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Turing Point PbP (Closed Game)


A word with the bartender brings y'all three tumblers of some amber liquor. A girl along the bar giggles as she looks Daniel up and down. Y'all realize the syringes are just jello shots as you watch Daniel's admiring clubber jet the red semi-fluid down her throat. The girl isn't the only one checking you out, seems your "rustic" Stilts look is enough to earn a few stares. It's not an unfriendly vibe, just damn unsettling...too many eager pale faces staring.

For Riko:
[sblock]Looking around you figure the jacks have to be situated in the alcoves somehow. You can't seem them exactly but there's no other logical place for 'em.[/sblock]
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I grin a little, amused that Daniel's getting looks instead of me for once. Maybe this place isn't a sketchy as it first seemed. I give Daniel a teasing nudge with my hip, take a few sips of my drink, and head over toward the back of the bar looking for the jacks.


First Post
Wow, this crowd is friendlier than I had expected. Sh-t, they're friendlier than any place in the Stilts. A guy could get used to the smiles. But more to the point, so could a salesman.

I wink at the girl who giggled at me and sidle over. Hey there baby. What's good here?


The girl favors Daniel with a smile but slides away coyly, Sorry baby, gotta talk to my Johnny before anythings good.

Before Daniel can formulate a response let alone a question, shes already out of earshot back into the crowd. Fortunately Riko's making progress. She's approached the closed screen of a darkened alcove. Hopefully it's unoccupied.

The alcove is identical to the dozen or so others lining this floors walls. Riko slides along the leatherette couch her hands running along the brushed steel of the table.

For Riko:
[sblock]Inspecting the steel drum that serves as a table, you find a small catch on its side that retracts to reveal a jack point. Looks like its active, you're assuming there's some standard logging protocal setup already that'll take care of any charges.[/sblock]


First Post
I sigh in relief, putting my deck down on the drum and sliding the jack in. All this running around and being disconnected, who knows what sort of scene has been going down on the Net. I make a promise to myself to keep focused on tracking down where this new deck is, but I know I won't be able to resist peaking at my feeds. I take a little extra precaution than my usual setting up the virtual console to keep myself safe from who knows what... weird day.
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Riko settles herself down into the plush sofa with a sigh, as Grandbanks slides the plex screen closed again. Bit of privacy couldn't do any harm. For Grandbanks and Daniel the entire process seems a bit mysterious, even alien.

Riko's gear is definately obsolete but it was decent ware in its day. She slips on a small headset that resembles ski goggles or some sort of military issue sunglasses. They cover most her eyes completely and most of her nose. Next she slips on a thin black glove and unfolds a input pad thats no bigger than a coaster. The entire process barely takes thirty seconds, and looks as if Riko could do it in her sleep.

Grandbanks and Daniel are left to nurse their drinks as Riko dives into her element, seemingly oblivous to the real world.

For Riko:
[sblock]Jacking into the BACA is always one hell of ride. The Net's just so...robust here, compared to tahe FAZ's. The AR is cleaner crisper somehow, but it has its drawbacks too. Youre strained with near constant sensory pressure; an exponential jump in traffic dumps a tsunami of input onto you. You flounder as you get your bearings and push away the worst of the malware.

It hardly takes any effort to hook up with your source again. Your dealer is available, even expecting you (in an anonymous, vague sort of way). He's going to be in a wired bar on the edge of Georgetown, place with a real jockey rep. Going to cost a fortune to get in. Time to get out before temptation gets the best of you. [/sblock]


First Post
For John: [sblock]Couldn't hurt to take a peak... I fire up my usual feeds I leave running while I'm out to see what they've picked up. I'll get on my way as soon as I'm sure nothing crazy has gone on while we've been out.[/sblock]

Riko has a slight grin on her face as she dives in, although occasionally hidden a few times as she apparently struggles to get the information she's looking for. Overall things seem to be going well though, and after a few moments she speak up, Found them, we're going to meet up in a bar over in Georgetown.


For Riko:
[sblock]A quick scan of the feeds, and you can easily see that you've missed very little. Whatever it is thats been going seems to be calming back down. Maybe once you get your new deck you'll be able to dig a bit deeper.[/sblock]

A few more minutes on the Net, and Riko is able to get fairly reliable directions to this bar in Georgetown. Out of the three of you Riko is the only one thats even heard of Georgetown. And even thats just what she can glean from the Net.

Georgetown despite its age has still managed to retain a certain degree of status. The burrough's too close to the DC Dome to be truly classy. Instead its taken a certain flavor of edge on, a mixture of decker chic and "southern" sensibilities.

Riko takes the lead again, paying your substantial tab at the upstairs bar with a wad of cash from the case. Her short jack probably cost more than what anyone of you could make in a week in the Stilts.


First Post
I pay off the tab without even thinking about the cost, probably getting used to this money too quickly.

Stepping outside I take a look up and down the street, then glance back at Daniel with a smirk, Sorry to drag you away from your hot date there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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