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TUW: The Outpost


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 254: Taylar

Taylar marks the location of these resources. When next in Outpost, Taylar will consult his father to determine if they are worth collecting. He considers the flint worth taking for it's Way proclivity so he will collect it unless the group objects. He will meditate on a tin ingot to determine the proclivity of the metal.

Taylar holds up a piece of slate with a big grin. "We've got plenty of these. I'm going to start 'thumping' more often." Next he holds up the new pieces of flint. "And if that doesn't work, we can burn them." Taylar turns to Maka and Vittero. "Do you use flint for your arrowtips? If so we can portion those out and still have some to burn."
Vittero -
"We would only use the flint if we run out of our bought arrows. The iron makes a better head, but since we can burn those pieces. I am with you, we should keep them. Could come in handy the next time we are attacked."

GM: Using the ledger Vittero carries, Taylar marks the location of the slate and the tin on the rough maps they have been making. The flint has been added to party inventory. It is considered to be evenly distributed for ease of carry.

[sblock=Metallurgy]Taylar: 19 + 18(konokoro) = 37
Tin: 1 week / (37 + 86(d100)) = 1 hour, 22 minutes[/sblock]
GM: Taylar learns that the tin ingots can augment the self-awareness of the possessor (+ Persona) and that it can be destroyed to augment the manipulation of mystic Way with regard to the loss of Mind in others (Muddle x2).

OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
  • Dove Tail Feathers: 1 set: {Cohesion +1}
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 8
  • Rooster Tail Feathers: 1 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Grouse Tail Feathers: 5 sets: {Cohesion +1}
  • Leaves of Soothing: 1 measure {Soothe x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 3: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Nightstone: 1
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
arrows: 24
Taylar: full health
Maka: full health
arrows: 26
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass[/sblock]
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 254: Raven Elk

Raven Elk takes his turn at cooking, saying... He then guts, skins and portions the varmints (rabbits?) into quarters...
GM: Varmint is the common jargon for various types of lagomorphs and rodents. Lagomorpha consists of rabbits, hares, pikas, etc. Rodentia is more well know, but also includes things like beaver. Remember, a squirrel is a glorified rat with a fluffy tail. All of these things are considered readily edible, unlike opossum, which no person in their right mind would attempt to eat.

Common varmints have a body mass about the size of a person's head to be considered worth taking for food.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 254: Vittero

After enjoying the relatively fine meal Raven Elk had prepared, Vittero addresses the crew.
"We have been walking northward for 6 days. We have not seen any sign of this mysterious keep; but as the crow flies, it has been more like 2 days. I say we give it another 3 days northward before we call it a goose chase. What say you?"

OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
  • Dove Tail Feathers: 1 set: {Cohesion +1}
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 8
  • Rooster Tail Feathers: 1 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Grouse Tail Feathers: 5 sets: {Cohesion +1}
  • Leaves of Soothing: 1 measure {Soothe x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Nightstone: 1 {Adhesion +1, Darken x2}
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 3: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Nothing at this time
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
arrows: 24
Taylar: full health
Maka: full health
arrows: 26
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass[/sblock]


Gamer Extraordinaire
I say we give it another 3 days northward before we call it a goose chase.

Picking his teeth with a sharp bone, Taylar replies, "Even if we don't find this keep I would not call this trip a goose chase. We have acquired some valuable materials in our search. Of course I never envisioned a standing keep for all to see. This place must be buried or hidden or people would know where it is already. It is called the Keep of the Rising Sun, so maybe we should focus search on areas that face east with the rising sun. Anyway, if we can find enough food I would like to keep searching for the keep and for more materials so three more days sounds fine to me."

Taylar will continue to use the inventory for conduits in his search for metals and ores. He will also try to use edible plants for a conduit in his search for food.


Raven Elk adds:

"We are finding a large amount of high proclivity metals and stones, besides the carapaces and feathers; and though these will be valuable for use, sale or trade in future, should we not focus solely on finding the Keep, and forage of course, before we burden ourselves too heavily and be forced to find a cache space to put it all that we may never return to?"
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 255 - 257: Even Farther Northward

Picking his teeth with a sharp bone, Taylar replies, "Even if we don't find this keep I would not call this trip a goose chase..."

Taylar will continue to use the inventory for conduits in his search for metals and ores. He will also try to use edible plants for a conduit in his search for food.
Raven Elk adds:
"... should we not focus solely on finding the Keep, and forage of course, before we burden ourselves too heavily...?"
Vittero responds,
"You make a valid point, but that is why Taylar has suggested we map this excursion and make notes about pertinent discoveries. If we locate more than we can carry, and I hope we do, we then have a reason to make another trip... More adventure!"

GM: Taylar finds that tuning to a particular proclivity prevents the sensation of others and that he must alternate the item in his hand to alternate the search aided by paranormal sensitivity, which is to say it is not possible to attempt to sense ore and vegetation simultaneously. Disappointingly, he also learns that the herbs, flowers, or roots, once harvested, cannot be used as conduits, even the toxic ones Raven Elk discovered earlier on this trip.

Vittero discusses the discovery of sensitivities with Taylar and any other crew member who joins in.
"Since it seems that we cannot forage, prospect, and hunt simultaneously, we should divide the tasks to best use all of our skills. Obviously, since I have a bow, I should hunt. Maka should probably hunt too that way it could double our take. If Taylar concentrates on ore and Raven on foraging, that should leave Adi to look for stones, if he wants to."
OOC: I am going to take a GM liberty and divide the tasks that have previously been stated to the greatest benefit of the party. If this approach is changed with future input by characters, I will respond directly rather than make adjustments.

[sblock=Prospecting]Taylar: 19 + 18(konokoro) = 37
Day 255: 37 + 90(d100) = 127
Day 256: 37 + 43(d100) = 80
Day 257: 37 + 100(d100) + 42(luck) = 179[/sblock]
GM: The first day of travel, Taylar discovers zinc. Using a conduit to augment the search, he discovers a small vein worth 61 ingots. The second day, he discovers 10 ingots of tin. The third day, quite by chance, he discovers an ingot of an unknown metal.

[sblock=Forage]Raven Elk: 15 + 19(konokoro) = 34
Day 255: 34 + 98(d100) + 98(luck) = 230
Day 256: 34 + 98(d100) = 132
Day 257: 34 + 21(d100) = 55[/sblock]
GM: The first day with some incredible luck, Raven Elk comes across a measure worth of medicinal flowers. The second day, he finds 10 measures of edible herbs. The third day, he finds a single measure of edible leaves.

[sblock=Hunting]Vittero: 20 + 19(empathy) = 39
Day 255: 39 + 72(d100) = 111
Day 256: 39 + 61(d100) = 100
Day 257: 39 + 90(d100) = 129[/sblock]
GM: The first day, Vittero discovers 2 different flocks of game birds from which 1 each is collected. The second day, he is able to collect 3 game birds. The third day, other than varmints, he discovers a pod of large beetles from which he is able to collect 3.

OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
  • Dove Tail Feathers: 1 set: {Cohesion +1}
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 11
  • Rooster Tail Feathers: 1 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Grouse Tail Feathers: 5 sets: {Cohesion +1}
  • Leaves of Soothing: 1 measure {Soothe x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Nightstone: 1 {Adhesion +1, Darken x2}
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 3: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Nothing at this time
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
arrows: 24
Taylar: full health
Maka: full health
arrows: 26
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass
Zinc Vein: 61 ingots worth, 7 days north East Pass[/sblock]
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Gamer Extraordinaire
should we not focus solely on finding the Keep . . . before we burden ourselves too heavily?

Taylar nods and replies, "Raven Elk brings up a good point about our limited space. What if we do find this keep and there are items inside that we wish to bring back with us? We have accumulated enough wealth now that we could return to Outpost and then come back to these mountains better equipped, such as with adequate pack animals and ample food. Also, we could inquire at home about information of this Rising Sun Keep, where it is most likely located and such. What do the rest of you think? Should we return home and resupply to come back, or abandon the idea of finding the Keep of the Rising Sun and look for our adventure elsewhere?"

When he has time Taylar will meditate on the unknown metal ingot and attempt to identify it.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Maka asks the other party members: "Does anyone have needle and thread? If so, we can take the skins of the rabbits that we've killed so far, and sew them together to make more bags with which to carry more stones, bones, and minerals. But I don't like the idea of going back to The Outpost, having gotten so close to the Keep. I say we push on, and keep looking for it."

After speaking his peace, Maka wanders off to see if he can find any wild ground birds for the spit, in preparation for the evening meal.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 257: The Ninth Day Northward

Taylar nods and replies, "Raven Elk brings up a good point about our limited space... What do the rest of you think? Should we return home and resupply to come back, or abandon the idea of finding the Keep of the Rising Sun and look for our adventure elsewhere?"
Maka asks the other party members: "... I don't like the idea of going back to The Outpost, having gotten so close to the Keep. I say we push on, and keep looking for it."
Vittero cracks his knuckles and takes a deep breath.
"We have now come 9 days northward, by my running tally as I am keeping track of the date. As I have it, we are 17 days in the season of Shiftings. If we have to go and return it will push us into Drenchings, and that means bad weather. I imagine that this high in the mountains, it would also be cold.

We should be 3 days north of the East Pass as the crow flies. I say we look around diligently in the morning, then revisit the question tomorrow afternoon

Kwargrow said:
When he has time Taylar will meditate on the unknown metal ingot and attempt to identify it.
[sblock=Metallurgy]Taylar: 18 + 19(konokoro) = 37
Time: 2 weeks / (37 + 40(d100)) = 4 hours, 22 minutes[/sblock]
GM: After several hours of concentration, Taylar is unable to identify the proclivity of the new metal.

The next evening, Vittero asks Taylar for the new ingot to see if he has any better luck.
[sblock=Metallurgy]Vittero: 20 + 19(konokoro) = 39
Time: 2 weeks / (39 + 85(d100)) = 2 hours, 43 minutes[/sblock]
GM: With a bit of luck, Vittero is able to determine that this particular ingot augments the physical strength of its bearer. Later it is learned that the metal is called Chromium and is useful to add to iron to make a stronger alloy.

Tellerian Hawke said:
After speaking his piece, Maka wanders off to see if he can find any wild ground birds for the spit...
GM: With Maka's assistanceThe first day, Vittero discovers 2 different flocks of game birds from which 2 each are collected. The second day, they is able to collect 5 game birds. The third day, other than varmints, they discovers a pod of large beetles from which he is able to collect 3.

As with before, even though he did not take those, Vittero offers the tail feathers of the various game birds to Raven Elk.
There are certain things that I will take for granted, like the complete use of collected game. It is the gut of animals that is useful for making bags for carrying everything, even water, and for making rope and string, like replacement bow strings. There is no need for players to actually know this information or characters to state its preparation. Since adventure has now ensued for some time since inception, it will be considered granted that characters have adequate bags and string for what they are able to carry. Definitive rope for repelling or mountaineering is a separate matter and must be acquired, if needed, and not made from animal parts.

OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
  • Dove Tail Feathers: 1 set: {Cohesion +1}
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 11
  • Rooster Tail Feathers: 1 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Grouse Tail Feathers: 5 sets: {Cohesion +1}
  • Leaves of Soothing: 1 measure {Soothe x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Chromium Ingot: 1: {Strength +1}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Nightstone: 1 {Adhesion +1, Darken x2}
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 13: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Nothing at this time
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
arrows: 24
Taylar: full health
Maka: full health
arrows: 26
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass
Zinc Vein: 61 ingots worth, 7 days north East Pass[/sblock]
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