• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Trapdoor Tech Signs Up Cartographer Mike Schley

Trapdoor Tech, the makers of the Codename: Morningstar electronic tools suite, has announced a new collaborative project - a "moddable battle map system" - with 5E Dungeon Master's Guide artist and cartographer Mike Schley. Part of Codename: Morningstar, it will be "a simple map building module - tile-based - with overlays that allow even the most artistically-challenged GM to create a great looking, printable map quickly."

Trapdoor Tech, the makers of the Codename: Morningstar electronic tools suite, has announced a new collaborative project - a "moddable battle map system" - with 5E Dungeon Master's Guide artist and cartographer Mike Schley. Part of Codename: Morningstar, it will be "a simple map building module - tile-based - with overlays that allow even the most artistically-challenged GM to create a great looking, printable map quickly."

[lq]The basic idea revolves around the design of a moddable battle map system that can be used in digital environments such as Morningstar and easily printed for tabletop play.[/lq]

Mike says of the project: "The basic idea revolves around the design of a moddable battle map system that can be used in digital environments such as Morningstar and easily printed for tabletop play. A single tile set can be oriented in thousands of different ways while maintaining the most user-friendly, readable, and if I may say so, gorgeous look possible. Plus, we're planning to create a wide variety of adventure locations so that whatever fantasy RPG system you use will benefit from a wealth of richly customizable map art like you've never seen before."


Trapdoor describes the project's goal as "a simple map building module - tile-based - with overlays that allow even the most artistically-challenged GM to create a great looking, printable map quickly. To do that, we needed the best cartographer in fantasy gaming. Mike will be designing and illustrating our map tile sets. He will also be working with the design and development team to make our map builder interface simple and intuitive. We are stoked!"

[lq]...a simple map building module - tile-based - with overlays that allow even the most artistically-challenged GM to create a great looking, printable map quickly.[/lq]

Codename: Morningstar, as you probably already know, was originally designed under license from WotC as a D&D 5E toolset. When WotC ended that arrangement, Trapdoor tech retooled and launched a Kickstarter aimed at redesigning the tools for the Pathfinder RPG and other rulesets. That Kickstarter has 16 days to go, and has raised 12% of its $425K goal.

Trapdoor's Evan Newton has also clarified recently, after rival Lone Wolf Development announced plans to include D&D 5E in its Hero Lab and Realm Works software (contingent upon an open license being announced by WotC), that Trapdoor's situation is very similar -- "We're in a similar position Lone Wolf is–in that we're waiting on word about the OGL. The advantage we have is that our tools are already built and ready to release"

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