the edge of the light, that only Leonixx's sharp eyes can pick out.


OOC: yellow line is the limit of the bright light, orange is the shadowy illumination. Leo is the only one who can see past the orange line, the area beyond it is shadowy for him.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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