• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

TUW: The Outpost


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 259: The Symbol

Taylar takes out his notes and records what he can make out of the decorative circle and which peak it was associated with...
Vittero helps clear fallen leaves and a few weeds from the circle as Taylar records its detail.
GM: The circle is about a pace and a half in diameter and the main design is an eight pointed star. The point of the start facing this facade is a different color than the others. As the two are working about the circle a strange breeze picks up creating a tiny heat vortex that carries away some of the fallen leaves. The hair on the bodies of Taylar and Vittero stands on end. The two can distinctly feel a powerful flux of Way Lines associated with the circle, but it is far beyond their knowledge of understanding. The chill feel of the power is enough to distract them from their current task.

OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Harvester Tail Feathers: 10 sets: {Health +1}
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 11
  • Running Bird Tail Feathers: 6 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Leaves of Soothing: 1 measure {Soothe x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Chromium Ingot: 1: {Strength +1}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 13: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Nothing at this time
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
arrows: 24
Taylar: full health
Maka: full health
arrows: 26
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass
Zinc Vein: 61 ingots worth, 7 days north East Pass
Keep of the Rising Sun[/sblock]
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Maka is inspired by the breeze, suddenly realizing that the circle is a sacred place, and that it must somehow be intended to be interacted with. Maka walks into the body of the circle, and places his hand directly in the center of the circle’s pattern, closing his eyes, and concentrating on the word “reveal” as he attempts to channel a small amount of Way into it.

OOC: It is Maka’s hope that the circle can be “activated” in some way. The reason he chose the word “reveal” is because he is hoping that he can get the circle to either reveal its method of operation to him, or perhaps reveal some secret entrance, or some other important or useful clue.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 259: Maka

Maka is inspired by the breeze, suddenly realizing that the circle is a sacred place, and that it must somehow be intended to be interacted with. Maka walks into the body of the circle, and places his hand directly in the center of the circle’s pattern, closing his eyes, and concentrating on the word “reveal” as he attempts to channel a small amount of Way into it...
GM: Though his divination skill for analyzing Way Lines is barely beyond rudimentary, Maka is able to determine certain things. The circle is a nodal point. That means that several Way Lines converge on the spot generating a harmonic constructive amplitude modulation. The particular types involved are mostly Mystical and Mechanical with some Electromagnetic.

For just a brief instant while he is concentration in the center of the circle, Maka feels as if his consciousness has expanded, like one feels his own chest cavity has expanded when taking a deep breath, but the instant is gone leaving him fairly uncertain as to the full scope of the archaic emblem.

OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Harvester Tail Feathers: 10 sets: {Health +1}
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 11
  • Running Bird Tail Feathers: 6 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Leaves of Soothing: 1 measure {Soothe x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Chromium Ingot: 1: {Strength +1}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 13: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Nothing at this time
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
arrows: 24
Taylar: full health
Maka: full health
arrows: 26
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass
Zinc Vein: 61 ingots worth, 7 days north East Pass
Keep of the Rising Sun[/sblock]


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 259: Facade 1

Taylar... picks up a stone from the ground and uses Way to Light it. He says, "This is my favorite ability so far. No more nasty torches to foul up the air."

Taylar will lead the way into the entrance, keeping an eye out for traps. He will take a moment to smell the air, trying to determine if some creature has made its home within.
The sun moves passed in zenith pushing into afternoon. After Maka's secondary examination, no one else shows an interest in the circle, and everyone follows Taylar between the columns and into the entryway.

The crew pauses momentarily to allow their eyes to adjust to the darker area illuminated by the light coming through the entrance and Taylar's stone. A covey of pigeons is spooked by the disturbance and makes a mad flight for the opening, momentarily startling the party, which in turns creates a laugh.

The entrance appears to have been a greeting room of some sort. The carved room is supported by four columns of its own and another entryway with a wooden door is on the far end. Glass globes rest upon stone sconces on each of the support columns. There is no furniture in the room. The wooden door appears to have warped with age and is slightly ajar.

Vittero touches one of the glass globes.
"I wonder..."

GM: The globe illuminates in the same manner as Taylar's stone, then suddenly, as if of their own volition, the other globes in the room light as well. The room is now well lit.

Vittero flinches.
"I was not expecting that."
OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Harvester Tail Feathers: 10 sets: {Health +1}
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 11
  • Running Bird Tail Feathers: 6 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Leaves of Soothing: 1 measure {Soothe x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Chromium Ingot: 1: {Strength +1}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 13: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Nothing at this time
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
arrows: 24
Taylar: full health
Maka: full health
arrows: 26
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass
Zinc Vein: 61 ingots worth, 7 days north East Pass
Keep of the Rising Sun[/sblock]
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar takes in the details of the room and especially the working lights. "After all these years it is a wonder that these still function." He tucks his light rock away in case he needs it again, and examines the light globes, trying to see if he can determine how they work. He will touch one and attempt to examine it with Way.

After he is done with the lights he will take out parchment and make a rough drawing of the greeting room. "Better keep our eyes open. If pigeons can get in here, other things can too."


Raven Elk has studiously observed everything that has happened and his friends' interaction with the stone, the circle and the globes. Realizing that this is all crafted work and not natural he lets his friends do the investigating while...

Taylar: "Better keep our eyes open. If pigeons can get in here, other things can too."

Raven Elk takes Taylar's comment to heart and acts as lookout.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 259: The Entryroom

Taylar takes in the details of the room and especially the working lights. "After all these years it is a wonder that these still function." He tucks his light rock away in case he needs it again, and examines the light globes, trying to see if he can determine how they work. He will touch one and attempt to examine it with Way.
GM: Standing a bit apart, Taylar approaches a different globe than the one Vittero had previously touched. The glass is smooth and well-made, but there appears to be nothing special about it. Paranormally, Taylar finds that electromagnetic Way lines fluctuate about the globe. Darkening them, the globe loses its illumination. As soon as it is dark, the other globes dim and go out as well. Vittero touches the globe where he is standing, causing it to illuminate again. The other globes follow suit.

Vittero cracks his knuckles and rubs his forehead.
"This is interesting. I do not understand how this was done, but the globes appear to be harmonic with the respect to electromagnetic Way. Once one is illuminated or darkened, the others follow suit."

Kwargrow said:
After he is done with the lights he will take out parchment and make a rough drawing of the greeting room. "Better keep our eyes open. If pigeons can get in here, other things can too."
Raven Elk has studiously observed everything that has happened and his friends' interaction with the stone, the circle and the globes. Realizing that this is all crafted work and not natural he lets his friends do the investigating while...

Raven Elk takes Taylar's comment to heart and acts as lookout.
GM: Making a cursory pass about the room, Raven Elk notices that the pigeons that departed so suddenly have evidently commandeered this room as a nesting colony. The edges of the room contain nests and young pigeons. Rather than intriguing, the discovery is revolting. Pigeons are disgusting animals for they nest upon flat rock making a bowl shaped nest of their own droppings in which to lay their eggs. As the air is disturbed with the movement of people, the stench starts to rise. Periodically a pigeons flies through the open entryway, circles around, and then departs. The naked chicks move only their heads, watching the people move about. It suddenly dawns on Raven Elk that the Centrin people in Boga City were using a slang term when they called pigeons, sky rats. At first he thought it was the learning of a new language that had provoked him to mistranslate.

Finished playing with the glass globes, Vittero says,
"Nothing in this room but pigeon poop and baby pigeons, which are disgusting, and that door..."
OOC: Current Inventory:
  • francs: 121
  • Beetle Carapaces: 31
  • Boar Tusk: 2 pair: {Confluence +1}
  • Harvester Tail Feathers: 10 sets: {Health +1}
  • Large Beetle Carapaces: 11
  • Running Bird Tail Feathers: 6 sets: {Confluence +1}
  • Leaves of Soothing: 1 measure {Soothe x2}
  • Toxic Leaves: 1 measure {Muddle x2}
  • Calcium Ingot: 1: {Cohesion +1, Restore x2}
  • Chromium Ingot: 1: {Strength +1}
  • Iron Ingot: 20 {Confluence +1, Mend x2}
  • Lead Ingot: 13: {Rend x2}
  • Tin Ingot: 13: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
  • Zinc Ingots: 19: {Health +1, Mend x2}
  • Bloodstone: 1: {Confluence +1}
  • Flint: 10 {Heat x2}
  • Heartstone: 5: {Confluence +1}
  • Lodestone: 2 {shock x2}
  • Slate: 64: {Thump x2}
  • Sunstone: 8: {Persona +1, Muddle x2}
Unknown Items:
  • Nothing at this time
[sblock=Character Data]
OOC: Vittero: full health
arrows: 24
Taylar: full health
Maka: full health
arrows: 26
Raven Elk: full health
Adisakti: full health
[sblock=Party Discovers]Slate Boulder: 76 stones worth, East Pass
Tin Vein: 43 stones worth, East Pass
Zinc Vein: 61 ingots worth, 7 days north East Pass
Keep of the Rising Sun[/sblock]
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Raven Elk picks up stray pigeon feathers while forcing himself not to gag at the stench of the nests of bird feces and the general dumping of feces everywhere within this chamber.

As he picks up several feathers that haven't been defiled by pigeon poop, he tries an old joke to chide his friend Taylar, who didn't know the answer when they were kids, and to take his focus off the awful smell:

"Hey, Taylar, what do you call the white part of pigeon poop?"

Sylvar B.

Adi finds the trick with the globes extremely amusing and rushes over to make them turn off and on repeatedly. At first he does it slowly, then as he becomes more comfortable with the process he manipulates way with increasing speed creating a strobe effect with the lights. He is quite entertained by the whole affair.

Hearing the question posed to Taylar, Adi begins to chuckle, having remembered the punchline.

The stench is quite repulsive to Adi, who, after chuckling at the joke, chooses to walk back to the front of the room and keep watch until his friends are content with exploring it.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar, who was about to approach the ajar wooden door, wrinkles his brow, perplexed as to why Raven Elk would worry about such a thing as pigeon droppings when they are standing in this fantastic keep. He answers, "I never even considered it."

At first (Adi) does it slowly, then as he becomes more comfortable with the process he manipulates way with increasing speed creating a strobe effect with the lights

Taylar pauses to watch the effects of the lights, interested in whether or not the illumination globes can keep up with his friends mischief, and whether or not it will have an ill effect on anyone. He continues to the door, takes his light stone from his pocket, relights it with Way if necessary, and tosses it through the ajar part of the door so he can see what is on the other side without opening it. If he sees nothing threatening he will open the door.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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