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Traipsing Across Khorvaire - High Adventure in Eberron


"I'll see to it," Burshis says. He turns and steps away, but stops and looks back. "Maybe you should be a ship captain, yourself. I'd follow you." Then he walks off.

As you watch, the new First Mate makes sure all the wounded are gathered in a tight group. Then he starts gathering everyone around close. He gives soothing words or stern commands where necessary. Some people had begun to scatter out, but the sailor gets them gathered up.

While you are watching the proceedings, you notice that two of the pirates take off and start heading north, roughly the direction the ships came from.

About thirty minutes or so before the sun goes down, he comes back with two daggers. "Here. I can get more if you need them, but I thought some of the passengers might need some if it comes to a fight."

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Aalic will mutter - "No I really considered being a ship captain." Aalic will think about it for a couple of minutes and then set the notion aside.

"No Burghis I don't need any more, thanks though. I think we are about as close as we are going get to being ready. I suppose its time to get things going." Aalic will state to the First Mate.

"Passengers of the Cloud Dancer! Listen to me! We have come together because of events beyond our control. We stand together! Soon those pirates will come for us. They mean to steal, rape, and plunder! We stand together! We are more powerful than they, we are better prepared than they. But we most stand together!" Aalic states to the passengers. Walking in front of them trying to inspire them.

"Burghis has given you weapons. He has given you the chance to live, but you must act. Stand together and fight together. Stand next to someone and join them in the fight. Don't fight those pirates one on one. Fight them two on one or three on one. We outnumber them. Not long ago two ran off. They are scared."

Aalic will wait to see how the passengers react before making another move.


[Diplomacy roll= 18+7+4 (circumstance bonus)= 29]

The crowd of passengers and sailors raise their arms and give a raucous cry. You feel exhilarated knowing that these people are cheering for and rallying to you.

You look towards the pirates and see fear on their faces. They are arguing amongst each other.

You turn back to the still cheering crowd. A shout of "Aalic" goes up and suddenly everyone takes it up, chanting, "AALIC. AALIC. AALIC."

Looking back at the pirates, they seem to be starting to leave, some of them reluctantly. Hoabban is the last. He makes a rude gesture and says, "Watch your back, Aalic. I'll be comin' for ya. I promise." He turns and moves off with the rest of the pirates. They are all heading about the same direction the two pirates who left earlier did.

As the pirates leave, the crowd cheers even more loudly. They swarm around you touching you, thanking you, congratulating you.


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Aalic will think to himself - "We were lucky." Aalic will look around at the joyful group. "Maybe I shouldn't have doubted them so much."

"Burghis, no one leaves the circle tonight. Start having people bring the firewood up to this location. We will light fires up here. We will also need food and water. As well as a count of people both unwounded and wounded. I will be back in a little bit. Make sure things are in order. The sun will be going down soon. And post some guards."

Aalic will walk around congradulating the passengers and sailors. Saying "Thank you", "Good Work", and "Keep up the Good Work" to all those he passes.

Finding his way over to Bran he will state "Bran do you want to come over and help me?"

Aalic will stated heading towards the way the pirates left after a few minutes.


Burghis grins and says he'll take care of everything. Walking around talking to everyone, you are bombarded with handshakes, hugs, and wishes of good will. Everyone, well everyone except Vangelis, treats you as a hero. The elven merchant avoids you.

Bran waves at you when he sees you and then runs and wraps his arms around you. Phira is with him and she also gives you a hug. "Thank you," she says with a smile.

"What are we going to do?" Bran asks.


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"We are going to go see if the pirates have gone away. We only have a little bit of light. But I need your help. Think you are up for it." Aalic will explain to Bran.

Later on (with or without Bran) Aalic will walk slowly in the direction the pirates went. Taking his time and slowly tracking the pirates movement. Aalic will also try to hear the pirates.


[Survival roll= 18+7= 25, success] You are able to track the pirates without a problem, even with Bran tagging along. The boy is quiet and stays close to you. After about thirty minutes, you catch up to them. You guess you are about three miles from the wreck of the Iron Hammer. It is just after dark. Seven of Eberron's moons hang in the sky, some near full, others slivers, all making the night quite bright as there is little cloud cover.

You hear them just over rather tall hill, but you cannot make out exactly what they are saying. You also see the glow of a campfire coming from around the hill.


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Aalic will slowly and quietly move over to Bran and whisper to him. "Bran I want you to go back to our camp. Tell Burghis that I am going to be out here, tell him where this camp is located. Now go be quiet and take your time."

Aalic will wait until Bran is gone and a ways off before he will slowly and quietly crest the side of the hill to spy on the pirates.


Bran's eyes open wide. "I don't know where to go. What if I get lost? Don't leave me, please," he whispers earnestly, clutching you tightly.


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"Alright Bran, no big deal we will go back together. I have seen enough." Aalic will whisper to the boy. As he slowly and quietly slips away making there way back to the camp.

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