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Turing Point PbP (Closed Game)

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OOC: Edit, for the sake of speed I've skipped reposting the centipede battle and the remainder of your trip through the sewers. We'll pick up as you guys have emerged out into the PZI.


As you all gawk about, the austere uniformity of the industrial zone strikes you as entirely alien. When compared to the Stilts this place is sterile, dull. Once you're all finished site seeing you begin to warily make your way towards the el track to the north-west. You make to the track unseen, you think. The el trains running through the PIZ are pretty simple, effective machines...long, high-speed, mag-lve container trains that are loaded at designated stops by automated derricks. The track is suspended a good 50' or so above ground level and is a few feet higher than any of the PIZ's many warehouses. Walking along its length for a minute you're able to find a simple access ladder up to the track level itself in short order. It should be an easy climb up, and then all you'll have to do is find one of the loading stops along the track and hitch your ride into town.


Well it might be boring and ugly, but at least it smells alright.

Great, more climbing. I head up one of the ladders.


I tighten the straps on my backpack and head up the ladder too. Grandbanks looks good enough to climb I suppose... besides its not like we can go to a hospital or something. After hoisting myself up onto the track I put a hand up over my eyes and try to see if either direction along the track looks more promising. I'm definitely ready to take a break from walking all evening.


You're all in luck. As you work your way to the top of the ladder and onto the track itself you can see one of the automated loading docks a few hundred yards away. From the top of the tracks you can see the whole PIZ laid out before you. One huge, awe inspiring grid of warehouses and factory units, criss-crossed here and there by other similar tracks and dotted with communication towers. With luck this there won't be any sort of surveillance on the tracks and no one will notice you slipped on by.


Quite the view! I head off towards the Station, taking a look around to make sure nobody is around... not that I can imagine a reason for someone to be out here.

Spot: 18 + 3 = 21


Sh-t. Leg don't feel so good after that climb.

Place looks cool, somethin to tell a good story about, but kind of freaky anyways. Real weird to look so far an still no people. And so many straight lines-- the buildings and streets so straight like they been cut.

F-ckin leg. Too bad nobody at Eddie's is gonna believe the story about that centipede. Except maybe they will if the wound looks weird enough. Oughtta get Daniel to check.

For Riko:
[sblock]For Riko:
Well, sh-t. So much for going completely unnoticed you think. You careful scan of the area reveals a number of small rotating cameras placed all across the PIZ. The whole damn place is watched...by somebody. Chances are you've already been recorded but if you're lucky maybe no one was watching.[/sblock]

Once you're all finally on the track, y'all decide its high time you quit walking. You hustle on over to the nearby loading dock, wary of the high voltage lines powering the magnetic tracks. Y'all slow down as you get closer to the loading bay, sure enough its deserted but you think a transport is due any moment. A large stack of plastic crates, that disturbingly resemble coffins, sits on a small raised deck a few feet from the track. An odd looking robot of some sort is resting near next to the boxes, a single light blinking yellow the only indication its even recieving power.


I slow down suddenly as I look around more carefully. Yuck... there are cameras all over the place guys. I point at one of the small swivelling cameras near the top of a light pole.

Not much we can do about it now I guess... Hopefully nobody cares enough that we're out here. As we approach the robot I keep my eye on it carefully to see if it responds at all.

Before anyone even suggests it. There is no way I'm getting in one of those things. I bet we can just hop on when it stops.


A low hum, and steadily growing vibration alert y'all of an approaching transport. Before too long you can see the glint of reflected light. The massive train slowly pulls to a stop before the loading dock with a hiss of air brakes and an electric hum. The robot's light turns green and it begins to sort and stack the plastic coffins. A series of empty flatbed cars are before you, looks like you'll have your pick of seats for the trip into the Corr.


I climb up on board one of the free flatbeds and lean against my knees while I watch the mindless robot move the cargo around.


It takes the robot barely five minutes to load all the cargo it needs to, and before you know it the transport is off again. It's a pretty smooth ride and the train moves faster than you think. After a couple more stops along the way at other warehouse to load on more goods the train passes out of the PIZ. Y'all haven't a clue where the train is bound so you know you'll want to jump track sooner than later before you end up on the wrong side of the Corr. From your limited store of local knowledge you know the train is now running through the Heights. The Heights is know as one of the seedier parts of the Corr...y'all fit right in.


I yell over the wind the train makes. Where we lookin for this guy of
yours, Riko?


I glance around the horizon, I'm going to have to jack in now that we're here and get more specific directions. Might as well get off somewhere soon here. I pick up my bag, looking down the tracks for where the next stop is.


The Heights passes below you slowly, a sea of condos, apartment blocks, and office 'plexs. The day crowds of sarariman, corporate suits, and freelance hustlers have evaporated leaving most of the Heights deserted. Street lights, neon, and holos begin to flicker on as the sun sets. In short order the Heights is quickly bathed in a spasmodic rainbow of neon and holos. The melancholy notes of a jazz sax filter up from some bar below the tracks. Soon the night crowd will be out.

Most of the buildings in the Heights barely qualify for such a name. Most of the apartment blocks and plexs don't reach ten stories, well below the industrial track lines. Your best choice looks to be an ancient looking edifice of gray stone and concrete, a small fluorescent sign reads Mar ot. It looks like it'll be a good jump down onto a tangled platform bristling with ghetto-rigged satalite dishes.

[sblock]Ok so I need Jump checks from everyone to make it from the train onto the rooftop. It's not too horribly hard. I notice that none of you actually have the Jump skill so in that case just roll a d20 and add any Str. modifier that you have to the result and then give it to me in the OOC thread. Then I'll post up who makes it across and who falls to their GRUESOME DEATH.[/sblock]

Faced with the unpleasant prospect of ending up in the middle of a corporate complex as an uninvited guest it looks like y'all are gonna have to jump. Riko takes the lead and nimbly makes the jump landing lightly between some satellite dishes. Grandbanks is next, and while not as graceful as Riko he manages to only knock over one of the satellite dishes.

Daniel's last, he's a good foot short when he comes down. Arms flailing he manages to catch the very edge of the platform, but that does little to slow his fall. Before Daniel can even begin to scream you hear a thump and the sound of plastics cracking. Daniel got lucky and even though he missed the platform a penthouse balcony a story and a half below caught his happy a--. He's on his back in the broken remains of a weathered set of fake floral decorations. Daniel's groaning so he's probably alright.


AAAUUUGHHHH, sh-t! Oh, damn, damn, day-um. I never was exactly what you call the most coordinated kid, but really even I shoulda been able to make that. Good thing I'm in a little too much pain now to be all that embarrassed. Save that gem for later. What the hell did I land on, here?


Soon as I see Daniel's not done for, I squash this big-ass laugh that's tryin to come out. That fall, right on his ass in a pile of flowers, was so retarded it almost looks like Daniel did it on purpose for the laughs. Dude, you alright?

I look around for some way to get his ass up here.


A quick scan of the rooftop reveals nothing useful, looks like you'll have to either get Daniel to climb up or just break into the penthouse and walk on out. Luckily for you most of the hotel seems unused so you might be able to do it all with a minimum of fuss.


Man, we have been getting our ass kicked since we headed out from the Stilts... I look around for a gutter drain or something we could climb down. As much fun as Daniel looked like he was having, I'd rather pass on jumping.


I stand up carefully and stretch my back out.
Unnghh. Well I don't think anything's broken, but I sure as hell don't think I'm gonna be hitting any dance clubs soon. I look up, and find a few decent handholds, and hoist myself up to join the smirking b-stards peeking down at me.


With everyone firmly on the rooftop, you begin to search around for an easier way down than the one Daniel seems to prefer. Near the center of the crowded rooftop you find it, a rusted door slightly ajar leading down into a dark stairwell. You click on your flashlights, maybe running into those squatters in the PIZ wasn't so bad after all. A few minutes of searching around on the top floor and you find the elevators. Three out of the four are busted but the last one seems to work alright, if a bit slowly. You three climb into the ancient graffiti covered elevator and hit the lobby button.


I take a quick inventory of all my stuff while the elevator heads down, making sure I didn't drop anything. Alright, why don't we find a jack somewhere and I'll get us directions, then grab a bite to eat. I'm kind of hungry.


Yeah, food's cool.

I start reading the graffiti.


You come out of the hotel with no trouble at all, seems like the place is largely occupied by destitute squatters who value their "invisibility". Out on the street you find yourselves in the heart of the Heights, plexs and apartment blocks tower over you. The streets are mostly clear with hardly anyone walking about. The street you're on seems pretty dead, mostly residential but a few blocks away you can see the glow and flash of neon and holos.

You walk a few blocks and things start to look promising. Traffics light here, cars and taxis weaving about and stopping frequently. A young Euro crowd is out in force. Kabob and noodle carts compete with Polish sausage and funnel cake up and down the sidewalks. You pick a likely club, Le Wave. Again a mostly Euro crowd, too many anorexic blondes for your taste. But patrons aside, it's wired.


I pull out my old Deck from my backpack. Good thing it didn't get beaten up on the way here... I nod my head to the music and look around the club to see how things are run. I need to get hooked in and contact this guy, or at least someone who knows where he is.


Looks like the bartender is the guy to talk to, there are a few bouncers but they look like they're more interested in thrashing your head off than talking.


First Post
I glance around the place, and size up the available characters. I always try to make sure to get a feel for the vibe of a new place, to see if the people would be friendly towards the idea of deals. ...Not that I usually make a general habit of going in lots of new places. This one's a bit uneasy-feeling.

I nod to the barkeep. All of a sudden that talk about food hits home - I'm a lot hungrier than I realized. Hey, what you got to eat around here?
Last edited:


Both of your initial attempts at communication are total botches, you don't know if its the music drowning you out or what. Riko finally settles for flagging a busser down. He's a lanky kid, vaguely Greek features.

He yells,What!? Oh...jack in, its upstairs but its for customers. He gives his tray a meaningful look, piled with tumblers and shooters. Giving the three of you a once over he just smirks and spins away. Leaving you to wonder if its worth waiting for a bartenders attention or to just find the stairs.


First Post
I roll my eyes and head for the stairs. They can serve me upstairs if they want my cash badly enough. Despite being hungry, the thought of getting this new deck is too exciting for me to wait around on for the moment.


A narrow flight of stairs leads to the second floor, they're so narrow and steep it's almost a ladder. The music is quieter up here, the crowd subdued. A second bar is centered in the room, a stainless steel circle beneath neon lanterns. Plush alcoves line the walls; all with velvet couches, low steel drums for tables, and folding screens of tinted plex. A few steps bring you a waitress carrying a tray of syringes filled with some dark substance. Shooter. You all get the feeling its hardly a question in this crowd.


First Post
I pause for a second as the waitress comes up... it's been a while since I had any flake, but I want to be sharp tonight not still up here stoned out with a bunch of strangers.
In a bit, I've got some business...
I walk over to the upstairs bar to order a drink and keep an eye out for where their jacks might be at.

Voidrunner's Codex

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